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Fandom Ilan (Star Wars inspired) (Closed)

Rhea woke up and noticed that the entire room was already lit. Apparently she had slept quite long, judging by the height of the sun. That was something she'd never done before. Then she reminded herself of the fact that she was no longer fighting in wars either and that maybe this will be her chance to be a normal teenager, who didn't need to worry about not getting shot on a almost daily basis. That would be really nice for a change, though she didn't think she'd be a normal teen anyways, since she had grown up in the temple and had it's principals and rules basically drilled into her mind.

She sat up and started thinking about what she could do now. This was the first day in a while where she wasn't running around trying to save the galaxy. What did 'normal' people do all day? She got off the couch, in search of something to do and some ideas on how to spend her day off. She decided she could still practice her saber skills the next day and enjoy being a bit lazy for once, but then again, how exactly were you lazy? Rhea then walked back to the couch and lay down again. Then she took out her Holoprojector and opened the star map again, mentally quizzing herself on facts about every planet to pass the time until A came back. Before taking out her Holoprojector, Rhea had decided to wait for A to come back and maybe she could ask her again to teach her her language. She thought if she was persistent she might get A to actually teach her and Rhea'd love the challenge of learning A's language.
Turns out being the sole daughter of the High Priestess gave you several perks and clearances. Ascilia was tucked away inside most of her life, despite recently being out and about. It wasn’t always like that. Her mother might’ve been the High Priestess and might’ve been cold to her, but she still cared. Not to mention that if Ascilia was a possible target for assassination when she was younger, she couldn’t understand why she was never allowed outside those four walls.

Yet here she was now, standing in front of Hjallod—the closest she’d get to a friend from the builder’s caste. He was a little taller than her, his skin a deeper blue than she, and eyes that shone a deep black. She knew what she was asking of him was almost impossible to get, but he owed her.

“I don’t know.” He says, voice deep and smooth. “What you’re asking of me could cost me everything.” He was serious.

“They won’t even know about it. I pinky swear.” She says, bringing her webbed pinky out.

Hjallod looks at her pinky, then to her and back again. He lets out a deep sigh, running a hand down his face. “Fine. But if you get caught with this… you don’t know me and I don’t know you.”

Ascilia smiles, letting her pinky drop after he doesn’t interlock his with hers. “You won’t regret this. I promise.” She’d look around her. Even though they were in his his personal shop, one could never be too sure who was listening in on them.
She now had quizzed herself about pretty much every planet and also made a mental list of the top 10 planet's she'd like to see once she get's off of this planet. Batuu, Alderaan, Tatooine and Naboo, to name a few. She'd like to go to Tatooine once for a while to practice her huttese and she would like to go to Naboo, since that was her homeplanet and she had never been there and would love to see where she was from. Rhea'd like to see the others because they seemed really interesting, especially Batuu. She had seen that it was quite close to where she was now and knew it was a good place to make some credits. Something she'd desperately need if she were to live longer than a day out in the galaxy. Having studied to topography of the planet, she decided if they were actually to land there, that she would apply to work at Oga's cantina.

After that she just layed there on the couch for a few minutes, before getting really bored again. Then she remembered, she still needed to desguise herself somehow. She definitely needed some other clothes and somehow needed to alter her looks. Then she had an idea. The easiest way to alter her appearance at the moment is to cut her hair. Rhea quickly got up and started opening her hair, while walking to the kitchen to get a sharp object, with which she could cut her hair. After a bit of searching she found something and braided her hair into two braids. Then she took the blade into her hand, set it at where her hair was about shoulder long, closed her eves and took a deep breath. She then opened her eyes to see the braid lying on the floor and her hair falling to the front. Then she repeated the process with the other braid, though that one was a lot easier now. After that she braided the front strand on her right side. She would ask A as soon as she returned what her thoughts on the change of style were. Then she started to clean up the cut hair and made sure everything looked orderly for A to come back, since she didn't know when she would return.

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