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Realistic or Modern In The Heights

[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]... why'd you post as me?

Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. I sometimes write replies for people for fun and I accidentally posted that
[QUOTE="Alexander Hamilton]Oh, sorry. I didn't mean to. I sometimes write replies for people for fun and I accidentally posted that

Uh.... okay.... I guess?
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"Wait wait wait!" Kris stopped and pulled out her sketchbook and sta down onto the grass and began to sketch
"Wait for what? Is there coffee?" Sammy looked around, searching desperately for coffee.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"Wait for what? Is there coffee?" Sammy looked around, searching desperately for coffee.

"Shhh!" She continued sketching a nearby flower bush "markers.. Markers... Where are my markers?! Ugh I left them at home!"
ThatOneCrazyAnimeFan said:
"Shhh!" She continued sketching a nearby flower bush "markers.. Markers... Where are my markers?! Ugh I left them at home!"
"I'll get them!" Sammy offered, already starting to run off to Kris' apartment.
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"I'll get them!" Sammy offered, already starting to run off to Kris' apartment.

"Wait but I already locked it!"
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]"I'll Go in through the window!" Sammy yelled, sprinting to the apartment and doing just that. L

Kris chuckled watching her "good god Sammy..."
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]About five minutes later, Sammy came back with every single writing utensil in Kris' home. "Here you go!" She exclaimed.

Kris stared "how'd you carry all of that?!"

Alfonso Alvarez

Alfonso woke up late, his busted alarm clock had died in the middle of the night, from years of Alfonso pushing it to the floor in the morning. He sat up and yawned, enjoying the rays of sun peeking in through his covered windows waking him up instead of a loud buzzer. "Fuck!" he shouted, realizing that he was supposed to open the shop with Usnavi this morning. He stumbled out of bed, wearing nothing but boxers, and immediately threw on a white tanktop and a white shirt, pulling up his jeans that were a little too big, and throwing on a Knicks snapback. He grabbed his smokes and the keys to the coffee shop, and ran downstairs and out the side door of the building, walking to the front where the storefront was. The store front gate, covered in grafitti, was still down. Confused, Alfonso walked over and unlocked it, pulling it up to reveal the comfy looking home owned coffee shop.

He entered the store and turned on all the lights, turning on the coffee machines, filling them with water, scrambling really. They were supposed to open three hours ago. "Usnavi?" Alfonso called out, confused. Usually Alfonso was late, but Usnavi was always here to open the store. Luckily, Alfonso knew how to do everything, and within 20 minutes the store was open and ready for customers.​
[QUOTE="Quiet Is Violent]Sammy nodded. "That sounds great! Double shot espresso!"

Kris raised an eyebrow as she walked into the shop "uh no, I think one cup of a coffee a day is enough for you Sammy" she chuckled pulling out her sketch book again. "Though a double shot expresso doesn't sound half bad"

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