Ibuki's storage of Fandom OCs

(Danganronpa) Itsuki Hideaki


ibuki is best girl
Name •
Itsuki Hideaki

Name Meanings •
Itsuki • A tree
Hideaki • Excellence

Nicknames •
Hide, Itsu-chan, Hide-kun

Gender •
Cisgender male with he/him pronouns

Age •
16-19, depends on roleplay

Talent •
Ultimate Painter

Talent Meaning •
Itsuki can paint anything. He can take a paintbrush and just paint anything he wants to on a canvas and it'll turn out perfect.

Blood Type •

Height •

Weight •
134 pounds

Birthday •
March 14th

Zodiac •

Appearance •

Personality •
Itsuki is the kind of person to turn an eye to any sort of thing he wants to ignore and this can make him come off as unsympathetic towards others especially in a tense kind of situation. Itsuki is actually pretty nice and optimistic but his optimism can lead to said unsympathetic behavior in a tense situation since he does not want to focus on anything bad. His attention span is rather short and if something does not catch his interest, then he isn't going to be paying attention to it. Itsuki likes to spend his time as a loner with all of his paintings and he'll often be found by himself with him acting pretty quiet. Any sort of flirtation will go straight over his head and he won't understand it so he is pretty clueless in the flirting department.

Sexuality •
Homoromantic Graysexual

Likes •
Art, Cats, Rain

Dislikes •
Phones, Jokes, Sashimi

Compatible Love Interests •
• Teruteru Hanamura
• Korekiyo Shinguji
• Kiibo
(Danganronpa) Nobu Suzuki
Name •
Nobu Suzuki

Name Meaning •
Nobu means “prolong, stretch”
Suzuki means “bell tree, bell wood”

Nickname •

Age •
16 years old

Gender •
Trans Male

Preferred Pronouns •

Sexuality •
Biromantic Asexual

Birthday •
September 5th

Zodiac •

Appearance •

SHSL Talent •
Ultimate Zoologist

Talent Description •
Nobu studies the behavior of animals as well as how they interact with different environments. He knows basically every animal and knows the different ecosystems.

Blood Type •

Role in Killing Game •
It honestly depends but he would probably end up a victim due to his trusting nature

Execution •
If Nobu were to kill somebody, he would do it for a reasonable motive. First, Nobu would be dropped from a high place and onto the ground, hurting his ankle. The area looks like the plains and is seemingly deserted. As Nobu tries to walk, but fails, Monokuma releases a cage of Monokuma bears that make a dash for Nobu who is now trying to crawl away and make it to some place safe. The bears jump on him and he’s stepped on as well as devoured. All that remains is Nobu’s mangled body and shredded clothing.

Positive Personality Traits •
+ cheerful
+ helpful
+ imaginative
+ persuasive

Neutral Personality Traits •
~ dry
~ breezy
~ whimsical
~ artful

Negative Personality Traits •
- too trusting
- anxious
- overly demanding
- abrasive

Hope or Despair •

Height •

Weight •
134 pounds

Extra •
~ Nobu always keeps one eye covered with his hair, he just likes the way it looks
~ His skin tone is pale, so one can easily tell when he’s flustered or blushing.
~ Nobu wears a binder underneath his clothes that stays on for around 8 hours with some binder breaks in between.

Compatible Love Interests:
• Gonta Gokuhara
• Kaito Momota
• Kaede Akamatsu

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