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Fandom Ilvormorny School of Witchcraft and Wizardry CS


Teenager with no emotions
Wand: (If unsure visit: http://harrypotter.wikia.com/wiki/Wand)
House: (If first year there will be a sorting ceremony where I will PM you)
Classes: (See below)
Physical Description: (Preferably art or real life)
Likes: (No more than 10, same amount as Dislikes)
Dislikes: (No more than 10, same amount as Likes)
Positive Traits: (No more than 10, same amount as Negative Traits)
Negative Traits: (No more than 10, same amount as Positive Traits)
Fears: (At least 3)
Goals and Ambitions: (Please be realistic about this, at least one)
Extra: (Birthday, family history, anything you want others to know about your character)
For determining some things about your character you might be confused about, here is a short explanation of a student's year and correlating age and how to choose their wand, house, and class schedule:

A student beginning their first year at Ilvermorny should be eleven or twelve, much like the No-Maj equivalent of a sixth grader. Every other year consecutively adds a year to the student's age, so they should end their seventh and final year at seventeen or eighteen.

To help choose your character's wand and house, I recommend reading up on information about the two on the Harry Potter wiki or taking the sorting quizzes found on Pottermore.

And for deciding their classes, first know that all first-years at Ilvermorny must take the following subjects: Transfiguration, Beginning Wandlore (an introduction class for Charms), Potions, History of Magic, Defence Against the Dark Arts, Astronomy, Herbology, and Flying.

At the end of their second year at Ilvermorny, students are required to choose a minimum of two more subjects from the following list: Arithmancy, Charms, No-Maj Studies, Divination, Study of Ancient Runes and Magizoology (Ilvermorny equivalent of Care of Magical Creatures).

Apparition can be taken starting at a student's fifth year.

Very specialized subjects such as Alchemy, Animagi Training, Arithmancy, Cursebreaking, and Wandless Magic are offered only to sixth and seventh years.

(You can code or add to the character sheet any way you like, these are just some main points that I would like you to include about your character.)


1. You must play as at least one student of any year. Other characters may be another student or a differing role (Professor, Headmaster, nurse, etc.)

2. All first years will be sorted by the carvings, as explained in prior posts. If your student is not a first year, they simply sit with their house during the sorting ceremony and wait for the new first years to join them.

3. No perfect characters.

4. Be respectful of other members.

5. Do not harm others’ characters without their permission.

6. Further rules will be added if needed.

When a student starts their education at Ilvermorny, they step onto a Gordian Knot on the floor in the centre of the entrance hall with large wooden statues of the mascots for the four houses facing them. The carved statues react if they want the student in their house. The older students watch in silence from a circular balcony on a floor above them as the new students are sorted. For Horned Serpent, the crystal in the carving's forehead glows. For Wampus, the carving roars. For Thunderbird, the carving beats its wings. And for Pukwudgie, the carving raises its arrow.

However, sometimes more than one carving will try to select the same student and so the student is then able to choose the house they prefer. This happens very rarely. Sometimes - as rare as once a decade or even a generation as in the case of one student - a student will be selected by every house. After the sorting, the student is brought to a large hall where they are chosen once more, this time by a wand.
Isabella Sayre
Ebony wood with dragon heartstring core, 10 and 3/4 inches supple flexibility
Horned Serpente
Defence against the dark arts, potions, transfiguration, charm, magical theory, care of magical creatures, wandless magic, astronomy, apparition.
Blood Status:
Half blood coming from pure blood family​
Physical Description:
Isabella is pretty short at the height of 5"2, she is much like her mother's side of the family, dark hair and a fair complexion although has her father's bright eyes. She has a birth mark on her shoulder that she tries to cover up where ever possible. Her hair falls just past half way down her back, she where's contacts so that she can see because she hates her glasses.
To be in charge
Causing fights of any sort
Collecting chocolate frog cards
Less educated people
Sweet people
Positive traits:
Can tell if people are lying
Has an infectious smile and laugh
Open minded
Scares people into listening to her
Can sweet talk her way through things
Negative traits:
Can often be intimidating when annoyed or angry
Doesn't know when to give up
Has a habit of threatening people
Doesn't think before opening her
Her eyes often scare people
Can't say 'Anteoculatia'
Says things at the wrong time
Good with computers and technology often hacking
Unhealthy collection of stuffed animals
Is often approachable around people that she knows but finds it hard to find friends because of her aggressiveness she is quiet and you would more than likely see her in a good mood unless you mention her family and that they are disappointed that she isn't as successful as them, then she will turn into a beast and will run you into a wall and scare the crap out of you until you take it back and you will never want to talk to her again. She doesn't hold onto grudges for long at all, so if someone did bring it up she would be dark and scary until you apologise then she will be all happy again.
She is an only child, she comes from the Sayre family, Isolt Sayre one of her ancestors like great great great great great grandmother. She has a reputation because of that and hates it because people expect her to follow her families line of success, her mother was an amazing student same with her grandmother and so on so forth. She had some troubles finding out who she is in the world and tried to fit in with a muggle's life, going to a normal school and having muggle friends, though they usually find out and things go wrong so she ends up with no friends.
She is loved by her mother ever since the father had left them, she is a half blood her mother a full blood and her father a muggle. She often gets heated at the mention of her father, her mother is often scared for Isabella as she thinks she will turn to the dark arts.
Ambitions and Goals:
Isabella is rather different from everyone else, she has two goals in life both completely different from each other, one she wants to be a successful witch so she can be like her family and bring success, the other is much like Voldermorts.... To bring fear to people and bring a name that people will fear. Although no one knows that. She was inspired by the fear that her grandmother had brought people, the name was lost over time and people forgot about it, Isabella wants people to see that the Sayre family isn't all nice and happy and not everyone are successful.
Isabella isn't one for having pets although she has a rat to keep her company most of the time. His name is Whiskers and is often found in other people's beds or under their pillows.

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