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Fantasy ☣In the End☣


Ryoko Lee

The girl who is like the Dragon
We had done what nobody could before us. We had cured cancer, saving millions... And then we killed billions.☣
☢You see, once we cured that disease, we created something worse. We had cured cancer with a bacteria that ate cancer cells, and stayed in the system. They destroyed the cells that reproduced dysfunctional products, and then copied properly functioning white cells to take their place. It was quite a discovery. What we didn't know was how it would react with Viruses, because that was never thought of or tested. Somewhere along the way the Flu Virus had came into contact with the cancer-destroying bacteria, and created something we couldn't stop. It traveled at a surprising rate, with a horrifying resilience to all medications and temperatures. It's genetic makeup had also made it transferable via water, pathogens, and livestock. By the time symptoms started, it had already entered the system of 60% of the population.☢

From that moment on, it was a free for all. Those who were infected had began to gain some... Unfavorable qualities. They had amazing speed and strength, without the ability to feel pain. It took quite a lot for them to die, as well. The government fell, and so did all of our technology. We lived off of canned food and batteries for a while, before people began to venture outside once more. Now, we have some generators, and our guns work, so that's fine good. The only thing we really have problems with is the infected...☢

Ryoko walked silently through the streets of New York, her shotgun nestled in her shoulder. At her side stood her two beloved dogs, Raksha and Akela. They were beautiful creatures, each different in their own way. Raksha was a female, short and stocky, and appeared to be a rather aggressive looking pitbull. She was very muscular, and came up to Ryoko's knee, her ears cut and pointed up. She had many scars over her blonde pelt, and her eyes were a light blue. Akela was a Husky, with a glossy black and grey coat and white paws. They seemed to move soundlessly, and were well trained: They never barked, less it was a warning.
Ryoko was tall, with long flowing black hair tied up into a messy bun, a tanktop gripping her torso, and she wore shorts. Her skin was a light brown, that could be compared to caramel. Her combat boots were covered in grime and filth, and she moved with a confidence. Every few moments she'd silently spin, assessing her surroundings, taking note of every building, noise, and scent. She knew this city like the back of her hand, where the infected tended to hover, and where they avoided. It was always a risk, but so was starving: This town had the nearest food sources that didn't require hunting. One bullet was enough to feed you, but the sound alone will draw a pack of infected for miles. Ryoko had a gun, but she knew if she'd have to use it, they'd already know where she was anyway.
Suddenly, the oriental girl dropped to a crouch, kneeling behind a vehicle aside the road. She had heard the sound of breaking glass and shuffling feet, and she pulled out a knife. She was about to turn when she noticed her dogs weren't showing signs of aggression, which meant one thing: It was either another dog, or possible a human. Hope fluttered in her chest for a moment. It had been so long since she encountered one. She slowly turned around, eyes narrowed, not willing to hope. She gripped her blade tightly, and looked at the person before her
"Bam..." Felix Vela frowned painfully at his untrained and muffled dog who had just pawed into a flimsy glass shard, breaking it. Bam looked up at him guiltily, droning lowly through his black muzzle. The man bent to one knee, glancing about the streets of New York wildly, and checked his dog's paw. Luckily, uninjured. Not a drop of blood that would stain the air. He waited however, pretty sure he heard breathing. His wolf blue eyes darted through overturned vehicles, sooty window shops, shady alleys, and finally upon a woman with a pit bull and a husky.

His heart gave a start but calmed down. "Jeez..." he muttered under his breath, seeing her knife drawn.

Felix cautiously raised one hand to signal to her he was not here to cause any trouble.
"Train your dog, dick wad." She whispered, eyes blazing with fury. One mistake could end your life here, and he should know that. How could he have survived this long? Ryoko got to her feet, swinging her rifle wildly, until she was content they weren't being hunted right then. Her dogs sniffed at Bam, silent. They knew to look where they stepped, not parading on everything. Her irritation faded rather quickly, and an easy smile pulled at her features. She had just realized this was an actual person, an actual living, breathing, functioning human being who didn't want to eat her. This made her happy.

"Pleasure to meet you, stranger. Haven't seen anyone alive in months." Her smile was brilliant, blinding.
"Hey..." Felix nodded, almost forgetting how to socialize. His mind kept telling him that she was a monster, she was anything but normal and safe. But her smile made all the craziness melt away. She was normal. She was safe. A relic from the old days when no one lunged for a bite out of your flesh. "S-same here. No one called me dick wad in months either." He remembered to smile back. "Um, I'm Felix."

He pointed to her perfectly behaved dogs.

"You train them? Mind teaching me how to train mine when we get the chance?"

Bam strained forward on his leash, forcing Felix to hold him back. His dog wanted to smell the other dogs too, not having socialized in months either. Jeez, he thought. Bam, you're being difficult. "Um, you come from a shelter? I've been holed up in my Jeep this week. It's about a mile from here..." Felix massaged his neck, feeling a knot there already.
She watched the dog, and snapped her fingers. Immediately her canines sat down, posed, perfect. It was one thing in her life she did right, at least. Ryoko paused, considering on how to respond. Dog training was a lot of work, and she didn't want her dogs to get in the habit of play. It made them very loud and, well... Playful. And they'll get excited and bark and they'd all die. She frowned at this morbid train of thought and reloaded her shotgun.

"Dear god. You and your dog have a jeep this near the city?" She snorted, but there was a playful smile on her lips. This dude looked like bad luck, all over. Untrained dog, no weapons, riding around in a bloody jeep, for god's sake- Ryoko held out her hand.

"The name's Ryoko. You have a lot to learn, so we'd better get started. First thing: Don't bring an untrained dog into the field. One bark is all it takes. If it can't bark, it could run off, or growl, and it can give you away. One mistake is all it takes." She said sternly.
Dante Williams || Location - Gas Station in Downtown New York || Tagged - N/A

Opening the back door of the locked-tight Sunoco Gas Station was a bitch to do, that was for sure. Dante, clad in a weathered old military jacket, dusty cargo pants, and some combat boots, grunted as he jerked viciously against the rusted hinge of the bolted-shut emergency door. His hands were calloused and rough, even from before the world went to Hell, but he'd been pulling at this door for the past few minutes and even his scarred palms were beginning to get sore. "'Course I had to lose my only damn crowbar." He grunted in annoyance, powerful muscles tensing as he gave one last yank against the hinge. Suddenly, in a groan of rusty metal against rusty metal, the emergency door swung open, Dante instinctively taking a step back as the heavy slab of metal swung by his face.

"...Hah. Skills." A grin forming on his bearded face, the former engineer ducked into the dark, moldy-smelling gas station, his right hand immediately reaching towards his belt in order to pull his trusty machete loose from its home-made holster. The metal, razor sharp and shiny from a recent cleaning, reflected his weathered and determined face as he began scanning the place out. The Infected hid in whatever sunless, darkness-covered spot they could find, and it wasn't uncommon for them to stay in a comatose-like state until prey wandered by...some of 'em, at least.

Thankfully, there were only a couple of corpses littering the station - already a pile of dried out skin and bones. "Shit..." Dante muttered, wrinkling his nose as he passed by a fly-covered body. Even after months of living this nightmare, he still couldn't get over the nasty, skin-crawling scent of rotten bodies. Still, now wasn't really the time for getting squicked out. Opening that door hadn't made too much noise, but you never knew with those shambling corpses. Ol' Dusty was parked out in the back parking lot, ready for a fast getaway...he just wanted to get some more canned food, and hopefully a med kit or two, before heading back to his hideout.

"Wonder if they got any Twinkies..." He lowered his machete, glancing around the station once again. Grim, boring looking bags of food and dull-looking cans greeted him. A dry chuckle left his lips. "Shit. Looters always takin' the good stuff."
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Felix looked at Ryoko and before he could stop himself, he giggled. "Assumptions, assumptions."
"I haven't driven the Jeep in months, ya know, since people took all the fuel. Plus, flat tires."

He pointed to his dog, "As you can see, Bam is muzzled and leashed. He knows not to bark."
"Enh. Pros and cons. Dogs have keener senses than we do. Kept me alive since day one."

Speak of the devil. Bam turned its head sharply, facing one of the darkest alleys.
The man crouched, one free hand going to the gun tucked behind his back at the hip.
He held the stainless steel semi-automatic pistol and thumbed off the safety.

"What is it, boy?" Bam's tail trembled then remained still.

If it was just one zombie, then he'd let Ryoko knife it. But this was the city.
There was never just one. If there were too many, better shoot than sorry.
Kendrick Lee​

There was the sound of baby steps, feet slapping on tile. Ryoko always told him if it speaks, it's good! Monsters didn't talk, so he was safe. The little boy ran over to the glass, which was fogged over, and put his hands on the fridge. His baby hands were pressed hard, trying to reveal his location- until he got distracted. He happily ran over to his little bed, which he remembered Ryoko cursing about as she drug it in the store. It was funny! He smiled at the thought, baby teeth flashing. There was nothing to fear. No bad guys, no monsters! He clapped his hands and did a little dance, before grabbing his favorite stuffed animal, a worn down elephant the color of sand. No sooner did he pick this up was when he did a little hopping walk over to the fridge. There was a small whole in the wall, slightly larger than a three year old- perfect for Kendrick. The little boy wiggled under the slot and wobbled over into the clearing.

Ryoko Lee​
"Shit!" She snapped, and she snapped her fingers. Her dogs stood up, teeth bared. With surprising calmness, she got on one knee, and readied her gun. Her dogs stood by her, already knowing the plan. Her dogs were trained to wait, and if any zombies made it past her bullets, they'd dart out and take it out. Canines were immune to the virus, thankfully, but they could still be ripped to shreds by the pure strength of a infected. But they had done this many times before, and her dogs were fast in combat.

Already three zombies had ventured out, not quite running yet. She knew they only had seconds before they were spotted. Several more came, and she quickly lost count.

"Dude, this vehicle is somewhat in tact. Can you hotwire? I have fuel in my bag. The wheels seem fine. It's risky, but it can be our emergency exit." She said quietly, lips barely moving.
Eiden Parker || Downtown New York , Streets

Everything about his fort was perfect . . . Except for the food issue, which was a pretty big issue. The Musical Theater he had fortified had many supplies there were great, but nothing to start farming. He knew he should just take what he could and leave the place and leave the city, but he just wasn't ready to make that move yet. Which left him with La La Land booming out of a window to attract nearby zombies on one side of the building, and Edien out on the streets with 28 minutes to loot some food. It wasn't an ideal set up, and he was starting to memorize the songs of a musical he never saw, but it was most a single person could do to manage.

There wasn't much to grab these days, and he found that he was having to scout farther and farther each day to find something. With no one to replay the CD at 'base', his outings were on a strict time constraint, and with less time meant less distance. So far his bag was still pretty light, and judging from the song playing in his head starting to end, he was now at 26 minutes left. He knew if he followed this road, a long ways down he'd fine some buildings and a gas station. He didn't think a gas station would be worth looting, since that is the first place that goes empty, but he might be able to gather some more gas there if he was lucky.
Taking one last look around the area, Eiden readjusted his backpack and started to make his way down as quietly as he could. An encounter would dwindle what little time he had to loot.​
"Now you want to drive!" Felix exclaimed in a whisper, his eyes already widening at the growing number of undead. He slowly crept back, pulling Bam with him. "Uh sorry. Never learned how to hotwire. And I can't leave my Jeep. All my shit-ton of weapons are there." But that was a mile away. He cringed. "Ryoko, we gotta think fast."

The walkers were already sniffing, catching on a vague scent.
Her eyes widened as she realized this. She could hotwire it, but she didn't trust this clown with her gun. He'd probably end up shooting his foot or something. She sighed, thinking.
"We could use bam as bait. He looks fast, he could get away." She said, completely serious. Her dogs looked at her for directions, not sure what to do. There seemed to be around 10, at least from what she could count. Her dogs couldn't handle that.. Suddenly, a corrupt grin pulled at her features. She did a sort of crawl-crouch thing to get closer to Felix. She shoved the gun in his hands.
"Try not to kill yourself- or my dogs." Ryoko said, and without another word, opened the car door. To her dismay it let out a long creak, and she winced, feeling all the eyes settle onto the vehicle, which was a lovely mini van the color of dirt. She quickly hot wired the car, and without another word, put the stereo on blast.
The car shook, and bass rang out it's rotting form. Some old CD that resembled reggae poured out into the day, and she turned. It was like a scene, the zombies screaming, and charging, getting closer and closer.

Her dogs, not needing another word, rushed into the mass, their deep voices harmonizing as snarls, barks, and growls. She had no time to lose, she grabbed Felix and ran ducking behind a corner, and then ran more. Her years from track paid off, and despite the 50 pounds on her back, she ran down the alley. The zombies were currently preoccupied with tearing the vehicle apart, thankfully- but that would only hold off for so long. Ryoko leapt atop the alley wall and pulled herself up, eyes searching frantically for felix. He had better have her gun. Then, they could go to his Jeep. But first- she had to pick something up from the gas station.
Dante Williams || Location - Gas Station in Downtown New York || Tagged - Kendrick

Dante rummaged through the mess of empty bags, expired snacks, and empty tin cans. There were a few things he managed to find, already thrown into a plastic grocery bag he found lying next to the front counter. A couple can of beans, corn, some shit that looked like spaghetti-o's but in the shape of x's, and even a few packs of ramen! That...that was some good eating. Still, though..."No candy at all?" The tall young man would've groaned if his expectations weren't already shattered...which they were. With a muttered expletive, Dante turned away from the decaying shelf, casually tossing his decently-heavy grocery bag over his shoulder. If that was all that was in this garbage dump, then he'd just head on out-

"Holy damn...no way." His eyes caught a glint of reflective packaging, nestled underneath a pile of torn linen. If his hunch was correct, then that was...Willy Wonka Sweet Tarts. He couldn't help it - laughter, quiet yet deep and rumbling, escaped his chest. "Good lookin' out, man." Dante kissed his index finger and saluted the sky. He wasn't even sure if the big man upstairs was even paying attention to the shithole world he created, but eh...whatever. He had candy. Actual candy. He wasted no time in digging the long, skinny pack of sweet-tarts from the rubble, his lips almost hurting from the unfamiliar sensation of smiling. Alone and survivng, he hadn't had much to grin about - other than his own shitty jokes and luck. It felt good to feel good.

Suddenly, his hearing caught the tell-tale sign of footsteps. Small...very small, but noticeable due to the silence of the gas station. Shit! Pocketing his candy, Dante swiftly twisted in the direction of the noise, his machete lashing out instinctively to point at a...metal door? No...it was one of those fancy metal doors that kept in the cold, even though there was absolutely no power running through the building. There was a see-through window on the metal door, but he couldn't really see anything through the grime. People usually kept meat and shit in those rooms, right?

"Yo...if there's a zombie pig in there, I'm fucking gone." Exhaling silently, Dante slowly and cautiously approached the door, firmly gripping the handle with his left hand. One...two...three! Fast as a cobra, he swung the door open, sliding in and smoothly unholstering his sawed-off with his free hand.

"Police, search warra-!"


He abruptly cut himself off, lost for words for once in his life. A little kid - younger than his niece - sat in the room, a stuffed animal held in his little grip. Dante lowered his weapons, feeling like the biggest dumbass and bastard. What was he about to do...cap a child? "Uh..." he trailed off, before crouching down and giving the boy his nicest smile. It took a bit of effort. "You ain't a zombie pig, are you?" His grin widened a bit at his dumb joke.
Downtown New York

While reggae blasted from the minivan, dogs and undead snarled, footsteps slapped, Ryoko had grabbed Felix causing his hand to somehow let slip of the leash. It had happened so quickly and so effortlessly, he had let go of Bam.

His muzzled dog joined the other dogs, running aggressively at the charging crowd. He hissed "Bam!" but Ryoko had grabbed him and pulled them ducking behind a corner. That dumb dog! He can't even bite with the muzzle on! He could not see anything but heard the reggae cut, suddenly dead silent. Quiet growls. Then looking behind, he realized he lost Ryoko. She had run off more when he stopped to look back worriedly.

Felix kept crouched, darting on his feet, avoiding all the scattered obstacles down the alley. Finally, he spotted her above on the wall.

His heart sank, unable to stop thinking about losing Bam. He approached Ryoko and tossed the gun up to her. A sudden and loud growl made his legs go jelly. His head jerked back. His eyes stared down a silhouette of a rogue zombie that had scrambled and stopped at the end of the alley, still caught on his scent. The shambling shadow ran at startling weird speed, like a spider darting into the dark. Shit! He climbed up, sneakers digging into the wall.
Kendrick Lee​
"Nope!" He said, not quite sure if he was saying no to the zombie thing, or saying no that he was. Suddenly, his eyes laid on the candy, and he smiled a dimpled smile, and came over. The little guy climbed into Dante's arms and smiled again, before pointing to the package. He wasn't much of a talker, but he could point. He knew some sign language, but mostly, mostly, he wanted candy.
"Candy! Candy!" He said, a little loudly. He had a mischievous glint in his eye, as if he knew exactly what he was doing. The lightskin baby reached up and patted the side of Dante's cheek, before reaching for the candy once more.

Ryoko Lee​
She helped him up with one hand and held her gun in the other, before pushing him on the other side. She didn't bother to apologize, she was busy. She cocked the gun and shot, and watched the bullet enter the zombie's skull. It collapsed with a groan- not many zombies could take a close-up shot to the cranium by her gun. Ryoko steadied herself and aimed once more, preparing for the entourage of undead. Then- she saw them. With lightning hands she shot, and the zombies collapsed, one after the other. She wasn't worried, but she realized that her dogs weren't back yet. Cursing she continued to shoot down zombie after zombie, determination in her eyes. Then, out of the crowd ran two dogs! Her pit and bam, unharmed. But where was her husky? She took extra care to not hurt her dog, not quite caring about bam. Sorry, Bam, not my problem. I'll keep your owner, though. He's useful. She thought, and suddenly, her thoughts flashed to Kendrick. She shot down zombies faster now, driven by love for her brother.
Dante Williams || Location - Gas Station in Downtown New York || Tagged - Kendrick

"No? Aye, that's a relie-" Dante's words were bit off when the kid, as ballsy as he was, decided to say 'fuck it' and climb into his arms. Instinctively, he balanced the boy so that he wouldn't fall or scratch himself on anything - his machete and sawed off rolling onto the ground with quiet 'clangs'. "Didn't your parents ever teach you not to grab onto strangers, kid?" However, despite his words, Dante couldn't help the wry amusement that bubbled in his chest. Here he was, scavenging through a dilapidated gas station in search of shitty dried food and Twinkies, and he found a fucking kid hiding in a refrigerator. What kinda Fate was this? He didn't have much time to ponder it, however, because the boy suddenly decided to point at his precious sweet tarts and called out for the candy quite loudly.

Dante blanched.

"Woah, woah, chill." He carefully set the boy down on his feet in front of him, and took out the pack of sweet tarts. "Listen little man, see this?" Dante prodded him on the forehead softly with the end of the aluminum wrapper.
"It's for me. I pay the bills 'round here, alright?" A loud kid in the middle of a quiet gas station...that was not something he wanted to deal with. Hell no. Better to set the facts straight from the jump. Hopefully he'd understand...candy wasn't no joking matter. Dante didn't play with his candy.
Felix exhaled with relief, seeing Bam who tackled a zombie on its back. He grabbed for his semi-automatic, realizing it was gone. He had lost it, dropping it on the ground next to the minivan, when Ryoko had given him her gun and dragged him. Fuck that was a good gun. He fumbled a lot around her but would not fault her for acting fast.

Well, too late now. He gripped the edge of the wall, and could only watch the dogs get moved into the alley as more and more and more zombies jostled each other, fighting to follow the human sweat. While the distracted undead did lunge for the dogs, they glared more at Felix and Ryoko. Cmon, Bam! His dog was still hellbent on tackling them, but unable to tear them apart. One zombie grabbed ahold of the pit bull, which Felix held his breath. Bam intercepted, punching his snout into the zombie's stomach, forcing it back.

My dog saved Ryoko's dog? Damn! Felix thought with pride.

Yet the crowd still came, beginning to fill the alley, wall to wall. The zombies were blocking the two dogs in. Helpless without a gun, Felix looked around the back of the alley, seeing where he could be of use. There was a heavy metal backdoor. His wolf blue eyes widened at the sight of it slightly ajar that would lead inside the building. Whatever building it was. They may be just dogs, but they were dogs that helped them survive.

Without them, this world would be too hellish to navigate.

He hissed at Ryoko, "I'm going to take the dogs through there!"
"Come with me or cover me, then meet at the other side!"
Eden Parker || Downtown New York , Outside Gas Station

Other than occasionally having to sneak around, things were going great. He still had time to rush back after checking the gas station over (or just refueling quite literally). Everything was great . . . Until he heard barking off in the distance, a little while in the other direction. He stiffened slightly, as if he could physically feel the attention that was getting. That's fine, its not here, its over there, he thought to himself quietly. Taking a deep breath to steady himself, he continued onward and soon enough the gas station was in front of him.
Doing a quick scoop of the area, it seemed to be clear of zomboos, but it didn't exactly have the dead silence most places have. Then again, he still had the next track in La La Land playing in the back of his head, so that might have been a factor. Continuing his scoop, it was clear that there were no zombies here, but judging from the door that was pried open, someone either is or was here.

The undead wasn't the only thing to be cautious of, people these days weren't as civilized as they used to be. Staying outside, Eden lowered himself to try to peek in as much as he could without being easily spotted.
Near: Dante ( Wasted Ink Wasted Ink ) , Kendrick ( Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee )
Mentions: Dogs
This was the part where Kendrick screamed- as loud as his baby lungs could fill. His voice was high pitched, but the room was empty, and it echoed for a moment before reaching outside, where the wind carried it further than it should've. It reached the ears of a 21 year old woman, just as he could hear dogs barking.
He continued to scream, not quite grasping the concept of being eaten alive by monsters. Yeah, he'd seen death before, but he had seen it his whole life. It wasn't new to him, because it was all he knew. So death didn't scare him, and he didn't understand death meant actual dying, not eating candy. He was still screaming when he saw a guy attempting to sneak but failing- and he pointed in his direction and ceased screaming.

Ryoko's pit, Raksha, barked her thanks and nuzzled him for a moment, before returning to tear apart more zombies. She watched with pride as her massive jaws ripped into the flesh with startling accuracy, clicking together to never let go. What humans had once hated, she loved- those jaws would never open unless she wanted them to.
She heard Felix shout directions, and she hesitated. Trusting him would work, just this once. But he knew for damn sure he couldn't navigate through the fucking dark, in a building, possibly without weapons and full of infected. She could cover him, but he could get hurt-
And that's when she heard a scream. No longer worried about herself or Felix, she turned and spun.
"Kendrick? Kendrick?" Ryoko screamed, eyes blazing. And that's when she slipped, and several hands grabbed onto her, dragging her down.
"KENDRICK!" She screamed. Her dogs leapt into the action, and she fought like a motherfucker. Her fists connected with jaws, and while her dogs attacked savagely- her husky having returned- she was somewhat safe. She had yet to feel teeth pierce her skin, actually. Ryoko reached out and felt her bat on the ground. This was the perfect time to use it. She swung, and all of the force behind it shattered the skulls of many zombies. They were holding off, but she knew they couldn't do this forever.
Kendrick's scream and Ryoko's fall into the zombie pit made Felix move to acting without thought. The dogs and Ryoko were holding off, but it looked too hopeless to not react. He jumped down, kicked an open zombie mouth away, and pulled Ryoko onto her feet. He shouted at Bam to stop, and remembering the snapping fingers trick, the dogs followed. He opened the heavy door with a creeeaaak-uugggh! The dogs bolted inside the dark with him while it was his turn to grab Ryoko to get in. He needed her to help with pulling the weighty door to slam shut.
Dante Williams || Location - Gas Station in Downtown New York || Tagged - Kendrick

The scream - it genuinely took Dante by surprise, the normally quick-witted man staring blankly as the boy screamed his heart out. He just couldn't understand - he was a kid, sure, but didn't anyone teach him that screaming and noise was the number one way to get your face bit off?! It only took a second or two, but when Dante's motor function decided to start working again, he acted immediately. Lunging forward, he quickly grabbed the kid in his arms, one calloused hand raising up to muffle his scream. His eyes were focused and serious now, a scowl pulling at his lips. "Quiet down, kid. You probably just brought a fuckin' herd down on us!" He whispered sharply, slowly easing his hand off of the boy's mouth once he was sure that his screaming episode had ended. Already, he could hear the zeds waking up - low, disembodied groans echoing from alleyways and streets, destroyed vehicles and desecrated buildings. It was only a matter of time until they honed in on their location. Fuck.

"Alright, ya little fart. Grab your stuffed animal and whatever else you got hidden in here." He wasn't leaving the kid...that was an absolute fact, but they sure as Hell couldn't stay here. Standing and grabbing both of his weapons, Dante holstered his sawed off at the back of his waist and gripped his machete tightly in his right hand. He knew where they would go...he had a nice little hideout, located at an abandoned apartment complex, near the outskirts of the city. It was fortified pretty damn heavily with whatever he could find - metal and wood, mostly. The boy obviously wasn't alone...but, shit, he'd cross the whole 'family' road when they got there. He didn't have time to wait for a mommy.

Heading for the refrigerator's door, Dante paused, awkwardly scratching the scruff on his face. A pause later, and he grunted, tossing the package of candy towards the kid. "When we find your mom, or sister, or whoever...don't snitch." He smirked dryly, though he did recognize that now wasn't the best time for jokes. Good deed for the day done, Dante left the refrigerator and started gathering up his loot, as fast as possible.
Eden Parker || Gas Station , Downtown New York

Eden nearly fell over at the scream, it had been so long since he heard a voice so loud. At first he thought it was from him, but apparently the kid was screaming about something else, because he wasn't point at him first, only after he had finished. Well sort of finished because an older male had silenced him. Looking over his shoulder, he could already hear the zomboos being alerted, and he couldn't help but silently curse at his luck. 15 minutes left, and he had just walked into the worst case scenario . . . A child. The zombies that kid just triggered would gather. Already he was thinking of what to do, but first.

Stepping inside since he was already seen by the kid, he briefly ignored the ridiculous duo as he went straight for the counter and started digging through whatever was left.

"Take your kid and leave, whatever is left here isn't going to be worth what's coming." He shouted quietly at the two inside the station. It was mostly quietly since his voice was a bit raspy due to the lack of use. After she was gone, he had no need to say anything. Grabbing a fistful of whatever lighters were left, he stuffed it into his bag then pulled out some supplies. Eden knew from his training and experiences that he needed to act fast. He also knew from how this set up went, those two would need to be at a good distance for safety.​
Interactions: Dante ( Wasted Ink Wasted Ink ) , Kendrick ( Ryoko Lee Ryoko Lee )
Kendrick Lee​
Kendrick knew all about running and hiding. He ran into his little hideout and pulled out a suitcase- larger than him. He drug it outside, having trouble, but everything he needed was in there. He didn't understand what, but Ryoko said to take it no matter what. And- Ryoko! He couldn't leave without Ryoko! He shook his head and hugged his suitcase. It was the color of dirt, like most things, nowadays.
"Ryo-ko!" He said, stomping his foot. To emphasize this, he did a little jump. "Sissy. Ryo-ko! I need Ryo!" He said, raising his voice. He was not leaving this room without her! And If dante picks him up, he decided he'd bite him. Kendrick bared his fangs, which wasn't too scary.

Ryoko found herself locked in a room with him, the dude she had amounted to a clown, who had saved her life. She looked at him in a new light then, realizing he survived somehow all these years. Caught in the dramatic content of the moment, she reached up as if to caress his cheek, but turned it into a pat on the cheek. She had turned abruptly. Everyone in this world died. No room for love, no room for anymore heartbreak. She turned abruptly and slammed the door, hair flying, heart pounding. Finally, two tears slid down her cheeks.
"Kendrick..." She whispered, voice hoarse. He had screamed...
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Dante Williams || Location - Gas Station in Downtown New York || Tagged - Kendrick, Eden

The sudden appearance of the short guy in the jacket momentarily took Dante by surprise, but seeing as he wasn't being hostile, the engineer didn't bother trying to act all threatening. Backpack filled with the canned goods and medi-kit he managed to find amongst the shithole of a station, Dante finally turned towards the first two human beings he'd seen in a few weeks. "He's not my kid...but eh, you're right." Although the other man was acting pretty damn suspicious, with all of the tinkering and juggling of lighters, Dante found that he didn't really care what the guy did to the gas station. He had no attachment to the place, that was for sure. Walking briskly over to Kendrick, and taking note of his stupidly big briefcase, Dante let out a harsh breath. The boy's following demands and baring of teeth only made him want to sigh harder.

"Alright buddy, we don't got time for your flexing. We'll find your sister once we survive, capiche?" Crouching down, Dante grunted as he easily threw Kendrick over his shoulder lick a sack of potatoes, teeth gritting as he prepared for the little brat to bite or kick or claw or whatever kids these days did during the zombie apocalypse. Grabbing the suitcase with his left hand, and making sure his machete was gripped firmly in his right, Dante turned towards Eden and inclined his head in acknowledgement. "Yo, I don't know what you're plannin' on doing, but I appreciate it. Look me up once you blow this joint...my number should still be in the yellow pages." With a grin of gratitude, the broad-shouldered man sprinted out of the gas station, making a beeline towards his Camaro, even as the undead began to shamble closer and closer to the station.
Kyra bustles into a nearby gas station, her dog close behind. She spots two guys in the corner. She brushes hair from her face, and wipes blood on her jeans. "Fucking crazy out there.." She turns and walks over to the two guys. "Uh...hey." Is all she manages to say. Her dog, Cas, barks at them. Kyra shuts Cas up.
(Sorry it's short)
Kendrick didn't complain, however, he did reach back and yank the glasses off Dante's face and fashioned it on. This guy was awesome! The little boy smiled.
"My numbah is still in the lellow pages!" He yelled, but then realized they were being chased. His face contorted from joy to terror, because they looked scary. Even the grown-ups looked scared, and he hung on tighter to Dante. Soon he began to cry, loud, wailing sobs. Ryoko! Where was Ryoko?
It was growing dark outside, and tears streaked down the kid's cheeks. There were two new people now, and he buried his face in his new friend's shoulder. One looked crazy, as if he wanted to kill people or burn things, and the other, a girl, had a stupid dog. Kendrick whimpered, heart aching for Ryoko.

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