I only came for the free food


The lost fox
Hey... (look to one side, then the other... Doesn't know what to do with the hands, try to stuff 'em inside the pockets but then realizes that the pants don't have any pockets), I don't have social skills enough to make a good introduction, but I do have a great ability to make daily situations really awkward without even trying, it's like my superpower. But I'm just passing to say hi, so... Hi.

*I don't know what else to say...* (whisper to a random person in the background)

*Just say something and we'll edit later before we post.* (random person whispers back)

*Okay then...*

Most people talk about how long they've been playing RPGs, so... I started with D&D when I was 11yo and from there I played other titles like GURPS, Mage, and Vampire the Masquerade. However, it is only been six years since I started playing RP by forum.
Let me see what else I can say about myself... I spend most of my time when I'm not working or studying, reading comics, manga or any book that I get my hands on. Watching animes or reruns from my favourite TV shows is also something I like to do to pass the time. But other than that my interests tend to focus on the geek side of life, music, tattoos, photography and drawing.
I'm far from being the most interesting person you'll ever meet, but that's me.
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eyyy cool guy, save me a sandwhich or you'll get a horn to the hand

*saving some PB&J and chicken salad sandwiches (the only thing I have here)*

Food really brings people together, even the demon prince prefers sandwiches instead of souls u.u
I dont have a soul too, so it's fiiinneeee

Oh my gosh! and how did you lose your soul?
I'm just kidding.
We can put together a group with the Demon Prince and the evil Stardust, and use the Pudding as a mascot.

And now I'm already talking nonsense... Time to have a cup of tea, look at the horizon and ask myself what in the bloody hell I'm doing with my life.
I know, right? It fits perfectly.
I can totally imagine you as some evil mastermind (the kind that on the outside can be cute like a panda or a kitten, but inside is the root of all evil and is planning world domination u.u)
You know me too well for my own good.

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