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Realistic or Modern I'm Rotten to the Core - OCC

Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
I know you 'liked' my post for Aziz, but I also finished the one for Paz soon after and wasn't sure if you saw that, so I just wanted to verify which character is accepted.
you didn't like my post but you tagged me so i'm taking that as a sign that i'm accepted lol ((correct me if im wrong))

are you doing to pair people up or are we going to choose or is it going to be randomly generated orrr?
Sure. If anyone wants to hit me up with relationships or wants to be Marks partner feel free.
If anybody is willing to talk about the relationship they may have with Dierra, or would like to be her partner, don't be afraid to contact me!
playboy playboy
I don't know if you'd like them paired or not, but Aziz would totally interested in Dierra. The only thing is that he isn't bold, but maybe he got the confidence to be a little flirtatious? I'm down for however you'd want her to react to that.
playboy playboy
I don't know if you'd like them paired or not, but Aziz would totally interested in Dierra. The only thing is that he isn't bold, but maybe he got the confidence to be a little flirtatious? I'm down for however you'd want her to react to that.

I'm down for that. That would be interesting. She might be a little hesitant at first, but would ease up eventually.
Plus as a side note, you guys can be in relationships with kids from your original schools and just though out the rp can figure if they stay together (Just a suggestion) the partners are more for the assignment aspect of it, but do as you wish :)
I think Liz and Tommy could be really great friends because they both try to be perfect on the outside but maybe when they're together they can relax and be their actual selves. Plus they have sort of similar backgrounds since they come from rich families. Maybe their parents could know each other/be friends and that's how they met when they were younger? Just throwing some thoughts out there.

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