Important Information When Making Your Character

A Mysterious Figure

French Horns Are Better Than Trombones

1. Additional Information About Your Stats

Your stats cannot go above 20, so don't bother trying, use those points to increase your other stats, don't waste them! Your stats also cannot be 0 (or below), they will always be at least 1 and at most 20, so please make sure all your stats are in that zone!



2. Secondary Abilities And Making Your Own Character Specific Powers

I have made a selection of secondary abilities that you can find on the Abilities, Talents and Powers page, and you may choose three from the list that is underneath your main power. Eg. If your character is a pyrokinetic, you have to choose your secondary abilities from the list underneath the information about pyrokinesis.


However, if you have a character that has a backstory/important event in their life that means you want them to have special abilities that make them stand out, you can make them, but add them to your biography rather than the abilities section. They need to have a specific reasoning behind why they exist, and I will need to approve them, so don't expect me to let all of you have magical special powers, because that would undermine quite a bit of the RP.


If you're a demon child and you want to be able to have a magical staff that sucks the power out of other people that you found on the ground one day, well no. For one, that is a very, very powerful thing, and I want everyone to be very even with strengths and weaknesses. Two, you've literally been alive for less than 30 years. There is no way you could just know how to use that. Three, you can't just 'find' super powerful weapons on the ground in the Abyss. Nothing is forgotten or dropped in the Abyss. Demons do not trust each other. 


They also need to have weaknesses. You can't have powers that are unlimited and/or don't affect you negatively/make you tired afterwards. Just because you're supernatural beings doesn't mean you're invincible.



3. You Don't Have To Choose Everything

If you've looked at my NPCs, you might have noticed that they don't all have three secondary abilities, or two talents (Joker, Mage, etc.). This applies to you as well: You don't have to use the maximum of everything (except your stat points, because without those your character will likely die or have something bad happen). Sometimes character with less at the beginning have a higher potential to gain more in the actual role play.



4. Having A Companion Will Not Necessarily Be Useful But I'll Allow It (Not For Everyone Though)

A couple of you have created a companion for your characters, who isn't human, but kind of like a pet (the only way I can think to describe them, I apologise). I don't mind this, but just because I've added this in, please don't give your character a companion just because you think it's an advantage or it will be cool. I might accept one or two more, if they have a detailed or interesting backstory and/or they are important to your character, but I won't just be letting anyone have a snake buddy or a magical invisible cat (Okay, just got an idea, nobody take the magical invisible cat, it is mine). 

Keep in mind that if you do have a companion and you are a demon, it will almost definitely not be allowed out of your room, as angels do not trust demons in the slightest, at least at the beginning, and that  is if they allowed you to bring it to the Heavens at all (again, that all depends on how well you create your companion). If you're an angel, it is doubtful that you would have your companion around the demons, as it could be dangerous (in the councils opinion).

5. Demons Will Always Be Demons and Angels Will Always Be Angels

In this role play, demons are not fallen angels and angels are not potential demons just waiting to be corrupted by the sins of Earth. Demons are made out of evil, born from the sins of humans (if they are conceived by demon parents, then they are still being born from the sins of humans, as their parents are basically made of the sins of humans). They live their lives in the Abyss, a cruel, awful world where there is literally zero kindness, pity, empathy or any kind of goodness. If your demon child is somehow a kind, nice person who hates death and bullies, that's like a baby being born in France, brought up with their parents speaking French to them, and yet they only know how to speak Mandarin and think French is a weird language.

Angels are the opposite; they are made from the kindness and goodness in the world. They only begin to deal with sin and the negative things of the world when they are old enough to go to Earth, and even then they are stopping sin and protecting humans. Even if they see horrible, awful things on Earth, it is near impossible for an angel to become evil. An angel can hate demons, even have a bloodlust for killing demons, but they will always keep the light in their hearts, and will never turn against angels or side with demons. With the exception of this role play, where the influence of the angels could turn a demon into a good person and convince the angels to give the demon children a chance, demons have always been evil, angels have always been good, and both have always hated each other.

Angels and demons have literally never gotten along, and angels are not killers, although they do kill demons. This is part of the reason angels and demons are at war; demons are literally made of/created from evil, while angels are created from good. They are like yin and yang, but instead of balancing each other out, they neutralise each other, making their goals in life (demons: to make Earth their, well, female dog, and angels: to make Earth a utopia of peace). Since neither side can fulfil their goals because of the other side, they battle merely to kill off the other side so they can be unhindered.

6. The Power Should Fit The Character

As mentioned in the Abilities, Talents and Powers page, some powers are common in the Heavens while rare in the Abyss and vice versa. This most definitely should be considered when making your character and choosing their power. For example, if you are an angel with umbrakinesis, you should have information about why you have this power and how, because the Heavens is literally just light, light and more light. If you started your life undecided about your power, became a guardian angel, and then discovered your strength in the shadows on Earth, you might have become an umbrakinetic because of that, but take note that there are next to no shadows in the Heavens, so your power might be a little useless during the role play (when we're in the Heavens, which is most of the time). I will ask you to change it or aspects of your character if need be.

7. Age Is Important

As the main aspect of this role play are the children, most of your character should be children, especially if you want to have the most influence and participate in more events during the role play.  The oldest child, both angel and demon, would be 30 years of age, but it is highly likely that they will appear younger, maybe in their teenage years, as most angels and demons prefer to look anywhere between 10 to 30 or 40 years old. After the age of 30, the angel/demon is considered 'mature' or at least, they are old enough to fend for themselves, and they are either kicked out (demons) or sent out to take their new role on Earth (angels). 


For mature angels/supervisors/instructors, if an angel is over around ten thousand years old, they are considered old. The head angels are several millennia old, but that is only because they are the leaders, and are only the second group of head angels the Heavens have ever seen. Usually, angels only live up to fifty thousand years old, because as the world changes and evolves, the angels change and evolve, and old angels are usually still stuck in the olden days (who wants a guardian angel that doesn't know what a car is? Imagine trying to teach your grandma how to use an iPad. It's like that). If you're making an older angel, I recommend them being in the hundreds in particular, but I don't mind if they are a couple thousand years old. If you have a good explanation for older characters, I might just accept them. There are a few hundred of thousand years old characters that I might be accepting when they're done, because they have a decent backstory and their creator seems to know what they're doing.


8. Demons Really Are Heartless, I Promise

In the Abyss, while older demons can appear as children, the Training Area is only for young 'immature' demons, and once they become old enough, they are kicked out to fend for themselves. If an adult demon were to get into the Training Area, they would most likely murder all the children, as they are weak/weaker, at least. Also, love isn't technically a thing in the Abyss. Demons deal with lust, and often focus on the seven deadly sins, and as such things like saving oneself for marriage (nobody actually marries in the Abyss either, children are conceived through lust or through other weird methods other than contraception) or finding ones true love don't really exist. I mean, it's possible that some kind of influence from Earth could have found its way into the Abyss made you gain an understanding of love, however it wouldn't be very strong at all. However, it is possible that something like that could surface in your character while in the Heavens, but that will have to wait until the role play begins. 

9. This Isn't Like Sparta

While the angels and demons loathe each other due to their complete and utter contrast, they are so equal in strength that they have all but given up on having a full scale war, as neither side would win. The last angel and demon war was around 250 to 300 thousand years ago, so very, very, very few characters (literally maybe 3 or 4, so nobody make any more) will have experienced an actual war, except if it was a human war. Don't go talking about your uncontrollable lust for battle after being a general in the demon/angel war 500 years ago, because there wasn't one. You might have killed one demon a couple years ago because he was threatening your assigned human as a guardian angel, and this might have made you eager to free the world from the grip of evil, but that's about it.

10. Please, Make More Angel Children

Angel children are cool! I'm all for mature angels, but we need children more than we need supervisors! I will eventually get to the point where I will pick and choose out of the older characters, and if yours isn't good enough, it will not be accepted, so please, just make angel children and save yourself the trouble that might potentially happen! It's not that bad being a young angel, I promise.


1. Your stats cannot go above 20 and they have to be at least 1, any stats above 20 will just be considered as 20.

2. You have to choose your secondary abilities from the list underneath your power, no exceptions. If you have unique abilities for your character, put them in your bio, make sure you have weaknesses, and give good reasons for why you have them. I may or may not accept them based on this.

3. You don't have to have three secondary abilities or two talents. You can have less than the maximum, and you have the potential to gain new abilities and things during the RP, so don't worry about being disadvantaged.

4. Some people have companions, I don't want everyone to have companions, but if you do they probably won't get to come out and be active for very much of the role play, and they should have a detailed section in your bio and a reason for existing. If this isn't good enough, I won't accept them.


5. Demons are evil. Angels are good. There are no evil angels or angelic demons, especially if they have been raised in the Heavens/Abyss respectively. You will need a very good reason to have a conflicting character, and even then I might not accept it.


6. Your power should match your character, where they are from, and how useful the power would be based on their situation. There are practically no shadows in the Heavens. Umbrakinetic angels would be quite useless at home. Again, if you have a conflicting power, you better have a detailed and/or interesting reason.


7. Angel/demon children are 30 or under, but they can appear as any age (they usually appear as children/teenagers, though). Mature angels should be in their hundreds (recommended) or somewhere between 1000 and 2000 years old. No mature angel involved in this role play should be over five thousand (unless I have permitted it because you have an interested/legitimate reason).


8. Demons are heartless, selfish, and do not care for love, friendship or any of that jazz, although they can have allies and lust relationships. Kindness, love and other nice things can only surface in your demon character after sufficient time in the Heavens or if they have a very good reason for it. 


9. The last angel/demon war was 250 thousand to 300 thousand years ago. You cannot have been alive during it unless you are very old, and only a select few characters are going to be. 


10. Please just make an angel child child. Please. Make five angel child characters. Just do it.


Super TL;DR:

You can't break the following rules unless you have a super duper good/interesting/detailed reason. The last war was hundreds of years ago, your characters were not alive because your characters should be under five thousand years old and children are under 30. Demons are evil, angels are good, no exceptions. Your powers should fit your characters species and backstory. Make your character an angel child or I will cry.

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