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Realistic or Modern If You Love Me, Let Me Go

Adrian finished patting the powder makeup over the reddening mark on her face and sighed into the mirror. There. Nobody would ever know now. Nobody needed to, she told herself. Because this was the first time this had happened and it wouldn't happen again. He didn't mean it.

She pursed her lips at her reflection. He didn't mean it...right? She shook her head. They'd been together for a year now. He loved her. Of course he didn't mean it. It was just a slap anyway; not like he'd broken her jaw. She was sure he was sorry; they always made up after an argument.

She leaned forward on the edge of the sink and sighed again. Everything would be alright...but right now she seriously needed a smoke.

Archer Austin Savage

He'd gotten up late that night after having napped because he had to work stocking at the book store that night. He heaved himself off the L-shaped black sofa with his two cats sleeping on the back on either end, he smiled a little bit and pet the one who was semi-awake before getting dressed in his grey skinny jeans and plain white v-neck, he began pulling his boots on as he glanced outside at how clear the sky was, sort of hoping Finnick would text him, He then picked up his bag which contained a manga he was reading, his phone, and some other random things and headed out the door, down his old brick-building apartment steps and onto the street​
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Finnick walked out of the house. He shoved his hands in his pockets and groaned loudly. He looked punched his fist into a brick wall, which only resulted in his knuckles beginning to bleed. Fantastic, fucking, fantastic. He looked down at it and sighed. Looks like he lost it, again. What else was new? He sighed loudly and leaned against the wall. One person gave him a dirty look as they passed. He stared up at him threateningly before looking back down.

Why couldn't you control yourself for one damn minute? You did this, it's you're fault. He thought to himself. Boy, now he'd have to go bother Acher to help him get his shit together again. Fun. He pulled out his phone quietly, dialing his number.


i hate you, i love you, i hate that i love you.
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Archer Austin Savage

He was just about to get to work when he felt his phone vibrate in his bag and frowned a little bit as he picked it up and looked down at the number, he paused outside the bookstore and answered it "Hey...." he said quietly as he cringed when someone bumped into him, knocking him slightly against the wall "Everything okay?" he asked as he tried to shrug it off

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rainbow_star_lights_divider_by_spacemongrel-d6ftmch.gif.f94ffb843b55aa3d4b9c11ba0b85e7a5.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141190" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/rainbow_star_lights_divider_by_spacemongrel-d6ftmch.gif.f94ffb843b55aa3d4b9c11ba0b85e7a5.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@tomato modest​



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Adrian stepped outside, still shaking, and lit up a cigarette. She wasn't sure where Finnick had gone. Probably just out to let some steam off or something. She just wished he would stick around to talk things out sometimes...she shook her head, choked back a sob, and took a deep drag. The nicotine spread through her system and she felt herself calming instantly. Goddamn. She spent a little while thinking through her situation and concluded "Fuck it, I need a drink." So she put her cigarette butt out, went back inside, pulled on a pair of boots, and left the house once more, leaving it unlocked so Finnick could get back in whenever he returned.

As she headed down to the local bar, she lit up another cigarette. Feels like a chain-smoking day, she thought.

Finnick sighed as Archer answered and groaned, biting his lip. "No, not really." He snapped quickly as he continued walking aimlessly. He had no idea exactly where he was going. Walking just really helped him blow off steam. He released a sigh as he leaned against a wall finally and took another drag of his cigarette, groaning.



Oliver wandered the park with a small smile. He wasn't really doing much that day. No charity activities or anything, today he completely had a day to himself. Not that doing charity activities were bad, he just liked having a day without stress or anything. He smiled and stuffed his hands in his pockets, sitting next to a fountain and pulling out a book. He began to read it contently.


Archer Austin Savage

He sighed softly hearing his response "You can come to my work if you want, I'll just do a couple things, plus its quiet so no one would bother you" he offered as he walked inside, holding the phone between his shoulder and his ear as he set his bag down behind the counter "You've been here before right? The bookstore not far from my place" he said with a frown, wondering if it was really a good idea to invite him there but no one else was there anyway so what could it hurt? Plus then he could go home with him if he wanted to

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/free_to_use_black_rose_divider_by_manders_amp-d8cw7or.gif.591df137a89ce9526502e0b805d02128.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="141313" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/free_to_use_black_rose_divider_by_manders_amp-d8cw7or.gif.591df137a89ce9526502e0b805d02128.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@tomato modest​



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Adrian crushed her cigarette under her boot on the pavement. She shoved her hands in her pockets and shivered as she exhaled, looking up at the flashing neon sign:

Kelly's Oasis
Bar and Lounge

This had been her go-to for rough days and lonely nights for the last two years; granted, she hadn't actually hung around the "bar" portion of the establishment until her 21st, but she and the bartender, Levi Kelly, were still fairly close. Strange as it might sound, he was actually a very good friend of hers.

She ducked her head and pushed her way through the door. The bar was dimly lit with mostly red and purple lights, and there was a band playing on the stage to the left of the bar. She pushed her hair behind her ear, took in the familiar sounds of music and quiet murmurs of conversation, the smell of alcohol and different brands of cigarettes. Then she stepped up and seated herself at the bar in front of Levi.

"Hey," she muttered, "whiskey, please..." Levi nodded; he knew she was having a rough night and she would talk about it when she was decently intoxicated. He slid a tumbler of ice and her drink of choice in front of her, and she wasted no time throwing it back. She shivered as her throat briefly burned, then put the now half-empty glass down on the bar. She stopped her thoughts of the argument before they started; she came here to forget, so...that's what she was going to do. She finished off the glass, nodded at Levi for another, and turned to watch the musician on the stage.

Double booked, my ass, Mason growled mentally, looking around the band he was with. What kind of manager decides to double book a solo performer and band on the same day? At least the band members had been kind enough to share the stage with him. The lead vocalist wasn't that vocal between songs, anyways, and one of their guitarists had called out sick that night, so it was almost as if fate wanted him to play that gig.

A smile was plastered on his face as the song concluded and he stepped back up to the mic provided for him. "Thank you," he started out of courtesy, though very few of the patrons actually clapped for them. "We're gonna do one more for you, and take a little break." Stepping back to the mic that was situated for his guitar, he briefly exchanged words with the band members, before starting the opening to some rock song. Mason personally didn't know the song well enough to sing it, so he probably wouldn't have played it on his own, but it seemed like the lead vocalist and electric guitarist could all but carry the song without him. Well, less work for him, anyways.

That's when he spotted her. A girl sitting at the bar, looking like she was having a crappy time. When his eyes met hers, he gave her a wide smile, hoping to cheer her up. He'd most definitely buy her a drink once the song was over, so long as she was still sitting there. Breaking eye contact, as too much was creepy, he turned to idly survey the crowd, but his thoughts still returned to her.

Adrian couldn't help but smile back at the guitarist. As she sipped at her whiskey and listened to the band play, she ran her thumb along the tips of her fingers; it had been some time since she'd played her own guitar...God, it must have been over a year now...she really needed to get back on that when she had the chance. She shook her head and turned back to Levi as she lit up a cigarette.

"Rough night?" the burly, roughly 35-year-old bartender asked her. She nodded as she pocketed her lighter.

"Well, usually is when I'm here, isn't it?" she replied sarcastically. Levi chuckled and she turned her gaze back to the band. She instinctively bounced her knee to the beat; whatever song they were playing, it was really good. Guitarist is actually pretty cute, too, she thought. Holding her cigarette in one hand and exhaling the smoke, she bit the ring in the center of her lip. Really cute. She knew she probably shouldn't be checking out other men, but, hey, what's the harm in looking, right? Especially when they play...


Finnick Matthews
�Finnick sighed. "Yeah, whatever. That's fine." He said only in response before hanging up and stuffing his phone in his pocket. He began to walk towards the library then without much of a question after that. He hoped that spending time with Archer would help blow off his steam. He couldn't really control himself in times like these and it sucked. Because once he realized he fucked up it'll probably be too late to do anything about it.



Archer Austin Savage

He sighed and hung up as he put the phone down on the counter and continued putting some books away before standing at the counter doing paperwork, he glanced up as Finnick walked in and gave him a small, hesitant smile "Hey...." he said quietly while writing stuff down with his left hand, Once he was finished he put the paperwork in a drawer before wandering over to him, He was wearing grey skinny jeans and a white v-neck with a little wooden wolf moon necklace that his little brother gave him though if you didn't know any better you might think it was from a boyfriend or an ex, but Archer also wasn't the most manly of men so maybe he just liked it.

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cd043fd0b126f800c6c832b535a57f45-d4mcokp.gif.ee787d5882cdce7160a30be110ab6e29.gif" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="142073" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/cd043fd0b126f800c6c832b535a57f45-d4mcokp.gif.ee787d5882cdce7160a30be110ab6e29.gif" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

@modest mouse




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Finnick Matthews
�Finnick walked in. His arrival would probably seem rather surprising to people not expecting it. The door opened rather quickly, making the bell that would go off when people walked in be really loud. It then slammed just as loud. He glanced at Archer and sat down, not replying to his comment and instead glancing at the necklace around his neck. "What's that?" He asked rather quickly, placing his hand on his forehead to stop the stabbing pain in his head. His mind was racing. And having headaches this bad weren't really abnormal for him anymore.



Archer Austin Savage

He frowned and cringed at the loudness of the door before setting down whatever was in his hand, though he set it to close to the side and the stack of papers fell off, he frowned quickly but ignored them and rushed over to Finnick, reaching out to ruffle his hair gently "Hey handsome" he said in a low, sweet voice and a cute smile, not seeming to hear his question about the necklace "Do you want something for your headache?" he asked as he crouched beside him, resting his chin on the arm of the chair kind of cutely

@modest mouse
DemonRider404 said:
Adrian couldn't help but smile back at the guitarist. As she sipped at her whiskey and listened to the band play, she ran her thumb along the tips of her fingers; it had been some time since she'd played her own guitar...God, it must have been over a year now...she really needed to get back on that when she had the chance. She shook her head and turned back to Levi as she lit up a cigarette.
"Rough night?" the burly, roughly 35-year-old bartender asked her. She nodded as she pocketed her lighter.

"Well, usually is when I'm here, isn't it?" she replied sarcastically. Levi chuckled and she turned her gaze back to the band. She instinctively bounced her knee to the beat; whatever song they were playing, it was really good. Guitarist is actually pretty cute, too, she thought. Holding her cigarette in one hand and exhaling the smoke, she bit the ring in the center of her lip. Really cute. She knew she probably shouldn't be checking out other men, but, hey, what's the harm in looking, right? Especially when they play...

As the song drew to a close, Mason bowed to the audience and the band collectively left the stage, leaving their instruments behind. Mason looked back to where he had seen that girl sitting at the bar, just to make sure she was still there. Sure enough, she was. A wave of nerves overcame him - what if she was taken? What if he got rejected? What if, what if, what if. All these thoughts started to psyche himself out, and he shook his head to banish them from his mind. Won't know until he tried, right?

Striding over to the girl, he took a seat next to her and ordered two of whatever she was having from the bartender: one for him and one for her. Mason then cast her his winning smile. "Hey, there. How's it going?" he asked, rather lamely. Despite all his ability to perform and entertain an audience, Mason had the hardest time talking to girls. He could never tell if he was coming on too strongly or too subtly, and always worried about what they thought of him. No, stop these thoughts. He had to think positive, or his doubt and fear would be too apparent, and he simply couldn't have that.
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Noivian said:
Striding over to the girl, he took a seat next to her and ordered two of whatever she was having from the bartender: one for him and one for her. Mason then cast her his winning smile. "Hey, there. How's it going?" he asked, rather lamely. Despite all his ability to perform and entertain an audience, Mason had the hardest time talking to girls. He could never tell if he was coming on too strongly or too subtly, and always worried about what they thought of him. No, stop these thoughts. He had to think positive, or his doubt and fear would be too apparent, and he simply couldn't have that.
Adrian exhaled her smoke before she choked on it. She was no stranger to attractive men taking an interest in her, but, it had been a while since she had started dating Finnick. She looked at him with a sly smile of her own. "Well, better since I came here," she chuckled, accepting the drink. "You guys were pretty damn good up there," she said as she took another sip of her drink.

Now that she had a closer look at him, Adrian felt a familiar pull in her chest ("heartstrings," as some might call it). He was actually...incredibly attractive. She found herself particularly mesmerized by his eyes...she bit her labret again before dragging her gaze away from the guitarist and taking another drag off her cigarette.

Finnick Matthews
�Finnick looked over at him and shook his head. "I'm fine." He muttered quietly as he glanced over at Archer with a bit of a glare really. "You didn't answer my question." He said, now worried that he was being cheated on. Normally if he wasn't fused he'd be okay but at this point any little thing could make him go off since he wasn't really quite recovered from the fight. Like, at all.



Archer Austin Savage

He blinked and tilted his head, not even phased by being glared at right now "Oh!" he said quickly as he looked down at himself and held the necklace out "My little brother gave it to me" he said with a small, sheepish grin as he looked at it, his eyes sparkling slightly with happiness before letting them flutter up to meet Finnick's "Don't worry about it okay? It was a birthday present from my 13 year old brother" he assured as he got up from his squatted position and leaned down to kiss his cheek, He hadn't even thought about how that could've affected him seeing as he'd never seen it before, Cade usually sent him stuff early or late depending on when he got allowance and could get out of the house to send it to him without their dad knowing, So it wasn't really his birthday recently but Cade wanted to send it to him anyway.

@modest mouse
DemonRider404 said:
Adrian exhaled her smoke before she choked on it. She was no stranger to attractive men taking an interest in her, but, it had been a while since she had started dating Finnick. She looked at him with a sly smile of her own. "Well, better since I came here," she chuckled, accepting the drink. "You guys were pretty damn good up there," she said as she took another sip of her drink.
Now that she had a closer look at him, Adrian felt a familiar pull in her chest ("heartstrings," as some might call it). He was actually...incredibly attractive. She found herself particularly mesmerized by his eyes...she bit her labret again before dragging her gaze away from the guitarist and taking another drag off her cigarette.
Mason chuckled, watching her with a peculiar interest. "Thanks, considering I'm not even in the band," he responded. His eyes seemed to catch on the labret, watching as she bit it. Was she nervous talking with him? Well, that would make two of them. His smile broadened across his face at the idea that they were both rather uncertain around each other. It was rather sweet, in his opinion.

But he did catch the bit about being better since coming to the bar, and raised an eyebrow slightly. "Oh? Something the matter, then?" he asked, before realizing that was probably the wrong way to put it. "Sorry, not trying to pry or anything." Wow, she was really pretty. Mason could feel his heart thumping in his chest, and wondered if she could, too. He wondered briefly if he could perhaps help her with any of her problems, before realizing that would probably make him sound like a creep as well. He really wanted to apologize for being so awkward and creepy, but honestly that wold just make everything worse, so he held his tongue.
Noivian said:
Mason chuckled, watching her with a peculiar interest. "Thanks, considering I'm not even in the band," he responded. His eyes seemed to catch on the labret, watching as she bit it. Was she nervous talking with him? Well, that would make two of them. His smile broadened across his face at the idea that they were both rather uncertain around each other. It was rather sweet, in his opinion.
But he did catch the bit about being better since coming to the bar, and raised an eyebrow slightly. "Oh? Something the matter, then?" he asked, before realizing that was probably the wrong way to put it. "Sorry, not trying to pry or anything." Wow, she was really pretty. Mason could feel his heart thumping in his chest, and wondered if she could, too. He wondered briefly if he could perhaps help her with any of her problems, before realizing that would probably make him sound like a creep as well. He really wanted to apologize for being so awkward and creepy, but honestly that wold just make everything worse, so he held his tongue.
Adrian shook her head and chuckled as she flicked the ashes off the end of the cigarette into one of the ashtrays on the bar. "Nah, don't worry," she said with a smile, "you're not prying." She put an elbow on the bar and put her weight on it, sighing into the mirror on the back wall of the bar. She didn't want to open up too quickly and scare him off, didn't want to seem too...easy. But she didn't want to lie, either. With a sweet, genuine smile like his, how could she? She looked back at him and her heart swelled in her chest again, threatening to close off her airway.

"Just a little trouble at home," she finally said. She was starting to feel a buzz from the liquor, but finished off her glass anyway. She shivered and exhaled the acrid scent of Canadian whiskey. "Been a long time since there wasn't trouble at home, now that I think about it..." she grumbled. Her pulse was rapid and pounding in her ears, but she knew, as she looked over at the bright-eyed guitarist, that is wasn't because of the alcohol. One corner of her mouth pulled up into a smirk.

"Oh!" the cliched metaphorical light-bulb went off in her head. "I'm so sorry, here I am complaining about my life and we don't even know each other's names. I'm Adrian. But..." she added, giving him a subtle eyelash-batting smile, "you can call me Addie, if you want."

Finnick Matthews
�Finnick released a sigh and nodded before crossing his arms and looking away. He tried now not to let little things get to him but at this point it was very difficult in the state that he was in. He watched him. He wondered how he could possibly look this happy when Finnick did this at least once a week. He looked over at him. "How are you so happy? Aren't you annoyed?"



Archer Austin Savage

He smiled a little at what he said with a shrug "I get to see you, why would I be annoyed?" he asked as he reached down and ruffled his hair gently before wandering back over to the box of books and heaved it off the counter with a bit of strained groaning before carrying it over to the shelf he was filling and setting it back down with a thud. He then crouched by it and started putting more books away in their spots with the same cute smile on his face as he glanced over at him "I'll be done in a little bit okay? Then we can go home- er, To my place or something" he said as he realized he just said 'home' referring to both he and Finnick going 'home'. He blushed a little and looked away, hoping he hadn't caught that.

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@modest mouse



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