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The legend of Groose
Ok so I know the BBcode for Image float, but I'm still confused on where to imput the information, can someone go in depth on how to actually use it please?

This entry from the BBcode Guide gives examples that show how to use it. I'm not sure what else to add to it to make it clearer. If you're still having trouble using it, perhaps you can post an example of what you're trying to do.

[QUOTE="The Staff]Image FloatPurpose: The Image Float is used to float an image to either the left or right of a post. Text and other content will wrap around the image. While floated an image will take up a maximum of half a posts width.

Important Note:

The options are case sensitive. Make sure to use all lower case and dashes for spaces. (The options being: thick, dotted, dotted-thick)





Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Donec tincidunt quam sapien, in malesuada turpis vestibulum a. Duis consectetur eros bibendum massa placerat, non hendrerit massa molestie. Pellentesque vitae condimentum erat. Cum sociis natoque penatibus et magnis dis parturient montes, nascetur ridiculus mus. Vivamus egestas, nibh id ultricies convallis, ipsum arcu rhoncus eros, et aliquam libero lacus vel velit. Praesent quis turpis sed tortor fringilla tincidunt ac accumsan lectus.


Sed euismod imperdiet quam. Sed sit amet cursus metus. Duis eu ultricies elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur quis posuere elit, et sagittis nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed feugiat ullamcorper dui, sed mollis augue dapibus ac. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis mollis. Fusce vestibulum nibh metus, a consectetur nisl consectetur a. Quisque ullamcorper elit et accumsan suscipit.

Sed euismod imperdiet quam. Sed sit amet cursus metus. Duis eu ultricies elit. Suspendisse potenti. Curabitur quis posuere elit, et sagittis nunc. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Sed feugiat ullamcorper dui, sed mollis augue dapibus ac. Suspendisse tincidunt sagittis mollis. Fusce vestibulum nibh metus, a consectetur nisl consectetur a. Quisque ullamcorper elit et accumsan suscipit.

To add to Erica's post:

The image float text allows you to place images within text, so the text can wrap around the image.

The young woman paired this ability with horseback riding, and caught the attention of Talryn's military.  To say the least, it wasn't an easy task to recruit Gwendalin into their forces, but eventually General Elric and the red haired woman were able to negotiate.  Opportunities to travel across the Kingdom was often the perfect bait for potential warriors, but Gwendalin was partial to leaver her hometown, so the agreement was made that Gwendalin would be allowed to stay in Etheldred as long as she stayed in the military.  They promised they would not station her anywhere else in the Kingdom, unless the situation was incredibly dire.

This coding will give you this appearance:


The young woman paired this ability with horseback riding, and caught the attention of Talryn's military. To say the least, it wasn't an easy task to recruit Gwendalin into their forces, but eventually General Elric and the red haired woman were able to negotiate. Opportunities to travel across the Kingdom was often the perfect bait for potential warriors, but Gwendalin was partial to leaver her hometown, so the agreement was made that Gwendalin would be allowed to stay in Etheldred as long as she stayed in the military. They promised they would not station her anywhere else in the Kingdom, unless the situation was incredibly dire.

See how the text goes around the image? Now, let me show you how it would look without the image float coding.

The young woman paired this ability with horseback riding, and caught the attention of Talryn's military.  To say the least, it wasn't an easy task to recruit Gwendalin into their forces, but eventually General Elric and the red haired woman were able to negotiate.  Opportunities to travel across the Kingdom was often the perfect bait for potential warriors, but Gwendalin was partial to leaver her hometown, so the agreement was made that Gwendalin would be allowed to stay in Etheldred as long as she stayed in the military.  They promised they would not station her anywhere else in the Kingdom, unless the situation was incredibly dire.


The young woman paired this ability with horseback riding, and caught the attention of Talryn's military. To say the least, it wasn't an easy task to recruit Gwendalin into their forces, but eventually General Elric and the red haired woman were able to negotiate. Opportunities to travel across the Kingdom was often the perfect bait for potential warriors, but Gwendalin was partial to leaver her hometown, so the agreement was made that Gwendalin would be allowed to stay in Etheldred as long as she stayed in the military. They promised they would not station her anywhere else in the Kingdom, unless the situation was incredibly dire.

Big difference, right?

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