I waited so long for the right time to finally do it and it's time!!! Oh baby yes yes yes!!

Aristos Fortuna

New Member

Finally!! I am a full citizen of RPNation (*U*) and this is my 10th post!!! I wanted to take it slow before unlocking all the other stuff I was promised like profile covers, private messaging((} :) )) and more.

Hi everyone, I am Aristos Fortuna A.K.A "the best luck", so rub my shoulders for good luck(only works if you do it for 15min+ ( ;) ))

For short, feel free to call me "Ari". I am usually on all day either through my computer, mobile phone, or tablet, so feel free to private message me since now I can do that!!!

My favorite genre is fantasy and small to medium is my ideal group size. I prefer something between casual and detailed so if you are starting one or want to start one I am open to get involved possibly.

If you ever want to randomly start role playing out of nowhere, I totally like that too. You could simply message me out of nowhere with a first post and I will reply back. You can think of it as a "RP-OneNightStand" that could go longer than a night (' :) )

Thanks for reading this and happy RPing ( :) )

(omg that last word and autocorrect ('A'))

(as you can tell I am one of those people that absolutely love and get addicted to using emotes (*U*) so I apologize in advance)


Ari F

Dear Ari F,

Welcome to RpNation and congratulations on reaching your 10th post! Woohoo!

You clearly have a good understanding of the site already, but if you have any questions, please don't hesitate to ask. (: Hmmm.. I do like your idea of the roleplay one night stand. Very interesting idea. Anyways, I hope you enjoy your stay.


(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*) and on the 10th day I rise from the dead!!!!!!! (*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)(*U*)

YES, let's be emoji buddies (OUO)

and thank you for the welcome (<3)

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