IC Thread-The Story

Jack in the Box

The Jack-o-lantern in a Box
You are just moving in to a town house you don't know the others that have rented the same town house as you. Go have fun :)  

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Kit walked up to the door, towering pile of boxes in his arms, he bumped it open with his hip. This was the last load of his stuff and he hadn't closed the door to his room or the house because he was going back and forth between the inside and outside and would have to reopen them anyway. He entered room 3 and plopped the boxes down with the rest then went to shut the front door.
Kit watched as someone walked up to the open door, stopped right outside it, and knocked while staring at him. Hand still on the knob and completely bewildered he asked "y-yes? is there something i can do for you?"
Kit nodded his head let go of the knob stepping out of the doorway. "i'm 90% certain, at least, my key works in the door and it's supposed to be 130 shellberry so..."
The stranger looks relieved. "Thank the Abyss, I'm in the right place." They hold out their left hand. "You must be one my new house-mates. I'm Aster. Aster Branwenn?"
Kit had turned around before he saw their hand "well just make sure you close the door when you come in, i'll be in room three unpacking if you need me" he walked off into his room and shut the door behind him.
Jarif hummed gleefully up to the house, balancing A bag over picard. The bag itself was relatively small, about the size of his cat. He walked in a small, but odd, lurching motion, he lived with humans so long, but never really perfected their general movements. The "Man" Made his way up to the house, reaching the door and a person by it. "Oh, hello there!" Jarif Exclaimed, "This is..." He looked at a paper he held with his bag, "Something, something, Shelberry street?" He looked back up at the person in the doorway and smiled.
Jian pulls up to the curb in a red hatchback that spurted out black smoke as she pressed hard on the brakes. The stop flung her forwards causing her to press down on the horn.
Jarif put out his left hand also, and shook Aster's hand with that. "Hi, aster, I'm... Joh- Jerr- wait..." He thought for a moment, looking down. He forgot his current name for the moment, he liked the names with J in it, thought they sounded cool. He snapped his fingers, "Oh wait! I'm Jarif! Nice to meet you, roomie!" Jarif smiled, "Oh, and this is Picard." He gestured to his cat.

"Eh? I wonder if this is the place?" Comet checked her map thing several times to make sure this was it. She had little faith in her poorly drawn map that had been drawn based on the directions of humans she had walked past. If you looked at her you would probably mistake her for a young female that looked to be at least thirteen. "This it, for real this time! It's  not as big or grand as expected but  it's still nice!" she had already accidentally walked into the wrong apartment complexes seven times and this would be her eighth if this wasn't the one. She checked the satchel  she had to make sure she hadn't lost the key then continued on. She hummed a tune to herself that she was making up as she was going along but she soon noticed some kind of magic in the air Weird... was all she thought but then shrugged it off and kept moving. She was to busy thinking about her roomies. How would they respond to her she did look out of place...
Despite the noise she realised that she hadn't gained the attention of anyone nearby. She was relieved. She snuck out her car door with a sheet of paper in her hand.  130 Shellberry St. She could only hope this new home wasn't as destructible as the last. She popped the boot and lifted out large carrier bag - it contained all she owned.
Aster smiles happily, yet unsettlingly at Jarif, then looks down at Picard. "Hello little fiend!" they say affectionately, before returning their attention to Jarif. "Well, I should probably get out of the doorway..." They then pick up their suitcase and briefcase, and head inside.
"Oh, Hello. It's a pleasure to meet you Aster - my name is Jian". Jian folds the paper in her right hand  and pockets the note in order to shake Aster's hand.
"Is this the right place. The 130 shellberry St." Though the weight of her bag wasn't causing too much discomfort to her left hand, she was eager to place it down as it was becoming a nuisance to her.
"Thanks. I won't be needing too much space, so i'll just take the smallest room." Jian took her bag upstairs and searched to find the smallest room. All she needed was a bed to lie in and she was set. She placed her bag on the bed and started to place all her items down, making sure to hide her sword. She then lied on her bed and stared at her ceiling. She had found peace at last.

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