Nezlazli Kutena Oride

The excited chattering of the twins reminded Nezlazli of two baby birds squawking eagerly for food. Only in this scenario, the Barozzi twins were more fearsomely disguised hawks than naked hatchlings, and one small move could turn Nezlazli from the mother bird to food mush. Yuck.

The qunari babe smiled, giggled and flirted along, answering their questions without giving too much away. Whatever details she did dropped were fabrications used to build the persona she built up for tonight. "Por Vollen, yes but not Seheron. I heard it's lovely there though, especially during the later seasons. I'd love to go, especially since..." her voice dipped, creating an air of intimacy as it caused the twins to lean in to hear the words which spilled from her lips. "Most parts of Thedas are slowly opening up to outside races. I heard that they even put an elf up as Court Enchanter."

She took a casual sip of her drink and let her eyes wander around listlessly over the multiple faces in the grand hall. A casual gesture was made towards Lanalva when the elf fell into her sights. All of Nezlazli's actions were carefully calculated. The air of nonchalance helped breached more sensitive topics like Antivan politics. "That's her isn't it? Lanalva, if I'm not mistaken."

(sorry for the very short and very poor reply ;;; i've been blocked for this RP)

Theron Lawson

Antiva Royal Palace

Theron looked back to see how everyone was doing, so far no one had caused a scene. Arthur was doing a good job at mingling with people and playing the game. Kutena was dealing with the Barozzi twins rather well, the two were stuck to her though. Katriel hadn't caused anything, at least not yet, which was very good. Zathras had made contact with Lanalva and was attempting to speak with her, wonder how that would go. He turned back towards the king and offered a small smile, before nodding in agreement with whatever he had said.

"Hmm. Antiva could certainly use the official seal of the Inquisition to her benefits and you would profit greatly from our alliance." King Nenicio said, curling his already curled mustache at the thought of the alliance, "I will have to consult the Princes, but I myself agree..." He offered a nod and put up a hand, indicating to give him a moment to speak with the Princes.

Theron offered a nod and looked over at Josephine, who just let out a sigh of relief and remained silent. Nenicio was a fairly decent ruler, he didn't have any gusto or bravado, like most Antivans, but he knew a good deal from a bad one, and this was an extremely good one.

Meanwhile, Lanalva was being approached by Zathras. She offered a cold stare, but didn't wave him off like the others, "I would say it is even more odd to see an outcast like yourself here in the Royal Palace... Zathras correct?" She looked him up and down and offered a small scoff, "Thank you, though it isn't much, coming from you." She continued her harsh treatment of Zathras.

"Isn't Seheron very dangerous though. What if you are attacked???" Antone asked, frightened for her, even though he would never go to Seheron. Giano continued to stare at the woman, before looking at his brother. Antone cleared his throat and fixed his posture, "Oh, yes... Lanalva... She is an Ice Queen. Harsh and cruel to everyone but the Royal Family. She has a soft spot for children and hates elves... Apparently she is famous in the Anderfels..." Antone just shrugged it off before asking Kutena more questions about Qunari and continued to be annoying. 

Zevran had arrived at Lanalva's office, and scoured the entire room. He checked every nook and crany, and looked for secret doors and that sort of stuff, but couldn't find a single thing that linked her to Fen'Heral. Zevran just let out a sigh, before a book did catch his eye, and a large grin found its way on his face. He returned everything to normal and left the room.

@Aster @Saru @marorda @NecroKnight @Archon
Ah yes a typical response from anyone knowledgeable of his situation. The outcast, a elf of man and independent thinking...... it was so wrong to be wasn't it? Zathras merely shrugged it off with a amused smile knowing it was common and his allowance to remain for atleast a moment was better then others who came before him. "Yes a proud outcast of independent thinking. Or else would you rather a more typical sort of the elven people?" He mused a response and countered her opening reply to him. "Yes it's Zathras. I would say you're welcome..... but wasting words on those who desire little, would be foolish. So why don't I get down to the simple truths and reasons for being present at a shemlen ball of political game. Hmm... Lanalva?" He spoke in continuance though he was tempted to fire back at such ill and remind her who was the better elf by thinking of progress and being more independent then others of his fallen kin. Those who allow a trickster and legend of fear to guide them to a extreme and offer little resistance to it. But refrained as maybe she was not of fen'harels followers? Or maybe she was and he would be correct in his thinking. 

After all.....

Zathras had only so much patience for such treatment, but he would proceed with effort against allowing his temper get the best of him and discover of which side she was on. "Why come here Lanalva? Despise the elven people do you or simply wish to overthrow a shemlen throne? By getting in good with the king himself and his inner working circle." Zathras spoke figuring a more direct approach was best with a icy woman. 

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