Impossible Attractions (KuroBlaze X Muffin~Tyrant)


The Demon
( @Muffin~Tyrant )

The strong winds pushed the woven sails back, creating a loud rustling sound as they grew closer to the destination. A man stood strong, as the fierce winds continued to blow the bottom part of his crimson coat, back. A light smirk tugging the edges of his lips up, hearing the footsteps of a crew member approaching. "Captain! The destination is close! Yer maiden of the seas shall soon be all patched up!" A male exclaimed, standing a metre or so behind a blonde haired male. His emerald green eyes trailed away from the front for a moment. "Aye, prepare the crew for work!" He replied, before bringing his gaze back to the wooden wheel and direction of the ship. "Aye aye, Captain!" He shouted, before scampering off the deck and down into the crew quarters. A light scoff escaped the Captain's mouth, as he carefully directed the ship towards the docks. The wooden ship eventually came to a stop, the Captian stepping away from the main wheel and onto the lower decks. He stamped his foot on the wooden planks, as a signal that they had arrived. Most of his crew rushed out from the quarters, letting out a cheer as Zayden roared with laughter.

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The young prince headed down the court yard, his manor was somewhat near the ocean and he always loved to go outside to look at the vacant blue. "........." He breathed softly as he looked around only to see a ship near the docks, no doubt it was a pirate ship but he could do nothing of it. If pirates did not attack then no one had any right to lock them up, it wasn't his most favorite rule but hopefully the rats would leave sooner than later. The young prince decided he would go around town just to make sure nothing bad happened with the pirates, he was rather curious to find out what they were here for anyway. His older brother was no where to be seen, he was lucky this time for his brother would probably let him no where near pirates but he wasn't there to tell the young prince what to do. He soon made his way down into the town and started to look around for any signs of pirates, they were all around really but none seemed to interest the boys curious mind.
Zayden tightened the red sheet of fabric around his waist, which was acting as his belt and keeping his white shirt tucked in. The expensive shirt was made of silk, having bought the best yet durable clothes to last the Capitan for a while before replacing them again. Zayden slid on his sword belt, a piece of leather crafted to specifically carry his precious sword. He stepped off the ship and onto the docks, the strong wind blowing the bottom of his royal blue coat, back. A couple of the kingdom's citizens gave the male quick glances, before turning their eyes quickly away. Zayden simply laughed, a bag of golden coins tucked away in his pocket. He soon entered the town centre, the citizens quickly moving out the way of the pirate, afraid of being killed. As everybody knows, the Pirates are notorious for crimes. Especially the Devil of the Seas.

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