IC Chat


Hydro Dragon
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Jackson sat outside the academy on a wooden bench. He looked out on the building and smiled, "Back again for another year." He said to himself. He got up and walked towards the building, "Like always, the building never ceases to amaze me." He opened the doors and walked in and began to wander the halls, the prominent feature of the building was the architecture, late 1800s he thought, but no, much older. Infact, older than anything he'd ever seen.
Paige walked inside the great building and took in a deep breath "another year." she whispered determined to make this one better than last year. She had already gotten settled in her room and saw how a few other kids met up with each other to talk about their summer adventures. Paige still had yet to really make any friends it wasn't that people didn't like her and didn't try she just didn't let them get close. 

The girl let her blue eye show today, it was rare that she ever showed both eyes usually her hair would cover one of them depending on her mood. As she walked down a hallway she saw a familiar face from last year although she didn't remember his name. 

He felt a watchful eye on him and turned around to see a face he thought he recognized, "Mm..." Should I know her? He thought then shrugged and casually waved at the girl. He didn't mean much by it, just a friendly wave, Maybe I should go and introuce myself...? He thought to himself and began walking towards her, "Hey.. uh... Do I know you?" He asked.

Paige gave a small smile as he waved to her but tensed when he walked towards her. Play it cool... She told herself and laughed a little "I've seen you around last year but I don't think we've ever been properly introduced." She said glad he didn't seem to remember her either. "I"m Paige..." She said quietly figuring it was only proper to introduce herself first. 

His eyes widened, "That's right... I remember you, your the girl whose perception is incredible right?" He smiled then realized he forgot to introduce himself, "Haha, sorry... I forgot to say my name, Im Jackson." He remember a little of this girl, "Hmm, say... Have we met before? I feel like I already know you" He blinked a few times, "Sorry, that was irresponsible of me. I'm uh, walking around right now. Wanna join me?" He said.

Paige blushed slightly as he recalled who she was. "Umm i wouldn't say incredible..." she said with a shy smile. She shrugged "I'm sure our paths crossed at some point." She said with a shrug. "Nice to meet you Jackson." she said trying to keep the merriment going and not make things weird or at least what she thought was weird. "Sure, not much going on I guess we're some of the firsts to be back" She said looking around at the empty hall. 

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The silence was cut by a strangled cry of frustration.


"What do you mean, I can't leave!"

Sachi floated around the guards, lips pursed and cheeks puffed up. "I came here looking for a Master. You guys are horrible! You'll never be my Master if that's what you're trying to get at..." She stuck her tongue out and crossed her arms in front of her. This dumb meat heads didn't even know who she was! The amazing Sachi. The best familiar that ever lived! They should be on their knees asking for autographs. "Well, I'm leaving-- What do you mean I can't?! Stop staying that!!" Sachi screamed and carried on, throwing one of her famous tantrums but they kept saying the same thing. "I could kill you both you know. I could eat you. I'm not human, it's not cannibalism. I'll do it. I'll make you stu!"

Time passes.

"I hate you, stupid dummys! Let me out. Let me leave! Stupid, stupid, stupid!"

More time passes.

"I'll give anything... I had a home you know. A family! What are my grandchildren going to say, that I totally have. Lost without their wise grandmother... My wife will wither away without her medicine. She's terminal. How does that make you feel? Bad, huh? My life is ruined now because you won't let me leave..."

Even more time passes.

"Fine, I guess this is my life now. If you guys got food and a comfy bed, I guess I'll stay. But only cause you insist. It would be dangerous for a delicate, pretty girl like me to wander around out there all alone, huh..." She batted her eyelashes, snickered, and floated away to go explore this new place that was apparently her new home now.
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He waved his hand in a dismissal manner, "Non-sense, anyway where do you-- Huh? Did you hear that?" He asked, "Sounded like a scream... or something." He looked behind, towards the door waiting to see if anything or anyone happened through it, "Hmph, guess it was just my imagination..." He shrugged and turned back around. "Where do yo-- did you come from? You know before you got trapped here." He said in a rather down tone, remembering his first day. He was scared, lost and confused, alot of the people who attended were coaxed into this place, many did of their own free will,. Unfortunately, he was the many that got coaxed.

The Valheim Academy? More like the Hell Academy, he didn't particularly find this academy intriguing, but over time he forgot about his past life, was that the goal of this academy? He didn't know, all he wanted was to get back to his hometown. He looked down but still had a smile on his face.

Paige tensed as she heard the scream and looked around as well "I don't think it was your imagination." she said quietly before shaking her head and tried to remember home "I was in a good home... but my parents grew more frustrated with me... so I left... shortly after i found this place." she said looking around "It's better than the streets." she said with a smile. This was the most she ever talked to anyone outside of classes due helping others with homework. This year is going to be different. She thought to herself looking at jackson, perhaps he would help her. It was odd that she was in such a light mood seeing how this was the third day she hadn't slept. Three days ago she had a horrible dream and it unfortunately involved school. Perhaps that was the driving force to make her be different and change her quiet ways in case it would come true. She shuddered at the thought and had a look of worry on her face as she forgot, for a moment, she was with someone. 

She cleared her throat to pull herself back into reality "let's go investigate that scream." She suggested looking at him to see if he was up for it. 


Dewitt Gainbrook

       [SIZE= 16px]Dewy was hanging upside down from a tree branch. His clothes were luckily not blowing haphazardly about so he had perfect vantage of all those around. In the crook he made with his arm against his chest was a bundle of treats he had made in the on sight kitchen. He wasn't technically allowed to be there; but, he rightly didn't care. Besides the little baskets of goodies he leaves the actual staff of the school always seems well received. To a strange creature like Dewy stealing was perfectly acceptable as long as you pay for it in some way.[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]    He wasn't even sure how long he had been here for. Perhaps a few months, at most a year. He was born hungry and he ate himself into being. The earliest moments of his life were spent in a library. Not much of a grand library... not like the schools which was full of tasties.... . Dewy salivated at the thought. He shook his head to dismiss the thought not wanting to suffer punitive actions again. After a bit longer he flipped from his tree branch and ran to the more public area of the school. [/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]  The area was full of life and the relatively androgynous Dewy was met with some stares; mostly due to his clothes. He wasn't a proper magician.... or caster. In fact he had eaten the tome that was given to him and discerned how to use it through that. He was a fae, an inherently magical creature.... or perhaps it is best to say he is fae like. He is a darker entity then the fae and many fae would likely despise the comparison. "Hmmm, lets see let's see.... what to do what to do. Then the doors parted and I knew in my gut.... what trouble this way comes?"[/SIZE]

[SIZE= 16px]     A cheeky little grin crosses his face and a glint of who know's what flashes over the iris's of his eyes[/SIZE]
He picked his head up and nodded, "Right.. we should... I can't really pinpoint where the sound came from, so it might be a bit of a problem." He shrugged, "Guess we gotta explore... he he, sorry but I'm not usually this talkative." He smiled. He was right though, he doesn't normally talk this much. He giggled softly, "Anyways, yea let's go, i'm as curious as to what that scream was about as you are." He began walking to the place where he thought the scream came from.

Paige looked at him and nodded slightly taking the lead. "Let's go this way" she said having a good sense of direction as she headed towards the door to go back outside. "It's hard to say since it is quiet now... It probably was nothing... or maybe a new student." she said letting her thoughts wander out loud. She yawned and took in a deep breath as she rubbed her eyes. She needed sleep but the thought of it scared her and she knew once she attempted to lay down and rest she would just lay  there with her eyes peeled open and her mind wandering. Unfortunately there wasn't school work to be done yet to pass the time. 


The top of the school academy was Alex's favorite spot to hang out when he was doing just about nothing. He moved around a peppermint inside his mouth, looking down at the ground of the academy, his short legs hanging over the side of the roof. He had been watching everything that unfolded so far. Jackson walking in, Paige not to far behind, the scream coming from... Wherever. The day so far was uneventful and Alexander was terribly bored. "Ah! What's going on? I get that it's the first day of school, but this is ridiculous." He stood, now standing over the entire academy as if he owned it, though Alex didn't feel like that at all. He sighed, lifting one foot over the edge of the building. "Well maybe there's something going on inside." and with that Alex dropped of the side of the building, letting himself fall before stopping an inch above ground. He flipped over landing on his feet and standing in front of the massive building.





Sachi floated down the beautiful intricate pathways of this hell whole with a pouty expression. "Who do they even think they are...?" she mumbled to herself. Her cyon colored hair floated gently behind her and she crossed her sleeved arms in front of her chest. Was it really so hard to find a good Master that they kept them locked up in floating prisons? Bothersome.


Whatever, it would be worth it if she found what she came looking for and the two could maybe break out together, like in the spy movies. Although, getting down might be hard. She could try and carry her master down but what if she dropped them? Then Sachi would have to find a new master... again! Why were they such heavy creatures. Even Sachi ate quite a bit but she didn't weigh that much!


Sachi suddenly stopped when her eyes fell on a particular person. Snowy hair. Piercing magenta eyes that kind of gave him a "evil guy" look but hey, if you judged every book by its cover, it wouldn't be fun. Sort of peckish for a guy, she thought personally, but he seemed confident. And his jacket was rad. It made Sachi look down at her own jacket and wonder where she could get a cooler one. Psh, Silly Sachi! What use did she have for human clothes? She could simply change her appearance with the blink of an eye. Don't like blue? Sachi comes in orange, pink, red, green, and the limited gold edition. Ooooh!


Anyway, it wasn't necessarily his presence that got her attention but the magical energy he gave off. A Master candidate maybe? Tasty magic! Although, Sachi wasn't just about to be anyone's familiar, so they'd have to pass all her little tests. Such as were they good at magic? Could they make desserts? Would they make desserts sometimes for her if she asked nicely? Hmm...


Sachi floated silently behind him and peeked over his shoulder. Kind of smelled like the beach, weirdly. Maybe he was part fish. Mmm... fish. Oh, now she was hungry. That wasn't the point, now! She inhaled softly and then tapped on his shoulder. "Why are you just staring at the building. Do they do something cool?"

Jackson noticed her yawning and yawned himself, "Geez... you got me yawning, Paige... you tired?" He asked, by the looks of her eyes, she must have been. Her perception must have a toll on her body. He thought, "Hmph.. Why don't you lay down a bit, eh? A little nap couldn't hurt, right?" He said and smiled softly, "You look like you could use it."

Paige had just reached out and opened the door laughing how contagious yawns could be. Her smile disappeared as quickly as it came when he managed a nap. To sleep and enter a world of impossibilities and who knows if it were possible or not. She froze her hand on the door slightly trembled she wasn't even sure if she could fall asleep yet and it always scared her to even try. Even the councilors had tried to get her to talk about her dreams but she refused to. They told her it would hold her back but she didn't care. She feared such dreams would make her evil somehow if they were real and well she wanted to be good and kind. 

She took in a deep breath "There," she simply said pointing to Alex and Sachi and attempted to smile at them. He suddenly lost the ability to really talk to anyone so decided she would let Jackson do the talking, and if he didn't it may just get really awkward. 







Sachi floated down the beautiful intricate pathways of this hell whole with a pouty expression. "Who do they even think they are...?" she mumbled to herself. Her cyon colored hair floated gently behind her and she crossed her sleeved arms in front of her chest. Was it really so hard to find a good Master that they kept them locked up in floating prisons? Bothersome.


Whatever, it would be worth it if she found what she came looking for and the two could maybe break out together, like in the spy movies. Although, getting down might be hard. She could try and carry her master down but what if she dropped them? Then Sachi would have to find a new master... again! Why were they such heavy creatures. Even Sachi ate quite a bit but she didn't weigh that much!


Sachi suddenly stopped when her eyes fell on a particular person. Snowy hair. Piercing magenta eyes that kind of gave him a "evil guy" look but hey, if you judged every book by its cover, it wouldn't be fun. Sort of peckish for a guy, she thought personally, but he seemed confident. And his jacket was rad. It made Sachi look down at her own jacket and wonder where she could get a cooler one. Psh, Silly Sachi! What use did she have for human clothes? She could simply change her appearance with the blink of an eye. Don't like blue? Sachi comes in orange, pink, red, green, and the limited gold edition. Ooooh!


Anyway, it wasn't necessarily his presence that got her attention but the magical energy he gave off. A Master candidate maybe? Tasty magic! Although, Sachi wasn't just about to be anyone's familiar, so they'd have to pass all her little tests. Such as were they good at magic? Could they make desserts? Would they make desserts sometimes for her if she asked nicely? Hmm...


Sachi floated silently behind him and peeked over his shoulder. Kind of smelled like the beach, weirdly. Maybe he was part fish. Mmm... fish. Oh, now she was hungry. That wasn't the point, now! She inhaled softly and then tapped on his shoulder. "Why are you just staring at the building. Do they do something cool?"



There was a voice, directly behind him, causing Alex to feel slightly uncomfortable. He took a couple steps forward before spinning around and looking at the person. She was female, had he known that he wouldn't have stepped away from her. She seemed to have a childish aspect to her, peeking Alex's interest even more. She was adorable. "I was wondering if I even wanted to walk into the school. Seems boring if..." She had no feet. Odd. Why did she have no feet? This peeked Alex's interest further, was she human? Humans have feet, she doesn't. What is she. He continued talking after accidentally drifting of. "...Boring if anything. Nothing's happening, so quiet." His feet left the ground as he began hovering a few inches off the ground. "I think I might leave. I don't really want to be here anymore."

He was getting ready to say more, getting ready to ask the girl her name, but more voices caught his attention and Alex turned his head. Two more people, one of them were a girl, that was the first thing Alex noticed of course. He kicked his while floating in the air, pointing his at the two other people. "More students?


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He sat cross-legged on the floor with a look of expectation and got up after she opened the door and saw two students, "Huh.. Newcomers?" He noticed Paige and how she suddenly went quiet as if she expected him to talk to them, She expects me to talk to them? I barely worked up enough courage to approach you.. He thought. He groaned, "Come on." He grabbed her hand an ran off in the other direction to the students, mainly around the corner, "What's wrong with you?" He let go of her hand, "Do you expect me to say something to them?" He asked, in a discomforted tone, his expression deadpanned then he went to smiling, "See, I have a problem speaking with poeple... hell, I barely worked the courage to approach you. So you can imagine how I'd feel talking to two MORE students." He sighed.



Paige was surprised to suddenly be whisked away and around the corner. She tensed hearing his question and she looked away "I... Uh.." she stammered her face turning red. "I didn't expect it i just didn't want to say anything either..." she sighed and shook her head "I'm sorry i've been up for three days now my brain is a little scattered." She finally admitted and looked up at him. She moved her hair out of her face for a moment revealing her brown eye as she raised it off of her neck briefly before letting it fall down again. 

"well thanks for talking to me..." she complimented. 

His eyes widened, Two different colored eyes? It's so beautiful.. He blushed a bit then shook his head, "Mmm, s-sorry to put you on the spot." His expression softened, "Really? No sleep at all... well... why not?" He hadn't realized his hands had made their way up her arms to come to rest on her shoulders. "If you don't mind sharing, that is."


(Last post of the day :S Sorry)


He made good points and therefore, Sachi considered it a good idea to continue the conversation. Not as if she'd ever just walk away from someone... Well, actually, maybe. "You're right, it is boring here. I haven't seen any places to eat or have fun since I showed up. What even is this place?" Sachi trailed off at the end. The thought never occurred to her to ask where exactly she was. Weirder things have happened, she guessed. And silence was, yes, very boring, if not discomforting. It made her wary of the place. Not even birds or bugs seemed to live up here meaning the only sound aside from their voices was the wind whispering behind the corners of structures.

When he floated off the ground, Sachi's eyes widened in surprise and awe. "You can fly too?! I never meet many magic users who can fly!" She exclaimed in excitement, spinning around in and hovering in front of him. As soon as he mentioned leaving, Sachi knew immediately she wanted to get in on the plot to escape. "The stupid idiot blockheads who police the school said we're not allowed to leave but what's the worst they could do to us right? Kill us...?" She shrugged and looked off into the distance. Just clouds and the smoldering sun. "But if you do leave, can I come with you? Pleeeeease?" Sachi crossed her hands in front of her, pleading with sad eyes.


Now it seemed Alex had caught her attention. She was surprised he was floating, he decided to entertain her. "Of course I can fly. I'm able to control my own gravity. I can do a types of tricks." He winked and raised one finger, at the tip of his finger a small, purple cube formed, around the size of his fingernail. "I can even compress my gravity into a small bomb." However, as Alex created the bomb he began descending back to the ground. "But that happens." He said, making the bomb disappear and raising back up.


Once the girl mentioned that there were people trying to keep them inside the school, Alex nodded. "Figures, we're dangerous and most of us don't know how to control our powers all that well." He sighed, was it even possible to leave? "I wouldn't be surprised if they have some kind of dome keeping us in. Welp, I'll have to think of a plan." He turned to his attention to the girl with a semi-serious look on his face. She was making a sad face, he smiled. She didn't have to do that, it wasn't like he was going to say no. "But if I let you in on a plan I'll have to know I can trust you."

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How easily amazed Sachi could be at times. She watched in wonder as he produced a gumdrop with his finger... Or something like a gumdrop. It was a pretty color and she wondered if his power was to create candy. Although, being what he said it was, if she ate it, well... she'd hate to find out what would happen. "It's too heavy...?" Was it so heavy he couldn't fly? Or maybe it took a lot of power to create. Either way, she got the idea. He could not create candy and fly at the same time.

"Dangerous? Maybe to the wrong people. But something tells me this school isn't run by some human businessman, if you get my jist... A dome you say? Hmm..." Her mind wandered to what kind of plan he would think of. Maybe they'd just run into as hard as they can and it'd break.... or they'd go splat. Or there was a super secret door or password. They were so gonna play spy! "You can trust me! I mean, what reason do I have for betraying you... I just may very well get a Master out of all this." She mumbled the last part almost inaudibly. Suddenly she slammed her fist into her palm and grinned. "Yes! Is there anything I can do to get you to trust me? Oh! We didn't really introduce ourselves, huh? I think humans find that rude. Anyway, Sachi the familiar, at your service!" She winked and made the victory sign over her eye with a big grin, in a ta-da like pose. "What's your name, then?"


Alex smiled at Sachi's excitement, she really entertaining him. He shook his head at her question. "No, it takes away the gravity aura I use to defy gravity, so I fall." Alex stuck both of his hands in his pockets and nodded to what Sachi was saying. "Hmm, I guess you have no reason to betray me, huh?" He sighed and laughed to Sachi's unique introduction. "Well then, it's nice to meet you Sachi the Familiar. I'm Alexander or Alex. Whatever floats your boat." He had heard of Familiar's before, companions who worked with masters. He wondered who her master was. Alex looked back at Sachi and began floating upside down. "Well, we're going to have to do spy work. We have to find out if there actually is a dome, then we have to take it down." He said, raising a finger to his lip. "And we can't let anyone we don't trust in on our plan."
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Sachi Kouhai


"Oh, that's too bad," Sachi remarked. It would be quite overly powerful if he could fly and throw bombs, she guessed. And it would probably take a remarkable amount of magical energy. It was true. What could Sachi actually get out of betraying somebody she didn't really know? Aside from another enemy that is and frankly she didn't want that; he was already starting to grow on her.


She definitely preferred Alex. It was more comfortable of a name to say. Just like Sachi to what her full name was.

Spy work! She knew it! It was bound to be fun. "We'll be epic spies," Sachi murmured. She mimed the action in the air of sneaking around with a gun, did a somersault, and floated down in a stomach down position as if being lowered down by a rope to steal a precious diamond. "Hehe..." She chuckled and settled in a sitting position, now mock serious. "Don't worry, my lips are sealed," Sachi murmured, "locking" her mouth and tossing the key. "But isn't it easy enough to see if there's a dome? We just fly up until we hit something."


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