if they try to talk over you just speak louder


(crush me)

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Nickname: very rarely does her full name get used, usually only by her father; most 

people call her Chrissie or occasionally, in terms of her wife and closer friends, Chris.

Age: 27

Gender: female

Job: works as an estate manager for her father, owns a chain of national spas and

also co-owns a local garage in the village.

Role: sweetheart

Child: she has one child; a daughter named Holly who just turned three.

Married to: Nadia Whitlock


Height: 5'7"

Weight: 137 pounds

Eye colour: blue

Hair colour: brown

Clothing Style: a, b, c, d, e, f, g


Vices: vengeful; argumentative; stubborn; deceptive; cunning; prone to jealousy;

tactless; sarcastic; occasionally very unforgiving.

Virtues: ambitious; compassionate; easily pleased; efficient; dependable; hard-

working; intelligent; supportive; responsible.

Skills: analysing, keeping and recording data - especially financially; budgeting;

developing plans; finding and gathering information; leading teams of people;

maintaining schedules and being on time; keeping things in an organised manner.

Fears: being cheated or cheated on; losing her family, namely her dad at this point

as he is getting on a little bit; something going wrong and being unable to protect

her family - also not being able to fend for them either; injuring herself in the middle

of nowhere without being able to contact anyone.


Biography: honestly I overwrote this section so I put it in a spoiler for y'all. < 3

Unbeknownst to many, Chrissie hasn't been pampered her entire life; during her earlier

years she and her family lived in a rundown apartment building on the outskirts of the

city. It was cramped, it was crowded and the living conditions were poor. But the family

of four were together and, really, that was all that mattered. Her father worked as a

mechanic, designing machinery in his spare time, and her mother as both a seamstress

and a nighttime cleaner. While her younger sister Rebecca was always a handful, Chrissie

was the more responsible of the two and took over a fair few of her mother's duties during

the day when she was sleeping after a backbreaking shift at the local office building. She

did the dishes, tried her best to wash their clothes in the machine without mixing up the

colours, and frequently attempted to feed the two of them - anything on toast became an

almost regular meal. Shortly after Chrissie turned 7, and Rebecca 4, their lives unexpectedly

took a turn for the better when the machinery business their father had been privately

building finally kicked off.


The wealth rolled in and, soon enough, they had more money than what they knew to do

with. They said goodbye to the ratty apartment they'd spent so many years in, and happily

welcomed the change of scenery their new home brought. Located in the countryside the

new manor was much too big for the family but they lived there happily regardless of all the

empty space. The winding maze of corridors and empty hallways became a treasure trove

of hiding places when the girls bought home their friends, and the grounds were a picturesque

adventure both in the middle of spring and winter alike. The remainder of Chrissie's childhood

was thus spent living like a princess, although her parents never did quite completely spoil

their two daughters. From the moment they moved into the manor she shadowed her father

like an overzealous secretary, dying to know what he was working on and desperate to find

out how a business operated. He worked from home in an office located at the front of the

building and, very soon, they had to install a miniature desk right next to his for Chrissie

to play business manager at.


As she aged she designed her own study in the room next door where she spent hours aptly

completing homework assignments and responsibly answering her father's phone calls for

him to earn pocket money - although she would've gotten it regardless. While Rebecca was

out enticing boys with her riches and high-end clothes, Chrissie was at home reading and

studying, determined to get the grades she needed to go to a good college. "You needn't

bother," Rebecca told her repeatedly, "we're richer than queens, you don't need a poxy

degree." But despite her sister's insistence that college was a waste of time, Chrissie was

desperate to get her business degree and help her father run his machinery company - if not

start her own. She graduated highschool, the valedictorian of her class, with offers from every

college that she'd sent off applications to. But shortly before she left for her first year of

studying, disaster struck again. 


Just a few short months before Chrissie's course started, her mother passed away. It was a

very sudden, unexpected death that left a gaping hole amidst the family. Their father was

the one most affected by his wife's passing and he fell into a depression that left Chrissie

frantically trying to keep his business afloat and steady following her upcoming absence.

While her father grieved and hid away in his bedroom, and her sister acted out promiscuously

as a coping mechanism, she desperately held what remained of her family together. When it

came to leave for college, Chrissie didn't even hesitate - she claimed her mother wouldn't

have wanted her to ruin her dreams over her death - although she didn't leave her father and

sister hanging. She left detailed plans for her father's business associates to follow and

frequently took business calls from her dormitory after classes. Juggling her studies and

co-managing a business, she was unsurprisingly stressed and lonely, spending as much of her

time as possible in the city and in public places to feel less isolated. It was such a thing that

led her to meet Nadia. 


Nadia worked as a waitress in a cafe just short of campus, one Chrissie happened to regular

for her usual coffee order and some time to catch up on assignments between going to classes.

Despite never seeing each other outside the walls of the coffee shop, they struck up quite a

friendship and became rather close over the four year duration of Chrissie's business course.

All of Nadia's friends, and the few people Chrissie was acquainted with, all wholeheartedly

expected the two of them to start dating or at least go somewhere outside of the cafe's confines

for once. Yet despite their awkward chemistry and Nadia's clear affections for Chrissie,

such a thing never happened and when her course ended the two parted ways as easily as

if they'd just shared a cab together. Chrissie travelled back home with a degree and a fresh

perspective of the world, already laden with plans to start her own chain of spas in an

attempt to make her father proud and bring her dream to reality.


She arrived to find that, despite being only 19, Rebecca had recently departed for the

Caribbean with no intention of returning any time soon, leaving her father in the lurch

although he told his eldest daughter that he didn't mind too much. Her younger sister's

disappearance resulted in Chrissie growing even closer to her father now that it was just

the two of them left in such an empty house and, after making her the estate's manager, she

remained in the manor with him even after he finally remarried to a woman named Bethany. 

Come a year later and she's just as successful as her father with her spa franchise (Rich in

Relaxation) being a hit amongst the women - and men - with several places already opened

up across the country, including a local branch in the village just down the road from the

Whitlock estate. But on the one day she's down at the local spa going over the finance

forecast with the manager, fate decided to have some fun and in walked none other

than Nadia for a job interview.


It was ironic and uncanny and, after having not seen the waitress for over a year, Chrissie

couldn't believe she'd coincidentally ended up in the village just short of her home applying

for a job at her company. Of course Chrissie ended up giving Nadia the job with the

interview only serving as a formality, and the two headed out for drinks to catch up.

She quickly discovered that Nadia was looking for a job to try and make enough money

to rent a place after quitting her waitress job and moving away from her old home to

escape her father. Taking pity on her, Chrissie offered to let her stay with her family -

an offer her father was painfully hesitant about at first - considering that they definitely

had the space. Although unsure about agreeing at first, not wanting to be a burden, Nadia

soon moved in and, in the months following her arrival, the two grew closer together and

spent the majority of their time in one another's company. Eventually, they found the

courage to confess their feelings to one another. 


Their wedding was a summer one hosted outside under a vibrantly white marquee in the

middle of August. Unlike with most couples their marriage occurred relatively quickly after

they got together although it didn't make them any less of a couple and, almost directly

after they were wed, Nadia was hammering on about wanting a baby to make their family

complete. Completely happy to oblige with her wife's wishes Chrissie started hoarding

catalogues and pre-ordering baby items before Nadia was even pregnant, determined to

be overly prepared for the arrival of their child. Nine months later and little baby Holly was

bought into existence after hours of agonising labour and Chrissie's hand being crushed to

the point where she'd thought her fingers would never move again. Everyone was smitten

by their daughter's little chubby cheeks and tufts of brown hair and her grandfather doted

on her from the moment she was bought home. Shortly after Holly's first birthday and the

family of three were moving into their own home on the other side of town, finally

ready to begin the next part of their lives.
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