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Imperial Colonization of Rhaw Dor


Flawless Victory . . . .
It has been three weeks and two days since the colony ships departed the bustling harbor of Galleon Bay, in the Imperial City. The three freight barges gifted to the colonists are huge, bulky, slow, and barely maneuverable, but they are also heavily armored, stable to the point of near unsinkability, and possess incredible cargo space. They will also serve as substantial sources of lumber and a minor source of bronze and iron, should an emergency need arise. The people have moved on from the bawdy and energetic sea shanties, and are now singing a traditional tyrsilian folk song. It's a long song, telling the story of the Princess Ardelle, The Lady of Sunsorrow Tower, and her en devours to free herself from the enchantment of her tower abode. It rambles a bit, but the focus is on her determination and honor despite dire circumstances, and her eventual finding of a new home, so you figure it's about as fitting as most songs.

Beneath the singing of the people, you start to hear a new sound. Like the sound of a rushing river, except coming from below, all around. You see the surface of the waters surrounding the three ships being to roil and churn. Several of the crewmen have noticed and begin to shout and scramble about. At first the colonists are oblivious, but quickly notice the change in the sailors, and the vibration of the deck from the upset waters. The phenomena continues to increase, until the waters all around the ships are blue and white chaos. splashing up along and over the side rails. You glance up at the crow's nest, and see the lookout pointing out to something in the waters. You see the other two lookouts doing the same. Moments later, about a hundred yards ahead of your ship, two blue tentacles whip across the surface, sending a wall of water that cascades across your ship, forcing everyone to duck down. Before you can right yourself, you hear several screams and frightened voices. Wiping the salt water from your eyes, you feel your stomach drop when you look ahead.

On the surface of the water, a blue scaled head rests. Yellow, reptilian eyes twitch back and fourth between the ships. Although you can only see the head, you know this creature is huge. The creature makes a deep, curious hmmm sound, and then begins to slowly move forward. You can see parts of it's long body trailing the surface of the water behind it. Several of the women grab up their children and move backwards, or below decks. The men begin to grab weapons, and you see several guards begin to load bows and crossbows. About a hundred feet from your ship, the creature stops. You can see now it has three sets of tentacles or else antennae, on its head. There are yellow markings on the beast's face as well.

The creature simply waits there, staring at everyone in turn, an almost amused expression. To everyone's shock, it suddenly speaks, it's voice deep and booming. "Who amoungst you folk commands?" "Well now, what have I stumbled upon here I wonder? Tell me, who amoungst you folk commands?"
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"What about the guilds?"

"What about the guilds?" Osrick asked incredulously. Of course he knew what was about the guilds that was about to be raised. It was the same thing that was almost always raised about them.

"I mean for you." Osren sighed. "You've always had a way with the merchants, and deals and things like that. You could make a good way with them, maybe even become a guild master."

Osren had always been the blunter of the two of them, never having the patience to beat around the bush. That was only intensified now as the two of them had been drinking their fair bit and liquor had its way of ruthlessly wrenching the truth from men. Of course he meant well, that was what made it sting all the worse. Osren could be as haughty and condescending as any of them, so proud of his position as the big brother, but a brother he was and a part of him always wanted to see the younger Osrick succeed in his own, highly traditional, way. If only he could understand, if only Osrick was sober and articulate enough to explain it. Luckily he was tipsy enough to still form words and only bump into a few tables so that made him confident enough to try.

"Pfft! A-a-a-and what, just give up is what? Just throw my lot in with the middle class and the sons of artisans is what!" Osren went on to try and interrupt him but the young lordling would only speak over him. "No, NO, cus you don't know them! They're an ugly bunch but I know! I know cus I've had to deal with them so much!" It was always Osrick's opinion that money and power were two different things. And though one could provide you with the other they would never be equal and one who came by their power through wealth always wielded it so crudely and cruelly. So pleased to stand equal gounds to their social superiors that they took on the air of tyrants and torturers. A sadistic sort of glee as they tried to force other to labour under the weight of their coin purse. 

No if he joined up with one of the guilds he had no doubt that he'd be able to make a good living for himself. And no doubt he'd gain some useful contacts for the family, which was NO DOUBT the conversation his brother and father had had to bring this to Osren's mind, Osrick knew because he'd already thought of it. But his pride would never forgive him for joining up with them. If he did it would just be telling the world that he'd thrown in the towel. To take what everyone knew to be a massive step down and become one of the merchant class. His current peers would never stop looking down their noses at him and the guild boys would never stop lording it over him. Maybe it was snobby of him but that was the world he'd lived in! All his life Osrick had lived in a world where there was a place for everything and everyone, made to fit them completely. 

He just didn't think it fair that everyone seemed to have decided for him that Osrick didn't fit into his. And why?! Because he didn't care for swinging a sword around or bowing and scraping to slightly less minor lords? There was power in knowledge, Osrick had always been an advocate for that. The fanatics in the church may have married themselves to childish fairy tales but their monoplising of scripture and texts was a solid tactical move, something Osrick could understand even if he couldn't respect it.

Of course he was several goblets of wine in by this point so most of this devolved into a rambling shouting match with his older brother before they both wandered off to bed. They'd given up on him. He wasn't a man with ambition to them, just a resource they had to make the best of, an investment that was yet to pay back its interest. That was where his self loathing, drunken, mind was taking the evening anyway. Even though he'd run the estate when none of them could be bothered, even though he'd sorted out the roads on their lands and brought in fresh revenue to the markets! Well he'd show them! Osrick's last visit to the guild houses had told him about the courts looking for volunteers for the Rhaw Dor expedition. Maybe he'd manage to get on as an adviser, they'd want nobles to help form a solid upper class for the colony, for people to take the lead in their way. Yes he'd show them, Osrick would carve out his own place in the world and return home with his own legacy, just like his namesake had!      


Osrick staggered to his feet, wiping the sea spray from his eyes and grimacing through the sting of it. What on earth had happened? A moment ago things had been going swimmingly and suddely the world had rocked around them. Had they come afoul of a reef? Osrick got his answer soon enough as his vision cleared and he saw the tree trunk sized tendrils wrapping themselves around their ship. Damn.

'Oh gods... oh by the saints!' Osrick gawked in shock as the timbers beneath his feet rocked and creaked under this fresh pressure. All around him people were running for the safety of the lower decks as the soldiers loaded up every arrow they could get and looked at Osrick anxiously for orders. Did they really need him to tell them to try and kill the monster trying to drag down their ship? The words caught in his throat though as that voice rumbled forth though the air like thunder.

"Well now, what have I stumbled upon here I wonder? Tell me, who amongst you folk commands?"

No... no that wasn't possible. Osrick found his feet carrying him to the front of the ship without thinking as he strained to look at the ugly visage poking out from the water. And it was talking. The giant sea monster was talking. That was like something out of a story, was the thing about to offer them a haul of treasure from the deep or three wishes? Osrick had to stop his jaw from falling off his body if only to retain his dignity in front of the crew and - perhaps more importantly - the giant predator that had them in its grasp. The men were looking at him again, the whole ship held its breath as they waited for him to step up to the call this beast had given and if there was one thing that could overpower the fear of painful death and the unknown in the heart of an aristocrat it was social pressures and public perception.  

So, lip stiffened and tunic patted down, Osrick swallowed his mind shattering fear and shakily stepped forward with all the grace he could muster. "That would be me, Sir!" He called out to the beast. "And who, may I ask, are you that has so rudely impeded my ship's journey?" He intoned with all the confidence of the lord of the manor. 

'Oh dear saints! What did I just say?! WHAT AM I DOING?!'    
Uhldragoth, Oceanic Dragon.jpg

The creature's bellowing laughter is tremendous and abrupt, and many aboard the vessels jump in surprise, yourself included. "Most rudely impended indeed! Came on too strong, did I! Ha! Ha-Ha-Ha . . . " The monstrous, scaly head moves back several dozen feet, chuckling still. The tentacles release the ship, whipping swiftly backwards along the top of the water. The vessel rocks for several seconds. The beast has turned sideways, the tentacles on the left side of it's head holding it above the water, almost in a relaxed position. Everyone watches and turns in unison as the beast's serphentine body breaks the surface of the water, almost making a complete ring around all three barges.

The creature's face is shockingly expressive for a sea monster of legend, you think to yourself. One brow is raised in regardment. It's eyes are unnervingly intelligent. In fact, it almost seems to be smiling. It's amusement only becomes more apparent as it beholds this mass of stunned faces. After a few seconds of this, the beast levels it's head, although its body continues to float around the barges and it stares directly at you. 

"Let me dispel some tension from your situation. Firstly, I don't eat land-walkers. Too earthy. i did try storm giant once; an interesting flavor that one. If though," the head moves foward a several yards, smelling the air, "you have any fish, or those delectable shellfish your kind eat, I'll happily accept an offering of hospitality." 
Oh thank the gods! Well that was one horrific fear placed aside, now all Osrick had to worry about was whether this beast of the deep didn't decide to sink their little convoy for sport. It did look rather dragon like, there was no telling if it wouldn't want to smash open their hulls to see if there were any treasures to add to its sunken hoard. Well they were into it now and their best option seemed to be to keep the thing happy.  

"Yes, of course, of course." Osrick smiled nervously though gritted teeth as his face regained some of its colour. "G-go see if we've got some fish in the cargo bay, now." He hissed at one of the nearest deckhands, still trying to keep some modicum of poise. He patted at the creases in his coat, as if that might make him appeared more powerful before this predator and... just dove in. Osrick tended to run his mouth with a confidence he had no right to. It got him into far more trouble than it got him out of but pride, panic and foolishness made for a potent combination.

"I suppose if we're exchanging hospitality then introductions are in order. I am Osrick Allard, of house Allard, sixth of my name. A pleasure to make your acquaintance." He gave an informal courtly bow before those quizzical yellow eyes, just to hammer the introduction home. Sea serpents may not have been owed the same graces as a minor nobleman but Osrick couldn't deny that he was on this thing's home turf. "And who, may I ask, do I have the pleasure of addressing?" In the myths the great heroes always addressed their monsters calmly, with an heir of honour or cunning. Osrick saw no reason that he couldn't do the same, at least while people were watching. 
The serphent watches the deckhand scurry off, then looks back to you as you introduce yourself. 

"And who, may I ask, do I have the pleasure of addressing?"

The reptilian, clever eyes seem to focus past, no, through you, for a couple moments, like deep contemplation."Ahhh . . .  Allard . . . can't say I recall that name, although it sounds southern. There is the Nas Eldirin Script, within which is a set of sigilic ruun that when arranged in a compound sequence and spoken aloud sound like Neus'allard-doinwhich means death comes swiftly by lightning. Allard used there means swiftly by, or to happen swiftly. But no, I think that is not related at all. My birthname is in a language that can only be spoken underwater. But, there were wild elves long ago in Rhaw Dor who called me Uhldragoth; It is thus that I will name myself to you all."

The long, serpantine body sinks under the waves, and the front part raises up and straightens, leveling the creature's face about twenty feet above and beyond the fore of the lead barge. It takes several moments to stare around at each barge, seemingly taking in all the faces. When it continues speaking, it redirects it's gaze towards you again, "Where do you and your folk hail from, Osrick Allard?"
Goodness so they'd stumbled across a scholar from the depths! Osrick had heard legends of the wisdom of dragons and scaly philosophers, ancient beings so old as to have watched the world change and empires fall. That was how the more poetically inclined tended to put it anyway, Osrick had always written it off as fantastical fancies. Of course certain draconian races existed in their own civilised way but to presume that level of intelligence from a beast with a penchant for gold seemed ridiculous. Apparently the Jutlands planned to Osrick's sheltered world views before he even arrived.

'And what's this about wild elves?' He thought to himself. 

"We're from Tyrsal." Osrick answered. "Myself, I'm from a town called Astwick. It's far inland mind, not much interest to a nautical fellow like yourself I imagine." 

It wasn't long before the deckhand came back with a stinking sack slung over his shoulder. Osrick had assumed they'd bring up a human sized portion of fish, he'd have to thank the lad for taking a wise initiative... asuming this offering didn't cause offence and make Uhldragoth smash them to splinters in a fit of indignation. The young man looked at Osrick apologetically as they offered up the contents to reveal simple and rather boring smoked kippers and salted cod. 

"My apologies for the rather... meager selection, Sir Uhldragoth." Osrick offered up with a wince. "We planned to be at sea for some time and what food we have was chosen for how long it could last rather than how pleasing it was to the appetite. You see those of us here plan to make a new life for ourselves in Rhaw Dor and we wished to come prepared with a hefty larder if not a fine one. Though if you can recommend some good fishing spots in these parts then I'd be happy to have you as the first customer at the fishmonger's stall when we set up a market." He actually gave a little smile at that, Osrick's mouth was running away with him again and this conversation was following the sea dragon's example and taking on a bizarrely informal tone considering who it was with.

And if he could poke some information out of the jovial lizard well he wouldn't complain.       
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"Tyrsilians! That explains the bland clothing, Ha ha ha . . ." Uhldragoth muses to "your lot".  "Yes, thinking southernward, I believe I recognize several of your lot's banners." Hanging  along the sides, amoungst the rigging, and about the decks of the barges, are several dozen banners bearing the arms, signs, or heraldry of the common houses, several minor houses, and a handful of intermediate houses that make up the colonists. A dozen or so clan or tribe totems and banners can be seen as well. 

"Is that the banner of Clan Bauro'Strausr, the same fierce dwarves as once inhabited the lands around Beleka Orod, now called Khaelob Rach?"  A middle aged, black haired dwarf steps up beside you, hands clasping his huge iron belt buckle. Ormund Barrowstrider speaks proudly, "That's House Barrowstrider now, if you please, and our folk haven't lived in the shadow of the great mountain for many centuries. My family and I wish to change that. It makes me proud to know my ancestor's name is known by one such as yourself." And with that, Ormund bows his head and steps back.

"And are those the arms of that rogue knight-become-king, the long deceased Aureph Rookbane, who ruled the Old Kingdoms for two hundred years? You aren't the first of your kin to go to Rhaw Dor . . . are you?" One of the imperial soldiers, a younger man, steps foward slowly. "Aye dragon, my name is Eques Rookbane, thirdborn son of Trantyn Rookbane, head of our house. Six generations ago, several of my ancestors heard rumor of a thriving city in the heart of the Jutlands, and joined an expedition to discover the truth. They were never heard from again, but I plan to discover the truth of their fate, by Tritherion." The young soldier steps back. Uhldragoth nods and grins, "Mayhaps you will, son of Rookbane."

"Lets see . . . . . . that banner there. I've not seen the mark of an Ithil-Orod clansman for many, many years. What brings a mountain elf out to sea and headed for  Rhaw Dor? Surely the wisdom of your ancestors is not lost to you?" Hathnir Sakari, a fierce and athletic looking elf, shifts, keeping his distance. "Impressive, Uhldragoth, so few know the history of the mountain elf clans. My ancestor's wisdom remains, as does their famous stubborness. After all, we did live amoungst dwarves for hundreds of years."

When the fish is presented to him, he leans in towards the fish, glaring with interest. The two smallest antennae dangling from the strange serpent's chin wriggle in, slowly picking up a sample of each before flinging them into the salivating maw. The mouth and eyes close, chewing and contemplating the taste. "Not bad, for meager fare, as you put it. Too salty, on the whole, but I am familiar with the needs of landwalkers, so no foul there. On the whole, a worthy reward for . . . " the eyes, ever so intensely amused, swivel to meet yours, staring meaningfully, " . . . services rendered."
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Well this was proving to be an educating experience with regards to his fellow colonists, Osrick had to admit. He even had the ancestors of an ancient king on board! Did that mean that Rookbane outranked him? Perhaps he did back home but here on the ship Osrick could at least flaunt a certain bit of parchment that would disagree. Still the point remained that the sea dragon had pointed out some serious points of knowledge that Osrick was lacking in. He really knew nothing of the colonists that had come with him to the Jutlands, all bar Anest at least. He'd only given the charter of names and families a glimpsing look, more interested in their numbers and how they compared to their food supplies. The young lordling would have to correct that. He couldn't expect to earn the confidence and loyalties of those around him if he didn't even know their names.

He might have wanted to consider using that same knowledge for less noble reasons but now he was getting ahead of himself. Right now he had to concern himself with the machinations of the giant reptile staring him down right now. A reward for services rendered, hearing that tone come from those giant, fang filled lips sent a shiver down Osrick's spine. At least the thing seemed happy to let them pass instead of smashing them to splinters.

"I'm simply happy to have our first meeting with a resident of these waters be a peaceful one." Osrick offered a shallow half bow. "If you know any nice places by the coast to settle down perhaps we could do this on a regular basis, it's clear there's a lot our little band could learn from one such as yourself. Or at least their little leader." He added, giving a self deprecating grin. Osrick found it often paid to start humble, it left one with room to move in and little height to fall from.  
"I'm simply happy to have our first meeting with a resident of these waters be a peaceful one."

At these words, Uhldragoth gives the slightest hint of a smile and a nod.

"If you know any nice places by the coast to settle down perhaps we could do this on a regular basis, it's clear there's a lot our little band could learn from one such as yourself. Or at least their little leader."

         He seems surprised at your invitation. "I'm as familiar with Rhaw Dor's coasts and rivers as anyone ever was. Indeed, there are several locations I have noted over the years that would serve your people well. Bring me a map of Rhaw Dor, and I'll gladly mark them for you." A map is quickly procurred, and Uhldragoth uses one of his smaller tentacles to mark five locations on the map, three of which are on the coast, one is a ways up river into Rhaw Dor, and the fifth is even further upriver.

        He also points out four locations, and says that there are already settlements at each one; Anon Rill, Taerna Laith, Morgward Keep, and Anon Lilth. "The people of Anon Rill and Anon Lilth are friendly and powerful, and always welcoming to trade. Taerna Laith is the newest settlement, and is filled with elves, mostly. They are friendly enough, but have learned hard lessons from Rhaw Dor and have adopted a philosophy of isolation. They may be hesitant to trust others. Morgward Keep is occupied by people from all three settlements, and dedicated to keeping the ilk of Druug Mrok from expanding outwards. They are a hard and serious lot, but given their purpose, it's an understandable condition."

The giant serpent turns his head around, staring far to the north. Most everyone looks in the same direction, but no one sees anything but the distant coast of Ephrandr to the left, and the blue expanse of the ocean to the right. Uhldragoth stares for a few moments longer, then sighs, "It would seem our time together has come to an end. A Sahuagin war party approaches, and although harmless to me, they could prove doom to your party." He turns back, looking only at you, "I am bound by certain laws of the deep, and would not be able to assist you. But, I can certainly distract them, and hopefully prevent them, from noticing you lot. Turn your ships east, into the ocean, for a few miles, then continue north until evening. It should safe then to return closer to the coast. Watch out for flocks of red birds, likely they are Shreiks. As well, should a storm approach, it would be wiser to bind your vessels together, and weather the ocean's rage. Until next time, Osrick Allard and company!" 

With that, Uhldragoth turns and sinks into the waters again, heading north and west. The sailors all look at you, awaiting your orders.
"I'll keep that in mind, thank you." Osrick said, meek and solemn as the water serpent slithered off.

That had given him a lot to think about. From all he'd heard of the lands they were bound for it sounded as if they were in for endless miles of ruins, lost kingdoms and maybe the odd tribe of savaged in wattle and daub huts. This sounded as if they were set to come across organised - civilised - clans and fiefdoms. And some of them at least had violent intentions if the dragon was to be believed. 

"You heard him then!" Osrick called, raising his voice for the rest of the ship to hear, banishing the fear from his tone if not his mind and striding across the deck. "I for one don't plan on squandering the good will of an ancient from the deep! Set a course for east! We keep the fleet in close formation and I want archers up on our decks and ready for whatever nature has ready for us!"

They were finally getting close and already spanners were being thrown into the work. If their colony actually managed to get seeded then he would have to get whatever research he could done about their future neighbors. For now though Osrick would settle for avoiding a watery grave.   

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