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Fantasy Hybrid effect

"Oh that sounds "fun", and I dont think my stomach could handle much real food right now. To much excitement and confusion going on to eat properly" she said gently, inspecting the last piece of her orange before plopping it in her mouth. "We have like forty five minutes before we have to go meet miss nutcase again" she rolled her eyes at the thought of the crazy lady and sighed

"You have no idea" she mumbled rolling her eyes, "this is the most food I've ever seen in my life, totally not passing this up" she spoke through another mouthful of food, gulping loudly she nodded, "we could always have a wonder round, see what this place actually offers" she shrugged as she scooped together the last mouthful with her spoon.

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"I suppose we could, get a feel for what we will be living in" She tossed the orange peel into the trash, wiping her hands together. Then grabbed the pamphlet they had been given earlier. "Do you think we will roomed together?...I wonder if there is any other hybrids here" Flipping through the scheduals and rooms she let her mind wonder off again. Thinking of what will become

She chewed her lip, "I'd like to get roomed with someone who isn't a prick" she glanced down at the pamphlet, "is there a map somewhere?" She flipped over the pamphlet, "wonder how much longer til we have to go see miss fruitloops" She looked around for a clock, or something that had the time, though she had no idea what time she had reached this place.


"Yea same, she said we had one hour. might be a good idea to just head over to the family room once we are done eating" she suggested, not noticing a clock in here as well. She searched the pamphlet for a moment, then pointed to the map. "Looks like we have a cafetiere, workout room, education, Garden, holy shit we can go outside. family room, and boys bedrooms seem to be at the right of the building, ours to the left. Seem pretty simple layout at least" she smiled a bit, since this place didnt seem half bad other then the crazy scientist lady

She nodded, "I don't doubt their outside is lined with barbed wire fences and guards at each corner" she frowned imagining a prison style scenario, "let's get to the family room, find something to pass the time, maybe even find out what the time is" she placed her now empty plate on the table next to her before glancing at the map quickly and heading toward the family room.

@Calalily @Zedisback
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As Tyson was sitting in the family room he looked to the side, seeing a deck of cards, peering at it for a second not really paying much mind to it, a he grabbed them, as he looked at them spinning them around within his left hand, as he would draw a single card from the deck, as he would throw it at the wall, doing this over and over trying to have some entertainment. @Sharkiee @Calalily
Chai sat very still and trying very hard not to kill the guy next to him. He was obnoxiously pulling out cards and throwing them at the wall, and it was killing Chai inside, even if it didn't actually affect. He took a deep breath, begging someone to put him out of his misery. Then he snapped.

"Do you mind? Stop!"

As he would just look over to him he would just peer at him, why did he care about him throwing cards, as he said "Why?" He would ask, as, they started being thrown with more speed, not really paying or caring if it would make the boy made, he was just doing his own thing, trying to find something he would enjoy. @A Simple Egg
Zedisback said:
As he would just look over to him he would just peer at him, why did he care about him throwing cards, as he said "Why?" He would ask, as, they started being thrown with more speed, not really paying or caring if it would make the boy made, he was just doing his own thing, trying to find something he would enjoy. @A Simple Egg
Chai gritted his his and spoke through them.

"Because it's killing me inside."

He managed to hold off a bit longer before he gave in, quickly attempting to snatch the cards of of the obnoxious boys hands
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Zedisback said:
As he would move his hand away before it could happen, he would swing his hand away at twenty miles per hour, as he would chuckle.
As he would swing his left hand back at the same speed trying to slap the other male hoping it could start up some kind of fun fight. As he would let a smile grow on his face.

"Don't try to take things from my hands." @A Simple Egg
Chai's eyes widened as he received a sharp slap, then narrowed dangerously.

"Oh I'll do a lot more than that." He growled, them composed himself. "Or at least I would, if I was low enough to sink to your level." He turned away haughtily. He had achieved his goal, to get the boy to stop annoying him, and so he could stop associating with the filth.
Zedisback said:
As he would just look away he started throwing the cards fast ball style, throwing them, thirty five miles per hour, by moving his hands that fast, as they would hit the wall, they seemed to curved a bit thanks to the G-forces.
"Hmmm these cards seem to be a bit thin." Grabbing the remote, before he turned one of the Tv's onto the news "I would beat you in a fight anyway." @A Simple Egg
Chai snorted, still facing away defiantly.

"Psh, you wish. I'd have you down in a matter of seconds. What do you have, super speed? Hmph, like I said, a matter of seconds"
Zedisback said:
"Than lets fight!" He would jump up in excitement, jogging in place at seventy five miles per hour, hitting the air with his hands at the same speed "I'll even hold back, just for you." He said beaming a smile at him, making it clear, he didn't take this seriously "I'll take you down in a blink of an eye."
"Step up it." @A Simple Egg
Chai rised and slowly turned to face the boy.

"I'll have you know i'm no ordinary person, even before this whole power thing. Hold back if you want to, it'll just make my job easier."

This was very out of character for Chai, he was not one to enjoy real fights, or more specifically the trouble it got him in. But it had been a long day, and he hadn't fought in while, so he needed to let his feeling out.
Zedisback said:
Tyson had already dropped the deck of cards by his feet, with a dash of his speed, he would flash step, going five hundred miles per hour, faster than the normal human eye could see, just leaving a trail of afterimages around the boy trying to make it look like he teleported "Don't blink."
As everything seemed to move in slow motion to Tyson, he would jump in the air trying to axe kick the other male at ninety miles per hour. @A Simple Egg
Chai closed his eyes and took a deep, calming breath. So what if his opponent was faster than normal, this was still just a fight, and he fought all the time. A swish of air, louder than the others, came from the air next to him, and dropped, rolling to side. He felt the kick brush past his face. And suddenly there were two, no four, wait, eight of him. And they all smiled and spoke in sync.

"Bring it"
Zedisback said:
As he would keep running at the speed to leave afterimages,both of his arms would begin to spin, as blackish redish air started to form around his arms, it seemed to be colored after the shirt he had on, when he stopped spinning his arms tornadoes left his arms, as they would launch at the eight males saying "Is that all you can do." As he would keep moving waiting to see if he would hit anyone. @A Simple Egg
One of the tornados hit one of the duplicates, which disappeared in a puff of smoke, but the others all dodged. 4 of them ran at Tyson, one from each side, one of them slid to the floor, another went high and the other two aiming for the middle.
"Eh, hold it!." Tyson said, as he would flash step to the door to the other side of the room "I'm going to steal some food, sorry to end this so fast, but I burn calories super fast when I move fast, and how they experimented on me, made my powers make my metabolism accelerate. So I have to eat a lot, so bye." As he walked out of the door going to the cafeteria to steal food. @A Simple Egg

Lilly nodded, following the girl. Walking on the front of her toes, like she was wearing high heels. but had non on, this was one of things there scientist had made her do, to appear more like a rabbit on there hind legs. If she would slip and put her full foot down, she seemed to be in pain from it, Or like it shocked. Arriving at the family room she noticed the fight going down, not even an hour into this place and people were trying to kill each other. "Stop guys!" she yelled at them, no one seemed to notice her though. Finally one boy stopped, said he needed food and buzzed off. Sighing she crossed her arms. "What was that about?" she asked the Male left in the room. Right as she heard a voice on the back of her neck

"Yes, what was that about my little pets?"
Calalily said:

Lilly nodded, following the girl. Walking on the front of her toes, like she was wearing high heels. but had non on, this was one of things there scientist had made her do, to appear more like a rabbit on there hind legs. If she would slip and put her full foot down, she seemed to be in pain from it, Or like it shocked. Arriving at the family room she noticed the fight going down, not even an hour into this place and people were trying to kill each other. "Stop guys!" she yelled at them, no one seemed to notice her though. Finally one boy stopped, said he needed food and buzzed off. Sighing she crossed her arms. "What was that about?" she asked the Male left in the room. Right as she heard a voice on the back of her neck

"Yes, what was that about my little pets?"
As later he came back he had bags full of food he had broken in and taken, as he had already thrown an orange to everyone in the family room,in a blink of an eye he had already ate most of the food he had broken in for "The rate I burn calories, and the rate my metabolism got accelerated to by my powers is a pain." Tyson said with a sign, not really caring if he would get in trouble for stealing all kinds of fresh fruit, he was now waiting for the others to eat. @Calalily
Alez stood next to Lilly, smirking at the boys, "oooh, someone's in trouble" she teased, her face paled when she heard her voice again, "Shit" she cursed under her breath afraid to turn around, "again with the pets shit" she rolled her eyes, "Lilly we should move along, I'd hate for us to get caught up in something we didn't do" she looped her arm around Lillys hoping she would agree.

@Calalily @Zedisback @A Simple Egg
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