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Realistic or Modern ๐—œ๐—ก ๐——๐—ฌ๐—ก๐—”๐—ฆ๐—ง๐—œ๐—” หš ยท . ๐˜ต๐˜ฉ๐˜ฆ ๐˜ต๐˜ข๐˜ณ๐˜ฐ๐˜ต๐˜ด


the chariot

  • requisite




    Victor Rivera

designed by bad ending & coded by xayah.แƒฆ
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the executive

whip it

NAME: hannibal dagon dimitrescu
NICKNAMES: mr. dimitrescu, dragon (more so as insult), tiramisu, sugar daddy (since he handles payroll)
D.O.B: August 10
AGE: 58 years old
GENDER: cis-male
ETHNICITY: European; French, German, Scottish, Irish & English,,, a lot of white
FAMILY: Adamski
ROLE: the executive
hannibal has been apart of the adamski family for over two decades, aiding in any and all legal & financial decisions and issues. while he might be the one playing with numbers, hannibal has been the one to keep money flowing where it needs to be, essentially keeping the family afloat if you will. nothing gets past his eye, if one penny is missing heโ€™s on it like a loansharkโ€” hannibal can make anything happen with any sort of budget, while it might take him pulling some strings and making others uncomfortable.. he gets it done. the legal aspect however, can be a little more trickyโ€” though he likes to play a fair fight, hannibal isnโ€™t the type to turn an eye at an opportunity.. playing dirty isnโ€™t new to him. there hasnโ€™t been a case he hasnโ€™t wonโ€” whether it be through bribes, blackmail, intimidation, or even physical forceโ€ฆ the adamski family can rest easy knowing their legal troubles will always go away. no matter what.

: william dafoe
AESTHETIC: briefcase filled with papers, courtroom on fire, a gun with one bullet in the chamber, whiskey on ice, black suits, burning letters, 69โ€™ Ford mustangs, a gavel covered in blood, broken glasses, a lonely dog barking at night, half crescent moon in fog, money with blood smudges, spreadsheets, broken liquor bottles


the life one lives will alter who one becomes in this cruel world, some are luckier then others. those that fall between the cracks are left with trauma and an aching heartโ€” something hannibal knows far to well. heโ€™s cold, calculated and secretive in every sense of these words. often making people question what his motives are, as if skipping over the fierce loyalties heโ€™s created within the adamski bloodline. while he might be watching you from a dark corner, hannibal is bluntly honest when it comes to business. what he does on his free time, away from his jobโ€” is his business and thatโ€™s all there is to know.

still hard to read? perhaps, maybe thatโ€™s how he likes to be portrayedโ€” who knows. though one thing about hannibal is that he loves winning and he will do just about anything to winโ€” whether he has to play dirty or not, it isnโ€™t his problem. a bit of an ego, hannibal knows heโ€™s good at what he does and will make sure to run your nose in it. intelligent beyond oneโ€™s imagination, hannibalโ€™s mind is always racing to find something new to learn and discoverโ€” he simply wants to know things just to know them at this point, it gets boring knowing everything you know? (this is his ego shining through)

hannibal prefers the sound of silence over meaningless chatter, the blissful noise of a cigarette burning is more delightful then your voice. he often keeps his personal cards close to his chest, the thought of letting someone into his personal life makes his skin peel. while he puts up a fake persona in front of clients and when he is forced to make appearancesโ€” underneath that fake persona, hannibal truly is a miserable man. he can have anything, who ever he wants her he choices to have a solitary personal life. prying into his life will only result in a bullet wound, as his bark is just as bad as his bite.

deep down however, perhaps when you get a few cold glasses of whiskey in his system, hannibal has a soft spot. perfectly guarded by m sharp pieces of glass, the executive can be seen shedding a genuine smile. itโ€™s hard sometimes, when everything youโ€™ve ever loved and cherished taken from youโ€” that little flame burning in your chest dies out and your left with a cold chamber. hannibal, dare i say, miss that warm feeling? the glasses of pure poison that coats his throat and stomach leave him with that temporary feeling of warmth. heโ€™s not such a bad guy, the years of stress, torment and torture simply strips you of what you once were. he cares in his own way, those that he allowed to get even an arms reach of him see the damaged heart yet they love him anyway. those on the outside see what he wants them to see, a crass, egotistical man who only lashes out at people who get in his way.
โ€” always drinking, carrieโ€™s a flask with him everywhere he does
โ€” handles the families money and legal issues, has been for over two decades
โ€” very loyal to the family, has proven his fealty time and time again.. can really do anything he wants at this point
โ€” the type to say how it is, even in front of powerful people; he donโ€™t care
โ€” has many powerful friends as well, a lot of whom owe him favors
โ€” canโ€™t stand the sound of velcro or the feeling or velvet
โ€” own two dobermans named nala & trixie who act as guard dogs; always with him
โ€” very serious when it comes to his job
โ€” likes to chew cherry flavored gum
โ€” prefers soft cookies over hard ones
โ€” smells like expensive cologne, whiskey and a lift aroma of cherries
โ€” will get in your face, talk shit get hit kinda deal
โ€” afraid of no one, people donโ€™t get underneath his skin
โ€” more to come later


loyal, honest, reliable, resilient, frank, patient, organized, intelligent, egotistical, short fuse, secretive, miserable, stressed, apathetic-ish, realistic, competitive, intimidating, caring, funny, crass, functioning alcoholic, charming (in his own way), quick wit.


claims that there is nothing wrong with him, but hannibal just hasnโ€™t been professionally diagnosed with any alignments. he has some kind of panic disorder, something he doesnโ€™t take as seriously as he should be. depression probably, but drinking seems to be his answer to anything wrong happening to his bodyโ€ฆ so alcoholism as well.

HISTORY: can be as short or long as youโ€™d like
The Dragon.

A man in well fitted suits, nice hair and a charming smileโ€” The Dragon is an undefeated lawyer who will do anything and everything in order to win, no matter what. hannibal both a killer in the courtroom and on the streets, whether thatโ€™s figure of speech or not one canโ€™t tell. those who have been for speaking ill of The Dragon have often been seen without a tongue, yet no one will say it was himโ€” but itโ€™s speculated. heโ€™s an intimidating, cutthroat lawyer who has his hands in all sorts of biddingโ€™s, legal or not is his business. able to make anyone disappear without a trace, hannibal is not a man you wish to fight aloneโ€” heโ€™ll ruin your life without thinking twice and you know he can.

with a snap of his fingers everything you once hand will be ripped away and youโ€™ll be left with nothing.


hannibal dimitrescu.

designed by bad ending. & coded by xayah.แƒฆ

azure dahl


#page of wands

โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

name: azure julianne dahl

age: 26

date of birth: november 28

gender: female

sexual orientation: lesbian

ethnicity: norwegian-american

family: avancini

role: page of wands. azure is a professional car thief tied to the avancini family. believe it or not, but her line of work has relevancy outside the sort of cloistered world in which auto theft rings operate. on several occasions she has inadvertently disposed of evidence for major crimes. she has seen and heard things that, unbeknownst to her, have bigger implications. she is a mercenary who can and will change allegiances in the name of an additional dollar sign - or, to be more precise, she is a pawn who thinks she is a mercenary.

faceclaim: hunter schafer

aesthetics: nausea at sunrise. old wallpaper. being held in someone's arms and leaning back into darkness. sodium streetlamps. beating the lights at an intersection at night. the heavy deformed sleeve of a ruined jacket. taking the next exit. situational awareness puts you in danger. knowing you will be alone when you get there. the circle of a lover's nipple peering through a cold bedsheet. to make it in time would be to prove yourself wrong. being reprimanded in a dream. mixing your medications unwisely. dropping a finished cigarette on a polished floor. a half-emptiness. bandaged fingers. climbing the wrong staircase. the sting of a goodbye kiss. a feral cat thrown from a second-story window. or did she jump? a cough of exhaust from an alleyway parking stall.

personality: azure is a curious thing. for one, she just doesn't process fear, shame or embarrassment - it comes out in other ways, like through a hateful unnecessary remark made much later. she could be described as impish, mischievous, and she is certainly not a stranger to the delight of causing a good problem; but to say only that much would be to undersell her powers of self-discipline, where when events of dire importance are unfolding she can become completely exacting and motivated and decisive with the seeming flip of a switch. she has an independent streak that she resents - she would trade it at any time for the capacity to feel normal somewhere. she's tenacious, smart, and a gifted manipulator, but she's sure she doesn't know how to have feelings... the right way? in her mind they either come at the wrong time, or in relation to the wrong thing, or they don't come at all in the way they're expected to. she knows how to fall in love but she doesn't know how to be heartbroken, which is why she mostly avoids getting into relationships and so on. naturally, spending most of one's life on one's own would convince anyone of their own weirdness. maybe, to some degree, it's something like a self-fulfilling prophecy.

most of what azure feels these days is either outright determined anger or resignation, sometimes punctuated by the opportunities that she still gets to work. she likes being given a distraction, like meeting someone new or pulling off a difficult job, because it means she doesn't have to try to feel anything; it just happens, and correctly, in spite of herself. when involved deeply enough in something larger than her, she presents with an allure and an ease and a seduction that surprises and confounds her. when she's alone, she crumbles and does not make sense to herself. she is delicate and thorny, openhearted and impersonal, in control and hysterically sad in roughly equal measure. she is amused by the sincerity of others and constantly searching for it in herself. she condemns praise & intimacy but also desires those things. she indulges in loud flashy materialism and then guilts over it.

for the most part azure has had success identifying visions of the type of life she would like to be living and then seeing them through. here are some of them: a springtime of brown wool coats in the city. testing fragrances on paper cards and laughing. a manual transmission and a pair of sunglasses and a loft overlooking a healthy garden. if you told her those are all superficial markers, less a life than a taste in one, moments copied from magazine spreads? she would tell you that she knows that, she's not stupid, and she would probably scoff. but she simply cannot tell the difference. she has been deprived of so much that life right at this very second is somewhat an imaginative exercise for her (what is happening right now? what could be?) that ideal life is basically gone now anyway. the promise of it is maybe lost forever. was it ever real? did it even happen at all? she sits in a motel room and smokes.

ailments: she's dysthymic and depersonalised, and NOT to call everything a trauma response but the way she responds to most situations is directly informed by her adolescent anxieties sooo. go to therapy girl

additional information: azure is very limber and has dancing talent that she will never capitalise upon. she had a childhood passion for astronomy that hasn't fizzled out yet - she still finds herself looking up at the stars from time to time, thinking about constellations and planets. she can sleep anywhere. she constantly thinks about death. if one-night stands were an olympic event, she'd be a gold medalist. she has a fast metabolism and drinks too much coffee.

reputation: what reputation she has is based on A but B assertions. people think she's an elitist for some reason but she's known to come from nothing. that's supposed to be funny, apparently. people say she's good at what she does but also that she must be impossible to do business with. what she needs some of the time is to not have a reputation at all, and fortunately hers is just small enough that, depending on where she is, it can vanish.

background: when azure was a child her parents were both sent to prison for felony manslaughter. before any kind of relative could claim her she wound up in the foster care system, separated from anyone who might know her. her childhood from that time forward varied significantly. there were times where she had the privilege to be taken in by well-to-do households. each time that happened, however, she would within a few months completely erode their trust in her - she would smoke her parents' cigarettes, take valuables from them or her siblings, and elsewhere behave in ways that made her opinion of them (not high) very clear. minor infractions to be sure, but far too disgraceful for an upper-class family with strong prejudices to take sitting down. by the time she accepted the idea of living with a new family, she had no idea how to properly act. she turned 18 and it was understood that she would be on her own, that she would have to make it her own way. she survived until 21 by gaming interactions with prospective employers. she held positions as, alternately, apprentice fiberglass installer, liquor store cashier, trainee customer service representative at an insurance company, and personal assistant to an interior decorator. all of these came via what you might call social engineering. all of these went up in smoke after information about her true credentials was brought to light, leaving her to bail lest she be arrested. luckily, she's very skilled at bailing.

at 21 azure flattered and lied her way to the position of valet service attendant at a conference center downtown - despite not having a valid driver's license. one day, her supervisor calvin caught her slipping pilfered items (a pair of gloves and a cigarette case) into her backpack. in contrast to her previous experiences, calvin did not report her to upper management or inform the police. instead, with the suggestion that one must go along to get along, he introduced her to a far-reaching auto theft scheme whereby clients' vehicle registration info was logged on an encrypted database so those vehicles could be stolen from their private residences weeks later. eventually azure became a willing participant in this scheme. eventually azure left her day job and started working for calvin's employers, who included corrupt police and associates of the avancini crime family. eventually, azure became a full-time car thief. through this line of work she was able to begin funding the expensive lifestyle she had always dreamed of. upscale apartment, girlfriend with a modelling contract, an eight-by-ten walk-in closet.

then a year ago azure was hired by a regular client to lift an executive sedan off the street. inside the car she found a silenced pistol, not loaded, and a backseat soaked in spilled fuel. she left the car where it was and fled. the next day that client, with whom she used to enjoy a profitable working relationship, unceremoniously dropped her in spite of her protests. five days after that, she found an unmarked envelope in her mailbox containing photos of azure and her girlfriend taken in public. a day later azure's girlfriend broke up with her. photographs kept coming. she moved out of her apartment while continuing to pay rent and moved into a cheap motel, tasking her neighbour with collecting her mail. about every two months azure's neighbour will call her and tell her that someone dropped off photographs of a cheap motel. then, azure will move again. and then it will happen again. she's started to smoke cigarettes like she did when she was 12. picture it: italian leather purses valued in the three-digit range laid out on a motel bed. a makeup bag perched on the toilet tank in a smoky bathroom. sometimes during jobs she thinks she's being followed, but nothing ever happens. and that's her life now.

playlist: link

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* alyona celestine kriselyov

  • req.

    #stop it

    * n.names
    Aly, Yona, Bambi, Fate (by her parents)
    * age
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    Kazan, Russia
    * nationality
    * ethnicty
    * family




    #seven of cups

    * faceclaim
    Negin Vand
    * height
    * weight
    125 lbs
    * hair color
    Dark brown
    * eye color

    * description
    Pink, plush lips and eyes the color of golden hours make for a dangerous combination. Alyona's outwardly beauty is undeniable, her body and face desirable to many. She carries herself with confidence and a hint of arrogance, the minor cracks in her mask often going unnoticed.





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก

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* vincenzo amadeo salvatore

  • req.


    * n.names
    * age
    * d.o.b.
    * p.o.b.
    Florence, Italy
    * nationality
    * ethnicty
    * family





    * faceclaim
    Tyson Ballou
    * height
    * weight
    205 lbs
    * hair color
    * eye color
    Dark brown

    * description
    Lorenzo eludes a calm, mysterious darkness that draws people in. Heโ€™s a man that sticks to expensive suits, expensive watches, and even more expensive cologne. Though as trimmed as one would assume him to be, thereโ€™s a slight disheveledness to him--a physical or character trait that is difficult to pinpoint. Some say itโ€™s the way he lets his beard shadow his features; others say itโ€™s the way he carries himself too confidently.





โ™กcoded by uxieโ™ก


Four of Wands.

  • Graham Byrne


    Four of Wands


    May 3





    214 lbs

    blood type
    star sign



    Bright and curly, it has a youthful bounce to it. Bright red and eye-catching, he keeps it just a little bit everywhere. He likes his hair, and personally quite enjoys how much it draws people's focus.


    Green and just a little bit vacant, it's not that Graham is stupid... it's just that usually his face does not reflect any kind of deep introversion or thought... as in... any kind of thought. Whatsoever. Blank and vibrant shades of green match with a general kind of bright eyed, bushy tailed energy, mischievous and seductive. But every now and then, oddly good at listening.

    body type

    Unfortuantely, Graham was blessed with a model's body. Athletic and strong, and very showy. He, unfortunately, shows it off more often than not and is very aware that he is what most consider "eye candy." He has a swagger to him - a confidence that comes from being physically traditionally attractive and absolutely knowing it.

    body mods

    When you have, in Graham's eyes at least, what is most likely the most attractive human form known to man, there is no reason to add modifications to any of it. However, it should be noted that he does, in fact, think that tattoos and the like are super cool - he likes humans decorating their bodies after all. It's just that it isn't for him, specifically.


    Forest tones and usually showing off not a small amount of chest, it's usually paired with tighter pants and dog tags... or a cross. Essentially, what you get when you mix a whore with survivalist core. Perhaps just a little bit on the fruity side - he knows how to match colors goddammit - and perhaps with just a touch of layering here and there because he fucking hates being cold.

    face claim

    Nicholas Skidmore

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ยฉ weldherwings.
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