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In Another Time (OnexOne with IrradiatedWarden)

It had been a quiet day. Jae was thankful for that. It gave her a chance to clean up the shop a bit and finish up that bow for the Grey-beards before they could get on her back. And she had done just that, save for a small conversation with the guys from the Drunken Huntsman closer to the center of Whiterun. They had made a neighborly competition out of their businesses, and had been great to her the past few months since she set up shop here, offering advise and inviting her out for hunting trips. She had to admit, it was a nice change of pace from back in Cheydinhal.

Finishing sweeping the dust from the day out of the shop door, Jae took a moment to rest, hand scratching through her short hair as she stretched. Maybe she'd close shop early today and head over to the bookstore for a bit after dropping off the Grey-beards' bow. There was that one text she had been eyeing the other day, and with the delivery she'd be able to buy it without much guilt. Setting her broom inside the door she headed back into the shop and began taking inventory, leaving the door open to let the cool, early spring air flow through.

Her ear twitched at the sound of footsteps, quiet ones, crossing the threshold a few minutes later and she called out without looking back, "Be with you in a moment."
Skyrim still wasn't exactly Fienelef's favorite place, she doubted it ever would be, but things had been looking up lately. Work seemed to be going well and after a few mishaps with getting on the wrong carriage, it seemed her occasionally bad luck had all but vanished.

Of all the towns in Skyrim, Whiterun was shaping up to be one of her favorites. Solitude was a lovely city, filled with the smell of the ocean and rare books, but Whiterun had something better. It had a friend.

It wasn't too late out, but the air felt nice and the faint scent of fires and hot bread from the inn permeated the city. However, Fienelef wasn't there for the inn or the food.

Ignoring the tavern, she, instead, headed for the store that she always seemed to head to now even though she never bought anything.

"I was hoping you would still be here." Fienelef let the door shut quietly behind her and stepped forward, looking about the little store. "I would have had to share my novels with someone else and that would have been a terrible tragedy I assure you."
"Mm?" Jae paused in scratching in her tally of the staves she had left to work with and turned towards the door of her backroom. Well that voice sounded familiar. She set her list aside and stepped to the storefront, eyes falling on her visitor. Her look of confusion melted into one of pleasant surprise, and she grinned. It was that kind Breton mage from Winterhold, Fienelef. She normally wasn't the type to seek out friendships with mages, having a slight distaste towards the craft itself, but this one in particular had wormed her way into Jae's heart and who was she to turn away a friend in a foreign country?

"It's not often I'm anywhere else, really," she said as she stepped behind the counter, leaning on her elbows as she spoke, "Come to finally receive those archery lessons, Leaf? That offer is still open, you know."

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