• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern I'm Rotten to the Core

Cece strolled into Watson High School with exactly 5 minutes to get to class. She was punctual by nature, and this morning had been no different. The alarm had went off at 6:30, giving her enough time to shower, blow out her hair and get a coffee on the way to school. As the baby of the senior class, she tried extra hard at both her looks and schoolwork to be taken seriously. As she pushed through the double doors, something seemed different today. Then she spotted an unfamiliar group of students in new, stiff uniforms. How could she have forgotten? Today was the day that a small group of Everette kids were transferring over. She anxiously skirted around a tall, tough looking guy waiting for his schedule and scurried to her locker, saying hi to a few familiar faces she saw in the hall.

Her amber eyes scanned for the one person she couldn't find. Today was one of the rare days she didn't come to school with Liz, since she had stayed with her father the night before. However, she had a feeling Liz would be looking for her too, especially with all of the excitement happening today. After slamming her locker shut, she headed to English in room 223. She enjoyed English, but she had a feeling not much would get accomplished today, especially if they had new Everette students with them. Cece did her best not to judge, but everyone said they were loud, rude and disruptive. However, she tried to avoid making her own judgement until she saw for herself. She made it to class with 30 seconds to spare, sitting in her usual seat. The class was beginning to fill up, so she just smoothed her worn uniform skirt over her lap, waiting for her friends to arrive.


Cecelia Jenson

Mood -- curious
Scenario -- In class
Location -- Hallway/Room 223
Wearing -- Uniform

Coding by @Starfish

Why Hello There

Thomas had woken up at 7:00, it was the first day of senior year, he was pretty excited actually, he couldn't wait for his first soccer game in two weeks along with all the other cool senior stuff him and his fellow classmates would get to enjoy. He glanced over at his phone which was filled with notifications, people talking about how it was going to be horrible having to put up with the kids from Everette. In all reality Thomas really didn't care, yeah sure they had a reputation of being horrible people and trouble makers but who knows.

He could hear his mom and dad walking around getting ready for work, he got up and took a quick shower and got dressed. He was finally able to drive to school, since seniors were the only ones allowed to drive to school. His mom handed him a $20 bill to get breakfast on the way to school. By this time it was hitting 7:30 so he decided to stop at one of the little cafe's a few minutes from the school for a breakfast sandwich.

He seen a few of his friends there and they talked for a bit before getting into their vehicles and driving to the school, as he got there he could already tell this was going to be trouble. He parked and walked in with the guys, Thomas was possibly the most popular guy in the school, but he didn't let it get to his head, he was a nice guy and was kind to everyone. He put some things in his locker and checked his schedule for his first class which was English. "Ready for the new kids" Thomas' best friend said jokingly "I guess" he said jokingly back. He got to the classroom and sat in one of the middle rows, he waved a Cecelia and took out his phone and waited for the bell to ring

Home/Watson High
At School
Irritated, Bored
Kimberly MaddoxIf there was one thing in the world Kimberly Maddox hated most, it was mornings. She swore up and down they were her greatest enemies. Her alarm clock blared Closer by The Chainsmokers, rousing the tired eighteen-year-old from her sleep. An olive-skinned arm emerged from beneath a black and white duvet to smack the snooze button. Kimberly snuggled back beneath her covers, closing her eyes to catch a few more minutes of sleep. She didn’t bother to check the time, as she didn’t much care whether she was late for her fancy new prep school. Those pompous, rich snobs could kiss her lily-white butt, for all she cared. Had she been getting up to go to Everette, she may have considered getting up on time.

“Kimberly Rose Maddox, don’t make me drag you out of bed by your ears!” yelled local police deputy Alex Fisher, her temporary guardian until graduation. He’d been caring for her since she’d been released from juvie a little over two years ago. Groaning, Lee threw back her blankets and got out of bed. “Relax, Fisher! I’m up,” she yelled down the steps. Fifteen minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom freshly showered, her hair style so it cascaded down her back and shoulders in loose curls, her single red highlight showcased on her left side. Smiling, she pulled on the hideous uniform she’d received in the mail last week, grabbed her bag, and headed downstairs. Skirting through the kitchen, she ate a quick piece of raisin toast and left the house.

In the driveway sat her prize possession. A lifted 2008 Ford F350 Lariat 4x4. Most girls would’ve wanted some cute little Mercedes Benz or a convertible of some sort for their first car. Kimberly, on the other hand, had asked for a heavy duty, full-back, off road truck, and Alex had most definitely delivered. For a temporary guardian and a cop, no less, he was cool. Kimberly unlocked the door to her truck, jumped in, and headed for school. The drive was longer than usual, but she still arrived in less than half an hour. The parking lot was already filled with expensive cars and spoiled brats. Shutting her door, Kimberly locked her vehicle and made her way to the principal’s office. No doubt she’d be back in here within a few hours. She’d been to see the Everette High Principal so many times that they’d started calling each other by nicknames.

“Ms. Maddox? Here’s your schedule and a map of the school. Do try to refrain from disrupting the other students,” were the Watson High Principal’s oh-so-kind words to her as soon as she walked through the door. Rolling her eyes, Kimberly took her schedule and made her way to her first class: English in room 223. It didn’t take her long to find it with the help of a couple of very impressionable freshman, and she arrived in class with five minutes to entertain herself with. Inside the classroom, she took a seat towards the back beside the window, wondering why in the world the Board of Ed thought this God-awful integration was a sensible idea.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Last edited:
The alarm was doing a good job but the person it was trying to wake up was even better. The lump of covers lay motionless, oblivious to the time or the alarm blaring loudly by his ear. It was doubtful he ever would have woken up if a smaller person didn't jump on top of him and shake him from his slumber. Mark groaned loudly, swinging a pillow in the direction of the intruder. The attack was easily stopped and she picked up the pillow, hitting him in the head with it. "Get up! I'm not going to let you be late on your first day!" With one more groan the teen finally gave up on going back to sleep. He sat up and was greeted with the image of his sister staring at him with mock anger on her face. Kim had become his alarm clock when his actual alarm clock stopped being good enough to wake him up. He yawned loudly, raising a hand to stifle it before speaking to his sister. "You could just walk to school you know."

Kim huffed at hit him with the pillow again before walking out of the room. He briefly wondered if she was going to let him sleep but her voice calling from further down the hall shattered that dream. "You have 15 minutes!" Mark groaned again but the smirk on his face betrayed his true feelings. If it were just him he wouldn't mind being late the first day, but he wouldn't allow Kim to be late. And since he was her ride today, it seemed like he was up. Axel managed to make his way into the shower and cleaned himself quickly. By the time he made his way downstairs he was pleased to see that Kim had breakfast waiting for him. He put his hands together like he was praying and bowed comically. "Thanks sis." They both ate quickly since it had taken so long for Marcus to get ready. By the time they were ready to go it was 7:45. "We only have fifteen minutes Marcus!" "Well then we'll just have to go fast."

The two hopped onto the back of Mark's Kawasaki Ninja. It had been a gift from his father when they Mark's team won regionals for junior varsity. It was Mark's baby. Giggles frowned a little when she had to put on a helmet but Mark knew that she loved riding just as much as he did. Mark sped off much faster than he needed to towards school. Thankfully they didn't live too far away but they would still be cutting it close. That is if Mark were to obey normal traffic laws. He always figured he had one get out of jail free card since his father was a cop. It would only work once but hopefully that one time was all he would need if he got caught.

Once they pulled up to the school Marcus slid his helmet off his head and grabbed his sister's. He put them in a drawstring bag that he had in the seat of the bike. The only problem with driving a bike was having to carry the helmet around all day. Oh well, that's what his locker could be used for. It's not like he'd be using it for books or anything anyway. "Love you Giggles. Text me if you need me, alright? I'll straight up skip class." "Don't call me that. And I'm definitely not going to then." Just to prove her name was appropriate she giggled at her brother's teasing before making her way to what Mark assumed was a group of her friends. Thanks to his father Mark had been able to get a parking pass even though only seniors were supposed to get one. The star basketball player wouldn't be caught dead riding the bus though.

Mark walked into the school with time to spare, surprisingly. The principal met him at the door and handed him his schedule and a piece of paper with his locker number and combination on it. Axel, never one to miss an opportunity to flirt, noticed a shorter blonde girl walking by him. He wanted to call out to her to get her name or something but the principal intervened, asking if he had any questions. Marcus thanked him and said no. When he looked again the girl was already gone. Mark began wandering through the halls, not really sure where his locker was supposed to be. After asking a few kids he finally found it and threw the two helmets inside. Hopefully he wouldn't be bringing Kim every day so he wouldn't have to keep two. After asking even more kids where the room he was supposed to be in was he finally arrived at the room.

Mark was immediately met with a conflict upon entering the room. On one hand, there was a familiar face in the back in Kimberly. She was cool enough but more importantly, Mark noticed the blonde girl from earlier. He made his mind up without any hesitation and began walking over to her. While he walked he looked over to Kim and pointed at the girl, making a stupid face to show how attractive he thought the girl was. Mark plopped himself into the seat beside the girl, giving her his best grin. "Hey, this seat taken?" He ignored the fact that he was already sitting in it.

Talking to : jbreezy jbreezy
Mentions : Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
Paz Zhang

"Paz! You're going to be late!" Inéz's voice screeched from another part of the house.

The boy only grumbled a bit and turned over with a relaxed smile spread across his face. However, in the next moment, his eyes sprang open. The repetitive beeping of his alarm clock that went off - who knows when- could be heard along with the second calling of his name. "Paz!"

"Yeah, mom, I'm up!" He called back before peeling himself up from the bed with a groan.

Trudging into the bathroom, he gave himself a quick look over, assessing just what he needed to do to get himself together. Ultimately, he decided that what he saw was good enough. He performed the usual morning routine with a few shortcuts permitted and dampened his curls to tame them before exiting. Now, it was time for that handy-dandy uniform...

"Paz, you're--!"

"I know! I'm dressing now!"

He went to his closet, pulling out one of the few uniforms he had lined up and threw it onto his bed. Honestly, he hated uniforms; they were stiff, confining, and conforming, but they were convenient, especially when you were running behind schedule. The only choice you really had to make were long sleeve or short sleeve, shorts or pants. He changed his underclothes before pulling on the uniform pants and tugging the short-sleeved shirt over his head. Then, his fingers worked rapidly on the tie before he slipped on dark loafers and headed down the hall.

At the door, he grabbed his backpack and the keys to his old, used 2000 Ford F-150. He could have had a nicer vehicle, but he'd insisted on buying his own car. Luckily, he was able to get that green hunk of metal at a steal and it got the job done: providing transportation for himself and his carpentry supplies. "Mom, I'm gone!" He called to her as he placed his hand on the knob to leave.

"Boy, come get your breakfast! I made it to go!"

Paz only sighed and jogged into the kitchen long enough to snatch the mystery sack of food from the bar and disappear again. Though, he circled back around to peck Inéz's cheek in appreciation - to which the woman smiled - then he was finally out the door.

On his way to school, he had munched the breakfast sandwich, finishing it in about five large bites. When he arrived, he parked in the first spot to catch his eye. The truck was crooked, but in the lines. Among the other cars in the lot, his truck - although not raggedy - looked out of place, but this never bothered him. As a matter of fact, the looks and questions he got on occasion were priceless. Pulling his phone from his pocket, he read that he had 10 minutes to spare. Next, he reached in his pocket for his schedule, refreshing his memory on where he was headed. 'English. Got it.' He then tucked it back away.

Inside, he noticed it was significantly more busy than the first day of school usually was. Though, seeing the number of unfamiliar and seemingly irked faces reminded him that the Everette kids were integrating this year. A smirkish smile crossed his lips and he wiggled his jaw as he weaved through the newcomers. The way the day played out was going to be an interesting one...

He made it to room 223 with five minutes to spare. He dropped his bag from his shoulder to the side of the desk he'd chosen near the back of the room before taking a seat. Again, he took his phone from his pocket, this time holding it low behind his desk as he leaned back and skimmed it to pass the time.
Elizabeth Danvers
Watson High School, Room 223
Apprehensive / Annoyed
Mentions: jbreezy jbreezy [talked to] | Lurker Lurker [talked to] | Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio [talked to]


By the time that most kids were only waking up, Elizabeth had already arrived at the school building. Most kids had the luxury of sleeping. Most kids didn't have meetings at seven in the morning. Elizabeth was not like most kids. Her car, a sleek white car that her father had picked out for her, was parked very close to the front of the school- one of the perks of arriving so horrendously early. She didn't really know or care what the make or model of the car was; the average person probably would have recognized the four connected circles that marked it as an Audi, but as previously stated, Liz was not the average person. She absolutely hated waking up and getting ready so much earlier, but, as the secretary of the gardening club and a member of the student-led prom committee, she didn't have much of a choice. For half her time, she typed notes from the club's previous meeting and checked soil temperatures, and for the second half she debated which location was best- obviously the local country club which would offer them a gigantic ballroom at a discounted price because of her connections, but some of the dimwitted club members thought that they should get a place out of town- and that meeting ended with no consensus because of the bell that told them they had five minutes to get to class.

Elizabeth gathered her things and left the meeting, making her way to the classroom that was on the other side of the school. Her legs worked on autopilot, weaving around students without a single accidental bump. Her eyes were trained on her phone screen, updating her calendar and checking future events. She had to go to her cousin's violin recital on Wednesday, had a paper due for her psychology course next week, and various meetings sprinkled throughout the time in between. She noticed a little red notification that she couldn't recognize. Tapping on it revealed a reminder for what was going on that day: integration. The brunette's easy steps faltered and she almost bumped into a sophmore girl walking in front of her. God. Was that really today? She'd put it at the back of her mind for so long because she'd just been dreading it. Deep breaths, she told herself, inhaling slowly. It would be fine. These were probably the least dangerous kids if they were trying to make a good impression. She had nothing to worry about. Exhale.

The senior girl slipped her phone into her pocket and walked the rest of the way with her head up, her shoulders relaxed, and a friendly, simple smile on her lips. She gave various 'good morning!'s to people as she walked. It was all about maintaining her perfect, friendly image. Unfortunately for her, the meeting room for the prom committee was on the opposite side of the school to the English room. She entered the room with time to spare, but less time than she would have liked. Her eyes scanned the crowd, noticing Thomas on his phone and Cecelia sitting down in her usual seat.

"Who's got you so interested in that phone?" Liz teased as she walked past Tommy on her way to her usual seat next to Cece. She had only turned her direction to the boy for a second, but when she looked back to the seat something was wrong. It was taken. Everyone in the class knew that she and Cece were close friends. Best friends. They sat together just about every day. Everyone knew that the seat next to Cece was Elizabeth's. Everyone, it seemed, except the dark haired boy sitting in it. The boy wasn't familiar in any sense of the word. Everette. He had to be. She could feel a headache starting. "You've gotta be kidding me," she muttered under her breath. First the prom meeting and now this.

Inhale, she told herself. He was asking if the seat was taken. She could politely correct him. Exhale. Liz approached the seat and her friend. "Morning, Cece," she greeted. Then, she gave a soft, polite smile to the boy. "Unfortunately, it is," she said apologetically, "I'm Liz. Cece and I are kind of best friends. So, if you wouldn't mind, I'd appreciate it if you relinquished the seat to me. We sit next to each other, like, every day, y'know?" Every word was coated in courtesy, but still firm. She didn't want a scene, but she did want to sit next to Cece after her tedious, unproductive morning. She was running on approximately four hours of sleep and two cups of coffee. She felt like she deserved this one respite.


Marina Skye Thornton


Marina groaned when she heard the familiar blaring of her alarm clock from across the room. It had been placed there to force herself to get up, but now Mari was greatly regretting that decision. She honestly didn't care if she was late to this boarding school she was forced to attend. But the thin black bracelet around her wrist had other ideas. It was a tracking bracelet provided by her parole officer, so he could check in on her movements when he wished. And if she wasn't where she was supposed to be? Well, a friendly phone call was the least of her worries.

Marina threw off the dark blue comforter and climbed from her mattress, stretching her back and glancing around her home. It was a studio apartment, not luxurious but definitely better than the park benches and subway tunnels that she used to sleep on. Because she was technically a ward of the state, she was provided this apartment and all of her living necessities. While Mari preferred to take what she needed and not have to worry about asking someone else for it. But in order to avoid jail, she would have to get used to the fact that she no longer do that, and thus would have to learn to budget the money leftover from her thieving days as well as what the state provided.

Marina slammed her hand down on the alarm clock, ending the annoying beeping. She stretched and walked over to her closet, pulling out the stiff uniform that the school had sent to her. It wasn't her style, but she had to wear it anyway. After taking a quick shower, Mari tied her hair up into a ponytail, grabbed her backpack, and left her apartment to ride her red 2010 Indian Motorcycle to Watson. The bike had been a payment from one of the mobs she had stolen for back in New York City. Pulling up to the school, Mari parked the bike near the door in a spot that really wasn't a parking lot, but she didn't care enough to move.

Stepping off the bike, Mari removed her helmet and looked up at the school. She slung her backpack over her shoulders and lit up a cigarette, taking a long drag as she assessed the people leaving and entering the school. Most were new to her, but she did recognize a few friends from Everette, like Mark and Kimberly. Finishing her cigarette, Marina walked towards the school, briefly stopping to grab her schedule from the Principal and throw her helmet into her assigned locker. She slowly found her way to her English classroom, arriving only minutes before the class was supposed to start. Most of the seats seemed to be taken. So she chose the one further from the teacher's desk, which happened to be next to a handsome guy who looked well put together, and definitely not from Everette.


Interactions: Sat beside Thomas ( Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio ) | Mentions: Kimberly ( Tori Bradley Tori Bradley ) and Mark ( Lurker Lurker )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
Aziz Kinoshita

Aziz's personality and upbringing were contradictions. He had woken up, gotten ready, and headed out early because he was always taught to be prompt. However, this usually just left him with plenty of extra time for leisure, and if he were enjoying himself enough, he didn't care about being late for his main engagement. So, naturally, Aziz wasted time.

His home was in walking distance of the school, so on the way he had stopped at a cafe to pick up breakfast - nothing more than a pastry and a medium coffee, black. He straddled one of the walls near the school, in a place obscure enough that being spotted by staff wouldn't be easy, but in enough sight to be able to see the entrance to the school.

He comfortably swung a leg as he casually pulled apart bits of his pastry, plucked them into his mouth, and took sips of his coffee while his phone rested on the stone in front of him. His finger swiped across the phone, watching random videos and reading comments. He made the periodic glance up to watch the students flow into the school, making note of the unfamiliar faces that typically accompanied more disheveled uniforms that were obviously put on with some disdain.

The sight actually made Aziz smile. He was excited to have a change of pace brought to the school. Of course, the idea was that the Everette kids would conform to Watson's standards, but he knew that would never totally happen. Besides, you could bring them to Watson, but, hey - they were still Everette kids at the end of the day. He was ready for the havoc, the fun.

Looking back to his phone, he noticed it was 7:55. Without a fret, he pulled a picture of his schedule up on his phone, reading that he was due to room 223 by 8:00. He only nodded, put his phone in his pocket, then stuffed down the remainder of the pastry. He then got up to head inside, tossing his trash out on the way, and continuing to take slow sips from his coffee as he meandered to the classroom.
Cece had been on her phone, thumbing through an article about humpback whales when Thomas came in and waved at her. She waved back, smiling easily. She was about to return to her article when a deep voice spoke next to her, asking if the seat beside her was taken. Cece's amber eyes trailed up the stiff, pressed uniform, and landed on the face of the guy she had avoided earlier. He was quite attractive, and for a moment, Cece was tempted to say yes. "Hey." she began with a friendly smile. "Um..." she faltered, unsure of how to tel him 'not really', without hurting his feelings.

Much to her relief, Liz came through the doors at that moment and put a stop to it. "Hi Liz." she said, running her manicured fingers through her blonde hair. Liz had certainly been firm, but polite. However, she didn't want the new boy to think that they were telling him to move just because he was from Everette. "This one is open though." she said, patting the seat next to her on the other side. "I would take it quick though, you wouldn't want to be stuck in the front." she teased.

Knowing the morning Liz had already had, Cece wordlessly took out an extra protein bar she had packed this morning and pushed it across the desk for Liz. They had known each other for so long, she didn't have to ask if it was the right flavor. She just knew. Then she moved her bag across the floor. One of her books spilled out and she pushed it back in, not wanting the new kid to think she was a total looser. "There. Plenty of room." she said, and gestured for the guy to sit with her eyes, giving him a slight smile. She wanted to avoid him and Liz getting into a fight during literally the first few seconds of school. "I'm Cece, and you've obviously just met Liz." she teased. "What's your name?" she asked, putting her phone away, since it would be pointless to try and finish the article right now.


Cecelia Jenson


Mood -- Friendly

Scenario -- Talking to Liz and Mark

Location -- Room 223

Wearing -- Uniform

Coding by @Starfish
Mark was doing his best to charm the girl and he was doing a pretty good job of it so far, it seemed. At least, she hadn't told him to get lost yet so that was at least a small victory. He had opened his mouth to introduce himself when another voice cut in. His smile faltered for a second while he turned to look at who it was. Truthfully, Mark hardly cared about the seat but it was the principle of the thing at this point. "Is that so? Well that's too bad." Even as he said it Mark made no attempt to get up. He stared into the eyes of the other girl, Liz, as she introduced herself. There was a perfectly good seat to the other side of Cece that the girl could use.

If he had been in Everette there weren't many people that would have asked him to get up. With a shrug the basketball player's smile returned and he stood up. "My mistake." His sister would be incredibly upset if he got in a fight on the very first day of school. Besides, it didn't hurt that Liz was just as easy on the eyes as her friend. "Well maybe next time we can switch it up and I can sit by you too, yeah?" Mark gave a wink to the girl that he towered over before grabbing his bag and moving over to the seat beside Cece.

Mark took the time he was walking to scan the room to look for any more familiar faces. It seemed like most of the Everette kids would be in different classes but there was one girl he recognized sitting in the corner. "Yo, what's up Mari?" He spoke loudly so that the girl would hear him and gave a small wave. He was glad that his close friend was going to be sharing the same class as him. Mark had actually been introduced to Mari by another friend but it seemed like they were fighting now so mark really didn't talk to Dierra much anymore. He hadn't meant to take a side it just sort of happened that way.

Once Mark plopped himself in the chair beside Cece he grinned over to the two ladies.
"My name's Mark by the way. It's a pleasure to meet you both. Cece, I love that name." Mark propped his elbow on the table and rest his head on his hands while he spoke to the both of them. There must be something in the water at this school, all the girls he'd seen so far were incredibly attractive. Marcus was like a kid at a candy store.

Talking to: jbreezy jbreezy , Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart
Greeted : MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Last edited:

Well Hello There

Thomas smiled at those who walked in who he knew, he could easily tell who the new kids were. A few of the guys from the soccer team came in and sat infant of him, they started going on about some party that was going on the following weekend. It was the captain of the teams birthday so as always the rest of the team throws a party, not really for him but more of an excuse to drink.

He looked as the teacher walked in, she had a stack of papers in her hand and sat it down on the front desk. He had heard a few rumours about her, that she was someone who could switch from being really nice and sweet to a complete bitch on the drop of a dime. She glanced around the room, it seemed like she was counting the students. She looked down at her attendance sheet and it seemed like she was writing their names down on a separate piece of paper

"Hello class, My name is Mrs. Morgan and I will be your English teacher for this year" the teacher stood up and walked in front of the class. "Your first and longest assignment starts now, I have placed each of you into pairs and you will both be given a separate piece of paper " She turned to the white board "I will write the names of the pairs up here, it is your job to find your partner and go over the assignment.

She turned and started writing names down, in the middle of writing a name she turned back to the class "I suppose first I should explain this assignment. Basically because we have an equal number of Everette and Watson students, you will be paired up with someone from the opposite school, and on Monday I will write an assignment on the board that you have until that Friday to complete, and you two must work as a pair. These papers have your first assignments"

And with that she continued writing, and once she was finished she went over and sat at her desk "You are free to get a paper and find your partner and finish the assignment before the end of the class and bring the paper up to me"​

Tori Bradley Tori Bradley MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat @Million Lurker Lurker Aato Aato Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart jbreezy jbreezy
Watson High
In Class
Irritated, Bored
Cece, Liz, Thomas
Mark ( Lurker Lurker ), Marina ( MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat )
Kimberly MaddoxKimberly had only been sitting there for a few minutes by the time someone she recognized walked in the door, but already she was bored out of her mind. If she’d been at Everette, she would’ve been much more entertained, but not at this stiff, rigid prep school. Even the name was boring. Honestly, the least they could do was have a class clown or something. Everyone in the classroom just sat quietly in their seats like the perfect little children their rich parents raised them to be. Rolling her eyes, Kimberly smiled at Mark as he entered, laughing at the dumb look he gave her to show how attractive he thought the perky little blonde sitting two rows in front of her was.

“Could you be any more obvious, Mark?” she chuckled after he sent the girl his trademark flirty grin and asked about the seat he’d taken. When Mark ignored her in favor of the blonde, she rolled her eyes and scanned the room, noticing a seriously attractive guy sitting a row ahead of her on the other side of the room. His slightly curly brown hair and athletic build made Kimberly less disdainful of the integration. Though it still irritated her to no end. Turning her attention to the door, Kimberly’s entire demeanor brightened at the sight of her friend Mari walking into the room. Grabbing her bag from where she’d unceremoniously dropped it on the pristine tile floors, Kimberly weaved her way across the room to where her friend had sat and settled on her other side.

“Finally, you’re here,” Kimberly droned, dropping her bag back on the floor. “I thought I was going to suffocate on the air of arrogance in here.”

She was pleasantly surprised to see the brunette guy she’d been eyeing earlier on her friend’s other side, but had little time to think of it thanks to the teacher entering the room. Kimberly listened to her, before directing her attention the board. When her name appeared next to a Thomas Langdon, she rolled her eyes. It sounded like he was some nerd with glasses and a Calculus book. She turned to her friend, not bothering to go up and get an assignment paper or search for her partner. Whoever this Thomas Langdon was would do it for her.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Elizabeth Danvers
Watson High School, Room 223
Mentions: jbreezy jbreezy [talked to] | Lurker Lurker [talked to]


For a moment, there was a tension where Elizabeth wasn't sure if the boy was going to move out of her seat or not. Cece helped diffuse it by freeing up the seat next to her for him. For a moment, she could see him thinking about it before finally picking the less confrontational option. She couldn't help feel a bit of surprise that the Everette student wasn't making things horribly difficult for her, though she was sure he had considered it. When he stood up, she became acutely aware of how much taller he was than her. She could have playfully rolled her eyes when he made his flirty little remark and responded to it, but she stopped herself. It was cute, and so was he, but she had a reputation to maintain and that reputation didn't involve flirting with boys from Everette, no matter how tall or cute, at least not in a place as public as the well populated English classroom. So, instead, she gave halfhearted smile and didn't say anything. Liz took her usual seat, feeling a little better about her morning. A protein bar appeared on her desk and Liz shot her friend a grateful look. It was peanut butter, her favorite. Maybe this wasn't going to be that bad of a day. She mouthed a silent 'thank you' to the blonde before unwrapping the bar, ripping off a piece, and popping it into her mouth. Her mouth was too full of the protein bar to say anything, so she watched the tall Everette boy introduce himself and flirt with Cece. Mark. She made a mental note. Years of attending stuffy get togethers at the country club had taught her how to remember everyone's name; she'd be considered rude if she had to ask twice.

The brunette's eyes shot up as their English teacher entered the room. She ate her protein bar while listening to the woman go on about what they were doing. Her stomach dropped when she heard Mrs. Morgan say that they were going to be paired with an Everette student. Could that really have been necessary? She'd much rather be paired up with Cece or Tommy or Paz or literally any other Watson student than one of these kids. She could already see her future: she'd be doing all the work while one of these students held her back or screwed around or did something else that wasn't helpful. Liz wanted to slam her head onto the desk, but that would look pretty weird. So, she sat still and finished her protein bar while watching the names go up on the board. Please, for the love of God, give her one that wouldn't hold her back. Her eyes intently followed the marker in the woman's hand, her stomach tying in knots. It felt like every letter took ages to write. Finally, her name went up. Elizabeth Danvers...Marcus Corsair. She furrowed her eyebrows, trying to think for a second. Marcus... Mark. Was she actually going to be paired with the guy who was flirting with her friend? Inhale. Maybe he was actually smart. Maybe he wouldn't be dead weight. Exhale.

Verdant eyes trailed back to the Everette boy. She raised an eyebrow. "I'm guessing that's you?" She asked, before gesturing to the seat next to her. "Guess we're doing this sooner rather than later," she said, referencing his earlier desire to sit next to her. If the average person had said it, it would have been a pseudoflirty remark, but Elizabeth's tone made it obvious that she was saying it in a neutral, matter-of-fact way. She pulled her notebook out and opened it to a blank page. Blue. For English. Out came a perfectly matching blue pen. All her school supplies were impeccably well organized. It was a thing she had to have. "Are you getting the paper or am I?" Liz inquired, uncapping her pen and looking up to meet his eyes. She guessed that he probably would have preferred being paired with her blonde friend, but she didn't exactly care. She made a note to ask Cecelia about the whole thing later in the day; she decided she'd invite the girl to spend the night at her house so they could talk about all of the events of the day as well as the students. Being her friend, Liz had incredibly high standards about who she would approve as a potential boyfriend for Cece, but she doubted either of the two was expecting the flirting to go anywhere; it was harmless, she would bet that Mark was the type to flirt with any pretty face and not mean much by it,

When the Everette boy began to flirt with Liz, Cece rolled her eyes. She was hardly jealous, and knew his flirting was exactly as it appeared. Meaningless. Cece had a feeling he would be moving onto the next girl who's skirt was a tad too short and he'd forget her name by next week. "Thanks." she said, taking the charming compliment with a grain of salt. One of the other Everette girls called out Mark for his flirting, and Cece flushed slightly, embarrassed to be under such scrutiny. Apparently everyone was watching this new guy strut in here and try to get into her pants.

Cece was finally brought back to class when Mrs. Morgan walked in and began talking. She did her best to pay attention and not look around at the Everette kids. She was doing her best to be friendly, but she already felt a little anxious. She had a tendency to be naive and a little virginal, despite her flirtatious tendencies. She anxiously doodled in her notebook, hoping they all didn't try and take advantage of her. She dropped her pen though, as Mrs. Morgan announced the assignment. They were getting paired up with Everette kids? She tried not to smirk as Liz got paired with Mark. She seemed like she wasn't going to take any crap from him. Her name was written shortly after. She was to be paired with a girl named Marina.

Looking around, Cece wondered if that was the girl Mark had called Mari. She looked a bit intimidating, and Cece knew she would end up being a pushover and doing all of the work. She soured a little bit, feeling like class was already going downhill. "Meet me after class." Cece said to Liz as she got up to move towards the other girl. She knew Liz would want to talk about everything that had gone on in class, and Cece wanted to do the same. She picked up her bag, incredibly grateful Thomas was sitting next to this girl. At least she knew someone on this side of the room. "Hey Tommy. Summer was good to you." she teased as she came over. He looked good, but then again, he always looked good. She turned to the girl sitting next to him. "Hi. I'm Cece. I think we're partners." she said, her friendliness from talking to Tommy carrying over to her tone with the new girl.


Cecelia Jenson


Mood -- Friendly/slightly nervous

Scenario -- In class

Location -- 223

Wearing -- uniform

Coding by @Starfish

Well Hello There

"Hey Cece" He said to the blonde, he had known her for a while and they were pretty good friends "Summer was good to you too" he said with a smile, he was a bit taken back that she moved over to sit next to him, but soon she started talking to someone else next to him.​

Thomas looked around at the room, it really didn't seem like anyone was really moving to find their partners. He just got up and walked over and grabbed two papers for himself and for his partner, he glanced over at the board "Were is Kimberly Maddox" he said out loud. The first thing for people to know about Tommy was that he was not shy, he was never one to be afraid to get up in front of the class to present or just to say something if someone else is to scared to.

Before he could receive an answer the teacher stood up and once she did Thomas went back to his desk "Alright your assignment, So you and your said partner will have to write a one page paper about your partner, get to know them, what they like, dislike, their family, what they did over the summer, just the basics " She said and sat back down at the desk then started to call out for attendance.​

jbreezy jbreezy Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

Marina Skye Thornton


Marina looked up from her where she was swiping through Twitter when she heard a familiar voice call her name. Glancing up from the lit-up screen, Mari couldn't help but grin when she saw Mark among two Watson girls. She only knew that they were Watson based on their appearance and body language, but it was enough for her."Hey Mark," Mari said, smirking at him before pointedly looking at Cece and Liz, "Looks like your already on top of your game in our new school." She watched briefly as Mark went back to flirting with both of the girls again.

Marina grinned when Kimberly sat down on the other side of her, happy to have two of her best friends in the same class as her. "That's no joke," she responded to Kim's comment on the thick smell of arrogance and cologne in the air, but before she could continue the conversation, a woman who apparently would be their teacher walked into the room. Mari immediately furrowed her brow and frowned, not liking the look of the woman. She seemed rude and overbearing. But then again, that might just be Marina's disdain for authority figures showing itself.

Mari reached into her backpack and grabbed her headphones, plugging them into her phone and putting one into her ear. The indie rock music flowed smoothly into one ear and the teachers annoying voice nagged the other. A project with a Watson partner? That hardly seemed like something she would want to do, let alone enjoy. Mari decided to stay seated, allowing whoever this Cece Jenson was to find her. She didn't really feel like moving. The blonde Mark had been flirting with earlier sat down next to her.

At the mention of having to tell a total stranger things about herself, Mari flinched. There were some things about her that she knew Cece wouldn't understand. Mari leaned down at took out a piece of paper and a pencil from her backpack. Though she was a troublemaker, and often found herself in the principal's office, Mari received good grades in her classes. Not because she wanted to actually do the work, but because if she was expelled from school, her next stop would be jail. At the sound of the teacher announcing her name, Mari simply raised her hand, scrolling through her playlist on her phone.


Interactions: Mark ( Lurker Lurker ), Kimberly ( Tori Bradley Tori Bradley ) | Mentions: Cece ( jbreezy jbreezy )

Code by JayeTheKat JayeTheKat
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Mark hardly noticed the teacher walk in. He was far too busy flirting so he barely heard her when she began to speak. One word caught his attention and made him turn to look at her though. partners. Marcus sighed, he knew with his luck he was going to get paired with some random guy. That wouldn't be fun at all. As the teacher began writing on the board Mark resigned himself to his fate but when the teacher wrote Liz's name he grinned from ear to ear. If it was possible for a smile to brighten a room mark's certainly would have. It seemed for once fate was on his side. If it wasn't Cece he was glad it was her friend. It would mean he could still be close to her from time to time.

Before Cece could get away the basketball player grabbed her arm gently. "It was nice meeting you Cece. I'll see you around, right?" After he'd said his piece he let the girl's arm go and turned his attention to Liz. He nodded his head at her first question, that award winning smile still on his face. Mark completely ignored the girl's tone of voice as she spoke, taking it as a compliment. "I can't wait. There's no one I rather would have been partnered with. Everyone's gonna be jealous." Mark scooped up his things for the second time and sat himself into the seat that Cece had just previously been sitting in. When their work was over he could move if he needed to.

The cocky teen was just about to ask Liz to tell him more about her when she spoke up again. "Paper? What paper?" Mark looked around as if he were genuinely confused. All he had been thinking about was how lucky he was to get paired with such an attractive girl. It hadn't even registered in his brain yet that he'd actually have to do work. When he saw all the people going up to the front to grab what looked like work he groaned but nodded. "I got it. You just keep your pretty little self right there." Mark chuckled and stood up, walking over to grab the paper. He had no intentions of doing the work. He was focused on getting to know Liz. As he read over the paper he was pleased to find that was actually the assignment. She wouldn't even get a chance to say no.

As Mark was walking back to his desk Mari called out to him and he couldn't stop himself from laughing. His only answer came in the form of a wink to his close friend. It was a refreshing feeling, not having all the girls in the school know about him. In Everette he had hit on all of the girls in his grade at least once. Now it was like open season in this new school and it was already going incredibly well. Once back to the desk Mark slapped the paper onto Liz's desk, situating himself in the seat so that he was staring right at her.

"Well, something about me that you need to know is that I take my schoolwork very seriously. And as my schoolwork right now happens to be learning about you, I'm even more interested. So tell me about yourself Miss Elizabeth Danvers." Mark couldn't stop smiling even if he wanted to at this point. As far as first days at school go, his was going pretty freaking well to this point. He'd met two incredibly hot girls, his close friend Mari was in his class, and he got paired with one of the hot girls. Watson was truly a place where dreams came true. While he waited for Liz to answer, he didn't hide the fact that he was staring at her. He really did want to know more about her, it just helped that she was one of the most attractive girls in the room. So attractive he couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

Talked to : jbreezy jbreezy
Winked at : MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
Currently talking to : Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart
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Watson High
In Class
Intrigued, Mischievous
Mark, Cece, Liz, and Marina
Thomas ( Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio )
Kimberly MaddoxKimberly laughed as a couple of the Watson kids immediately got their assignments and sought out their partners. Not that it was really anything to be surprised over; God forbid one of them stop being perfect for three seconds and break a rule. It was like telling some white chick who frequents Starbucks to stop buying her precious iced coffees every morning. Sure, even Kimberly enjoyed a nice cappuccino every now and then, but she found every morning to be a bit excessive. She smirked when she noticed that Mark had been paired up with the prissy brunette he’d been flirting with. “That will not end well,” she murmured, brushing a few locks of her loosely curled locks off her shoulder.

When the perky blonde Mark had first approached—Cece—made her way over to Marina and announced that they were partners, Mari’s inanimate response did not surprise her. Like Kimberly, Mari hadn’t bothered to get up and actively look for her partner or start her work. They both preferred to relax and wait for their partner to come to them. Bitchy, yes, but entertaining, especially when it got a reaction. Rolling her eyes at Cece’s overly friendly demeanor, Kimberly looked around the room for her partner.

“Where is Kimberly Maddox?” asked a deep, incredibly masculine voice from the front of room. Slowly, Kimberly turned her head to see who had spoken. She was, again, very pleasantly surprised to see the hot brunette boy from before standing there holding two assignment papers. A slow, sly grin spread across her features, her eyes twinkling with a mischievous light. Now, this would be fun. Things were finally looking up. Her outlook on this God-awful integration were even further raised when she heard what the assignment was. Finally, some school work she could look forward to.

After the teacher, Mrs. Something-or-another, finished talking, Kimberly picked up her bag for the third time this morning and moved to the desk in front of Thomas’s. Dropping into the chair, she turned to face him and crossed one leg over the other, leaning against the back of her chair. “So, tell me about yourself, Thomas,” she said. She didn’t bother introducing herself; it was obvious who she was.

Coded By || StoneWolf18 StoneWolf18
Paz Zhang

Paz could hear the steps as the teacher walked in, but didn't look up until she began to speak. The woman had introduced herself, though Paz had seen her around the school before. Uninterested, he returned his attention to his phone, giving the speaking woman a fraction of it as she continued speaking. It was when she mentioned being partnered up with someone from another school for today's assignment that she now had his full attention. He watched in anticipation as she jotted down each pair, eventually writing Paz Zhang & Audrey Mitchell. Hm... She sounded like a doll. So, he made a note to expect the opposite.

Looking around, everyone seemed just about paired, so he suspected his partner must have been running late. No problem. The assignment wasn't due today, so he could be flexible. He tucked his phone away and stood to get the paper when the teacher began speaking again, further explaining the assignment. Now there was a small problem. Well, only if said 'Audrey' didn't show up. In any case, as long as the other person cooperated, this would be an easy A. Returning to his seat and waiting, he began jotting down an outline of things he wanted to be sure he mentioned. Hell, he might as well have been writing a cheat sheet for his partner.

On another note, he surely needed to neglect his phone a little more. He hadn't even noticed his friends or familiar classmates enter the room. Right now, she was preoccupied, but he'd make it a point to say something to Liz by the end of class...or at least before the day was over. Hey - he was just keeping his options open.
Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
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Aziz Kinoshita

Aziz thought he was sly, but the predominantly quiet boy did seem to go unnoticed most of the time. He slipped into room 223 a few minutes late, doing his best to be inconspicuous and blend with the others who were thankfully up and about; it must have had to do with the assignment. While the room buzzed, the teacher was standing and calling names, most likely taking roll. He had made it just in time.

He slipped into a desk as far to the back of the room as he could and began unpacking his things. Watching others, he noticed them going to the teacher's desk and picking up a paper from the stack at its corner. That must have been what they were doing. He waited until his name was called to raise his hand, making no eye contact with the teacher. Afterward, he went to retrieve one of the papers from the front, still keeping his gaze low until he made it back to his desk.

His eyes skimmed the paper, reading about the introductory assignment and being paired. He enjoyed meeting new people, especially one-on-one, so this seemed simple enough. He scanned the names on the board for his own until he finally spotted it alongside a Dierra Paterson. Glancing around, he could see that everyone was already at work with their partners. Paz sat alone, but his partner sounded like a female. Besides, they were being paired by school anyway. So, his partner was either late or skipping.

Well, he guessed he'd find out, wouldn't he?

Hi I'm Audrey

Audrey really wasn't overly thrilled about having to switch schools, not because she thought that her school was a million times better but mainly because she was not a big fan of change. She was one who seemed to thrive of of a schedule in a sense, she likes knowing everyday whats going to happen, and when something as big as this happens it screws her over in some cases. IN all reality if you were to meet Audrey and never ask what school she went to, you would probably just assume that she went to Watson. She doesn't look like a trouble maker or really even come off as one if you talk to her.

But that's not the case, she actually has a pretty dark past, well to be honest she was and in someways still is a drug dealer. She doesn't do it much anymore, but enough that someone ratted her out to the police and resulted in her being on parole for a year and a half. But she isn't now but still isn't out of the woods yet, thanks to her parents.

Audrey walked into the classroom, she was a little bit late, she handed the slip of paper the office gave her to the teacher, she explained what the assignment was, it was weird because the teacher said her name out loud. Audrey walked over to grab a piece of paper and sat down at a desk, she figured that she would try her best.​
Aato Aato

Elizabeth Danvers
Watson High School, Room 223
Mentions: Lurker Lurker [talked to]


Amusement glitter in Elizabeth's eyes when Mark said that there was no one else he would have been paired with. She could think of at least one. He was nothing if not flirtatious, but the brunette knew how to deal with that. She raised an eyebrow when he asked what paper. Had he been paying any attention? This was a bad sign. She could already see her vision of this whole thing coming true. The last thing she needed was more work to do. She didn't have the time to do two person work by herself- she shook her head, reminding herself that now was not the time to start spiraling. It would be fine. She watched him go to the front and pick up the paper. She couldn't help a smile when he said he took his schoolwork serious. That was something she felt dubious about, but it was a nice thought. It was the usual ice-breaker type of writing prompt, which was probably a good thing considering that they'd be working closely for a while.

So tell me about yourself Miss Elizabeth Danvers. It was a simple sentence, but a heavy one. She took a second to think about it before giving a very clean, well manicured answer. Mark was just another student and he would know the Elizabeth that every other student did: perfect student Elizabeth. She took in a breath before looking up at him and starting her little spiel. She could feel his eyes on her, but she was determined to keep the entire thing professional. He was nice enough and he was attractive, but he was not the type of person she'd usually be seen with. She only had one year left in this prep school and she'd spent the last three years building up her reputation and she wasn't going to throw that away for some hot bad boy type; she had better priorities than that.

"Alright, then. I'm eighteen years old. My father is the CEO of an advertising firm and my mother is involved in the community," a nice way to say trophy wife, she thought to herself, "I do, in fact, take my schoolwork very seriously. I have perfect grades. I'm the secretary of our gardening club, I'm on the prom committee, last year's class president, the UNICEF club's vice president, and a couple more things I won't bore you with. I drink a lot of coffee. I run cross country. I'm single," she made brief eye contact, then smiled, "but I'm married to my schoolwork. My main priority is to get into college this year. I''m working on applications for all the Ivy League schools and a couple small liberal arts places." She stopped and leaned back in her seat, crossing on leg over the other. That was all information that just about anyone would know about her, but she figured it would suffice since he knew nothing about her. The teacher hadn't said they had to get into each other's deep dark secrets. "Your turn. You're really tall so, what, I'm guessing you play basketball or something?" She held her pen above the notebook paper, prepared for note taking.

Liz figured she'd probably get the same surface level information out of him, but she couldn't help but feel curious. The people she knew were very similar to herself. Mark was different. He was Everette, for starters, so she barely knew what to expect from him. What had landed the flirt in a school for delinquents? She bit her lip, watching him.

Mark was still giving Liz the smile that would melt hearts back at his old school. When she began listing off all the things she was a part of and how perfect her grades were he had to force himself to not roll his eyes. He didn't care about any of this, he wanted to get to know the real Liz. Not the Liz she wanted teachers and her peers to know. It bothered the teen but he wasn't going to interrupt her during her whole spiel. When she paused after saying she was single, his eyes lit up with joy. Oh, he liked her. He liked her a lot. When she mentioned that she was married to her work it hardly put a damper on his mood. She wouldn't have said it if she didn't want him to know. She could play hard to get all she wanted, Mark liked a little challenge.

After her short and sweet introduction, Mark leaned back in his chair. The telling about himself was a little more complicated. He wasn't stupid enough to think that the name Everette didn't have a negative connotation behind it. The basketball player chuckled when she asked if he played basketball just because he was tall. "What? All tall people have to play basketball? You gonna ask me how the weather is up here next?" His tone made it clear that he was joking. When you were tall and went to public school you heard all of the tall jokes. They annoyed some people but Mark thought they were cute. "That being said, yes I do play basketball." Mark snickered, knowing full well he was contributing to the stereotype he just mocked. Mark cracked his fingers and decided now would be a good time as any to give her a little background on himself.

"Well it's nowhere near as exciting as your story but whatever. Dad's a cop, mom's not in the picture." He purposefully avoided talking about why, not giving her room to ask as he continued. "Got a little sister, she's actually a freshman here. And don't worry, she's the crown Jewel of the family. She was supposed to come here, not a drop out like me." He winked at Liz and paused for a moment, wondering what else he should talk about. "I don't have any college plans like you. Just kinda hoping some college picks me up for basketball then on to the NBA." If Mark had a motto it would definitely be 'Who needs a plan?'. The basketball player tapped his desk, realizing he was doing the same thing she had done. Just telling what he thought was school appropriate. "I love to party. Probably too much. I love the ladies, especially ones as pretty as you."

Mark was just about done with his spiel when something dawned on him. The story of how all the kids from Everette wound up there would be the talk of the school for a while. He decided that it would be better to tell his own version before someone put a crazy spin on it. "Oh yeah. One last thing. I'm not a criminal or anything. Well I guess technically I am. But not a murderer or thief or anything. I was at a party in middle school. Drugs, alcohol, all that stuff. My dad was actually the one who busted the place. My options were to go to jail or go to Everette so I could be reformed. I was actually supposed to go here." Mark shrugged, the memory didn't really bother him although it might make others uncomfortable. Now was the fun part though. Mark leaned closer to Liz and grinned. "So now that you know a secret about me. It's only fair I know one about you. The real you."

(Sorry about formatting. Typed on my phone.)

Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart

Well Hello There

Thomas just sat and waited, he pronounced to the room who he was and who his partner was so he figured she would walk over to him, it was an assignment after all and they were going to be graded on it. He wanted to get really good grades, he wanted to make a good last impression on the school by being class valedictorian.

He looked up from the paper in front of his and noticed a girl walking over to him, which he obviously assumed that it was Kimberly. He was a bit surprised at how she just got right into it, didn't even bother to introduce herself. "Well I'm the co captain of the mends soccer team, the captain of the hockey team and Baseball team. I'm a senior" he really didn't know what else to say in that moment.

He looked at her "So Kimberly tell me about yourself" he said pretty much in the same tone as she had asked him. "Or do you like being called Kim, Kimmy " he said asking, actually being curious about it, a lot of people called him Tommy, but not many people knew that he was okay with it.​
Tori Bradley Tori Bradley

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