• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern I'm Rotten to the Core - CS


Basic Bitches Not Wanted


| First - Middle - Last |

| Optional |

| 16 - 19 |



| 11 or 12 |

| Everette (Bad - Watson (Good) |

Face Claim
| Realistic Pics/ Gifs |



Hair and Eye colour


| 2+ Paragraphs |

| 2+ Paragraphs |

| 4+ |

| 4+ |

Opinion on the students from the other school

| To be filled if accepted |

Anything Else?

New "Bad" Students
1) Taken Tori Bradley Tori Bradley
2) Taken MadiRaiCat MadiRaiCat
3) Taken playboy playboy
4) Taken Lurker Lurker

Current "Good" Students
1) Taken Tsiwentiio Tsiwentiio
2) Taken Aato Aato
3) Taken Sadistic Sweetheart Sadistic Sweetheart
4) Taken jbreezy jbreezy
5) Taken Aato Aato

1) Please be respectful to others :)
2) this is not first come first serve
3) BBCode does not determine if you are accepted
4) If I like your post and tag you in this post you are accepted
5) If you read this write the title of your favourite movie in the Anything Else section :)

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Kimberly Rose Maddox

Likes: Crown Royal Whiskey, parties, indigo, and dogs, especially huskies.

Dislikes: Snakes, makeovers, wine, and conceitedness.

Insensitive - For Kimberly, feelings and emotions come second to facts and reality. She will speak her mind without any care for the effect it has on the people around her. Kimberly is honest, but she is blunt and careless about it. She also has a hard time acknowledging and expressing her own feelings, causing her to cover up her emotions though her actions.
Defiant - Kimberly will not be boxed in. Repetition, hardline rules, and sitting quietly while she is lectured at isn't how she lives her life. She is very action-oriented and hands on, often breaking rules and social expectations to occupy herself. Because of this trait, she is very rebellious against authority, and doesn't react well to being told what to do.
Daring - Kimberly tends to see an opportunity and take it, never stopping to think about the risk or the consequences of her choices and actions. She enjoys living life on the wild side, walking the line between right and wrong. She is very adventurous, always seeking a thrill. She combats boredom with extra risk.

Bold - Kimberly lives life on the edge. There is no greater joy for her than going on adventures and shouting her opinions to the world. She strives to discover new things and spread her thoughts and ideas all around the globe.
Sociable - Kimberly thrives in social situations such as parties and other events. She has this natural charisma that draws you to her like a moth to flame and she loves being the center of attention. She is a natural leader, and isn't afraid to take charge when it's needed.
Perceptive - Kimberly is extremely observant. She catches on to things that most people would never think about, sees things that most people would pass right over. She recognizes when things change--and when they need to change--very easily.



Name: Kimberly Rose Maddox
Nickname: Lee, Kimmy (only to those she's close too)
Age: 18
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Bisexual heteroromantic
Grade: 12
School: Everette
Face Claim: Nina Dobrev


code by pasta
From birth, Kimberly was alone. Her parents were so broke that her mother gave birth to her in the back of a pick up truck on some dusty back road in Montana. They had no desire for a child who was conceived by accident, so they put Kimberly in a laundry basket and left her on the side of the road on the Wyoming-Montana border three days after she was born. She spent nearly two days there on her own before a man named Harlan Forbes found her. Harlan was an aging man, and unable to raise a child himself, so he gave Kimberly to his step-son Rick Maddox.

Rick had never been an overly good man, and he certainly wasn't a fit father, but he and his girlfriend raised Kimberly together until she was six. Those years were the good ones. Rick stayed away from his normal routine of doing drugs, drinking, and making money from the wrong side of the tracks. Before Kimberly, he'd been involved with gangs and mafias from all over the country. And then his girlfriend died in the crossfire of a gang shootout. Elena had been the only reason Rick had changed, so when she was gone, he went back to his former self.

He still raised Kimberly, only now her upbringing was much different. Until she turned eleven, he would leave her with pill pushers, prostitutes, and any other corrupt members of society he could find. She would spend days, even weeks, being taught how to clean guns, or pleasure a man or woman. She was never raped, but she was used in ways no child should ever be used, both by men and women. When she turned eleven, Rick started taking her on jobs with him, training her to be a lethal criminal. At 12 she could shoot like a marine. At 13, she could pull off both armed and unarmed robbery. At 14, she was pulling her own weight in the criminal world, using her charisma and her looks to get what she wanted. She never killed anyone, but she had no problem torturing them for information, or dumping bodies someone else had killed. She was her father in every way, because she never knew any better.

When she turned 15, however, things changed. She and her father were working a routine robbery when there were suddenly cops everywhere. Both of them, along with several other known gang members, were immediately arrested and incarcerated. Kimberly was charged with enough crimes to get her life in a federal, maximum security prison. But she was given a deal when the cops discovered how she ended up in that life and because of how young she was. She could either turn in her father and several different gang members and leaders that she knew of, shorten her sentence to a year in a juvenile detention center, and then enroll at Everette High for her last two years of high school, or she could remain silent and serve life in prison. Scared out of her wits and wanting to enjoy her life outside of jail, she took the deal the FBI offered and turned them all in. When she was 16, she was released from the correctional facility and enrolled at Everette, where she still goes today. She lives with a local deputy named Alex Fisher.

Height: 5'6''
Weight: 157 lbs
Hair Color: Brown
Eye Color: Brown
Style: x.x.x
Kimberly believes that the students of Watson High are spoiled, conceited brats who think they're better than everybody else. She thinks they're boring, and lack any form of courage or bravery. Overall, she has a strong distaste for them and is abhorrent of having to attend Watson, even on a trial run.
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• • • •

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Name: Marina Skye Thornton
Nickname: Mari
Gender: Cis-Female
Age: 18
Sexuality: Heterosexual
Grade: 12
School: Everette

Appearance: Marina stands at 5 feet 4 inches and weighs approximately 120 pounds. She has dark chocolate brown hair and eyes. Her hair is a bit long, reaching down to just below her chest. Usually she will dye the underneath either blonde or a crazy color like blue. Mari has a rather slim but toned body type and tanned skin from the amount of time she spends outside exploring and adventuring. She doesn't really wear much make-up, usually opting for only some mascara, eyeliner, lip gloss, and foundation. She likes to keep her face pretty natural, and usually paints her finger and toenails some shade of blue.

Marina's sense of style very alternative rock-esque. She tends to wear skinny jeans with combat boots and low-cut tank tops. Beanies, leather jackets, and aviator sunglasses are common accessories for her. However, every once in a while, Mari will feel like dressing up and so she enjoys wearing either retro or punk style dresses. Marina has a nose ring in her left nostril as well as pierced ears. She also is no stranger to tattoos, and has the ones listed in the spoiler below.




Description: Marina isn't really the most happy-go-lucky person in the world. Mari is rash and straight-forward, not really sugar-coating anything. But she's also dependable and loyal, willing to help a friend no matter what they need or when they need it, which sometimes comes back to bite her in the ass. Marina doesn't have much of a filter, but that kinda makes her charming in a way. She's not really any good at sappy emotions, and will probably leave the room if someone is crying. Marina doesn't really do well with love. Mari is kinda awkward if someone expresses romantic interest in her, often blushing and stuttering before finding a way to exit the conversation. She honestly has no idea how to respond to compliments either. Most of the time, if Mari receives a compliment, she will downgrade it and descend into a rant of self-loathing. Underneath that strong and rash exterior, Marina is self-conscious and not at all confident in her abilities. But you have to really get to know her to see that side of her. Marina is absolutely brace, spontaneous, and off-the-wall. She will try anything once, and maybe more times if she has fun. She doesn't talk about her past much, and becomes cold if someone asks.

Likes: Playing piano or guitar, Singing, drinking (particularly whiskey), tea, nature and wildlife, skateboarding, smoking cigarettes, drugs, drawing and art

Dislikes: Desserts of any kind (they're too sweet for her liking), flavorless alcohol like Vodka or Gin, rude people, vain people, overconfident people, traffic, riding in airplanes, authority figures



History: Marina spent the majority of her life in the downtrodden parts of New York City. Her father, who was an abusive drunk, accidentally killed her mother when Mari was only 4 years old. Her father was subsequently sent to prison for involuntarily manslaughter, leaving the family-less Marina to be bounced around foster homes. Though she witnessed the murder, Mari no longer remembers what had happened. Subconsciously she had locked those memories away to protect herself and her mental state. She never stayed in one home for too long, as she was always considered the trouble maker. Mari would trick other kids into acting out in order to get something she wanted, like dessert, keys to the family car, and even drugs. Mari began smoking weed at thirteen, and continued on to harder stuff like ecstasy and cocaine as she got older. Though she never really got addicted to those drugs or the large amount of alcohol she drank, she definitely enjoyed them.

When Marina turned fifteen, she ran away from her foster home. That one in particular had been majorly abusive, and often starved the kids for days if they misbehaved in the slightest. Mari wasn't about to live that kind of life, and left the house with only her duffel bag of clothes, drugs, alcohol, and the wad of cash she stole from her foster dad's wallet. For a while, she was able to live on the street comfortably, sleeping in Central Park and being able to buy what she needed. But, eventually that money ran out and Mari had to learn how to fend for herself. Though she promised herself she would never succumb to selling herself, Mari definitely wasn't about stealing what she needed, nor using her stealth skills to steal from others. She became known as the Shadow to many New York gangs, who would hire her to steal important items like legal documents, weapons, drugs, and sometimes even police evidence. Mari took what she wanted when she needed it, and broke into wherever she needed to go. She was an amazing thief, but eventually that life caught up to her. The NYPD caught up to her, and arrested her. Her only options were to attended Everette Boarding School, or go to jail. So, now Mari is stuck in Everette and fervently looking for a chance at escape.
Opinion on Kids From Other School: They're goody-goodies who never had to live a hard day in their lives. They have no idea what the real world is like.

Relationships: Adel (friend)

Anything else? Theme Song: "No Consequences" by VersaEmerge
Eternal Sunshine of the Spotless Mind is my favorite movie.

Marina "Mari" Skye Thornton

• • • •

• • • •

code by pasta
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Dierra Paterson
name: Dierra Aniya Paterson
age: 18

sex: Female
orientation: Bisexual

s t a t s

Grade: 12
School: Everette
Height: 5'4
Body type: short, but curvy in the bum area
Style: 1. 2. 3.

Likes: ♡ Singing/Listening to all types of music
Making money
Meeting new people
Dislikes: Arrogant people
School in general
Country music
Quirks: ♧ Always loud when talking, walking, or doing anything. You always know when she's in the building.
She hums when trying to think.
Her edges always have to be laid.
Opinion on the students from the other school: "They're all so privileged, it isn't fair! Someone needs to knock them down a peg."
Personality: Dierra is definitely a girl you would either love or hate. Her personality rubs people the wrong way sometimes. She's very blunt, even if you're her best friend, she will always tell you how it is. Instead of being super uptight, she's more of a laid back, go with the flow, type of person.
Dierra is extremely loud, but lovable, as well. Due to her tough upbringing, she never wants to be like her mother. She doesn't do drugs but smokes the occasional joint and drinks a few shots from time-to-time. She manages to do ok in school, averaging around C's in every single class. She's more interested in her music than at school. When she sings, many people tell her she has an amazing voice. People often compare her to Alicia Keys and Rihanna.

b i o
Dierra grew up in a high crime, and drug-induced area, also known as Harlem, New York. At only the age of sixteen, Lorena Paterson had given birth to a biracial baby girl, Dierra Aniya Paterson, which didn't sit well with her parents. Lorena's parents were extremely appalled and outraged. They believed that she brought shame to the family name, and in result, she was cut off from all family contact. By seventeen, Lorena was on the Harlem street, homeless, with a one-year-old. After only a couple of months of being the street, her parents let her move back in, in hopes of changing her life style. They were wrong. Her mother turned to drugs and prostitution, because of her pain inside. She felt as if nobody understood her and that she was a burden, which was completely devasting.
Only being twelve, Dierra has seen it all. Nothing phased her anymore. She had very little idea what her mom was like sober, and that statement alone made her feel different than the other kids. Did her mom love her? Did anybody love her? That's really all she wanted: a stable and loving family. Her grandparents hated her guts, that, she knew for a certain. With very little recollection of what her father was like, from what she remembered, she had only seen him twice. Once on her fourth birthday party, and another on Christmas Eve.
Now, being eighteen, she understands a lot more than she did. She knows that her mother does drugs, and she vowed that she would never be like her. When she's older, she aspires to become an R&B singer. She wants her story known to bring awareness to situations like hers.
coded by dwale
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Name: Thomas Anthony Langdon

Nickname: Tommy

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 12

School: Watson

Face Claim: Ansel Elgort​


Height: 6'1"

Weight: 158 lbs

Hair Color:

Eye Colour:


Opinion on the other school?: "I'm a very open minded person so I'll give them the benefit of the doubt"​



Thomas in one word can probably be described as perfect, although no one is really perfect and he doesn't believe it himself. Thomas is a nice and caring person, he tries to befriend everyone and tries not to have any enemies. Being the top guy at Watson, everyone seems to look at him, guys and girls. Thomas strives to do well in school, mainly because he wants a free ride to college, and he also tries his hardest at sports which is where most of his attention goes to. Thomas is the type that will help anyone, he has never one to step over people who tripped in the hall or make fun of someone because some embarrassing pictures leaked.
Thomas likes to hide behind his image that he has built, he keeps a lot of things a secret, mainly his family, he doesn't really like the fact that his parents are wealthy to be the first thing people learn about him. He tends to be somewhat of an emotional person, when he falls in love he falls hard, and when he is hurt emotionally it takes a huge toll on him. He tries to be supportive as best he can to those around him, giving them a shoulder to cry on if need be, but won't if he is upset about something. Overall Thomas is the nice popular guy that everyone seems to want to be around, which in all respects is true, but only a select few are allowed behind the curtain.

Thomas Anthony Langdon was born to wealthy parents, His father being one of the top cardiac surgeons in the country and his mother being the CEO of a big fashion brand. He is an only child, but his parents did their best not to spoil him, although they weren't around all that much. His grandparents basically raised him and taught him all he knows.
At first, Thomas was homeschooled, mainly because they weren't sure how he would handle being around other children. But he wanted that interaction with other kids, he craved it and he begged and begged for his parents to put him in school. In 7th grade they finally caved in and enrolled him in the local middle school. Right away he climbed the social ladder, mainly because he was the star of the soccer and hockey teams and by the 8th grade was already selected to be on the varsity teams.
Once he hit high school, not too much changed, he became more involved in a variety of clubs and organizations run by the school. Watson really wasn't a huge party school but when his parents went away for work and his grandparents moved out he threw the best parties.
When he received the news that kids from Everette high were going to be moved to Watson in the fall he was a bit nervous, he had really only heard negative things about the kids, but he really didn't want to make an opinion on them because he had never had to face them besides in sports. Now in his last year in high school he really just wants to focus on his grades and graduating

His friends and family - Sports - working out - horror movies
Cheaters - Liars - Spicy food - Snakes

Anything else?:​

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Aziz Kinoshita

Name: Aziz Itsuki Ali Kinoshita

Nickname: Zizi or Kino [occasionally]

Age: 17

Gender: Male

Sexuality: Heterosexual

Grade: 11

School: Watson


5'7" [~170 cm]


127 lb [~58 kg]

Hair & Eye Color:

Dark brown hair & Dark olive (greenish brown) eyes


Casual - t-shirts with jeans, cargo pants, shorts, etc.


Aziz is very social, adventurous, and fun-loving. He's been told his aura has a natural charm that pulls people in. However, his socialite tendencies have gotten him into trouble a few times, bringing out his more reckless behavior when things get too rowdy. He has a silly streak that sometimes goes too far.

Believe it or not, he's not particularly outgoing and typically sticks to letting people approach him. He prefers one-on-one or interactions with a small group - usually no more than five. He serves as a confidante to his close friends, and even others, always willing to be there if someone needs it. When not with friends or working, he enjoys his alone time doing hobbies like origami... or watching TV while having his favorite snack. He has a tendency to put lemon in almost everything, and his room is decorated with owls.

When it comes to his love life, he doesn't give it much emphasis. He enjoys scoping girls from a distance, but isn't particular on making any moves that are too 'forward'. Flirting often goes over his head as he assumes people are just being nice, so when someone is interested in him, that person definitely have to use the words or gestures to make it loud and clear. He'd probably be described as the 'shy' or 'clueless' guy -- which isn't too far from right. He has a tendency to stutter when excited or nervous.






>>flowers [Foxglove]




>>Ghuraiba [thin cookie with powdered sugar] with coffee





<<hot weather

<<small towns


<<playing sports [except soccer occasionally]

>>Has a light accent

>>Speaks only conversational Japanese while mostly fluent in Arabic


Aziz was born in Sacramento, California to Takeshi Kinoshita and Hagir Saab - immigrants from Japan and Kuwait. His parents moved to Reno, Nevada when he was three, so he grew up there and claims it as his hometown.

Life at home has been fairly easy for him with only minor discrepancies. As a mechanical engineer, his father works long hours, and often isn't home - contributing to the slight distance in their relationship. However, he is still able to comfortably reach out to him when he feels the need. Meanwhile, his mother is a public school teacher, only returning to her job after serving as a stay-at-home-mom.

He was home-schooled until time for middle school [6th grade] and attended the same school where his mother happened to work as a science teacher. Although he was never her student, other students eventually made the connection and he caught some light teasing for it; this didn't bother him much. He didn't become particularly self-conscious about it until he reached high school, but does fairly well with shaking off any 'uncouth' remarks.

Opinion: "This should be interesting... and hopefully a lot of fun."

Dierra | Class partner ; also romantically interested (on his part)

Anything Else?: N/A
[Fave movie: 'I Am Legend']


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Paz Zhang

Full Name: Paz Iyan Zhang

Age: 18

Gender: Male

Biromantic Pansexual




Height: 5'10" [~178 cm]

Weight: 161 lb [~73 kg]​

Hair & Eye Color:
Reddish brown & Hazel

Style: Varies based on mood, but typically stays dressy casual in flexible clothing; he'll dress his style up a few notches when the occasion calls


focused >> confidante >> outgoing/confident >> open-minded >> fun-loving || blunt/outspoken << sarcastic << impulsive << sneaky << sometimes hyper

Sugar, spice, and... that pretty much sums him up. Paz is confident, sassy, and outspoken with the occasional energetic burst. He knows who he is and doesn't let anyone change that or try to tell him otherwise. He's open about his past and being adopted, accepting it as another facet of what makes him himself. Generally, people's opinions don't phase him, but he doesn't tolerate unwarranted disrespect and will speak up. Though, while he usually has the best intentions, his mouth has gotten him in trouble by being too blunt or sarcastic. His highly impulsive behavior also adds to his problems, making him act first and think later when his emotions are strong enough. However, his impulsiveness also fuels some of his focus, able to keep his mind on his goals - even if the goals are small or frivolous. Lastly, the same amount of devotion he has to stay true to himself is the amount of devotion he puts back out to others. He's a loyal friend and tries to be there more often than not when he's needed. He's been called a good confidante, offering great advice or just sitting and listening - whatever it is you need to be okay is what he'll make the effort to do.

>> Fishing
>> Carpentry
>> Stargazing
>> The feeling of finishing hard work (being covered in dirt, sweat, smelling of wood, and the whole nine yards...)
>> Being around fun people

>> Being challenged in a catty manner
>> Those who judge and look down on others
>> 'Party-poopers'
>> Discrimination
>> Peoples' amazement with celebrities and other elements of pop culture

>> Tends to work shirtless or in tanktops as it's more comfortable and there's less to get in the way
>> Usually refers to Inéz as 'mom' and Natasha as 'Tasha' to avoid confusion when with both parents
>> Speaks some Mandarin Chinese picked up from Tasha
>> Does a little wiggle as his 'happy dance'


Paz's biological mother was a single mother who died giving birth to him and none of her family was willing to take him in, resulting in him going straight to an orphanage upon release from the hospital. At around 3 years old, he was adopted by Inéz Miller and Natasha Zhang. They've been wonderful parents to him, providing him with quite the decent setup and much love, patience, and understanding. He doesn't really remember life without them.

Most people expect Paz to be the stereotypical adoptee full of resentment and other emotional woes, but that's simply not the case. His moms are his moms and that's the only life he knows. The way he sees it, he's more fortunate than most. He has the occasional curiosity about his biological family, but they're strangers to him for the most part. Given his name, thick curls, and tanned complexion, he suspects Jewish ancestry, but that's a loose guess.​

Opinion: "I'm fine with 'em. Live and let live. Plus, it's an opportunity for friends. And like they say, 'Don't start nothing, won't be nothing.'"


|| They met at a party and pretty much hit it off. They continued talking at school and became friends. Their complimenting personalities keep them bonding and their friendship growing.
Audrey || Class Partner

Anything Else?:


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(I don't mess with BBcode, just not my thing. If it's a super deal breaker I can go grab one from somewhere.)

Marcus Axel Corsair


| 17 |

| Male |

| Heterosexual |

| 11 |

| Everette |

Face Claim
| Ross Butler |

| 6'5 |

| 220 |

Hair and Eye colour
| Black, Brown |

| Often found wearing basketball gear. Jerseys, shorts, you name it. When going out to a party he keeps it casual, collared polos and jeans. Nothing too crazy. |


| Marcus is your stereotypical high school bully. He thinks he's better than everyone else because he's the star of the basketball team. He only hangs around with the popular kids and doesn't give anyone else the time of day. Mark isn't afraid to get his hands dirty to get what he wants, causing some kids to be afraid of him. Known for being extremely hot headed, not afraid to get into fights with people.

When with his friends Mark loves to party. He's usually the life of the party. He does whatever drugs are available at the party, drink as much as he can without passing out. Doesn't mind smoking at home but will not let anyone do it without his supervision, lest his little sister find out. Mark's little sister is his inspiration. She's actually a freshman at Watson, making great grades. He'd do anything for Giggles, the pet name he calls her. He doesn't want her to be anything like him, since she's essentially the hope of the family. God have mercy on anyone that insults Mark's sister in front of him.

Mark is an absolute ladie's man. He's confident in his attractiveness and likes to show it. There's not a girl in his school that he hasn't flirted with at least once, generally. He plays off rejection well on the outside but it really bothers him on the inside. He begins to question himself, wondering if something is wrong with him. Can often be found asking Giggles for help picking up chicks. She refuses.

Axel's relationship with his parents isn't the greatest. The only reason he hasn't been fully kicked out of the house is because his sister vouches for him. They hate how he's just a jock and have tried many things to get him interested in more intellectual things. Mark actually knows how to play piano, from when his parents forced him to take lessons, but he hides it from everyone. His grades are terrible, preferring to focus on basketball over everything else in his life.

Mark is a natural leader, oddly enough. Being the captain of the basketball team has taught him a lot. People generally go with what he says and he finds himself often surprised when people outside his group refuse to follow him.|

|Mark has had a pretty uneventful life. His father had played basketball when he was a kid so they thought it'd be a good idea for Mark to play.. They never thought he'd like it so much and they tried to stop him from joining the team in middle school. Both his parents and their parents had all gone to college. They wanted him to learn to be a doctor, because y'know, he's Asian. Mark hated the stereotype even though he was a walking jock stereotype himself.

Marcus was actually supposed to go to Watson. However, one night he was caught at a party full of drugs an alcohol by none other than his father. His father is a police officer and is the only reason mark hadn't been shipped off to jail. The compromise was that the teen would have to go to Everette. At the time Mark had hardly cared but now he wished he hadn't messed up. All the school scouts for colleges check Watson, not even bothering to look at the delinquent school Everette. It nearly ruined his chances of going to college, since his grades definitely weren't good enough.

Marcus' parents never come to a game to silently protest his partaking in the sport. His sister never misses one, though. He has almost been kicked off the team several times be it for grades or bullying other kids. Thankfully his coach knows he's so good that he fights for him to stay on the team.|


| Basketball, Parties, Marijuana, Kim, his sister |

| Goody two shoes, Losing, Heights, Cops ironically |

Opinion on the students from the other school
| As long as they don't get in his way, he doesn't care what they do. |

| To be filled if accepted |

Anything Else?
Favorite movie : Life
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Elizabeth is perfect on the outside, really. She takes honors classes and aces them. She holds positions in various clubs. She's a valuable member of the cross country team. Hell, even her family life looks perfect; her father is a successful businessman, her mother is a trophy wife who involves herself in the church and community, and their house is massive. Adults absolutely love her because of her impeccable behavior, that's probably why she got drafted for their little experiment. However, people simply aren't capable of perfection. Under the surface, Liz is much messier. She's constantly under stress because she's trying to keep up her well manicured reputation. She's had years of training on how to maintain appearances, so being polite and navigating social situations is second nature to her.

In school, Liz tries to get along with everyone. She wants to be well-liked. She's a social butterfly. This is perhaps one of her most selfish qualities; she's only nice to so many people because she knows she'll eventually need people to do things for her. She doesn't get close to too many people, but has more acquaintances than she can count. She's respectful to her teachers and never causes any trouble in her classes. She's never gotten so much as a reprimand.

With her real friends, she's a lot less perfect. She drops her whole facade. She lets loose. She complains and vents to her friends about the people she deals with. She doesn't care about her reputation when she's with her friends. They see all of her flaws. She hates half her classes and honestly couldn't care about most of the students she interacts with. They know she gets jealous easily, that she's impatient, that she's stubborn- that she isn't perfect. To those she cares about, she is loyal and would put their needs above her own, which she can't say about other people. Like any teenage girl, she enjoys gossiping with her friends; she's always interested in what's going on in other people's lives. She loves to watch stupid things on TV and make fun of reality TV stars with them. When they go out, she's more spontaneous and more likely to take risks around her friends. She can think on her feet and talk herself out of most situations. She can manipulate people into giving her what she wants with her little act, but she knows that batting her eyelashes doesn't work on people who truly know her.

When she goes to parties- and she does go to a lot of them- she's a bit of a mix between her school self and the self that her friends know. While she does relax a lot more, she still tries to keep some semblance of her reputation. She doesn't lash out or cause trouble at parties, she just tries to have a good time. Liz is a flirt and likes to mess around, but she's sneaky about it and acts like things never happened when she returns to school the next day. She still acts nice, but she doesn't talk to people she isn't interested in.



- basic info -


Elizabeth Kate Danvers

- Ellie ; her family members and close friends call her this
- Liz ; casual friends can call her this
- Danvers ; she's fine with people calling her by her last name

Eighteen [ 18. ]

Cisgender Female


Twelve [ 12. ]




- get deeper -
Face Claim

Alycia Debnam-Carey

Appearance & Style

Elizabeth stands at five feet and six and a half inches, which is a bit above average. She's a thin girl and, though she wouldn't consider herself a stick, she isn't remarkably curvy either. Brown hair falls a little past her chest in halfhearted waves. Her green eyes are framed by long eyelashes. Her skin is pale though in the summer it can get a few shades tanner. She has high cheekbones and plump lips. Her features generally make her seem innocent on first glance.

At school, Elizabeth wears a preppy style, but she doesn't have much of a choice considering that they have uniforms. However, she would probably don this type of clothing even if it wasn't a requirement. She likes to uphold a certain image of herself during the day and the clean, preppy style helps her accomplish that. Her parents approve of this style. During the night, her style takes a complete 180. She's no stranger to showing skin when she enters the party scenes. She usually wears highwaisted shorts and crop tops, bodycon dresses, or miniskirts. So, her style depends on where she's going.



- who are you? -


- Coffee; How else do you think shes kept up with her work load? The girl practically runs on coffee at this point, especially since she pulls so many all nighters.
- Reality TV; Sure, she knows everything is fake and staged, but it's still fun to watch. She usually has MTV on so she can watch shows like Are You The One?, The Challenge, and Catfish. She's impartial to the Kardashians, but finds that they get old after a while. Reality TV is sort of like a guilty pleasure for her.
- Parties; They're probably the only break she gets from trying to hold up her image. Rich kids always throw the best parties since their parents go away on business trips or vacations.

- Mess; Liz can't work in messy environments. There's nothing that irks her more than things being horribly out of place or dirty. It's sort of ironic considering how messy her life is.
- Heavy metal; It just hurts her ears, really. She can't take dark music like metal or screamo. She likes music that's easy on the ears instead.
- Rich adults; There's nothing more annoying than having to force smiles and make small talk about the most irrelevant things and act completely fake towards other people, but that's what talking to rich adults always feels like.

+ She can't work in a messy environment.
+ Her schoolwork is color coded.
+ She plays a lot of Sudoku. She can finish even difficult puzzles in under ten minutes.



- story specific -

Elizabeth was born to a rich couple. Her father works as the CEO of an advertising agency. Her mother never worked a day in her life; she was too pretty for that and quite enjoyed her occupation as a trophy wife. Of course, sitting in the house became boring after a while and she started getting more involved in the community. When Elizabeth was young, her mother was the troop mother of the city's girl scout troop. When she was in school, her mother was one of those PTA moms that helped out with fundraising and bake sales. When Elizabeth started middle school, her mother started getting more involved in their church and went to the country club more often.

When she was young, Liz has a perfect life. She had friends at school and went to summer camps and was happy. Her parents loved each other. When she started growing older, the perfect life began to chip away. She began to realize that things weren't as great as they seemed. Her parents fought more often. She found out that they didn't really love each other, though no one would be able to tell by the way they presented themselves to the public eye. Behind closed doors, her father was having sex with his secretary and her mother was messing around with the pool boy at their country club. Her father spent longer hours at the office. Her mother visited the country club more often. When they were both at home, they argued. The only thing keeping them together was Liz. They were both proud of her, but there was also a pressure her to keep the perfect image up that she felt.

Around the time she entered highschool, Liz realized that she was interested in girls as well as boys. She knew that if she told her mother, who was a devout church member, she'd be embarrassed and tell her she's just going through a phase and her father would be disappointed in her, so she doesn't bring it up. She stopped for a while when she got a boyfriend and figured maybe it was a phase. They broke up after a year of dating because they wanted different things: she wanted loyalty and he wanted to have sex with other girls. Since then, she's realized that her interest in girls isn't a phase and has accepted that she's bisexual, but she hasn't told her parents or really acted on it. She doesn't have girlfriends. She messes around with girls at parties, but it's always behind closed doors and she never lets it go far. Currently, she's less focused on love and more on her college applications, but she still goes out and parties when she can.
Opinion on the students from the other school
- Externally -
"It's such a tragedy that their school closed down. Of course, we should always help our neighbors and I sincerely hope they'll be able to integrate into our school. I'm honored to be part of the group helping them."
- Internally -
"Please, for the love of God, give me a normal one. I don't have time to babysit. They're not like, real criminals, right? I'm not putting myself in danger, right? At least I can put this down on my college applications- if I survive."

| To be filled if accepted |

Anything Else?

Cecelia Jenson


Nickname: Cece
Age: 17
Gender: Female
Sexuality: Heterosexual
School: Watson

Faceclaim: Alexis Ren
Height: 5'7"
Weight: 130
Hair and Eye Color: Blonde, brown
Style: Cecelia likes to stick to basic styles, choosing comfort over trends when she's not in uniform. She likes wearing skinny jeans, soft t shirts, crop tops and dresses. She isn't afraid to mix up her style or get more dressed up though.


Cece is a little bookish, and enjoys spending a lot of time researching her personal interests in the library. She isn't super street smart and can be a little naive. However, this doesn't mean she's quite. She is quite the extrovert, and has no trouble talking to anyone. She does like to flirt, but it's usually all in innocent fun. She is extremely kind, and will go out of her way to be nice to the students who don't quite fit in.

However, Cece does tend to have a streak of insecurity. She often worries about what other people think of her and worry that they are easily annoyed by her. She tries to cover this up by being extremely friendly and outgoing to everyone, as well as acting fun loving all the time.

Cece was born into a middle class family. Her father was a banker and her mother was a bit of a free spirit. When Cece was five though, her parents got divorced due to their different lifestyles. She spent most of her time with her mother, while her father's child support checks kept her comfortable. Her mother encouraged her all throughout her childhood to peruse her interests. So she danced, rode horses and painted. By the time she got to high school, she added violin and drama club as well.

During her sophomore year, Cece's mom began to date again, much to her dismay. Within 6 months, she was remarried and they were living with her stepfather. Cece resents both of them and is angry that her stepfather has tried to replace himself as her dad. So for the past year, she had been unofficially living with friends and her real father while she sorts out her feelings.



-Cold weather
-Her stepdad
-Being alone


Opinion on Student from the Other School:
Truthfully, she's a little wary, but she isn't going to say anything about it.

Anything Else?:
Mean Girls
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| Nathaniel O'Ferrell |

| Nate, Nathan, Ferrell|

| 17 |



| 11 |

| Everette |

Face Claim


Height - 6'3

Weight - 170 pounds

Hair and Eye colour - Brown and Hazel


| Nathan is a very honest and blunt man. He is a thrill seeker and will most likely take risks to have fun. He isn't shy towards cursing or the vises and doesn't usually make a plan for things. He is very forgetful and combined with his usual lack of a plan usually leads him into sticky situations.

He is generally a nice and selfless person which helps him make friends easily. He is a social person though also likes alone time. He enjoys strong alcohol and fighting.

I sounded super repetitive in that description.

| Nathaniel was born and raised in Ireland though moved to America just two years ago. He holds onto his Celtic culture very well as seen from his style, personality and speech. After going to school for a few weeks he got a job working at the local Subway. He worked hard a really hated his time there so to blow off some steam he indulged whiskey and joined a gym.

Turns out those two things don't mix well so when he got into several fights at the gym, and won most of them, the police picked him up and found out he had been drinking. After searching his house they found his stash and immediately sent him to juvenile detention, Subway fired him and his parents disowned him. Juvy forced him into Everette high and he reluctantly goes to school there now.

| Bagpipes, Whiskey, Women, Fighting, The Real McKenzies, Dropkick Murphy's, Kilts, Working out, Cats. |

| Authority figures, Working, Stuck up people, School, Modern Music, Catholics.

Opinion on the students from the other school
| He figures they are just like him only luckier. He really hopes there are some hot redheads.

| To be filled if accepted |

Anything Else? I really love the movie Braveheart if you couldn't tell lol
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| Audrey - Maria - Mitchell |

| N/A |

| 17 |

| Female |

| Bisexual |

| 12 |

| Everette |

Face Claim
| Lucy Hale |

| 5'1" |

| 115 lbs |

Hair and Eye colour
| Brunette/ Brown |


| 2+ Paragraphs |

| 2+ Paragraphs |

| 4+ |

| 4+ |


Opinion on the students from the other school

| To be filled if accepted |

Anything Else?


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