In All Things


Double Luck
Character sign-ups and their CS's is fairly straight forward here. Just follow my example below and you'll be solid. Pictures are not required, but you get fancy points from me if included. Note that where I break down into detailed sections like "Psychological Profile" and "Academic History", these can actually be anything you want. They are not required fields, but simply information of interest, so if you'd rather replace "Academic History" with "Occupational Accomplishments" or something, then be my guest.


<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19cc2206_BlackSuit.gif.89ee8055c46b6cd300f65e80042bba8d.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43072" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c19cc2206_BlackSuit.gif.89ee8055c46b6cd300f65e80042bba8d.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Professor Virgil

Brief: A curious, recently graduated anthropologist. Was seeking full tenure at Harvard before joining the Iliad Program.

Full Name: Thomas J. Virgil

Occupation: Associate Professor of Anthropology at Harvard

Age: 26

Gender: Male

Height: 5'11"

Academic History: Tom was recently hired on an as associate professor in Harvard's anthropology department, which is noticeably smaller compared to their more renowned disciplines. As with the university's course, his reputation is also lacking any notable accolades and has yet to make a name for himself. To be fair, however, he did just graduate and was only just starting his career, hoping to one day attain full tenure, before being suddenly invited by Dr. Isaac Evenway, founder and CEO of the world famous Apex Corporation, to join the Iliad Program.

Two years before, while still a student seeking out his MA, Virgil authored two theoretical papers regarding human societies under the pretext of certain classical myths actually being true. These what-if scenarios derived raised brows from his academic peers, but praise and intrigue from his more liberal professors. He graduated from Harvard with honors and immediately turned back to seek a teaching position at the university to continue working on his theories, aiming to correlate his suppositions with modern cultures, in search of some altruistic lesson (an exact goal, he did not have).

Psychological Profile: Virgil is frequently absent-minded when it comes to social queues, though he does his absolute best to act like a caring gentleman. For instance, although he claims he is attracted to women, when a woman attempts to sway him with charm, he is most likely to notice the tangled curtains on the far wall behind her before realizing that she's flirting with him. Even though he believes himself to be unattractive; the fact of the matter is, Tom is an incredibly handsome young man. His folly: growing up living a sheltered life full of books, essays, advanced placement classes, and no prom date. A bachelor, ignorant of his self-torture.

Despite his social faux pas, his most admirable trait is his empathy… by way of listening. He may hardly know the right words to say when someone is suffering, physically or psychologically, but it is his insecurity and inability to put his emotions into words that affords him a remarkable skill for listening carefully and mulling over solutions. As such, Tom is able to read a person as if they were an open book and recognize the traits and quirks that no one else can easily see; discerning characters from actors, truths from lies.

Preferences and Tastes: (Still working on these... Come back later for details.)

Ezra Nash

Brief: Intellectual prodigy credited with making interuniverse travel possible.

Age: 14

Gender: Male

Height: 5'6"

Chosen as a member of the expedition team specifically for his critical comprehension of quantum string theory and dimensional travel. Abandoned by his parents when he was a babe due to their fear of him growing up as mentally challenged after being diagnosed with autism spectrum disorder (ASD). More specifically, and after later discovery of his unusual mathematical talents, he was diagnosed with savant syndrome.

Psychological Profile: Ezra's particular autistic trait, other than being a mathematical prodigy, is his compulsive need for organization and structure. He cannot stand messes and clutter, and detests the phrase "organized chaos", as "anything chaotic has no place among orderly structure." He prefers his pencils constantly sharpened and set out in an ascending order from shortest to tallest on his right-hand side of wherever he is working, the color of his beverage must be poured into a mug or cup of a matching color (with plain water, due to its transparency, always poured into a transparent glass without tint), and he will always insist on wearing a black tie and vest with a white button-up shirt when he is working.

There are multiple social disorders also attributed to his ASD. He is unable to fully comprehend sarcasm and can only recognize it based on memorized rhetoric or if there is enough exaggeration. Likewise, simple jokes go over his head and he fails to see much comedy in them, however, he finds riddles and word games to be quite amusing. Despite being a book worm and shut-in most of his life, he is not shy or reserved around strangers, but actually quite rude and inconsiderate, though not full of himself or boastful (he simply has a tendency to interrupt or talk over others, or even pry into their personal affairs with inappropriate lines of questions).

The only time Ezra can be seen losing his composure is when he is around other boys that flatter him by their behavior (or even presence). Ezra is gay, but he won't openly admit it or talk about it, fearing that his sexuality is another result of his "condition" (ASD). He is acutely aware that he is different because of his autism and secretly has trouble sleeping some nights because his thoughts are plagued by his awareness of it. The Apex psychologist that thoroughly tested each expedition team member concluded that, for Ezra, his fear of his own self is most likely a result of his parents' abandonment.

Preferences and Tastes: Aside from his socially-awkward tendencies and savant aptitude, Ezra is a perfectly normal teenage boy with mundane interests in pizza, video games, and lazing about on an otherwise boring afternoon. He's an avid manga reader, but believes most anime adaptations of his favorite volumes are often an affront to the mangaka's (manga artist's) vision.

His favorite weather conditions involve any kind of precipitation: showers, drizzles, pouring thunder storms, snow, and even hail. As long as the sky is falling, he is completely comfortable. His psychologist found this both fascinating and puzzling, due to Ezra's distaste for chaos; however, the boy claims that there is, in fact, an inspiring, melodic pattern (visual and audible) to be found in the pitter patter of rain drops, the soft whispers of snow, or the harsh plodding of hail.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1aab784b_Isaac-longcut(2).jpg.a7b61eab2ff21cbe9d65bca1bf4949d8.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43687" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/57a8c1aab784b_Isaac-longcut(2).jpg.a7b61eab2ff21cbe9d65bca1bf4949d8.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p> Commander Titus

Brief: Remarkable military strategist and commanding officer of the Odysseus expedition team.

Full Name: Johnathan M. Titus

Rank: Commander

Age: 30

Gender: Male

Height: 6'0"

Hand-selected as the officer to lead the expedition team through the gate solely because of his bravery and experience in the field, composure under stress, and because of his morale-boosting reputation. The commander is a symbol that the team will need to rely on to guide them safely in the new universe.

Psychological Profile: "Off the walls", according to report filed several years ago when the then-major was still an officer in the Marine Corps. The comment had been annotated by his CO at the time in an after-action report concerning the major's return from a convoy mission outside the wire near Kabul. The major's actions in response to an insurgent ambush were quick, but unconventional and sporadic, with Titus giving an order for the convoy to reroute directly into the enemy position, more than 50 meters off of the route. Standard FRAGO response for when such a situation occurs is to quickly "get off the x" as safely and as fast as possible, not set a collision course right for the enemy. In the end, however, the Titus' "counter-ambush", as his troops referred to it as, ended up being the right call, as the convoy would have been forced into a daisy-chain IED ambush if they stayed their original course out of the small arms attack. No marine was injured that day, and Titus' team ended up capturing two insurgents that surrendered.

Titus has made a number of odd, but astoundingly correct, calls many times during his service. He claims that his brain is "wired to always sense when something is amiss". Perhaps the commander possesses a far higher degree of instinctual perception than most… or maybe he's just really lucky. Either way, service record and medals speak for themselves.

Finally, Titus is often noted to be an all-around "people person" or "just a generally good guy". He makes no amount of effort to be the gentleman that he naturally comes off as to everyday people and colleagues. Despite his rank, he is not above cracking jokes and joining with subordinates during their off-duty hours.

ASF History: After separating from the USMC, Titus applied for a position with the Apex Security Forces, the privatized and well-equipped militia owned by the technology corporation and charged with guarding their employers' high-level assets. He served as an officer for a little more than one full year before being selected to captain the expedition team through the Polyphemus gate and establish a base camp.

During his time up until his special selection, Titus worked diligently on any assignment handed to him, and volunteered on every occasion to personally escort Dr. Evenway on his trips outside of Safe Haven. He eventually became the CEO's defacto bodyguard and promoted to the second highest position over the entire ASF. Now, stepping away from that position to lead an entirely new division (the Expeditionary Apex Security Forces, or XASF), Commander Titus will be taking on the greatest and most dangerous mission of his life.



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Keira Grey

Brief: An intellectual genius seeking to learn every secret and complexity of the greatest puzzle: the human mind.

Age: 29

Sex: Female

Height: 5’8”

Weight: 130lbs

Occupation: Psychiatrist

Academic Record: Keira’s ability to absorb and understand information made her insatiable and restless for knowledge of any kind. Her primary education and extracurricular activities reflect a colorful patchwork of different interests. She graduated from high school at age thirteen and immediately started work on her undergraduate degree.

She chose a pre-med/psychology track as the focus of her studies. Though, she also dabbled with sociology. Keira graduated on a cold, wet December day—a year early—and immediately applied to medical school. Gaining admittance proved difficult. The source of her trouble wasn’t her intelligence, but her young age.

Keira spent the empty months supplementing her “young age” with activities that provided real world experience. (Or experience as close to the real world as she could get.) She also started work on a graduate degree in microbiology. A year later she gained admittance into a small medical school in Safe Haven and picked psychiatry as her specialization.

She completed her internship at Apex Corporation. And was working to complete her microbiology dissertation prior to joining the Iliad Program.

Social Sketch: Her recognition as a “gifted” student came at a price. Keira’s early years were awkward. She never quite managed to fit in with her peers, and she was often the subject of harassment. The appeal of losing herself in books and advanced class placements was high. But her parents encouraged social interaction with children her own age.

Keira was able to take advanced classes and graduate from college at the age of sixteen; however, she also had to participate in several supplementary activities, such as horseback riding and swimming lessons. The embarrassing social follies tucked into her extracurricular achievements gave her the skills necessary to successfully integrate with the real world.

She is well adjusted as an adult. Though, the appeal of losing herself in research is still high. And, if left to her own devices, Keira is likely to bury herself under a pile of papers detailing psychiatric disorders, various articles from the Journal of Psychiatry & Neuroscience, and other articles focusing on different branches of biology.


Clara Sandiego

Brief: A curious explorer—not constrained by perceived limits or red tape—desperate to discover the secrets of civilizations long since lost to time.

Age: 22

Sex: Female

Height: 5’7

Weight: 120lbs

Education: Two-year degree, otherwise her education is mostly informal.

Occupation: Treasure Hunter/Archeologist


  • Discovered a religious site belonging to an unidentified people group
  • Recovered a lost German U-Boat containing stolen artwork and gold
  • Helped excavate residential dwellings at an Aztec dig site

Relevant History: Clara graduated from high school near the top of her class. And she spent the summer prior to college exploring a dig site with other aspiring archeologists.

Her first year of college, though, was turbulent. She poked at different interests, pursued rabbit trails, and finally settled into an anthropology discipline. But she left school after her second year. Clara’s very brief experience over the summer made learning the foundational building blocks of anthropology dull.

She lacked the patience to move past books and theories.

Clara bounced between various minimum wage jobs after she moved back in with her parents. She eventually became an assistant –a glorified paper-pusher who made sure the appropriate releases and permissions were on file—with an archeology crew. The work was mostly thankless and even less exciting than her basic anthropology class.

It was nothing like her first experience in the field.

Restless, and with access to old records from past digs, Clara stumbled across a digitally recreated panel of glyphs. The following documentation stated that the glyphs were a depiction of a temple ritual. At first the different symbols and documentation looked straightforward. A perfect matchup. Yet something was off. She spent her free time checking references and ultimately going to see the original, crumbling stone panel of glyphs in person.

After seeing the stone glyphs in person, Clara determined that it was some sort of map rather than a depiction of a lost temple ritual. Her conclusion wasn’t based on strictly tangible evidence, and she kept it to herself. Although, she did talk a group of friends into a summer excursion in the remote reaches of the Brazilian rainforest. By then she had “decoded” her map.

It wasn’t exactly a surprise, (Clara’s convection that she had stumbled across something was infectious), when the small group of friends stumbled into spider-infested ruins. The fragmented pieces of writing in the ruins, though, didn’t match the map glyphs; they were painfully different and unfamiliar.

Clara and her friends packed up a couple of souvenirs for further study, and returned later with the proper permits to explore the site. Their discovery—a place of worship belonging to an unidentified people group in the middle of the rainforest—is what took Clara away from her job as an assistant and gave her fieldwork.
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Approved! (and beautiful picture!)

I'll put up the first IC post shortly. I'm going to go direct with the others that expressed interest previously before just starting without them.
<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ANSIN_advanced_material_research_centre__School_of_Maths___Physics.jpeg.6772e5cb14c30ff5b64fe96370bf6ae6.jpeg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="43265" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_02/ANSIN_advanced_material_research_centre__School_of_Maths___Physics.jpeg.6772e5cb14c30ff5b64fe96370bf6ae6.jpeg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Name: Piper (Pip) O'Learie

Brief: A young succesful microbiologist holding her own patent in genetic modification.

Age: 25

Gender: Female

Weight: 56 Kg.

Height: 171 Cm.

Occupation: studying for a master's degree in genetic modification for the large agriculture company Flyrgait.

Academic record: Piper graduated high school with grades over ninety in chemistry and biology, and a year later she went to study for a bachelor's degree in microbiology at the university of Michigan. There she performed research on GM, where she discovered her patent ((I can explain and describe it if you'd like, it's not important to the plot I assume)).

After five years, Piper had got her degree and was offered by Flyrgait a free MD.GM (master degree in GM) if she agreed to work there for eight years. Piper signed the contract.

Social sketch: Pip, as she was known since middle school, had always been in an identity crisis: She hung around the smarter but socially awkward kids, but tried to maintain a reputation around the holes that weren't going to graduate with a grade better that 80, otherwise known as the cool kids.

Even though she was in the middle between socially awkward and cool, people from both sides befriended her. To this day Pip doesn't know what made her special.

Piper's downfall at school were the teachers. She resented every single one, and they hated her back. A small whisper in class, and she was sent out. She had to check her tests herself, because the teachers would always "accidentaly" mark an answer wrong.

Tastes and preferences: Piper used to play on a girl's field-hockey team and horseback ride ((Syrena I know you have your character a rider as well, but I needed to implement a sport into Piper's profile that I also do, something I know how it feels and I can write about if the need arises. Not copying)) when she has time.

Piper likes to read detailed war novels in her own slow pace and ride horseback. And see the results of a successful experiment.



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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/albany.jpg.644a4ee600aba1b2b3db88ce9c9b0710.jpg" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="44489" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2015_03/albany.jpg.644a4ee600aba1b2b3db88ce9c9b0710.jpg" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

Studied at Cambridge University before being immediately shortlisted into joining the Iliad Program. She has just completed her second year of her degree and joined in order to gain information on her dissertation, based on whether nucleic acids are the only biomolecules in the Universe capable of coding for life processes.

Full Name: Albany Regan Terrace

Occupation: Part time procrastinator, full time teacher's pet

Age: 19

Gender: Female

Height: 6'1"

Academic History: Albany has exceeded in her academic career since primary school and hardly knows the definition of the words 'must do better'. Her success is no surprise to the educational institutions that welcomed her with open arms, as her great grandfather (Michael Regan Terrace, a British academic) helped initially develop the field of cultural studies that has been subsequently taken up and transformed by scholars of many different disciplines around the world.. many of whom teach her to this day. From this, it was inevitable that expectations would be high, and she seemed to have no problem rising to them.

Since then, Albany has been involved in exobiologic studies which specifically covers the search for life beyond Earth, and the effects of extraterrestrial environments on living things. Her input was invaluable, and inspired her to make the decision to complete a masters degree in Astrobiology with a focus on habitable planets outside of Earth itself, after she graduates.

Personality profile: Accompanying her academic achievements, Albany prides herself in not letting it stunt her social life. She thinks of herself as a self proclaimed social butterfly, with friends and contacts globally that she takes advantage of both for research, and simply for the mentally challenging conversation. She has a gift with understanding people and reading 'between the lines' in relationships. Although this is a skill, she falls victim to it, consequently making awkward situations for others when feelings would rather be kept under wraps, yet always seems to find a way to reconcile the circumstances.

Her childhood was mostly spent covering her walls in a healthy juxtaposition of The Spice Girls and articles regarding the Kepler space mission. Transferring this oxymoronic quality into her adult life, she can answer any question about outer space, but can name every member of the Kardashians in under five seconds. All in all, she is rather charming, but is typically reluctant to recognise her undeniable strengths.

Pet Peeves: being told how tall she is (like she didn't know already)



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