I have this idea I'd like to try for a roleplay but I need some help going forward


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so my idea for my setting is set in our world and there is a group of people known as the weir and there and there are 5 guilds of weir known as the magical guilds. the guilds are the warriors guild, the soothsayers guild, the sorceres guild, and the wizards guild. also there is a hierarchy among the guilds. the hierarchy is wizards rule over the magical guilds. now the reason wizards rule over the magical guilds in my setting is because wizards can you whats call spoken charms which is the ability to craft a spell using words. sorcerers are great with object and crafting elixirs and magical items in other words a sorcerer can craft a magical sword that can drain the life out of the user. an enchanter is a master of enchantment magic they are the ones who can talk a person into doing what ever they want. soothsayers are the masters of divination and are known as the weakest guild because although they can predict the future their visions are usually unclear and there is little they can do to keep what they see from coming to pass. the warriors guild although not the strongest probably the most important to wizards because warriors are used in an  event called the game where several wizard houses come together and each submit a warrior and then the warriors fight to the deathe the house whos warrior is left standing reigns over the magical guilds. any way that's my idea if you can i'd like some help
This is interesting but how can a person be in a guild? Is the person born with the abilities or need to choose and hone his or her abilities? If the person is born with it, is the abilities of the parents hereditary or not? Are everyone in this world gifted with such abilities? Are there a few exceptions etc? 

Is the world where this guild exists in a kingdom? If so, who rules the kingdom? 

What's the time of this world? Historical? Futuristic? Sci-fi? 
yes the children are born with these abilities I forgot theres also the anweir who are the humans born without the gifts of the weir
What is the reason why some of them are born without the gifts of the Weir? And are the abilities inherited? How can these children inherit certain abilities? Through inheritance, surroundings? Some spell/magic??
I like this idea a lot!  Maybe it could be a mutation in their DNA and the anweir haven't received that mutated gene yet. 
I like this idea a lot!  Maybe it could be a mutation in their DNA and the anweir haven't received that mutated gene yet. 

So it is passed through parents that haven't received that mutated gene? Or a parent that has a mutated gene X parent that doesn't have
So it is passed through parents that haven't received that mutated gene? Or a parent that has a mutated gene X parent that doesn't have

I was thinking it could be a couple generations after the gene started to show, and that's why we now( at the point of the RP), have guilds. It started as a carrier gene and when two parents both passed down the carrier gene it presented as the powers those in the guilds posses. My thinking is that it would be the next stage in the race's evolution.   
I was thinking it could be a couple generations after the gene started to show, and that's why we now( at the point of the RP), have guilds. It started as a carrier gene and when two parents both passed down the carrier gene it presented as the powers those in the guilds posses. My thinking is that it would be the next stage in the race's evolution.   

Wow that's great. But there are like 5 guilds... How could the two parents posses those genes and pass those onto their child? Or is it some child of theirs then some grandchild then great grandchildren..... 
Wow that's great. But there are like 5 guilds... How could the two parents posses those genes and pass those onto their child? Or is it some child of theirs then some grandchild then great grandchildren..... 

It could be just like micro evolution of birds. What if there is a race of fire elementals on island X so the people evolve to cast water magic.

Just an idea. We could make it fit more so to enchanting weapons if there were big baddies that needed slashing. Things like that we could fit into the lore of it but I'm not sure if ocean wanted monsters in the RP. This is just how I though it would work in that world.
It could be just like micro evolution of birds. What if there is a race of fire elementals on island X so the people evolve to cast water magic.

Just an idea. We could make it fit more so to enchanting weapons if there were big baddies that needed slashing. Things like that we could fit into the lore of it but I'm not sure if ocean wanted monsters in the RP. This is just how I though it would work in that world.

It's a brilliant idea :D  
Thank you! This theme seems really cool. When its ready to start in the forms I'd love a PM so I could join in on the fun!
ok so I did some thinking and I decided that being a weir is caused by a chemical in the blood and that chemical is formed bc several birth defects that happen at the growth of the embrio now it is more like to happen if both parents are weir and it is possible to have an anaweir child from both parents who are weir but those children don't usually live past age one and tend to die horrible deaths from having the birth defects but not having the chemical within their blood stream
On the point of naming things, I would like to point out that a sorcerer doesn't really make me think of a person who crafts things of a magical nature.  Perhaps Artificer's guild is more appropriate.  Also, the warriors seem to be the odd ones out.  They also seem somewhat undiscussed so far.  Perhaps the warriors are those who do not possess the "magic" genes?  On that topic, gene diversity would perhaps lead to the creation of sub-groups within the guilds, who each have different abilities, but still fall under the main theme of a guild?  Or perhaps the guilds restrict procreation between guilds in order to keep the gene "pure", leading to some inbreeding with all the consequences of such an act, or perhaps the "purists" are splinter groups of radicalist nature?  wil ideas going around for you to use at your leisure.  
thank you for bringing that to my attention it will be one of the things I will think about and change speaking of changes ive been speaking to a friend of mine and decided that it is not a chemical in their bodies that makes them magical but a stone that forms in there bodies at time of conception so each of the guilds has there own internal stone that gives them there powers the warriors have a warrior stone the enchanters have an enchanter stone the sorcerers have a sorcerer stone and so on and so forth.
I know you said the store forms at conception, maybe they could be called sole stones? Also how and why do they form? Is it still from an unknown chemical?

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