Other I know this is probably innapropriate for this website


New Member
But seeing as how it's been bothering me for quite some time and I'm too anxious to vent to anyone directly, I felt the need to post this. On my birthday, I was looking forward to it for quite some time, seeing as I had never had a birthday party before. For the first time in my life I actually put effort into making it happen. I asked each of my friends, made plans, all that, and each and every one of my friends decided they were too busy for me or they made an excuse that I later found out wasn't true. So when all else failed, I thought that at least my romantic partner (long distance) could make up for it. But, no, they had forgotten about me and apologized, and I felt bad for them, I imagined how embarrassing it must be for them, so... I ended up buying a game on Steam for them that they haven't touched since. My birthday present was -20 dollars. God, I'm pathetic.

But srsly though, get your mind of it. Do some manual work or exercise, try to improve your skills or learn new ones. You will brush it off eventually, but having some activity helps immensely.

Now go get moving you beautiful bastard and don't you dare to return here until others can smell your sweat four streets away. Then you can take a shower and only after that you can come back here to realize how unnecesary all this fuss was.

This fine gentleman will now occupy this thread until its stinky owner returns with a smile on their face

I'm really sorry to hear that :c I think it's also important to treat yourself, then.. Get something nice for yourself or something you've always wanted...

I just think that if some of your friends did something as douche-y as that, that perhaps it's time to find a better crew?

I'm sorry, though :s

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