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♥ in for a surprised ♡






The birds chirped a lovely good morning song as they fluttered around outside, conversing with one another. The sun was rising, and the forest was awakening. The yellows rays from the sun washed through the open window, reaching all that is available. However, a twin-sized bed was far out of it's reach, unable to splatter light all over it. So, the male who occupied said bed was able to sleep a little longer, curled up his favorite thick-wool blanket and with a peaceful expression.

Unfortunately for him, three pairs of mischievous eyes peeked through the cracked door.

Opening the door quietly, without it creaking, came the first young girl, still dressed in her pajamas, along with the two others who tiptoed behind her. The three devils made their way to the side of his bed, peering at the blissful expression the young male had. His eyes were closed, and his mop of blonde hair was ruffled and everywhere. His mouth was slightly open and drool trickled from it.

The girls tried to stifle their giggles as they got into position, holding up their arms as if they were a fox, and ready to pounce on their prey, who happened to be the poor older brother. The girls shifted their eyes, making eye contact before a devilish grin fell on their faces and they jumped onto the poor male with loud giggles and screams.

"Eden! Eden!" the girls cried out as Eden jolted awake at the sudden weight bestowed upon him. He grumbled, trying to push the triplets off him so he could breathe, but no avail as they latched onto him with big, large grins. "Eden, wake up!"

Grumbling, the male shifted around so he was in a much more comfortable position, "I'm up! I'm up! What is it do you need?" Eden asked, yawning slightly.

The first girl, who had managed to straddle him, gave him a goofy grin, "Mama asked us to wake you up! She said she wanted you to get more firewood and go into town. We're running low on food," the girl explained.

Eden gave a tired grin, but a grin nonetheless. "Alright..." he mumbled, resting an arm on his eyes as he fluttered close his eyes.

The second child, who was on the side, glanced at him curiously, "Do you think we can come with you?" The final child, who was clutching onto his arm from the other side gave a large goofy grin.

"Yeah! You should let us come with you! We can carry your bags for you, and pick out fruit that we want to eat, and, and, and I heard that the Prince is coming into town!" At this comment, the other two girls gasped in excitement. "I want to meet him!" she cried out excitedly, stretching his arms out and over the male's chest.

Chuckling, Eden managed to sit up, making the girls cry out playfully as they stumbled onto his lap. Well, at least the first child did. "The Prince, huh?" he smiled, glancing at the three. "Well, I don't think you can meet him, but you might catch a glimpse of him." A chorus of aww's was what greeted him and Eden couldn't help but laugh. "And if you guys want to come with me," he started, glancing at the clock that hung on his walls. "You have...ten minutes to get ready," Eden said, glancing at the three, "Ready? Go." At his last word, the girls quickly scrambled off him and the bed, running out of his room with playful giggles as they challenged who could get ready first.

Eden gave a soft chuckle as he slid his legs onto the edge, jumping off his bed as he walked into his own little bathroom. There, he stared at his reflection before giving himself a smile, "The Prince..." he laughed gently, turning on the water. "Wonder why royalty is coming down to Sytmer Town...."
Early morning in the kingdom of Iintal always proved to have the sun glaring through every window the moment it rises. Thankfully for those residing in the royal palace, thick curtains are drawn until the residents awaken, blocking out the nastily bright beams. For if they did not, two figures would be illuminated now on the bed, their bare skin and entangled limbs serving as proof of their activities the previous night.

Silver hair splays over one pillow, the colour doing nothing to diminish the nineteen year old boy's attractiveness. The other overflows with a blonde mane, tangled and a bit frizzy, connected to the scalp of a girl at least three years younger than the boy. Her sea green eyes gaze at the still-sleeping male with unmasked adoration and lust.

"Annolas. Time to wake up, my love." The barely familiar yet sultry voice causes the boy to stir, yet he does not yet awaken, trying to remember the previous night. After several minutes of the girl trailing perfectly manicured fingernails along his pale arm the boy finally opens his eyes, the colour of the sky practically shining their own light back at the girl, making her grin brightly to once more be the object of such a wanted man's attention.

However, that smile soon falters a bit in uncertainty as the hard-headed and playboy of a Prince narrows his eyes slightly, taking in the girl's attributes which she shows on full display. Feelings of disgust and regret pass through the boy in such a common order, seeing as how this always happened after gazing upon one new drunken night's conquest. Though, he never makes any open indication of these more painful than not emotions. Instead a sick smirk appears on his face.

"I'd suggest you leave soon." His hardened and cold voice causes the girl's smile to fall completely, turning to a pout, complete with pursed her lips, and batting her falsely extended lashes.

"Come now, Anno. You don't want me to go." She trails her nail up his chest, making him shiver in disgust, an action which she takes as being one of pleasure. Because of this the girl moves to straddle the young Prince who lays in only boxers and sweatpants, his way of distancing himself after one of such nights.

The woman, whose name Annolas still has yet to recall, wraps her arms around his neck and begins speaking with what she believes to be a seductive voice, though the prince can only see it as the poor girl demeaning herself even further.

"Anno... I know you don't have to get up now, so why don't you stay in bed with me?" Annolas sighs and shakes his head, slowly sitting up and in turn pushing the girl off his lap.

"Leave now, or I will call for the guards." Of course the woman doesn't believe him, simply adjusting her position on his lap and placing small butterfly kisses against his collar bone.

This time, he holds back his shudder of disgust and opens his mouth, screaming at the top of his lungs, "Guards! There's a crazy woman! GUARDS!"

Within seconds six guards appear in the room. Two rush over to the bed, prying off the screaming and protesting woman to drag her out, one checking the window for her possible break in, two checking on their Prince's well being, and the last searching the room for any other intruders.
After having to clean himself up before leaving, Eden combed through his hair as he adjusted his old silver messenger bag that held many necessary items needed before heading into town. He had on a simple white beanie on that fit comfortable on his head and covered the mess of blonde hair, a simple white and gray striped shirt, a black sleeveless jacket and his favorite old pair of jeans, Eden was ready to go. Fitting his foot into the sneakers that laid beside the door, Eden tapped his foot on the wooden floor to make sure the shoe fit nicely. "Alright ma! I'm heading out!" he called out, directing his voice towards the kitchen. As he slipped on the next shoe, he made sure to tell the girls to hurry up. Eden waited patiently at the door frame, waiting for the mass of giggles to run towards him.

It wasn't long, hearing the fumbling footsteps head towards Eden, and there was the three young sisters dressed in corresponding colors and their own individual personality. The first child was Julie, the girly-est one out of all, with her hair fixed into two cute, long pigtails with pink ribbons to tie it all off. She had a white shirt underneath a long, pretty pink dress. The second was Julia, the calmest out of the three and the most quiet, but not by much. She had her hair down with a light pink headband, and a simple white, cute blouse and a pink skirt. Lastly was Juliet, the loudest, obnoxious little girl Eden has ever met. She had her hair up tied into a high ponytail, with an orange shirt and gray shorts.

Eden gave a big grin to them,
"Ready?" he asked, fixing his bag strap. The girls nodded, responding with a nod and a large chorus of 'mm's! Then out the door they went, with Julia holding a checklist and Juliet leading the way.

"So we need firewood, bread, fruit, meat, milk, and some spices!" Julia listed off, walking hand-in-hand with Eden as she glanced up with him. "Where are we going first?" she asked.

Eden pondered for a moment, then opened his mouth, however Juliet beat him to it,
"I say bread! Because bread is yummy, and if we don't get there soon, it'll be all gone!" she exclaimed, glancing behind her.

Julie nodded in agreement,
"Yes! Yes! Juliet is right! Let's go to the pastry shop first! They sell really good bread!" the girl grinned, walking with a skip due to her excitement. Eden laughed, gently nodding his head.

"Okay, okay. But stay close to me at all times, okay? Don't do anything stupid," he warned, before giving them a gentle smile. "Well then? Onward!" And off the large family went, heading towards the town of Symter.
Soon enough the guards leave the tired Prince be, apologizing profusely for 'once more allowing a mental woman' into his chambers. Little do the grown men know the rotten boy brings them in himself; has for years. And though he does feel a pang of guilt when seeing how distressed the men are, he's never stopped. This is his way of rebelling against the life he's been forced to lead, why would he give that up, just over a few poor feelings?

With a sigh Annolas gets up from bed, stretching himself out then glancing to the chair beside his closet door, groaning in distaste over the outfit his mother has deemed appropriate for their trip. A pale red shirt beneath a white waistcoat, white trousers, and a long, thin white coat to go over it all. On his feet would be white boots secured with a buckle, and of course, his white gloves would be in the pocket. Though it's quite far from being anything he would buy himself to wear, it's what his mother has decided. And, as everyone knows, no one is to disobey or question the Queen.

He shakes his head and strips on his way to the en suite bathroom. He fills up his tub and gratefully sinks down, allowing his mind to wander to anything and everything aside from the journey he'd soon be forced to take with his mother to Symter.

Symter... Why the King decided that of all places would be his first stop in this three-week search for 'true love', Annolas would never know. Symter is a smaller town toward the closest outskirts of the kingdom, and though it's not so much an impoverished town, it's certainly not where those of the 'higher class' would prefer to live. It's mostly farmers, merchants, and others who live their lives doing manual labor and living in overly crowded homes.

After his bath Annolas gets dressed in the previously prepared outfit, leaving his belt a bit loose just to see if his mother would notice... It's always rather amusing to see her get bent out of shape over something so trivial. After this he heads downstairs, joining his parents in the dining hall for a fairly large breakfast; at least 3/4 of which would end up being thrown out. For, in his mother's eyes, the villagers do not deserve such amazing foods. If it were up to the Prince? All leftover foods would be given to those who could not afford to buy their own, or who did not have the time to prepare it...

Perhaps such differences in their core morals are part of the reason mother and son have never seen eye-to-eye.
Eden's first destination was the wood shop, seeing as they buy their firewood rather than chop trees down. The girls were outside, playing with the local dog, Husky, while Eden was conversing with a young maiden who happened to live at the shop. The firewood was packed neatly in a clean bag for them to take, but before the family left Eden asked the girl one last question.

"Hey, did you hear about Prince Annolas?" he asked, shifting his bag and the other bag as well so it rested comfortably on his shoulders.

The girl looked at him before nodding,
"Yes. All the maidens who live here are required to go to town and greet him. Supposedly it's to find his bride before the King steps down," she said, twirling a lock of red hair between her fingers. She sighed, "I don't want to go but my mother is forcing me."

Eden grimaced,
"That sucks Sierra. Anyways, I have to get going. Shopping time," he laughed as he waved farewell. The girl waved back as Eden exited the shop, calling for his sisters, who were way too eager to actually enter the town. Eden laughed, holding Julia's hand in his once more as they finally stepped into the busy town, people walking everywhere and crowding around open markets. Ah, Monday. Perfect time to go shopping.

As the girls lead Eden towards the pastry shop, he wondered why the Prince would stop here to look for a bride. If he was going to find a bride to marry, wouldn't he go to a different kingdom, meeting the princess there? Sounds logical, doesn't it? Eden furrowed his eyebrows. Nothing is special about Symter. Yes, there was quite the large families that lived here, and some quite attractive young women, but that doesn't mean anything. At least, it doesn't mean anything to attract the royal family.
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After breakfast the King prepares a carriage for his wife and son, knowing that they would have quite the journey ahead of them. As the older man has been ill for quite some time now, he would not be joining them.

It takes nearly an hour before the Queen feels comfortable leaving her husband, and once she and her son are alone, she quickly reverts to a cold, judgmental, egotistical shrew. She turns into someone who Annolas loves, for she is family, but quite honestly... Hates as a person. If he were to have any say in the matter he'd just go on this trip alone.. But, of course, he would follow his father's wishes. Even if that means three weeks of only being with a woman who regrets giving birth to such a 'disgrace of a son'.

Once loaded into the carriage they're on their way, and not even twenty minutes into the hour-long ride is the mother already bestowing her 'wisdom' unto a son who truly couldn't care less.

"You know, I do believe we should post guards directly outside your chamber door. This is the third time in a month a mental girl has made her way in! Clearly just having them walking the corridors, stand by every entrance, and have hourly checks by every bedroom just isn't enough." Annolas just lets out a sigh and watches out the window. This is the same speech his mother gives every time he brings a girl home at night, he knows it like the back of his hand.

"I only wish for your safety, son. And clearly those men we have employed, some since even your father was a child, do not know what they're doing. Chances are they-" Aaaand, he zones out. She'll go on for another thirty minutes about how 'incompetent' the guards are, about how she'll fire them all and find new ones. Over and over again she will hint toward Annolas' safety, but only mention it directly twice. Otherwise, she will discuss how to keep herself safe; never once mentioning the safety or well-being of her husband- the ill King. And honestly... He just gets tired of it.

So for the rest of the ride Annolas pays his mother no mind, perking up only when he sees houses and shops beginning to come into view, signaling their entrance to a town. Finally they were in Symter, and perhaps he'd find a nice maiden for the night to take to his bed at... Well, wherever they'll be staying.
"Eddie, Eddie, Eddie! Can we please get a croissant? I really want a croissant!" Julie begged, staring at Eden with hopeful eyes. They were at the pastry shop, with Eden looking at the shelves for the right bread, and the girls staring at the pastries with watering mouths. Eden, who had a grocery bag in his arm, pulling one or two loaf of bread and putting it in his bag, glanced at them over his shoulder. He chuckled as he shook his head, telling them no because of the shortage of money. The girls pouted, walking- more like running- over to Eden and pulling on his shirt.

"Please! Oh, please, Eddie? We'll be good I promise!" Juliet cried out, tears prickling at her eyes. Eden stared at them with a hopeless look on his face, and at the sight the old lady who owned the shop gave a soft chuckle. Eden and the girls' head shot up, looking over at her. "Hello, Mrs. Freja!" Juliet greeted, the suddenly tears in her eyes disappearing. Eden deadpanned.

So she was just faking it, huh? Clever girl.

Sighing Eden shook the girls off, turning to greet the lady. "Hello, Mrs. Freja. I hope we weren't causing too much ruckus," he sheepishly grinned, glaring at the three girls at his feet. He walked over to the counter, where Freja was, and set his bag on top of the surface.

The old lady shook her head and gave a heartful laugh,
"No, no. Don't worry about it, young Eden. What is it they want, anyways?" she asked, smiling as she quickly rung Eden up. She glanced at the bag, punched in numbers in the cashiers before telling Eden the price.

Pulling the money from his pocket, he set the dollar bills down on the counter, along with a few change and gave a chuckle,
"They wanted croissants. I would love to buy it for them but the money I have is only for shopping, not snacking on all the foods you see," At that last comment, Eden playfully glared at his sisters, who all pouted. Suddenly, the kingdom's anthem blared through the speakers that rested in every shop, that was in every corner of the city, and was pretty much everywhere, surprising Eden and making the girls jump with a slight squeak.

"Looks like the Prince is here." The lady smiled. The girls gasped, jumping excitedly and staring at Eden with hopeful looks. Obviously, they wanted to see the Prince and he couldn't say no to the looks they were giving. Sighing, Eden nodded, grabbing his bag and thanking Mrs. Freja. "You're welcome, dear. Come back anytime, and have fun! Be careful, you girls, and make sure you don't stray far from your brother!"

"Okay!" And off the family was, the girls leading excitedly with Eden being dragged in the back with an uncertain look on his face. He really didn't want to go, but if it was for his sisters, he would. Sighing, he quickly regained his own balance so he could walk on his own. He sighed, not looking forward to this.

"Mother?" Annolas asks, earning a glaring gaze from the Queen who tears her eyes away from the gathering subjects. He ignores the expression and instead just continues with his curiosity. "Where will we be staying while we're here?" He furrows his brows, "You never did tell me... And it would be nice to know what I would need to prepare for before we reach our destination."

The older woman lets out an exasperated sigh and reaches up, pinching the bridge of her nose. "No wonder no woman desires you for more than your parents' wealth and position... You have no patience or mind of your own." She shakes her head and Annolas turns and looks out the mirror once more. Even if he pretends that such words don't bother him, it's impossible not to feel rather worthless when one's own mother speaks them.

Who knows... Perhaps, as cliche as it is, her saying such things all his life was really the reason he acted the way he did and slept around. Affection and attention from any female would be wanted by him at this point, even if he didn't realize it.

When the carriage stops the Queen tears her gaze from her son and instead focuses on gracefully stepping down, waving and smiling to the 'commoners' as she believes their proper title may be, and walking toward the makeshift stage at the middle of town, just in front of the large fountain. Annolas takes a few moments, but soon joins his mother, waving to the villagers and sending them all the most genuine smiles he could manage.

Despite being a 'heartless' playboy, he honestly does wish for his future subjects to respect and like him... He would do anything for them, even if it doesn't seem so, what with the way he treats women of his own age.
Eden followed the girls towards the large crowd that circled around the village fountain. The girls were excited, all three of them showing their own ways to show emotions that corresponded with their personality. Julie, who was jumping and trying to hold back a squeal, was obviously the most excited. Her dream was to meet a Prince, fall in love with him and marry him one day. She wished to become a Princess, and sometimes her mother and Eden would tease her saying "You're the Princess of his household. King Daddy will refuse to let you go. Your Prince will have to fight for you!" And it'd always end up with Eden playing as the "dragon", Juliet playing as the Prince, and of course, Julie as the Princess.

At the thought, Eden couldn't help but give a small grin. The triplets were awfully energetic, but it kept the house fun and lively. With father now long gone, mother needed the comfort, and the girls gave her just that. Eden could say he was proud of the girls, but proud of what? Simply, proud of how they're not afraid of being themselves.

"Julie!" Julia's voice snapped Eden out of his thoughts as he managed to steal a glance of Julie's figure pushing through the crowd to get to the front, with Juliet following close behind her. Julia tugged on Eden's hand, staring at him, "They said they were gonna go meet the Prince."

"What?!" Eden exclaimed, catching a few stares from the crowd. "Stay here! Watch the bags!" he ordered, dropping the bags and quickly made his way to the front, with occasionally 'excuse me's. When he finally got to the front, there he saw Julie running up to hug the Prince and Juliet standing right behind her, trying to get her to stop.

The male's face paled at the sight of an incoming guard, ready to rip Julie's arms off the Prince, and before he can he quickly grabbed the girls' attention.
"Julie! Juliet! Get back here right this instant!" Dashing to grab her arms, and pulling Juliet back whilst stuttering out a quick apology towards the Prince and Queen. "F-forgive my sisters! They didn't mean no harm, just please don't hurt my sisters," he quickly said all in one breath, holding Julie close while Juliet stood behind him. He felt a menacing presence behind him and Juliet let out a frighten squeak, while Julie began to cry.

"E-Eddie!" Julie cried out, and Eden crouched down, hugging his sister, cooing gently trying to call her down. "I-I'm sorry! It's just- I got excited- and-and-" she tried explaining, tears rolling down her cheeks as her voice gave a few hiccups. Juliet wasn't crying, but she was close too, clutching tightly to Eden as she whimpered.

Eden affectionately rubbed Julie's back as he pulled her head towards his chest,
"Ssh. Ssh. It's okay, it's okay. Just don't do that again, okay?" he murmured, kissing the top of her head. Then standing up, he grabbed both of the girls' hands and gave one last bow, "Forgive me and my siblings. We shall get going now," he murmured, rushing his sisters to go back into the crowd.
Annolas' eyes go wide when he feels someone grab onto his leg, and he looks down with a soft smile at the girls standing there. He may be an inconsiderate jerk to some women, but he could never be cruel to a child. He glares at the guard who he notices coming over, then looks to the boy around his age who rushes toward them, shouting out the names of two girls.

"Hey... Wait!" He calls after the boy when he starts taking his sisters back through the crowd. Annolas didn't want them to worry about being in trouble, besides... The little girl seemed excited to meet him, the least he could do was allow that, what after the fright they'd been given. "You're not in trouble, come back here." He kneels down on the stage, ignoring his mother's disgusted gasp. Though, he's sure he's the only one who'd heard it ,anyway.

He looks up at the guard, "They're kids, alright? Leave them be." He then turns back to the girls and their older brother, giving a small smile once more.

((I'm so sorry, I couldn't think of anything else to write x.x))
(( it's alright! haha xD ))

"Hey...Wait!" The Prince's voice surprised the family as Eden turned around, his sister's hands in both of his. He reluctantly walked back over, holding Julie's hand as she shyly followed behind. Although the Prince said he, nor was Julie, in trouble, he still felt the embarrassment rising to his cheeks. After all, his sisters did run up and pretty much embarrassed the poor kid. Julie looked up at the Prince with a shy gaze, her grip on her older brother's hand tightening.

They were silent for a bit, till Eden urged her to say something. Julie glanced at him, before looking at the Prince.

Eden gently smiled, "Go on. Introduce yourself, princess," he encouraged. Julie looked up at him, before nodding.

"I'm... Julie Everett. I'm nine years old and I have two sisters and a big brother!" she greeted, her shyness gradually going away, and replacing it was confidence and a large smile that was full of energy. Eden chuckled, ruffling Julie's hair. Hushed whispers could be heard from the crowd, and Eden didn't know whether it was good or bad. He hoped it was good, after all his family did have a good relationship with most of their neighbors. He didn't hope that his family name would be the gossip. God knows how long this event will finally move on, and the poor family will be the attention of it.
Annolas smiles brightly at the girl's introduction, then holds his hand out to shake hers. "It's nice to meet you, Julie Everett. I'm Annolas Maldor. I'm nineteen years old, and though I have no siblings, I have a wonderful mother and father." He found it rather amusing how the young girl introduced herself, so he figured he'd do the same. "Now. I count one big brother, and one sister, but where might your other sister be?"

He always liked to be a bit interactive with his subjects, especially the children... It always made him feel as if he were doing something right, among all the wrong he's done in his life.

Though behind him his mother is looking far from satisfied, and has actually taken to ignoring her son completely, instead focusing on the townspeople surrounding her. Though, not actually talking to any particular one, just as a group to the people.
Julie reluctantly reached out to shake the Prince's hand, with an eager smile on her face. "You're nineteen?" she asked, before grinning, "You're the same age as Eddie!" the girl chimed out, tugging on Eddie's jacket sleeve, making the guy chuckle softly. At the question, Julie stopped for a moment, thinking about it. "I...I'm not sure! Eddie, where's Julia?" the girl turned the question to her older brother who almost deadpanned. He almost forgot about his younger sister. Cursing silently under his breathe, he excused himself to go quickly grab Julia, telling the two girls to stay there and be good. Sighing, he brushed through his blonde hair, excusing himself as he shoved past the crowd to get to his younger sibling who was waiting for him.

"Eddie said he'd go get her," Juliet shyly mumbled, running over to be close to Julie since her brother left. "I'm..Juliet." The girl shyly introduced herself, glancing at the Prince. Which was weird because Juliet wasn't that shy. Must've been because she got scared from the guards.

"We're triplets! I'm the youngest, Julia is the oldest and Juliet is in the middle!" Julie grinned.

Juliet slightly got angry as she snapped at the girl,
"I'm older! Mommy said so!" she whined.
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Annolas couldn't help but chuckle when Julie says he's the same age as her brother, Eddie, apparently. He then smiles and nods his head to the other male when he goes off to get his sister. He was about to greet the other young girl, Juliet, but waits for Julie's continued introduction to finish. And once it does he can't help but raise a hand to hide his silent laughter about the girls arguing over who's older.

"Well, whomever is oldest.. It's nice to meet you as well, Juliet." He holds his hand out to this young girl as well, ignoring the hushed whispers through the crowd of women. He couldn't catch all of them, but a few stood out as being louder.

Things like, "The Prince is so kind! Look at him with the Everett girls!" or, "He must really love children..." and even, "We'd make beautiful babies together!" Though they did bother him a bit, especially the last one, he would ignore them for the sake of the younger children around, as well as himself... Lord knows his mother would not allow it to go unpunished were he to say anything against any of those assuming women.
Eden came back, hand in hand with the last triplet, Julie and his bags of grocery. Julie looked at him, then glanced at her two sisters and the prince before whispering a soft, "Is it okay?" towards Eden. The male nodded, walking over to the group, and nudging Julie gently forward. He gave an encouraging smile to the girl who looked up at him again, her eyes full of uncertainty.

"Go on," he urged. "Introduce yourself. Your sisters already did so," Eden smiled. Nervously fidgeting on the spot, Julie shook her head. "Oh c'mon..." Eden sighed, crouching down to her level, and setting his big hand on her head, "He isn't going to hurt you."

Julie did another small fidget before glancing up at the Prince,
"H-hello..." she mumbled, obviously shy and nervous. Although she was quite a handful, along with her sisters, she happened to be the shyest out of all three. When I mean shyest, she was so awfully shy, it was hard for her to greet strangers. Eden and his mother often worry over the fact because the family didn't want her to have social anxiety, so Eden would usually bring Julie out to the town and introduce herself, to help her open up a bit more.

With an encouraging smile, Eden rubbed her back,

"I-I'm Julia..." she mumbled, her voice becoming softer.
Annolas smiles, waiting patiently after Eddie returns with the last triplet- Julia. She seemed to be the shyest of the lot, but he doesn't mind waiting... It's rather nice for him to see how their big brother helps her, anyway. When finally she says her name the young Prince nods, holding his hand out toward her, "It's very nice to meet you, Julia." After he looks at all three of the girls, "You were all quite brave ,just then. Introducing yourselves to me... You know, it takes a lot of courage to talk to somebody new, especially somebody like a Prince..."

He then raises his head to look at Eddie, "And I suppose this kingdom has you to thank- at least in part- for raising up such brave and respectful young ladies." He holds his hand out to the other male his age, "It's a pleasure to meet you as well. And I do apologize for my guards' initial reactions. As I'm sure you understand, having three fine Princesses of your own to look after, one can never really be too careful."

Behind him Annolas' mother was practically fuming, hating the fact that her son was touching these commoners, throwing around the title of 'Princess' as if it were as worthless as a pebble. She truly does despise the boy... Everything about him just brings her misfortune and pain.

"Son, it's time to go." The Queen addresses, not even looking at the lowly people in front of her child. "We must settle in where we will be staying these next few nights, and we must be punctual."

Annolas looks back and nods, then turns to the four siblings once more. "Again, it was very nice to meet all of you." He stands once more, and looks pointedly at the girls- still smiling. "Now, you'll be good and listen to your big brother, won't you?"
At the compliment, the girls' faces were pink, with Julia hiding her face in Eden's chest as he picked her up into his arms with a soft chuckle. Julia stood there with a shy smile and Juliet mumbled something about how nice the Prince was, trying to hide her blushing face. Eden just gave a small chuckle, rubbing Julia's back as he took one glance at the Prince giving a slight bow with his head, "Thank you, Your Majesty. I hope you have a safe trip," he said, before gesturing to the girls to start heading back home, with bags in their hands.

"We will!" Julie grinned, waving at the Prince who was about to leave, "Bye, bye Prince Annolas!" the girl grinned, before following after her siblings. She had a cheeky grin on her face making Eden chuckle softly.

"I guess you guys did get to meet the Prince after all. Not in a way I would approve, but okay," Eden shrugged, still rubbing Julia's back as they made their way through the crowd. Hushed whispers were still evident, but Eden did his best to ignore them. For now, he needed to get the girls hope and cook something for lunch because, well, he skipped breakfast and it was about time he ate something. He was practically starving.

Turning to the two girls at his feet, he asked what they would like for lunch. Of course, he got varied of answers, so instead he decided to make sandwich, which meant he still had to stop by a few more stores. Luckily, he had some money to spare, so he could.
"Let's stop to the store real quick. Need to buy some things for sandwiches." In response, he got a chorus of "okay"'s!
"Bye bye!" Annolas calls after the siblings, smiling brightly after them. His mother walks over and grabs his arm, subtly digging her freshly sharpened nails into his bicep as they walk back toward the carriage. Once they're inside she lets him go and glares openly, "I do not know what your problem is, young man. But the moment we get to where we are staying, you are on house arrest. You will not leave the home unless I tell you to, do you understand?"

Annolas keeps his head low and nods, "Yes, mother." He swallows hard, knowing that there was no use in arguing, or trying to talk any sense into her... The woman had a mind of her own, and that mind despises her only son- her only child. It's as simple as that...

After several minutes of silence the young Prince finally speaks again, "Mother, may I please ask... Where might we be staying while we are here? I just... Do not wish to seem as though I lack any knowledge of this journey, it would not look right for those watching on the royal family."

The woman lets out a deep sigh, "I suppose you're right." She speaks as if it's a horrible inconvenience, but after a few minutes' debate finally speaks, "We are going to the home of an old friend of mine. This is the town in which I grew up before meeting your father, and I have decided this is also where you shall choose your bride." She nods, reaching up as if to tuck back a bit of her perfectly in place hair. "You will say nothing unless you are spoken to first, and you will treat the residents with respect. Do you understand?"

"Yes, mother."
After having to stop to three different stores looking for more items than necessary, Eden heaved an exhausted sigh. "I wasn't expecting stopping at so many stores," he grumbled, hurling an energetic Julie on his back, with all of his bags in his arms. He was definitely exhausted, carrying around these three monsters and bags full of food. As he made his way back, he noticed the royal carriage parked at his house and he was slightly concerned, and awfully confused. What in the world is Prince doing at my home? All the way out here?

"Look! Look! Prince Annolas came to greet me! Onward, horse-y! Off to my Prince!" Julie cried out excitedly, grabbing a lock of Eden's blonde hair, already having to knock off his white beanie. Eden gave a deep chuckle as he began running, passing his two sisters. The remaining girls cried out, quickly running after him asking him to wait. Julie, on the other hand, was having a blast as she let out fun laughs, her eyes wide with energy.

Slowing down as they reached the doorstep, their laughs dying down as they were greeted by guards. Eden let Julie slide off his back and stared quizzically at the guards,
"Excuse me? May I enter?" he asked, his voice a bit quiet for he doesn't really enjoy being near guards. The guards stared down at him menacingly, making the three girlsl whimper and hide behind his back.

"State your name and business here at the Everett home."

Eden stared at him, speechless. What in the world are the guards doing here, guarding
his home? "I...I'm Eden Everett and I live here...?" he started, slowly. The door cracked open, and peering from the inside was his mother.

"Oh! Eden, welcome back! Please excuse my son," his mother started slowly, a bit nervous before ushering her children in. "Welcome home! I'm surprised too, but come on. Let me introduce you to the royal family," she smiled, leading her children to the living room.
Before long Annolas' mother, Elana, had them already outside a modest-sized home. He was introduced to the woman of the house who announces that her children were in the market but would be home soon, and she had a son the Prince's age. Annolas must sit there quietly while the two women discuss, seeing as how... if he were to say anything really, he'd end up being scolded by his mother.

It's only around ten minutes before they hear the guard outside and the woman of the house jumps up, then only moments later he hears her footsteps returning, along with several others.

The Prince sits straight as well as his mother, preparing to meet the no-doubt lovely children who'd been raised by such a kind woman. At least... He assumes she is. He's not quite sure how she is behind closed doors, considering his own mother's rather split personality. But... He hopes that this woman is kind, and her children are happy with her.
Making their way into their living room, Eden's suspicious were confirmed as the Prince and His Highness came into sight. That didn't cover his shock, however, instead he gave a nervous smile, bowing slightly. "Hello," he greeted. Although he was polite, his sisters were not. Instead, Julie, the most excited one, gave a big grin, running up the the sitting Prince and embracing him into a playful hug.

"Prince Annolas, you came to visit me!" she exclaimed with a large smile, "I'm so happy!"

Kalia, the mother, freaked out a bit as she rushed over to the girl and pulled her off him,
"Julie Ann! That is not how you greet our guests!" she lightly scolded, making the other siblings snicker quietly. Julie pouted as Kalia turned to the Queen with a sheepish smile. "Sorry Elana. This is my young daughter, Julie. Over there are her triplet sisters Juliet and Julia, and my oldest son, Eden. Say hello, you guys." The woman smiled, picking up Julie and holding her in her arms.

"Hi, again!" Juliet waved. Behind her, Julia gave a shy wave, a bit disappointed she had to now talk once again to strangers. Eden just politely smiled.

"Again?" Kalia questioned, turning to Eden who chuckled and explained the story that had happened in less than an hour ago. "Oh. Well, that's embarrassing!" the woman explained, covering her face with a free hand. "Forgive my crazy children," she sheepishly grinned, bowing slightly.
Annolas couldn't help but laugh at the girl's enthusiasm, hugging her back gently before she's pulled away by her mother.

Elana firstly glares at the young child but then grins when the mother turns to her, "Oh, not at all! They're all so lovely." She just rolls her eyes when her son happily greets the other three children and seems honestly distressed at the recollection of earlier's events. "Oh, it's... Don't worry about it." The older woman says with a dismissive wave of her hand, then turns to her son and frowns, hitting him on the back of his head. "Sit up straight, young man! What sort of example are you setting this way?"

Annolas flinches slightly from the hit but does as he's told anyway, a faint blush on his cheeks from embarrassment. It's not everyday that the Prince gets mothered in front of people... He lowers his gaze for just a moment before realizing they were among 'commoners', and his mother would get absolutely livid were she to notice him showing 'weakness'.

"Kalia, your children are lovely. But would you mind if I sent Annolas off with them while I spoke with you privately?" She smiles charmingly. Apparently, despite this being her old friend, the woman couldn't seem to drop her 'royal' act in front of her children.
"Oh! Of course. Say, Eden, take the Prince and the girls out into the backyard? It's quite a lovely view." Kalia gave a bright smile, lifting a hand and ruffling Eden's blonde hair. The male chuckled before nodding, taking Julie from her arms and shifting her weight into his. He gave a slight poke on her nose, and in response, he got a series of giggles before beckoning his two other sisters out towards the back door.

"If you'll fall me, please," The young male smiled, glancing at the embarrassed Prince. "Like my mother says, there is an amazing view! I'm sure you'll like it. They're a lot of animals too," he explained, leading the way through the kitchen towards the backdoor. The girls were ahead of him, giggling and playing tag. Eden set his younger sibling down as she ran off and joined them, watching as they slid the backdoor open and dashed out into the vast green fields with playful laughs as they began their small game of tag.

Kaila smiled at how energetic and lively her children were, then she turned to Elana, "What lovely a child you have. What is it you need, my Queen? I'll do anything," the woman hummed, brushing a strand of brown hair behind her ear as she settled down by her Majesty.
Annolas seemed more than happy to follow after the other male, especially watching the girls. They were beyond adorable and only made the young Prince's desire to have siblings of his own grow. But, as his mother always says, it only takes one heir to rule a kingdom... Anymore than that and it's only excess work for the nanny, and too much drama for the kingdom.

Meanwhile the villagers may have families as large as they want them, and it truly does nothing but make the boy feel even less allowed than them, even though it would normally be the other way around. "It truly is beautiful." He says softly once they're outside, looking around curiously with a smile on his face. He then turns his attention to the other male, to Eden. "By the way, I am sorry for how the guards reacted earlier into scaring your sisters... They're a bit overly protective when under my mother's orders, and I suppose they saw the children as a threat for the moment."

Elana just smiles, "Come now, Kaila... There's no need for such formalities with me, of course I will always be 'Elana' to you." She reaches over and takes her old friend's hand delicately. "I only wondered if you may allow us to lodge here for the duration of our stay? I don't trust anyone in this village so much as you, and I could compensate you handsomely for anything myself and my son use, as well as some payment for your time as well..."
Eden gave a reassuring grin as he gestured to the comfortable lounge chairs sitting on their porch. "It's quite alright, Your Highness. My sisters have already forgotten about it," he chuckling, sitting on the edge of the red chair, watching as the girls ran around the vast fields. Their giggles filled the air and many of the neighboring animals were peeking from the bushes from hearing the familiar cheerful pitches. In the far distance was a large lake, or more like pond, that the family enjoyed going to during the summertime when the weather is burning hot.

"So, Prince Annolas...." Eden started awkwardly after sitting in quiet silence for a few minutes. "What brings you to Sytmer Town? If I'm allowed to ask. Most nobles, much less royalty, come down here." Of course, Eden had already knew the answer, but he couldn't help ask. Him, and the rest of the town were still shocked by the sudden appearance of royalty. Many say because it was rumored that Queen Elana was raised here when younger before finding out that she was abducted and taken back to her rightful place in society. From the looks of it, Eden assumed she and his mother had been acquaintances, friends in the least, if the rumors proved to be true. Whether it was, Eden was still a curious young adult, and he yearned to hear the answer from the Prince himself.

Kaila smiled, squeezing her hand in response with a quiet hum, "Why of course, Elana! I could never turn down an offer like that. I can arrange rooms right away, just give me a moment to speak to my son after lunch," she rambled, kind of talking to herself and Elana at the same time. "Oh! And there is no need for payment, my dear! You're free to stay anytime you like, I would feel guilty to make you pay." Smiling, the young mother nodded, "Yes, yes. Definitely. I'm afraid our home isn't five-star, but I'll try to make you and your boy comfortable here in my home. Oh, and if you're not doing anything this evening, my son and I are about to start lunch. Would you like to join us, or do you have errands to attend? I understand either way." Kaila asked, remembering about the food Eden had just brought home.

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