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Fantasy Immortal Hills University For Magical Aptitude


Junior Member

EARTH- 3200 BC


The moonlight shone upon the village in a glittering light as the wind howled through the streets, those who were not yet asleep at the time and were out travelling had to cover their faces so as not to get sand in unwelcome places. One such man was in more of a rush than the others as he hurried along towards one of the largest of the cloth tent dwellings, he tried to protect his face, but the oblong wooden box he was heaving about was too heavy for such an act. No matter though, for within a few moments he had brushed the canvas entrance aside and dropped to his knees, apparently within a circle of other men and women who were on their knees as well.

Between each person who was ordained in exquisite jewelery were wax candles several inches tall that were lit and flickering despite the only movement coming from this man, he set the wooden crate in the center and took his place among the center. In a uniform motion they all took to a cross-legged position and bowed their heads, closing their eyes and they began to hum in a low key, and soon enough what was in the box began to glow a bright white light that escaped the cracks and crevices of the container. Then one by one, the priests’ bodies were enveloped in a brilliant blue light that sent out tendrils to connect with one another in an upwards fashion before the unified beam of energy surged down into the box and upwards, ripping a hole in the tent and going ever skyward.

At a high altitude that everybody in this day and age thought to be the heavens, the beam of energy began to open up and create a portal between our world and another, alien one. There was no light in this realm, only pure darkness that pierced the night sky and then as one, everyone that lived in this village and the ones that were miles around began to scream in abject terror and despair. Descending from this portal was a humanoid shape with dark blue skin, but where a head should be were instead thousands of tentacles with their own eyes and mouths, it’s long arms outstretched in a cold, welcoming embrace.


As this ungodly monster descended, in the village square a brilliant white light erupted like a dome and then vanished, leaving a group of figures in it’s wake, one of whom was covered in a dark red living armor, in one hand was a sword made of blood and in the other was a stone tablet.


The group had to turn away from the behemoth so as to not be affected by it, and the armored figure raised it’s tablet and spoke loudly yet calmly over the horrendous torrential screaming. “Pa Gon Drux Gal!” The tablet lit up with strange symbols in a bright red light and it shot a ball of energy towards the towering eldritch God who became centered with a yellow Enochian binding spell, causing it unable to move in any direction. The beast roared with fury, causing this group to double over in pain, and the blood covered knight raised it’s tablet once more, “Veh Med Drux Gisg Un Gon Drux” once more the tablet lit up with the red energy and shot at the beastly thing, causing it to shrink in stature ever downwards towards the ripped up tent and the glowing priests and priestesses.

This beast was using their life energy to sustain itself, so in a matter of minutes they had aged several decades. Finally, the beast was so small that it fell through the cracks of the wooden box and the blue lights vanished...



The alarm clock was what woke Ethan up, which he was grateful for this time around, so with a smile on his face he rolled out of bed and grabbed his toothbrush and toothpaste, as well as his noise cancelling headphones and slipped on a random t-shirt before heading out of his dorm towards the co-ed bathrooms. It was like another world in this hallway he felt like as he rounded a corner into the bathroom, even with his headphones he could hear the high “lubs” and the low “dubs” beyond the doors and walls, and it unnerved him and made him jump with anxiety. As he set to brushing his teeth, he tried to not engage with the other early morning risers who he could hear before he could see, then he hopped into the shower, and steeled his gaze from the pretty girls who waltzed in, unlike his normal male classmates.

After his shower, he grabbed his backpack with his laptop and other materials, then his bike helmet and bike lock and locked up his dorm door before making his way outside where his street bike was chained up against a “Reserved For Bikes” sign, but someone had graffited “Maggie Bitch” which he had to look at every time he had class. Trying to put it out of his mind, he rode though the small roadways and weaved around students, trying not to get choked up with anxiety, he tried the deep breathing exercises his therapist told him about last week, but they barely helped at all. He made his way to his first class of the day after locking his bike up once more, all of a sudden the weather quickly changed from just barely being sunny to a torrential downpour. The rain that descended seemed to slam against the classroom lab windows in an angry fashion, sounding like a loud cracking with each connection.

Ethan Miller stole a glance away from his pig cadaver that he and the class were dissecting and glanced at the window nearest him, most people were ignorant about it, but Ethan knew deep down that this was no ordinary rainstorm, some magician somewhere was having a bad day. The class instructor was droning on about the different anatomical parts of the pig, but Ethan had to struggle to listen through his noise cancelling headphones, he had to wear them or the overbearing sound of rushing blood in the student’s bodies standing around him would drive him nuts, but again he had to remind himself that this was the life he chose as a hemonancer.

Closing his eyes in a grimace, he bent over against the metal table causing his lab partner, whom he didn’t know, to take notice and then slowly others started to stare until the instructor stopped the lesson and started towards him. Usually he could push through the loudness, usually he just had to focus on something else entirely, or escape the situation, but he had already used up too many excuses and was in danger of failing this class and his dream of being in the medical field, so now his choices were twofold. The first of which was to quiet the rushing, make the blood go still, but that would kill everybody, so he just had to push through it.

Gritting his teeth he looked up to watch his instructor move towards him, but everything around him started to move so slow, it was like a crawl- he looked out the window and rain looked like little liquid comets slamming into the glass in slow motion, and then it all stopped and resting in his hand was a letter addressed to him in this very room in a peach colored envelope. “It can’t be,” Ethan spoke quietly as he opened the letter precariously and pulled out the parchment.

Dear Ethan Miller, Congratulations you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people (or Maggies that normies call us) have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.

Your Homeroom Teacher, Ms. Monik Maglon

When he finished reading, Ethan looked up and watched in awe as the world around him started to melt away like an old oil painting only to be quickly replaced by sand beneath his feet, the sound of an ocean behind his back, a stone staircase leading up the hill facing in front of him, and above him the sky was nearly clear with but a few clouds. It felt warm and quite save for the ocean, and as he looked up, he looked in amazement at the yellow Sun and the blue Sun shining their light into the morning sky. In the next moment, he watched as other individuals blinked into existence.


One Hundred Years Before Its Unification

When the dome of light faded, one of the few individuals that emerged from it was a short figure clad in black robes and armoured with obsidian glass half-plate. In the figure’s right hand was a long metal pole tipped with an obsidian glass halberd head. The figure’s face was obscured by a helmet of the same material as the rest of the armour. The skirt of the obsidian-clad woman swayed in the wind above her legs. Much like the rest of her body, they were encased as well in obsidian plating.

Surrounding the woman were numerous sheets of obsidian glass, floating and on standby at her bidding. Each panel of glass reflected each of the members of said group, all with their focus on the otherworldly behemoth before them. The glass-armoured maiden readied her stance, halberd gripped onto tightly and the mirrors moving to surround the group, ready to shield its members.

With each spell recited, and with each act of fury shown by the behemoth, the glass-armoured maiden didn’t lose focus. Every crack in her defences immediately fixed itself as her mind battled with every negative sensation instigated by the monster she faced. She knew she had to be ready, come what may.

However, before she knew it, the beast was no longer there, but within the confines of the wooden box surrounded by rapidly aged priests and priestesses.

EARTH 2023

Niitsu Glassworks/Niitsu Family Residence

4:55am glared red from Leonora Niitsu’s bedside table clock, casting a soft red glow on her fair face. Her hair surrounded her head like a typhoon, curls and frizz akin to an ominous storm cloud against the white pillowcase. She’d forgotten to take off her glasses again, her round wire frames sitting in the nest of hair. The young woman sat up with a yawn, stretching her arms above her until she felt a satisfying pop in her joints, eliciting a smile of contentment.

Already, the morning birdsong began to echo through the empty streets, it’s sound making its way to Leonora who’s tucked into her futon and blankets. The room’s air conditioning halted its humming as it beeped, signalling the timer going off. The natural warmth that came with summer mornings and evenings filled the room and the artificial chill was chased away. Leonora mentally debated whether she should get up and get to work, or spend the day swathed in comfort and sleep, or even practice trumpet and pester her little brother next door with trumpet covers of his least favourite songs.

In the end, Leonora chose to make marbles at her mini glassmithing station in her room to keep her occupied until the rest of her family rouses from their slumber. Stationed at her desk, she idly twirled a thin coloured glass rod. It was a deep red, but had flecks of dark purple under her desk lamp. Leonora placed it in front of her before reaching for another colour. This time the rod was a clear with bright blue, bordering on white, marbling.

Thanks to her indecisiveness, Leonora made two marbles with each rod that morning instead of settling with strictly one colour. Two new marbles, one red and one clear with white-blue streaks, sat at her desk, gleaming as it caught the dawn’s light.

Summer days and the Niitsu family were always equating to grumbling. With the heat of the furnaces licking at their skin, the Niitsus worked with a focused scowl as they forged the molten glass. That particular day was wealthy with sunshine. Gold light streamed through the windows of the workshop of Niitsu Glassworks, making the polished concrete floor gleam. The voice of Paul Anka filled the large room and mingled with the gregarious voices of the Niitsus, the family’s young teens to elderly aiding each other in the next season’s set of creations. Leonora was among them, working solo. Headphones donned, Leonora hummed to the tune of her own music as she moved with ease, handling a blob of molten glass on her blowpipe. Years of training since childhood shown through her relaxed stance and various burn marks on her exposed arms. Her skin was covered in a light sheen of sweat but it didn’t seem to faze the young woman, eyes and heart fixated on her current project, the last one of the day. In no time, the blob was transformed into an ornate pitcher, marking the end of a day’s work for Leonora.

“I’m gonna take a nap!” Leonora shouted cheerily over the mix clamouring and blaring music of the family workshop, blowpipe in hand. No one turned their heads but Leonora’s younger brother, Leonardo Niitsu, who stuck out his tongue at his older sister.

“We get it, you’re little miss perfect glassmith!” He replied with a sarcastic drawl. This brief interaction drew Leonardo’s attention away from his work. A yelp came from his lips as his arms touched the entry of the furnace.

‘tang ina!

“Oi!” Now heads were turned, especially Mrs. Niitsu, fury on her face. “Anak! Language!”

Leonora muffled her incoming laughter, pressing her lips into a line as she exited the workshop. Passing through the Niitsu Glassworks shopfront and into the back, Leonora ascended the stairs into the Niitsu residence, an apartment above the workshop. She made a beeline for her room, grabbing a mandarin on her way through the kitchen.

Leonora laid down on the floor in front of her balcony door—a glass sliding door that allowed her a view of the city but most particularly, the jacaranda tree in front of her balcony. Its purple blossoms filled the canopy, heralding the peak of summer. With a socked foot, Leonora slid the door open, feeling a cool breeze enter her room. With the breeze came jacaranda flowers, some landing on her balcony and just beyond the threshold into her room.

The perks of being a dropout, Leonora would think as she lied there on her carpeted floor, a daily ritual since leaving university. Two years ago she’d be stressing over a report about Gestalt theory and wabi-sabi, feeling as if it was the end of the world. But now, Leonora felt like she had all the time in the world. It was a joyful time in the beginning, but now, Leonora felt the regret surfacing, looking back at her very relaxed days. To this, she grimaced. There was no way she argued with her family for a long time to drop out. Fine Arts wasn’t definitely for her, but Leonora knew she wasn’t good at anything else. All her life, art was involved. It was her family tradition. A part of her sought for something more, but Leonora wasn’t able to put a finger on it.

Leonora sighed at this train of thought, taking her glasses off to pinch the bridge of her nose.
’to-san did say I’ve always been indecisive,’ Leonora thought with a huff, returning her glasses back on her face.

In that moment, a strong breeze rushed into Leonora’s room, and a flurry of jacaranda blossoms danced their way inside. As the purple storm entered the room, time came to an almost standstill. Leonora’s jaw dropped, and marvelled at the same time at the beautiful sight before her—raining purple blossoms with the golden afternoon light peering through.

Just noticing a weight in her hand, Leonora held onto the object and lifted it up. It was an envelope.

‘Is this..?’ Leonora held that thought, opening it and unfolding the letter inside.

Dear Leonora Niitsu,
Congratulations, you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people (or Maggies that normies call us) have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.


The world before Leonora melted away. The rough carpet underneath morphed into warm sand, granules tickling at her neck. Leonora sat up with a perplexed gasp at the scenery before her, and pinched herself, thinking she’d fallen asleep on the floor.

She definitely wasn’t napping.
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One Hundred Years Before Its Unification

As the dome of light disappeared, a warrior clad in silver armor stood amongst the group. His shining silver armor was decorated with various streaks of blue lightning and paired with a brilliant blue cloth that cascaded down from light plated fauld. Two bright electricfied orbs could be seen under the winged helmet whilst lightning danced around him. The warrior held his hand towards the sky and within seconds a massive explosion of thunder rolled across the land, his his other hand, lightning crackled and took the form of a sword made of pure lightning and energy.

Lightning crackled across the sky and the warrior stood ready to rain down the wrath of the heavens upon the eldritch horror, the palm that was held to the sky dancing with brilliant blue lighting. As he looked forward to strike, he soon realized the monster was no longer there, all that stood in its place was a wooden box surrounded by priests and priestesses who seemed to have aged decades in only a few seconds.

New York City, New York
Gabby’s Tech Stop

Earth 2023

*beep beep beep beep be….* A hand rose from the blue duvet and slammed it down on to the screeching alarm clock. A sigh filled the small room as Ian pulled the cover off his head to stare at the ceiling. He stared at the water marks on the ceiling of his cheap apartment before forcing himself to get up from the warmth of his bed. Ian hissed as his feet touched the cold wooden floor and he stood up making sure to stretch “another day” he mumbled scratching his head before walking to the bathroom. After doing his morning routine, he grabbed a piece of slightly burnt toast from his broken toaster and headed out the door, making sure to lock the door behind him “way too many break-ins recently” he said to himself, locking both the top and bottom locks.

He walked out into the street and was greeted with the sun blaring down on him, making him raise a hand to shield his face. Ian began walking down the street eating his burnt toast only to have someone bump into him causing his toast to fall out his hand and into the street “just great” he said, staring at the toast that had just gotten ran over by a taxi going way over the speed limit. The nineteen year old sighed and continued his walk to work

~a little later~

A normal day in the city, streets bustling with sound, colors and lights, all whilst Ian sat at the stool in a little shop he called his job. He sat, his head resting on his palm in annoyance, listening to a lady drone on and on about her computer “it won’t turn on, it won’t charge, I can’t afford to buy a new computer ” she all but screamed in his face, speaking as if it was the end of the world. Ian sighed and took the computer into his hands before looking it over, his magic automatically activating without him knowing which allowed him to see the electrical pathways inside the computer ‘nothing wrong with the computer’ he thought to himself before his eyes trailed over to the charger that sat on the counter next to the yelling lady. He squinted slightly while looking at the chord and could see that there was a short in it causing it not to function properly. “Are you going to do something?” The woman screamed causing Ian to look up sharply with a frown painted on his face. The lady gulped and took a step back which earned a small chuckle from the 19 year old. “Ma’am” he started while picking up the cord, “you have a short in your charger, the computer is perfectly fine you just need a new cord” he sighed picking both the laptop and charger up before handing it to her “if you head right over there, Gabby can help you find a new charger that will work for your laptop” he finished, forcing a smile on his face. The lady scoffed and turned, her high heels clicking across the floor angrily. “Don’t you just love New York” Ian mumbled while rolling his eyes before standing up from his stool with a big stretch.

He walked into the break room and opened the fridge where he had stashed a energy drink incase the three hours of sleep he had the night before came creeping up on him, “I really need to make a doctors appointment for insomnia” he mumbled, opening the can and taking a large gulp followed by a refreshing sigh as the cold liquid hit his empty stomach. He closed the fridge and began to walk towards the door when something caught his attention, the clock on the wall had stopped its rather loud ticking and was now stuck at the six thirty mark. “Huh?” He asked but then noticed that it was oddly quiet in the usually loud shop. Before he could exit the door to see what was going on, a strong breeze swirled around the room which was weird seeing as there were no windows. “what the..” he stopped in his tracks when he felt the coldness of the can in his hand disappear and was replaced with a envelope . He looked down to notice an envelope had replaced his can and he looked on in shock, “ok so I really need to make that doctors appointment” he started before opening the letter….

Dear Killian Greysol, Congratulations you have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people (or Maggies that normies call us) have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.

Maggies?” He question before stumbling backwards as the world began to fade away, the room seemed to spin and contort itself until Ian was no longer standing in the break room of his job, now he was standing on a beautiful beach with the sun beating down causing him to break out in a small sweat before pulling his beanie off. “Am I going crazy?” He asked as he turned around only to be greeted by faces that seemed just as confused as he was.

The blood-red knight reached behind his right shoulder to put his tablet into his knapsack before kneeling upon the ground, absorbing his sword back into his shifting glove and felt the warm sand, his helmeted face was looking up though at the still open portal in the night sky, and then looked back at his compatriots. “We’ve been through this before, remember the plan. Leonora, the God that comes through next, use your glass to shred it. Killian, it’s up to you to fight the minions, and me? I have to grab the box...” Almost as soon as the knight finished speaking to the Obsidian wearing woman on his left, and the stormbringer on his right, the ground began to rumble and quake as humanoid green monsters flew out of the portal, each with their own high pitched screaming noises so loud that Leonora’s glass shield cracked but once more repaired itself.


“Hold...,” The armored Ethan said quiet enough for the both of them to hear as they watched the dozens of demi-goblins turn into fifty, and then one hundred and some of them started for the torn up tent going for the cracked wooden box, the rapidly aging priests and priestess would be too slow to put up their own defenses so once the glass shield came down Ethan made a mad dash. Running through the wind sweeping sand, he re-formed his blood sword and as one of the goblins began towards him with black claws outstretched he yo-yoed his sword straight through the beast and then brought the sword back to him, and he did the same to a couple more before reaching the tent and fell on his chest atop the box. He sucked in a lung-full of air and then exhaled, his blood armor ballooning and shooting outwards as his own shield but with tendrils that stayed connected to his body, protecting himself, the box and the priests within.

His helmeted face looked at each of the occupants of the tent, who were each dazed and confused, and scared as well but were tired beyond belief. “So,” Ethan started as the demo-goblins started scratching away at the clotted shield, “you guys must be our magic bearing ancestors? How’s that working out for you?” He asked jokingly.

Outside things were getting a little dicey as the piles of sand covered hills began to lower, ground beneath them beginning to part in preparation for the elder god that came next, which began as two pale white skeletal hands reaching down towards the ground, fingers black as coal and bent like the legs of spiders. Slowly they began to descend, taking up a majority of the portal to wherever this hell beast had originated from.


Back in the tent, Ethan reached behind him for his rucksack and pulled out a thin golden coin and held it up to where his mouth would be. “Commune,” he whispered into it and the surface began to ripple like a body of water that had been disturbed, “Professor Maglon, we have the box and we’re getting ready to close the portal. How are things on your end?” The coin was still for a few moments before it began to ripple rhythmically as if sound was coming out of it, “Not great? We’ll join the club when Professor Pero ports us back, until then: Make the Followers Of Thoth bleed!”

Ethan completed his transmission before looking up at the priests, some of whom were eyeing him as if they were hungry for any kind of nourishment and energy. “That was my homeroom teacher,” Ethan told them while looking up at the gaggle of Demi-Goblins stupidly still trying to attack his blood-dome. “She’s a pretty cool lady, a bit strict though, but you guys would like her. I’ll tell her you said hi.” It was then that he looked up again and a surge of electrical energy from Killian took out the annoying Demi-Goblins, “See you guys later,” and he absorbed the blood dome back into him before running with the wooden crate back to their original position, the Eldritch God’s super disgusting severed arms were laying in a heap nearby as both Leonora and Killian were both laying down covering fire. Minutes passed by and in united enochian the three of them managed to close the rift before getting ported away, leaving quite the scene behind them.


Almost the very second that Ethan and the others had been magically transported into the Immortal Hills, strange things began to happen out in the real world, for example in Ethan’s classroom right where he once stood, an ethereal portal into darkness opened up, not even enough time could pass for the students and instructor to process this.


Where the Pyramids of Giza now sit planted into the bedrock of the nation, tourists visiting the sight get first glimpse and sensation of the ground shaking, causing rocky rubble to shift along the Pyramids.


At the ancient Agora of Athens, there are cracks and crevices in the marble that begin to vibrate and a white light is just beginning to glow as tourists walk it’s halls...


Located at the Glaston Abbey, the burial site of King Arthur, the hallowed ground in which he slumbers begins to give way like a growing sinkhole...


In the entire city of Berlin, there were sigils built into the roads by the Thule Society for a coming war structured into a ninety degree street and two intersections, and the electronics everywhere along this section just now begin to glitch.



Six feet underground at the Dalles Texas National Cemetary, the visitors are completely unaware of the first stirrings and awakening of the hundreds of dead soldiers.


Deep in the foundation of Stone Temple Baptist Church, something begins to stir awake as the concrete begins to vibrate...


Ethan spun about as several young adults started to materialize around him, and he prepared himself to be caught off guard by the sound and scent of their bloodstreams, and when it slammed into him like a freight train he growled and doubled over clutching his stomach trying to push away the anxiety. The crystal clear water of the ocean pushed a small wave into his back, coating him in the foreign waters that he realized all too late was frigid and cold, forcing him back onto his feet in both emotional and physical pain. He didn’t pay any attention to the mumblings of the others but then he saw the marble stone steps that led upwards and out of this predicament, he looked left and then right and saw naught of another way to go, but he did notice a strange looking lighthouse off in the distance.

“Only one way to go but up,” He suggested to the others through the pain, trying to get ahold of himself, trying to do his breathing exercises like he was told, then realized that his noise cancelling headphones were still on his person. “Hell yeah!” he whooped happily before sliding them on and he began to ascend, and then the sights hit him so hard he just stood there taking it all in. Off and up one long and winding path was a structure of blue stone several stories tall, but was too small to be a school for the hundred of students who had almost literally washed up on the beach.

In the other direction was an orchard of presumably fruit trees and toiling about and picking the fruit into handwoven baskets were these most beautiful looking greenish bluish skinned beings, the males were well over six feet while the females were roughly five foot, and the adorable children were close to three feet, though it was hard to tell with them zipping about the place.


Some of them stopped their work to look over at the new people and waved, Ethan noticed that they only had three fingers and a thumb, and a lot of them were skinny, at least by human standards. He was one of the first to wave back before turning back to the crowd of newcomers, “What is this place?” He asked in wonderment to nobody in particular before turning back around to see one of the females coming towards them, and the closer she got he could tell that her eyes were a pure green and she sported a wide smile. Ethan almost felt his anxiety wash away and was overcome with the idea to take off his headphones as she started to speak.

“ Ell’ho veryon’ee, elcom’we er’he o’ur omelan’hd, ssum’ae o’yu e’nw tudent’ss h’te niversit’uy? Tell’sa,” She spoke excitedly, and looked upon each of them with wonder, when she said Tell’sa, she motioned to herself as if that were her name, and her facial expression changed to one of hope that they might figure out and understand her.
Ethan looked around the woman at the others who had hung back and watched this woman engage with what he would think were strange invaders on their home turf, but when she spoke and motioned to herself he was smart enough to know that she was saying her name.

“Tell’sa, hello,” He said and brought out his hand to be shaken, he tried to show her what to do, but somehow she was ready for it, “oh okay, I am Ethan Miller from Seattle. Can you tell us where we are and how to get to this place?” he asked her, showing her the name of the university on his letter. He had to get kind of close to her and realized something interesting: He didn’t sense her blood. For the first time in forever his powers didn’t work on another living soul, and he found a tinge of happiness.

“E’ys, h’te niversit’uy,” she nodded and pointed towards the north, of which their was a cobbled road just beginning beyond the dirt path that they were on, "ollo’fw ha’tt oa’rd o’fr e’fw inute’ms n’ad o’yu Il’wl tar’st e’se on’oe u’yu eac’rh h’te it’cy ron’Tt. op'He o’yu af’se ravel’ts!”

Somewhere in The Immortal Hills there exists a room with only one occupant and no furnishings or nourishment, no light, and no hope, it is a prison made for one man. He is chained by the wrists, ankles, waist, and neck by interwoven locks with runic symbols running the lengths of the chains, he is suspended above a single golden tipped spike that while is already digging into his flesh, if he were to drop it would certainly impale him. Surrounding this spike is a lake of magical fire that would destroy what was left of his soul should he avoid the spike, and there is only one way out, a set of doors that are locked 24 different ways.


The emaciated frame, long black hair that hasn’t been washed in eternity, and the long blackened fingernails are what point out at the man, and as he has done every moment since his imprisonment, he scratches away at one of the runic symbols until it’s light starts to falter and for a moment his eyes flicker a heavy dark red before returning to normal.
“They’re here...” He speaks with a smile.


The glass-donned maiden stared up silently at the rift in the sky, watching how it loomed over them with promise for more untold horrors. Her gaze met her comrade in red as he went over their plan of action briefly. She listened, and nodded in acknowledgement when he finished. A grim smile formed under her helm as she returned her gaze to the portal. The ground began to shake and out poured masses of winged monsters from the portal. She felt their screeches piercing into the glass, but her shields repaired themselves before anything could fall.

“Y’know, could’a save yourself some breath and called me ‘Leo,’ Eth,” the woman in black said in a solemn tone, but playfulness was laced in her voice. “But roger that.”

Still in her stance, she waited for the knight’s cue.

“Give ‘em hell, Kil-Bill,” said Leonora, giving the stormbringer a two-fingered salute before she outstretched her free arm, the shields dismantling and immediately taking off towards the portal. The sand in front of her melted and transformed into another pane of glass. The obsidian sorceress stepped into the glass, the surface rippling like water, and dropped below.

She emerged out of one of the many glass panels in the sky, landing on another, and watched as a pair of gargantuan hands emerged from the portal.

‘Oh no you don’t,’ she thought as she sped towards one hand. Detecting her presence, one of the hands swiped at her darting figure and entourage of glass panes. Effortlessly, she leapt off of the pane she was on, passing through another pane of glass. Most of them were shattered by the hands’ dark fingers, but one pane survived, flying up above the said hand. Out came the obsidian sorceress, arm outstretched, and stone tablet in another.

“Gisg Don Un Drux Fam Tal Van Gisg Graph!” She bellowed, and the tablet lit up, a beam of energy shooting from the tablet to the hand’s wrist. A large chunk of the hand began to turn, the gleam of the glass shining back at the sorceress instead of skin. She tossed her tablet into a pane of glass as she landed on the hand, the tablet disappearing into it and unlatched her tungsten staff from her back. She raised it above her head and with a war cry, the sorceress swung down. Mid-swing, an obsidian war hammer head formed, and broke the glass on impact. Webs of cracks spread through the glass section of the hand. Thanks to the large fracture and weight, the hand broke off from the arm of the god, landing on the sand with a loud boom.

As the sorceress jumped into another pane of glass, emerging above another above the other arm, a thought occurred to her. ‘Oh, wait, he said “shred,” not “shatter,” idiot,’ the sorceress thought, and laughed to herself. ‘Right, there’s still another arm.’

As the sorceress was free falling from the pane, she stretched her arms at the side, bringing her mind into a state of focus despite barrelling towards the hand, about to grab her. More large panes of obsidian glass formed around her, and even more from the sand below. As the hand almost encloses around her figure, she exhaled and thrusted her hands forward. The glass snaps into attention and rushed at the hand, slicing through flesh and bone cleanly, allowing Leonora a clear way towards another pane of glass on the other side. She entered through, and emerged out of a pane of glass hovering above the half-crystalline hand.

‘Let’s finish the job before I get a bloody earful,’ she thought, and swung her free arm, the rest of the panes catching up and piercing through the flesh of the first hand. The crystallised portions of the god’s arm were hit with swings of Leonora’s obsidian and tungsten war hammer. Eventually, piles of broken glass and torn-up flesh were left in the wake of Leonora’s attacks. Minutes passed by and in united enochian the three of them managed to close the rift before getting ported away, leaving quite the scene behind them.

EARTH 2023

Almost the very second that Ethan and the others had been magically transported into the Immortal Hills, strange things began to happen out in the real world.

The canopy of purple jacaranda that shielded Leonora’s street withered in a matter of minutes and so did the rest of the plants in her neighbourhood, the ancient trees groaning.


Leonora pulled herself up from the sand, dusting granules off of her stockings and her oversized varsity jacket. She observed her surroundings. The crowd on the beach were all made up of people her age. All sported perplexed looks, glancing at each other in search for answers.

A sound drew in Leonora’s attention. She turned her gaze to a young man, who doubled over in pain. But before she could react, he got ahold of himself and suggested the rest of the crowd down the only visible path out of the beach. Leonora wordlessly followed, but released a gasp at the sight she beheld after ascending the steps.

Before Leonora was tempted into wandering off to explore, she noticed the same guy, now sporting headphones, interacting with an otherworldly-looking being. Seeing the friendliness, any sense of alarm dissipated. Instead, Leonora watched the exchange, fascinated with how the female being spoke. He seemed to understand her just fine, and even managed to get directions. Leonora scratched her head in confusion, not being able to wrap her head around the being’s manner of speaking. After the exchange, the group was on the move, with Ethan leading.

Leonora, curious about the beings, but not wanting to be left behind, caught up to Ethan and walked next to him.

“Hey, mate! Good on you for back there. Now we’re not completely lost, and, y’know, yeah,” Leonora said, in her usually animated manner. “Leonora, by the way! But Leo’s fine. Ethan, right? How’d you understand her?”
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Killian frowned at the use of his first name but still nodded in agreement. He watched as the green creatures poured from the portal and couldn’t help but to smile under the helmet “oh this will be fun, it’s ketchup man to the rescue” he snorted as the blood red clad man ran forward probably ignoring the comment. The sword in his hand disappeared in a flash of light and Ian held his hands out to each side of him, lightning crackled from his hands to the ground and slowly he began to rise until he was several feet above the obsidian clad woman. He was about to call out to her but was stopped as she saluted him and then charged into battle, the lighting mage laughed thinking of the irony “here we are, trying to save the world and still finding time to make jokes” he shook his head and looked to the sky.

He held a hand up and summoned lightning to crash down from the clouds above, illuminating his body in dazzling blue energy that crackled with life. His armor took on a new appearance, lighting formed a blue mane that flowed from his armor like electrified hair and wings made of lighting formed on his back that flapped harshly against the wind. With a swipe of his hand, waves of electrical energy filtered through the field, precisely impaling a large group of the winged creatures that stood in front of Ethan as the Hemancer ran forward cutting down his own path. “now for the real fun” he said before he began chanting a spell that he had been waiting to use, a stone tablet materializing in his hand before he spoke. “Veh Un Gisg Un Veh Ur Gon Fam Tal” he shouted in the ancient language known as Enochian as he tilted his head back towards the battlefield and thrusted his right hand downward towards the horde of flying demons as the tablet gleamed in bright white light. The sky ripped opened with a deafening crack and lightning rained down in every direction like millions of blue arrows , ripping through hordes like scissors to paper. Killian laughed heartily as he weaved the lightning through the battlefield like a conductor directs an orchestra, making sure avoid Ethan and Leo. “I probably shouldn’t be enjoying it this much” he grinned under the helmet whilst swinging his hand down, summoning another lightning bolt from the heavens.

To his right, hundreds of the creatures bounded towards him , some running across the ground and some flying. “But ohhh is it fun” he grinned, turning to face the oncoming onslaught while raising one of his arms. Lightning crackled to life in his palm and then formed into a ball that hummed dangerously as it charged to its maximum capacity. It sounded like a million lightning bolts all striking at the same time, then the noise quieted to sound like a thousand birds chirping, then to the sound of insects until it was completely quiet. A ominous silence fell over the battle field and the only sound that could be heard was the calm and collected voice of Ian that held back his excitement” I never get to go all out” his voice echoed, excitement filling his every word “Rail Gun” he shouted and the ball of lightning released an amazing stream of blue and purple lightning that all but incinerated the flying demons. Killian laughed as the beam slowly dissipated and he could see his handiwork, a split in the earth as far as the eye could see “hm guess I could’ve held back” he shrugged and turned his attention to where his team was making their way to the rift in an attempt to close it

Joining his group, the three, using their combined strength, casted a spell in Enochian that managed to close the rift right before they were ported away from the location, leaving the battlefield in a horrid state.

New York City
Earth 2023
Gabby’s Tech Shop

Not even a second after Ian was magically transported to The Immortal Hills, the tech shop where he worked lost power but it didn’t stop there. First it was the building, then the whole block, and within minutes the entire city was dark. Televisions and phones alike were rendered useless, it wasn’t long until the city descended into chaos.

The Immortal Hills

There wasn’t a lot in the world that could faze Killain, in fact he prided himself on being pretty much cool in any situation. This little nagging feeling told him he wasn’t in the world anymore, at least not his world. “Ok so I woke up this morning” he stood from the sand and dusted himself off, pulling his beanie off in an effort to whipe the sweat that had begun to fall from his forehead and he couldn’t tell whether it was from the heat or the stress of the whole situation. he started retracting his steps to make sure he wasn’t going crazy “I walked to work, lost my toast, helped some rude lady before break” he kept going and then balled his face up slightly “then the clock was acting weird, then the letter” he looked around and the beach that held other people that looked to be around his age. He watched as some kid doubled over in pain before pulling out a pair of headphones, cheering, and then putting them on before walking down the only viable path “um ok” he questioned raising an eyebrow before shaking his head in defeat

Killian sighed and dusted the rest of the sand off his clothes, stuffing the hat in his pocket, he decided to follow the headphone guy and the smaller girl with glasses that seemed to have the same idea. When he finally caught up with the headphone guy, he now knew was Ethan, he was talking to some human looking creature that was a beautiful shade of blueish-green. Their speech was…weird to say the least but Ian’s brain slowly began to process her words and he simply followed quietly while listening to Ethan and the female who introduced herself as Tell’Sa. Killian was pretty sure her name translated to Stella in a normal speech but honestly didn’t want to ask, there was enough questions swirling in his brain and he honestly didn’t want to add ‘asking weird but oddly really nice blue girl how you pronounce her name correctly’ to the list of questions that was steadily growing in his head.

Not paying attention he noticed that Ethan and the girl with glasses had walked way farther up and he had to break out into a literal jog just to catch up with them. “Hey uh” he started wincing slightly realizing he had probably just interrupted their conversation “I’m Ian” he said giving a small smile that soon faded “are you guys just as confused as I am?” He asked gesturing to well… everything.


Dozens of burned up Demi-Goblin bodies littered the village and surrounding area, people were milling about trying to make sense of the insanity, some of them looking up at the stars and crying, asking in their native tongue why the gods had tortured them so. None of them aware that the next generation would begin to base their faith system on their parents’ stories, a few slightly more level headed villagers made their way to the torn up elder tent and were shocked at seeing their leaders look in a way that would later lead to the embalming process. They began to carry their dying bodies two men to a person outside and respectfully laid cloth over them for respect and began to pray, not to the demons that had nearly shredded their minds, but to the beings who rescued them from their plight.

There was an elderly man watching all of this unfold and looked about at the unearthly carnage and went into his domicile to retrieve his writing tablet and began to make an account for this night. His first hand account would later be discovered by modern day archeologists, though they would end up misinterpret a lot of it, especially one of them being Anti-Magic, he would go on to present his findings to like-minded people and form the hate group Humanity Forever.

A group that was actually extremely proactive in targeting magic users by using magic users against their own kind. They would use the blood from the severed hands of Egybr’mu to scry locations of “newborn” magical users and use lethal force to hunt them down like rabid dogs, unfeeling towards their previously human brothers and sisters. One such hunt would later on be picked up by news outlets across the globe.




“Hang on buddy, we’re almost there!” a man’s voice echoed in the distance, but it sounded like it was miles away, beyond all the dark red in Ethan’s vision, everything was red and the smell of iron was overpowering and almost singular. “You’re ok sweetheart, we’re here...” This time a woman’s voice and a woman’s touch, but to him he could feel naught but the blood coursing rapidly through her veins, ever present in his ears was the screams of pumping hearts. Two in the car with him were the loudest, but in the cars that sped past they were like gunshots right up against his ears, “It hurts! It hurts so much!” he screamed in pain, but his voice to him was drowned out everything else, making him feel so very insignificant.

His father was trying to race them to the hospital, it was all so sudden, one second they were having a family outing to the mall, and now they were here, his father looked terrified over at his mother before exchanging a knowing look. When he returned his attention to the road however, everyone was starting to slow down as they passed an on ramp and several black, identical SUVs swerved into the traffic ahead of them and stopped their vehicles, blocking traffic.

“What the Hell is this?” Ethan’s dad asked nobody in a mix of terror and anger, in the backseat curled up in a fetal position, Ethan began to hyperventilate as the smell of fear in their blood rose to new heights. Outside, all the doors to the SUVs opened simultaneously and like a scene from a war movie piled out


In a uniform motion, the stormtrooper-esque soldiers began sweeping car to car with high powered weaponry and were almost to Ethan’s family when everything just washed away from Ethan leaving only instinct. He hopped out of the minivan and started towards the first one who began to raise his gun, but with eyes red with bloody possessed rage he stopped the man’s heart dead in his tracks, then as the next guy could do nothing but watch as his compatriot fell to the ground. To his side one of the soldiers raised his gun to Ethan’s head, but with a sideways glance Ethan dropped him by sucking all the man’s blood to the outside of his body, some of it leaking out of his suit as he falls down.

Two soldiers this time who didn’t hesitate to shoot, the bullets hitting him in the shoulder and the chest, but not before they were merely flesh wounds stopped small walls of heavily coagulated blood. This blood brained Ethan outstretched his hand and behind him two more soldiers appeared to flank him, but he just smirked as he absentmindedly in pure bloodlust brought several bodies worth of blood towards the palm of his hand and watched as it exploded into blood spikes, penetrating their armor and impaling them before returning to liquid state. Then what happened?

His blood lust began to disapate, it was like an onrush of adrenaline and he was feeling the after-effects of it all, he looked around at the drivers of the other cars and noticed they weren’t doing anything, in fact their eyes had glazed over. “No,” he spoke groggily, “no, mom and dad,” he remembered and spun around, and fell to his knees at the sight of their bloodstained bodies, he screamed upwards wordlessly and stayed there in disbelief for what seemed like hours. It was really only a few minutes and then got back on his feet and started to walk away after barely getting himself together, what was he going to do now, where would he go?

Most important question though was what had he become, monster or magician? He heard police sirens off in the distance growing louder and nearer so he took off at a jog onto the on-ramp until there was a paved sidewalk he could walk on. Was this to be his life now, running from disasters that he had caused?
A young woman with curly bangs and kind of bushy brown hair sided up with Ethan as he had no alternative but to stroll forwards. “Hey mate!” She started to say before he found that he could the rush of blood once more and he quietly made a grimacing face, putting his noise cancelling headphones back on. “Good on you for back there, now we’re not completely lost.” Her words sounding slightly distant, “Leonora, by the way!” she said, introducing herself, which Ethan could hear slightly so he nodded in acknowledgement. “Leo’s fine, Ethan right? How’d you understand her?”

Before he could chance a response though, a young African American man sporting a grey beanie managed to jog up to them. “Hey uh...” Ethan looked back at him, but otherwise continued onwards, “I’m Ian, are you guys just as confused as I am?” Ethan shook his head at this and showed him the letter that he had received just minutes ago in what was now the real world and this a substitute.

“Did you guys get letters too?” He asked the both of them, he looked off in the distance towards the west at a beautiful snowcapped mountain range separated by a verdant valley, and some of the blueish green individuals like Tell’sa were hearding a few dozen brown scaley goat-like creatures that were grazing upon the grass.



“To answer your question, Leo,” Ethan started back up again and returned his attention to the two of them, “I didn’t understand her fully, but I recognized a few words and inferred the rest, the university should be in this direction. By the way, I sense an accent on both of you, where are you from?”

Summer, 2013
Melbourne, Australia

That day was like any other. The sun continued to beat down on the city of Melbourne, reaching temperatures above 40 degrees celsius, most particularly the old classroom Leonora and her classmates occupied. The young Leonora sat next to a young boy her age, the two of them equally meek as they stared down at their containers of food, eating quietly while the rest of their classmates chatted and laughed amongst each other, the humming of the fans merging with the sound. A sketchbook sat open next to Leonora’s container, vibrant illustrations almost jumping out of the off-white page. Broken crayons were sprawled across the table as well as other stationary the young girl had used prior to drawing. Leonora was deep in her thoughts as she planned out what to draw next. Another flower? Should I draw Robin? Or should I draw Sailor Moon?

As Leonora pondered over this, a small gaggle of kids approached their once-isolated table with sneers. Leonora ignored them, but the young boy next to her, Robin, looked up from his food. He gulped, knowing what’s coming next.

“What’re you guys eating?” One of them, who seemed to be the leader, asked with faux curiosity. Robin looked down, quiet. Leonora answered without giving the leader a glance, and said,

“Natto, rice, and fried fish.”

“That looks like throw up.”

“Smells gross!”

Robin firmly pressed his lips together, glancing at Leonora who glanced up from her food, looking at them, unimpressed.

“Yeah? That plastic as crap cheese you’re eating looks like it came out of your toilet,” she replied with a cold tone, her glare unflinching. “Can’t afford real food? Times must be tough.”

The gaggle of kids growled at Leonora, one of them approaching her and yanking at her long hair. Leonora yelped as the action sent a sharp sting in her scalp. The kid kept pulling, dragging the young girl off of her chair. Robin got up from his chair, fear on his face.

“Leo!” He exclaimed, rushing over in attempts to wrestle her locks away from their bullies. “Stop it!”

“Nah, she deserves it,” the leader spat. The other kids in the classroom turned a blind eye to the ongoings. The teacher’s desk was empty, Leonora and Robin left to the bullies’ mercy.

Another sharp pull came from the kid, dragging Leonora across the carpeted floor. She felt tears threatening to spill out as the pain on her scalp grew. Another kid went up to Leonora brandishing scissors and a menacing grin.

“You don’t deserve pretty hair,” she commented, thrusting her hand out and cut a large lock of hair right off. It wasn’t the end of it. More of the group joined, cutting at Leonora’s hair until it was short and shaggy—a poorly done buzz cut. Robin’s attempts of pulling them away were futile. He was too small compared to their lumbering figures. To top it all off, they took Leonora’s and Robin’s lunchboxes and pitched it at Leonora, the containers smacking into her face and food flying everywhere.

“Mrs. Denton’s already sick of you failing class all the time, she wouldn’t care,” the young girl who’s cut Leonora’s hair first said, an arrogant grin on her face. “Little Leonora is too dumb for school and our country.”

Leonora clenched both of her fists, nails digging into the carpet as her shoulders trembled. Hot-white anger coursed through her, more unsaid insults and screams trapped painfully in her heart. By that time, her tears dribbled down her cheeks, dripping onto the carpet as her eyes burned.

To no one but Leonora, a sound began to become noticeable in the background. She could hear a subtle crack, and even a drawn out high pitched ring, like vibrating glass. A gut feeling tugged at her, fuelled by her anger.

It all happened in a second.

The windows behind her shattered, and rained down towards her and her bullies. They couldn’t scream before large shards pierced into them, pinning their bodies to the floor, eyes wide and mouths open in a silent scream. Blood gushed out of their wounds, spurting out from where the glass hand pierced them. A pool of red quickly formed below them, reaching Leonora and staining the white skirt she was wearing that day.

A moment of silence passed before the class erupted into chaotic screams, everyone either running around or panicking in their places.

Leonora turned fully, seeing bodies and tall glass shards pinning them down akin to a butterfly pinned and framed in the museums she’d been to. This macabre display made her heart drop as she scrambled away, back hitting the wall below the broken windows.


A wet gasp and cough caught her attention. Leonora was too scared to look, but she did, eyes averted to her dear friend. He was on the ground, a large glass shard pierced into his chest. Blood flowed from his chest and mouth, eyes teary and wide with fear.


“Robin?” Leonora gasped, scrambling from the floor to her beloved friend as the life faded from his eyes. “Robin!”


As Killian walked up to Leonora and Ethan, she greeted him with the same grin and wave with a just as bright ‘g’day, Ian!’ The young woman fished her letter from out of her jacket pocket, showing it to the two strangers before her who seemed to be in a similar boat.
“That I did,” she replied, pouring over the letter and its fine print once more. “Just appeared in my hand, felt like I was tripping, or something. How about you guys? I’m hella confused too, Ian.” Leonora ended with a laugh, tapping the side of her head with her now folded up letter.

“All’s swell at least, we can be confused together!” She declared. “You both sound like you’re from the States, I think? I’m Aussie, but the accent is barely there,” Leonora admitted sheepishly. “And to think over a decade of being swamped with true blue Aussies would mean earning the accent.”
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Moments after the attack force had gone through the portal, the Followers of Thoth attacked the Immortal Hills.

A large figure with shining silver armor and massive wings hovered above the defending force. The wind whistled around him, holding aloft the many blades that circled him. In his hand was a massive bow, easily taller than he was. He launched arrow after arrow into the attacking army, skewering many a Follower, never missing a shot. The wind gusted around him, protecting from any stray projectiles that might've reached him. The battle didn't seem to be going well, as the Marksman seemed to be one of the last leaders on the front lines. An attack was expected, but they weren't prepared for one of this magnitude. For years, the battle raged on, the Followers of Thoth slowly gaining the upper hand, tiring out the defenses while seeming to have endless numbers on their side.

Years turned to decades, with most of the defenders seeming to give up hope, feeling that the heroes would never return. A loud voice echoed from the attacker's back lines. "Destroy them all! None shall stop us from our objective!" The Followers of Thoth fought with renewed vigor as they realized how close they were to breaking through. The Marksman once more sheathed his bow and drew his sword, flying down to help at the crumbling front lines. He fought with a tornado of blades, cutting down anyone unfortunate enough to get close. However, he was clearly tiring out, for most of the forward defenses had fallen. He witnessed a young man take an arrow at such force that his arm was ripped clean off of his body. The poor man was immediately cut down by another Follower.

He tapped a golden coin fused into his armor. "Commune." he said. "Professor, how long until the others return? We can't hold out for much longer." He listened to the response, all the while cutting his way through the Followers of Thoth, trying to reach a strategic target. "I know time runs differently, but it's been decades. The defenses have almost completely fallen." As he said that, a large explosion detonated, taking out several buildings where defenders had been taking refuge. "The command post has just fallen. All we can do now is hope for reinforcements."

The man finally reached his target, a large demon covered in wicked spikes. "If they don't show up soon, they might just be too late." The armored man cut off the communication and rushed to fight the demon, who seemed to be one of many commanders. "Hopefully, killing the leaders can buy more time," he said to himself, leaping into battle against the massive creature.

EARTH 2023

Lacroze Residence/Lake Michigan

The alarm clock beeped sharply, jolting Daniel from his dozing. He had barely slept the night before, as the night shift at the University was always very busy and he almost never got any rest while on duty. As a campus police officer, he always had something going on, whether it be paperwork, breaking up block parties, or even making arrests. Daniel slammed the snooze button and stood up, stretching. He glanced out the window, then at the clock, realizing that he was late. "Shit. I was supposed to have met Dante earlier. I'm going to be late."

He quickly grabbed a granola bar on his way out the door, making sure to lock the door securely on his way out. He sprinted to the bus station, arriving just a little too late, barely missing the bus. "Well, shit. I'm in for a hell of a run now." He started sprinting, hoping to beat the bus to it's next stop, praying that morning traffic was bad enough for him to make it there first.

-a little while later-

The weather was the same as usual, overcast, with freezing winds coming in off the lake that managed to sneak under your coat and up your sleeves. Daniel Lacroze shivered and hustled out onto the pier, where his brother stood, waiting for him. "I was beginning to think that you wouldn't show," Dante, Daniel's older brother said.
"You know me. Never one to miss a sailing day. Love it." Daniel hopped up into his ship, a small sailboat, the kind that most people wouldn't take out onto the lake because the winds were known to be unpredictable. "Wind's feeling awfully strong today," said Dante. "You sure you want to head out?"

With a nod, Daniel untied the boat from the pier and headed out into the lake. Within minutes, he realized his lapse of judgement. It wasn't just the wind, but the waves were terrible too. He knew that he had to go back, but wanted his alone time in the wind. The waves got higher and higher, and the winds stronger and stronger, until the sail was ripped off of his boat. Daniel cursed. He couldn't make it back without the sail. He rushed over to the equipment locker and opened it up. On top of a few life jackets and an extra sail, sat a neatly sealed envelope, complete with a wax seal. Daniel ripped it open and read it quickly.

Dear Daniel Lacroze, Congratulations. You have been pre-approved for selection into The Clockmaster’s University For Magical Aptitude. Upon completion of reading this letter you shall be transported to a land beyond time and space known as The Immortal Hills. There you shall be joined by others with similar auras as yourself and go through our rigorous interview process before you are to be greeted by The Grandfather of Time, The Clockmaster himself Alus Arador. This is a boarding school, where you will learn and live and create a life for eight years in the Immortal Hills, but in reality only five minutes shall pass upon your transportation, and all educational materials will be provided for you. Once more, congratulations on your selection as only eight million people (or Maggies that normies call us) have any sort of magical aptitude. See you in a moment.

"What the hell?" Daniel read the letter slowly, trying to comprehend it while on a storm blown ship. He felt the rocking of the boat disappear as he was suddenly transported somewhere else. The sudden change from the boat to solid ground knocked him off balance and he stumbled and fell. When he got up, he saw that the sun was shining and the sky was blue, but what really told him he was elsewhere was that it was warm. He didn't need the heavy coat that he was wearing and rushed to take it off. He brushed himself off and looked around at some of the other new arrivals.

Earth 2023
Moments after he left earth, the weather changed immensely, with hurricane scale winds all around the Great Lakes Area, power outages, trees and buildings ripped from the ground.

The Immortal Hills, 3rd Age
Daniel Lacroze admired the landscape around him, all the while roasting, for he was dressed for cold weather in these warm temperatures. He noticed several people looking around in wonder, as well as a small group of people talking to a blue skinned woman that seemed to be a local. He moved a little bit closer to them, trying to see if he could pick up any of what they were saying. He heard the local say something in a language that he didn't understand, though the kid with headphones seemed to understand her perfectly. He made sure to eavesdrop in a way that didn't make it look like he was, lest they ostracize him for it. They already seemed to know each other, which seemed more than a little interesting. He shadowed them at a safe distance up the steps, following the crowd.
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Syracuse, New York
October 2014

“mommy mommy” a young boy shrieked staring at the window of a shop “can I be a superhero for Halloween” he gleamed up at the woman who simply smiled back “well of course Killian” she responded whilst guiding him to the Halloween store that had been open for the last month and a half. The pair entered the store and immediately killian ran over to a costume that held colors of blue and silver “I want this one” he exclaimed happily, bouncing up and down like a ball “all right all right calm down Ian” he laughed and picked out the costume in his size before handing it to him “awesome!!” He all but yelled in the packed store which earned him some smiles from the other moms buying their kid’s Halloween costumes.

Later that night Killian was all ready to trick or treating, donned in his Blue and silver costume with a blue book bag thrown over his shoulder “mooooooom” he exclaimed “let’s go” he ran to the front door of their house “alright alright” she laughed “Jermiah, are you coming” she called down to her eldest son from a previous marriage “please Jermy!” Killian yelled causing the older boy to roll his eyes and crack a small smile “yea I’ll go, let me go pull out a costume from the garage” he said, quickly turning to the garage door. Carmen, Killian’s mother, reached for her purse when her phone started buzzing, automatically frowning when she saw the number before answering it with a professional voice. Killian knew what this meant, he had gotten used to his mom being called into work at worst times and started to take off his costume assuming he wouldn’t get to go trick or treating.

“Whoa whoa whoa Killain, what are you doing” Jermiah said coming from the garage with a Knight costume he wore two years prior and a foam sword. Killian looked up at him and then to their mom who was speaking angrily into the phone “mom has to work” Killian said, setting his book bag on the floor. Jermiah looked to his mom who gave him a pleasing look and all the boy could do was sigh, he knew what his mother wanted and how could he refuse. “Pick that bag up my little superhero” Jermiah said, tugging on the knight costume over his shorts and t-shirt “thou must collect many a candy this fine night” he thrust the sword up, giving his best medieval impression. Killian’s face lit up as he tug the costume back on and grabbed the book bag from the floor, he ran over and hugged the older boy “Thankyou Jermy” he said, his arms holding the older boys stomach in a baby death grip. “Yea yea, let’s go before all the good candy is gone” he said, shooing the boy out the door as he gave his mother a final glance “Thankyou” she mouthed, Jermiah held his hand up and made the money gesture to which she rolled her eyes, reached into her purse and gave him fifty dollars. “Food and drinks only” she gave him a stern look to which he chuckled and scurried out the door.

Hours had passed since the boys had set off on their candy hunting adventure and it was now getting late “alright Killian, it’s getting late. We should head home and order a pizza” Jermiah said as they walked away from another driveway “aweee just a few more houses please” Killian begged “the ones on this street always give lots of candy” Jermiah sighed “fine, you got five more houses and then we are going home” he caved, and couldn’t help but to smile at the expression on the boys face “you’re the best big brother ever” he yelled before running off to another house “hey slow down” he said looking around the street before walking towards the house. Out the corner of his eye, he spotted two or three men all wearing the same costume which was some weird white military get up.

“Alright killian, it’s time to go” Jermiah said as the left the last house “aweee ok” killian booed, giving his brother a thumbs down “don’t you wanna watch scary movies, eat pizza and candy, and stay up all night” he whispered like it was a secret “can we? Can we? Can we?” Killian asked, practically jumping up and down “only if we go home” Jermiah said with a smile “then let’s go home” killian said with a smile and began running towards their house “hey slow down” Jermiah said “Killian” he yelled once the boy disappeared in the crowd of kids “crap” he mumbled and began jogging through the crowd, yelling the boys name. He felt uneasy “how did he get away so fast” he panted, out of breath. He looked up and saw more of those weird soldier guys “why are they all wearing the same costu..” he was interrupted by a scream “JERMIAH!!” A voice screamed out and then was quickly silenced. Jermiah turned his head in time to see a van pulling off, a frightened Killian being held by a man clad in white, and the door slamming shut as the van sped down the road.

“How do we do this again?” One of the men asked “the boss said most of them respond to pain” he tilted killian’s head up towards him “so we just need to inflict enough pain to make this beast reveal its true colors” the man spat, pulling out a rather large taser “please no” killian yelled, his yell was quickly replaced with an ear piercing scream of pain as the man ignited the taser and held it to killian’s stomach “plea…” he started before another heart wrenching scream escaped from the bowels of his stomach. The boy fell limp, slightly jerking as the electricity ran through his body “one more time” the man said and brought the taser down again but this time was different. As the man brought the taser down and connected it to killian’s skin, the boys eyes shot open and glowed a brilliant blue, lightning leaking from the sides of his eyes. He grabbed the taser and held it and the man’s hand in place with unbelievable strength, “w-what’s he doing” the man yelled “get him off me” he yelled and the second man tried to wrench the boys hand from his partner but stopped when killian’s electrified eyes met his own and in that moment killian instinctively released a deadly shockwave over electric energy that fried everything to a crisp but him. Killian was found three hours later by his brother, they never spoke of the incident again.

The Immortal hills

Killian pulled out a paper identical to theirs “hm ok so that answers one question” he mumbled and then gave Leo a small smile “yea I’m from New York” he shrugged “you sound like an Australian to me” he mused before looking around “I’ll take being confused, this place is beautiful and such a change from the city” he breathed deeply as he followed the two. He looked back and notice another kid close behind them with another few kids behind him. Killian took a second to wave “maybe I’ll make some friends for once” he said quietly while walking with the other two, listening as the talked.

fleetingfeathers fleetingfeathers T Thatguy1 1Lucker 1Lucker

Kansas - Carry On Wayward Son (Official Audio)

Before the three graduated students disappeared into time itself with the help of Professor Maglon once more, there was a stillness in the air, where once the fantastical birds of the land would be chirping up a storm in the cherry blossom trees that littered the courtyard there was now complete silence. Outside of the expansive and towering university it was nearly abandoned and devoid of student life, only to be replaced by a garrison of the remaining Oceanic and Cave Dwelling oknes’Dh, who were led by a lightly armored Tell’sa who stood guard at the steps that led towards the Grand Foyer of the school. The once carefree Oceanic peoples and the rough around the edges Cave Dwellers had at one point populations in the hundred thousand or so, but were now down to around two hundred combined, this was to be the school’s first line of defense to protect the students from the coming invasion, they were split up along a hastily erected stone barrier and on the grounds armed with polearms and enchanted bows.

Inside the university positioned in the center of the grand entrance was Arlus Arador clothed in his sky blue battlemage robes, his mind and hands at the ready to perform his life web magic.


Beside him was a white and gold suit of armor worn by the resident Technomancy Professor Oliverick Pero and was built by the Year 8 Artificing Club down in the Forge.


They would be the second line of defense should their brothers and sisters in arms fall to the coming siege. Yessina Uvale, the school nurse with the exquisite healing powers was preparing a triage station in the emptied out massive cafeteria with the help of other faculty members and volunteer students while Quinn Waters, the Illusion professor was beginning to erect a visual that only their enemies would take note of, allowing the injured a safe respite. There was hardly any communication during the faculty’s preparations as they were all concerned about student safety and living past tomorrow, Ashley Sevens, the Conjuration Professor was standing in the middle of the hallway that led to all the dorms of scared and terrified students preparing to conjure up ghostly familiars to help fight with her.

The Magic Of The Green Professor, Xaya Collins was quietly reciting Enochian to grow all the school’s deadly plant life she and her students had planted about the grounds yesterday prior, she occasionally gave reassuring nods towards her teaching aid who had stayed by her side loyally instead of staying in her dorm with the other students. Down in the stables near the back of the university, Monster Study Professor Edna Redding and her Beast Handlers were preparing some of the more rambunctious of the beasts the university had on hand, like the amalgamed Beeruck that was part black bear and part buck, found in the Weeping Wilderness.


Unfortunately, they would not be even close to prepared as over the horizon marched several thousand black armor clad assailants racing down the hillside with large shields and war axes. Tell’sa got into position with her bretheren and raised her weapon and yelled out “ o’Nt e’lt hos’te ace’fs oo’fl o’yu, he’ty r’ae it’wh hot’Th, o’nw rotec’pt h’te hildre’cn!” and the two sides clashed into a bloody mess, the skirmish lasted about an hour as Tell’sa’s forces gave everything they had, but the Followers Of Thoth would regenerate lost limbs and punctures and even exploding arrows through the head, this truly was a war with the undead. When it was over, Tell’sa was hiding bloody beyond belief with flesh missing from the whole right side of her face under water of the courtyard’s destroyed fountain amongst dead soldiers, and she watched as the invading army parted ways and the ground began to quake. Two lumbering Mindclops came down the hill carrying a battering ram the size of a city bus.


Neither one spoke as they stepped indiscriminately on dead soldiers, the sounds of crunching bones and splattering bodies reverberating through the bloody battlefield. They approached the twin doors and within two heaves, the doors gave way leading to a heavy slam against the marble flooring. With fluid hand motions Arlus was ready, reaching out into the Web Of Life to increase his body’s performance and in a unified jump he and his armor clad brother-in-arms shouted in enochian for weapons, but they would not need them.
The Mindclops’ sent out signals into their brains, forcing them back and screaming in agony and defenseless, one of the Mindclops chuckled as it kicked the armored man into the centerpeice of the hall so hard that he was impaled through the chest. The defenseless Arador watched as the sea of an undead army spilled inside and in mere minutes hacked away at him until he was nothing more than fleshy and meaty ribbons. Bringing up the rear of the army were a pack of wolf-like beings who instead of fur were covered in shattered mirror shards that would reflect to their prey their worst nightmares imaginable, the Sermnthings.


The Seramnthings raced down the halls every which way, followed by splintering groups of the Followers Of Thoth until they found the hall Ashley was stationed and another battle began, but the Seramnthings showed Ashley that the ghosts were in control instead of the other way around and as she retreated screaming in terror, one of the FOT’s swung his war axe down the hall, and before she hit the floor, Ashley was dead. It was like this almost everywhere in the school, the teachers quickly fell from the insurmountable odds, leaving the students to gather what courage they could muster and take up arms, but even this was not a wise idea as many of them would fall within the coming weeks leading to months and even years.


It had been years since the fall of the school, and the only Professors left were Maglon, the Nurse, and the Illusion Professor, there were only a few dozen students left in fighting shape like Daniel, even the Beeruck had fallen in the courtyard. There was very little hope to be had, but then the dark overhead clouds that raged and stormed throughout the years began to part, letting the Suns’ light shine through. Daniel’s coin began to ripple with the commune spell.

Alan Silvestri - Portals (From "Avengers: Endgame"/Audio Only)

A bright light spread all throughout the university, bringing an eerie calm to the blood soaked halls and corpse strewn hallways, and then a voice called out ever so quietly. “Hey everyone, sorry we’re late, traffic was a bitch.” A confusing quiet hung in the air as student and Follower alike looked around for the source of the voice, but then portals all throughout the university began to open up, some of them showed a green pasture of the afterlife, some showed busy city centers, others showed essential places of work like a hospital, but there was one important portal that opened up beside Daniel. “Hey Dan, we’re back...” The three magical heroes walked out into the blood soaked battlefield next to Dan, Ethan clad in his living blood armor with two blood axes by his side and on either side of him were Ian and Leo decked out in their respective armors.

Ethan walked towards Dan and put his elbow on his bud’s shoulder, “Thanks for holding the line, pal, we’ll take it from here,” and as if on cue, the hospital portal that opened up in the makeshift infirmary had appeared a doctor version of Ethan who went to hug the nurse who was shaking from overuse of her healing powers. The busy city center portal that was surrounded by Followers had birthed a gangster on the run version of Ethan who had bloody blades coming out of his arms.


There were a lot of Afterlife portals, and coming out of one were the fallen oknes’Dh led by a fully healed Tell’sa, each of them sporting Enochian blessed weapons of the afterlife that could kill the undead invaders. Another Afterlife portal stepped out Angelic versions of the Three, sporting their own suped up Enochian Weapons, but most important were all of the fallen students and faculty members that followed them. There was even a portal for the previous generations of students to come through. The Prime Ethan who was with Dan and the others had his Commune coin duplicated to share with his variants and as he brought it up to his lips he said, “EVERYONE! Let’s teach these motherfuckers a lesson! ENGAGE!”


“So I'm not the only one who hasn’t heard of this place?” Ethan asked with a sigh of relief for a moment before another anxious moment passed him with his blood senses picking up on the other new people coming up behind them, “I was coming from a med school in Seattle Washington, guess I'm going to magic school now.” He said sarcastically and stuffed his letter into his pants pocket, Ethan looked behind him again and noticed every one of these newcomers ranged in ages and looks. “How old are you guys?” He asked Ian and Leo, but generalized the question in case anybody behind them piped up. Out in the distance, the beginnings of a city began to form and they were coming up on a street sign with the name Tront, just a few miles away...
Summer, 2011
Chicago, Illinois

Daniel had lived in Chicago all his life, but was unable explore the city because he had to go on his uncle's off days so that he could have a chaperone. Today was one of those days. "Tio Bruno, Tio Bruno!" Daniel giggled excitedly. "Where are we going today?" His uncle led him down to the subway. "Today," he said patiently, "We're going to visit Willis Tower and see the city from the sky."

Daniel gasped excitedly as they walked into the Willis Tower and went up to the top. On his way up, he saw his uncle glance warily at several people dressed in white armor, talking to some of the local police. Daniel however, didn't even notice them in his haste to see the tower. They took the elevator up to the top and both gasped in amazement when they saw the view from the top of the tallest building in the city.

They passed the employee at the top, who checked their tickets and let them into one of the glass boxes that allow a better view of the city. Daniel's uncle Bruno seemed wary of the glass and refused to step out of the main tower. Daniel marvelled at the city around him, shoving his face against the class in typical child fashion, leaving smears on the glass. Daniel heard the elevator ding again and looked back to see a scuffle at the ticket check. The people in white armor had forced their way into the tower and seemed to be arguing with the employee at the top. One of them slapped the man across the face, knocking him over. Another looked around and saw Daniel and his uncle and pointed at them.

"There they are!" The other armored people turned to face Daniel, who had hidden behind his uncle. "Out of the way, Sir. Give us the child and we won't hurt you." One of the men stepped towards them, "The child is dangerous. We're from the government. We need to take him away." He walked closer to Bruno with every word, trying to reach Daniel, who was still in the viewing box.

"No. This child is my nephew. I won't just give him to you without consent from his parents, as well as proof that you're from the government. I've heard that story before." Bruno stood up straight, gearing up for a fight that he couldn't win. The man growled, then lunged for Bruno, grappling with him, as his friends came to reinforce him. To his credit, Bruno tried to stop them from taking Daniel, but he didn't stand a chance. One of the men produced a taser and jabbed Bruno with it, knocking him prone. Another man leaped at Daniel, knocking them both into the glass viewing box, cracking it.

Daniel heard the blood rush in his ears. He screamed, a sound so loud and high pitched that the back of the box shattered, showering both Daniel and his attacker with glass. The winds of the windy city seemed to have heard the child's call, shattering all of the windows on his floor, and filling the room with whipping wind. Daniel lost control and the wind flung things around him. All three of his attackers were thrown out various windows, crashing into the streets below. A tornado of glass shards and shattered furniture blew around the room, lacerating the unconscious employee and Uncle Bruno.

Driven by grief, Daniel threw himself at his fallen uncle and, unable to control the air around him, was thrown, uncle and all, out of another window. By the time Daniel calmed himself, he was already on the ground, miles from the tower, lying next to his dead uncle. Daniel made it home days later, battered and bruised, without his uncle, and with a permanent scar on his heart.

The Immortal Hills
The 3rd Age

Daniel moved closer to the trio, realizing that they were new to each other as well, and deciding to try and make contact with them. He heard the question from the headphone kid and answered. "I'm Daniel, and I'm 21. Sorry for butting in to your conversation, but I don't really know anyone and decided that it's better to go for it and get rejected than not try at all." He saw a city looming in front of them. "I'm from Chicago. Not in college, but I work at one. How about the rest of you?"

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