Important posts


King Allyn the Autistic
I will copy all important posts in here just to give a nice oversight of the critical events.
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3488/07/14 20:14:23

"And this is why we commend these brave souls here today, for their actions have shaped not only our own, but the futures of generations to follow as well." The applause rang through the large, open auditorium. The people lined up on the stage awaiting it gracefully but most not able to hold back a grin. After all the hardships they had gone through, all the pain and hurt to achieve this, it wasn't surprising though to see everyone happy to finally be lauded and honoured. They deserved it, each and every one of them. On the other end, hiding behind the blaring light of the spotlights were undoubtedly hundreds of young faces. Students who were about as eager to be in that hall, perhaps hoping themselves they would one day be on the other end. Or even moreso: to one day be where they had gone. When the applause finally simmered down again, the announcer called Captain Adira Rik forward towards the microphone. "Before we will continue with handing out the personal awards, first a few words from Captain Rik."

Those words never got said, as the moment she had taken a step forward something small and round reflected in the light of those spots. Most wouldn't even have seen it, but Saami's eyes shot into action immediately at the slightest shimmer. Burning bright blue, then violet as within a split second all his systems were enhanced. Bomb. There wasn't time to even think of anything else, and he didn't even know why he was running forwards toward it. Training most likely, his personality perhaps. Within two steps he had reached Adira, pushing her back hard so she'd fall and slide back. But the crew wasn't the only thing in that hall, and he knew all those faces in the dark had family waiting. Eager to see them home. Death was in their own line of work, not in that of a students. And a certain calm ran over him when he made his decision, even though he knew he would soon have twice as many deaths on his name. Kicking the small silver orb down in mid air, he watched it roll below the stage into the crawlspaces. In his head he saw the statistics run down, his possible actions reducing to zero when he hit the floor. Realising he was at least facing feet first towards the stage he pulled them up and placed his arms over his head, and he never remembered finishing that action. Silence. Yet it was so loud. Filling his head with mist.

Where am I? Should it be quiet? With the greatest effort he turned his head.

Only to see chaos. Running. People screaming in silence.

A white layer of something. Snow... I like snow...

no... dust.

And the darkest red liquid mixing through it.

It was still quiet. When he stretched out his fingers he wasn't trying to ask for help. He simply wanted someone to break that silence. To hear someone's voice. Instead he got more than he asked for. Blood curdling screams swelling and swelling. From everywhere, everyone, from inside. Barraged by intense pain he could feel his unwilling screams leaving him. Spitting out large amounts of blood. Blood coming from places it shouldn't. At least he felt, at least he heard, which meant he was alive.

I don't want to be.

It hurts. It all hurts. Why not my legs?

Where are my legs?

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3488/12/08 ~19:30:00

When following the trail, Saami suddenly found that it stopped in the middle of the ceiling. Veered off and clearly going into the wall, he placed his ear against the cold tiles and listened intently. Until a small echo gave away the position of the mysterious inhabitant of the interspace. Still listening he followed the direction where the sound came from, while at the same time avoiding any of the rebels. The latter task being much easier, and despite not having done it for over a year, Saami was still well versed in how to remain unseen. So it didn't take him long to reach the intended target of his wall-friend: the kitchens.

The sound were now clear, and he no longer needed to listen as intently to follow it. Yet he knew that he probably wasn't the only one listening. Opening the doors to the kitchen his plan was already set in motion, and he made sure to make loud sounds passing through. His footsteps heavy and his hands tapping on the counters. Only to push the door on the other side open, except he never went through it. Mimicking the sound of muffled footsteps leaving in the distance he followed by simply sitting still on the counter and waiting for what would follow.

After several minutes it was apparently declared clear, and he saw motion setting in: the screws on a floor-level vent outlet slowly turning one by one. Enough to loosen, but not enough to drop to the ground. Quickly he moved across the counters, yet with utter care to remain silent. Slipping into place beside the vent so he could immediately block the way back in for whatever was inside. Yet he also knew that scaring his newfound friend wasn't the way to go at things. He'd have to be delicate for this, and that was admittedly not his greatest forte as of late.

When the roster of the vent was shoved aside he found his suspicions confirmed. Watching from above a tiny little dust covered creature crawled out: a white haired little girl, now more grey than anything. Still wearing the clinical dress they all wore after just being released, but hers seemed to have some wear and tear, and it wasn't exactly white anymore either. The moment she had crawled out entirely Saami struck: swiftly moving behind her and grabbing her waist with one arm, then covering her mouth with his hand firmly but not painful or choking. It was just to prevent her from getting away or making any sounds.

Immediately her eyes turned purple, and he could feel the literally unsettling motion of bones shifting below his grasp. Yet he knew this type of INANES had that ability, and her wildcard didn't work on him as he simply switched his grasp from along her waist to under her arm to her shoulder.

"Shush... shush... it's okay." Slightly loosening the grip, he allowed her to turn and look at who had captured her. Two big golden eyes meeting his sharper turquoise ones. "See, I'm just like you." His voice was whispered but still clear, keeping it on a very soothing and friendly tone. He wasn't sure how much she understood of language though, so to illustrate his point he just let his eyes hum with a gentle blue hue for a bit. Seeing her eyes widen in fascination was enough for him to dare move his fingers from her mouth in the hopes that she wouldn't just scream.

Luckily for him it turned out that she was still mute, meaning she either hadn't been released that long ago, or hadn't heard that much communication. But her having acted on her own in hiding had told him more than enough, and everything else he could read off from her face. At the very least she knew how to be fascinated, definitely not afraid of her captor anymore. But she had come here with a purpose, and wasn't to be distracted from her mission that quickly, her fascination drifting to the fridge instead.

"Oh right... you must be hungry. I suppose we better get you fed then." Once he handed her over to the rebellion he doubted they'd have a much keener eye for things like that. And there was a full fridge right there and then anyway. Getting up he kept a careful eye on her, making sure he'd be able to react in time if she did try to get away. Yet she didn't show any signs of that, so he simply held her hand loosely with two fingers. The girl barely reached to about his waist, looking more like ten than twelve. Her weight wasn't any better either, and he wasn't sure how much of that was from being made that way or from not having access to much food. She seemed to have found her way into the fridge just fine on her own if anything, but the kitchens were crowded most of the day.

Making sure she wouldn't be too cold he borrowed her his jacket. Which was more like a big coat to her, reaching to her knees and hiding her hands completely in the sleeves. Only to realise she obviously didn't have any shoes or socks either, and he wasn't about to lead her barefoot unto ice cold metal. A solution was however easily found, as she was light enough even for him to lift; supporting her at the knees with one arm and at her shoulder with the other. "Okay, well... you're taking that awfully good. You sure you aren't related to Yax?" Apparently a fascination with hair was commonplace nowadays, and she wasn't exactly shy about it as she had immediately grabbed a handful of it. Don't pull...

Food was found quickly, an apple and a few leftover pieces of bread being the clear first choice. Everything else had just been met with a very disappointed look, as if he was supposed to know that it wasn't any good. Second of all she had refused to let go of his hair, meaning he now more or less had been forced to keep carrying her around. Something made him think she knew exactly what she was doing with that too, and that he wasn't in any position to refuse. As a last act before finally moving to return to the admiral he decided to clean her up a bit better; taking a towel and wetting it so he could clean most of the dust and grime off. Starting with her face, he was quickly met with a happy smile.

"Yeah, you're definitely going better places." Continuing with cleaning off her hands he did realise something though, more or less a fun little idea than anything. "So if you're going to go to human places. You'll need a human name... and I don't want to give the admiral the honours of picking yours." His own smile turned slightly devious, even now thinking of how to thwart those with authority. "How about... Amanda? That's normal enough." His hair now being pulled by two sticky apple hands somehow told him that that name was going to do just fine. "You're going to be stuck in my hair by the time we're back, aren't you?"

Too bad for him the way back didn't exactly go as smoothly as the rest: before he could get to the admiral, Saami found himself staring into the phaser of a rebel captain. Immediately dropping on his knees and holding one hand up, the other was dedicated to making sure a now very frightened Amanda didn't just run away. However, their loud yelling didn't help anything, and a few moments later he somehow found himself being yelled at, while at the same time a loudly crying twelve year old was attempting to hide in his chest.

Eventually the rebels seemed to calm down, realising the threat wasn't as much of a threat as initially expected. Yet the damage was already done; a now very very pissed Saami trying to calm down Amanda, but not having much success as all the people obviously still scared her.

"Admiral Hopper? We have a situation here... yeah, we found the INANES that belongs to captain Adira." I don't belong to anyone you twat. It took Saami all his willpower not to just say that out loud, but knew that him being angry wouldn't calm Amanda down, and that was his very first priority at the moment. Partly because her arms around his neck were starting to choke him.

"Well yes, turquoise eyes, wearing our gear... but, no... but Admiral, that's not it. There are two of them.
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3488/12/10 20:55:47

Wherever he had been led, he hadn't expected to be able to stay with Amy. With every door and hallway of what pretty much was a huge penthouse mansion complete with gardens he had expected to find another delegation of guns to separate him from Amanda. Yet it never appeared to happen. In fact, by the time the last set of doors were opened there were only three guns in sight, including the admirals. What those doors led to was a large office, designed very classically and open, with one large wooden desk in the middle. A huge desk chair behind it and two 'simpler' but still nice chairs on the other side. He only needed one, considering Amanda probably would have to be peeled off of him with a chisel in such a strange environment. Something that still worried him, both because when it happened it wouldn't be any more pleasant for her to be torn from him, and because he wasn't sure she wouldn't just take the first chance to weasel her way out and glue herself back on to his shoulder anyway.

But for now time still seemed to be on their side, somewhat. The admiral just told them to wait for... someone? Something? At least he was left alone, except for the two guards in the corner. And though Amanda was still in his lap, as the minutes passed she loosened up a bit. Her grabby hands testing every thing on the desk, showing it to him demanding an explanation for all the weird devices. The one she was most interested in was the stapler, and if she hadn't been absolutely fascinated just from the stapling, him having to open the stapler and putting in new staples truly sold her on it. Until she somehow managed to screwdriver it into oblivion in two minutes.

At least until a woman appearing to be in her early forties hastily scurried into the office; wearing very unofficial clothes for the occasion, basically being in a white blouse and jeans, with her blonde hair in a loose updo. Apologising for the tardiness she took place into the chair.

"I'm so very sorry, my husband is running late from a meeting. The two of us were supposed to be here together by the time you arrived but things just went awry today. I'm sure he'll be in soon, would you like anything to drink? Tea, coffee, a soda maybe?" Saami, still fulling believing he was about to be thrown in jail, appeared very flabbergasted when she apparently was asking him if he'd like something. Which resulted in his stuttering and less than stellar reply.

"Eh... no eh... just tea for me... and ehm, water for Amanda please? If that's okay..." Which resulted in the woman just raising an eyebrow clearly having expected something different from him. Maybe with good reason too.

"Why wouldn't it be? Did Admiral Hopper tell you we eat people or something?" Clearly it was a more lighthearted tune hiding a more serious hint for him to lighten up too. Yet he just sternly shook his head, clearly not sure what to do with a joke. "What did she tell you? Did she even tell you anything?" Again a shake of his head followed. Which seemed to get them to the core of the strained speech. And apparently it wasn't the first time something similar happened, as the woman just sighed and rubbed her sleep for a bit. "Of course, I told her several times that we need communication too, not just commanding. Great tactician, terrible talker. Anyhow, then just let me fill in the gaps, because I assume you've just been led here like a lamb to the slaughter. I did wonder why there were fifteen soldiers outside the doors." His expression alone was enough to answer that to her, so she just immediately continued. "My name is Sveta Alkaev, and I presume you have heard of my husband Lovro Alkaev? The reason you are here is because of that adorable little dot in your lap. Especially because we heard you were the one who found her, and apparently were very keen on her from the start, for good reason we can all agree on. Either way, the both of us, my husband and I, decided that it would be far better to simply invite you over here and tell you what will happen to her. And the other children too."

While speaking she had gotten up to make their tea, and with her back to Amy and Saami for most of the time, she couldn't see him getting in a progressively better mood the more she spoke. So by the time she put the tea and water down, it probably looked to her like a very sudden improvement. And she returned the change in mood with a smile of her own. Still, her face got more serious when she continued. "You see, my husband and I have a bit of a problem of conceiving. I'll spare you the nasty details, but adoption procedures are tricky and costly. We got a pair of twins, brothers, a few years ago, but it took us ten years until we got there. Now we... well, my husband most of all, would just like to have a daughter, but another ten years obviously isn't going to work. Then we heard of a girl rescued from those horrible... people factories I suppose they are. How could we not take the opportunity? And now I see her I'm even more sure that something that adorable deserves a nice home, and we can give it to her." Clearly she cared, the way she spoke and looked at Amanda, who by then was unscrewing all ballpoint pens on the desk and putting them back together like Frankenstein creations then showing them off proudly to everyone that would give it as much as a glance. Of course she'd be taking a liking to the woman that couldn't tear her eyes off of her. Meanwhile Saami was just making sure he was hearing what was told to him right, even though from his near blissful expression one could say he already knew but it hadn't really processed yet in his conscious mind.

"You'll... adopt her? So she'll have a family?"Honestly, that was all and more than what he had hoped for the moment he had pulled her from the ceiling. Yet when that was confirmed by a nod another question popped up. "Will the other INANES be adopted too?" Which was apparently a sore enough question to make Miss Alkaev tear away her gaze from Amy.

"That's the problem, they have been fed, bathed, clothed and taught, but I think you of all people should know that they just lack a tiny bit? I wouldn't want to call it broken, but according to the doctors they seem to be missing a bit, like their minds are a bit misty. We'll try to find a suited place for them, with their full interests in mind. For now we, everyone in charge of this operation, decided it would be best to not put them through foster care, and instead keep them in their own little spot until we fully understand how they function. Eventually they will probably be placed into society one little step at a time, but I can't even make promises on that." She spoke as if it hurt her that that was their fate, a feat that made Saami more impressed with her despite what could be taken as bad news. Yet having spend years with them, growing up among them, he had already pretty much known the lights in their head were dim. Yet he had never found out if they were fogged by the metal and the programs or perhaps their minds on their own had been misty from the start. Perhaps it was a combination of both that did them in. In the end it just let to him nodding and accepting this information.
"Now, let us focus on the good that came out of this ordeal. What's her name? Tell me everything about her!" 


Most time passed with Saami telling absolutely everything he knew about Amanda, growing increasingly happier to share his adoration for her with someone who seemed to care nearly if not just as much about her. His heart swelling with pride in this little destructive creature, not even caring that when she left he'd be just left with a larger gap in his heart to fill. Right then and there all he was was happy for her. When the husband came falling into the room, stumbling over his own apologies, it somehow was Saami that felt fulfilled. Seeing the man basically stop in his tracks to adore Amanda, as she was clearly everything and even more he had hoped for. Truly he saw in that moment that from there on she would be given every chance in the world, and there was not an atom in his body that did not want to give her any and all of those chances. If it had ever been a question about keeping her, that had now been utterly eradicated: it's existence banned from his head, not even to linger as a mere thought floating around.

So when the doors closed behind him, he stood outside alone again. At first the cold and dark of night didn't quite bother him, a little fire in him lit and fuelled by the thought of her being happy. Yet a thought alone didn't seem to be enough to keep him warm for the whole walk back to his tiny apartment in a corner of the city. He'd fulfilled his task, he'd given her everything he never had. A chance on happiness, a loving family. But now he was there alone, just walking those increasingly emptier streets he was reminded of the brutal reality of himself. A slight sting in his chest, and he wasn't quite sure if he was perhaps envious of what she had and he hadn't... or if he was just hurt by the realisation that he never would have it anyway.

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