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Fandom HxH Yorknew City


One Thousand Club

Location: Cafe Beans (also known as the Hunter Association Yorknew Branch Office)

-- One month before the auction period --

Yorknew City's everyday bustle continued beyond the glass front of the unassuming coffee shop. Sunlight streamed through to illuminate a table of four, situated in a quiet corner of the cafe. Almost all of them looked weary, whether it was in the unshaven stubble of the head investigator or the pale agitation of his partner.

"We've been hitting a block, so I thought I would bring in some fresh faces to help." Ben Daves tossed the information file onto the table with a good-natured grin. "So, what'd you think? I requested the Tanjoons for assistance on the case too," he glanced to his younger male colleague with this, "And they say one of their members is already in town. A Lost Hunter, apparently."

The look was not acknowledged by Riles Gannur, who instead picked up the file and began leafing through the papers.

"Hmph. Isn't she still green? With only one year of experience, she's just extra baggage." He rapped against the photo of a young woman with a knuckle, his frown deepening with dissatisfaction. "Wait a minute-" His eyes widened in his incredulity as he proceeded through the other candidates, and then narrowed with anger. "This has got to be a joke."

He stood up with a clatter, earning him a few curious looks from the other patrons. A stern look from Ben sent Riles reluctantly back into his seat, though that didn't stop him from proceeding in his tirade. "Every one of them is a damned newbie!" His hiss was punctuated with a light slam against the table.

"They're all talented in their own right." Ben looked nonplussed as he took a vigorous swig from his steaming coffee cup.

"Talent won't prevent them from getting themselves killed," Riles ground out before falling into an unnatural silence. The older man observed his pained look and quietly took it as a cue to end the conversation. Instead, he began digging into his freshly arrived lunch special.

Their exchange went seemingly ignored by the team's youngest member, who had grabbed the files for herself while the other two were still speaking. "Raymond Redrum." Hanna read out. "Ao, have you heard of this man before?" She pointed at the smirking man in the picture. Before the brunette could respond, however, beeping notifications resounded all around the table. "Sorry, a moment." She glanced at her phone briefly.

Hunter Association Notification System

URGENT UPDATE: Blacklist Hunters Needed

The Borgis Family will offer 1 MILLION JENNY for the capture of the Storm Gang human trafficking ring.

Inquire within the Yorknew branch office for more details.

Despite the lack of anything humorous in the message, the girl gave a light laugh of amusement. "Seems like our partners have more on their plate than the dead bodies piling up in their club dumpsters." At a somewhat disgusted reaction from Riles, she settled into her default look of boredom.

"Ah, I sure hope they arrive soon."

The investigation team comprised of Ben Daves, Riles Gannur, Hanna, and Sora Ao are currently waiting for their new investigation members, Tsunaluna, Raymond, and Hadrian. All Hunters have also received a request for aid from the Borgis Family from the Hunter Association Notification System.

@Brook @Cross_Rhodes @Edward Valentine @Red @White Masquerade


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Raymond Redrum

Raymond just kept silent as he listened in on the other four. It's almost astounding how they haven't detected him yet despite his more than obvious appearance. Sitting somewhere near them, under the guise of reading a book. He did read, but for the most part he was observing them.

Raymond was all in black with the exception of his shirt. Suit, gloves, pants, and tie, all contrasting his naturally light features. His almost pale skin, and silver hair were almost his distinct characteristics.

Closing his book, he decided to give up the charade and approach them up front. "He's not wrong about talent not preventing us from getting killed..." Raymond said as he walked towards them.

Raymond placed one hand on the table and leaned in to the group. "but it helps." he said nonchalantly before flashing his signature smirk. "I guess, we're just waiting on the others then. They'll be here shortly."
Sora Ao

Sora's cheeks drew back in not quite a grimace. Her gaze cut from Raymond's smirk to the coffee cup folded in her fingers. Something loose in her tightened, shifted. An emotion without a definite shape. "Playing games is unnecessary." Sora said. Only children needed to be told this. She inferred the outline of Raymond. Who he was from just a few words and the slice of a smirk. Sora didn't relish the idea of fighting alongside him. Are you so certain they didn't notice you all along? Sora kept her lips together, but the thought pressed insistently. Her tongue shifted to the bony ridge of her mouth.

Sora tasted the dark coffee. Then she split open a packet of creamer and poured it in. Hazelnut flavor filled her mouth. The caffeine squeezed the insides of her veins pleasantly. A jittery buzz. "The Tanjoons? I've heard of them, I think." Sora said. She deferred to Daves's decision. The man had proven himself reliable. A pillar of the team compared to Hanna and Gannur (she valued their abilities also but didn't think of them as leaders). If they needed fresh eyes for the investigation, Sora hoped the others weren't like Raymond.

It was unfair of her, Sora decided. To base so much on a first impression. Incorrect of her. It was easier to admit this than forcing herself to reverse her decision of him.

The others would be here shortly, according to Raymond. "That's good." Sora said. She tore the little creamer packet in half and then split it into tiny pieces. Sora forced her arms to still. She fidgeted when her mind was unabsorbed by a task.

Sora's jaw worked at the text from the Borgis family. "Human trafficking is one of the most disgusting crimes a person can commit." Her brow furrowed. The certainty rose in her, then settled quietly like a ripple gone still in a pond. Sora would welcome killing the ones reasonable. She pushed her coffee cup over for the waitress to refill.
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Cafe Beans

Candice Von

She didn't care about the money, she didn't care about the prestige, she just wanted to make them pay. Winding through the streets of Yorknew, Candice followed the blinking yellow beacon dinging on the holo-map shot into the air by IVO. The Hunter Association's Yorknew branch. Word was it was held within a normal looking cafe on the street of Public Garden Road D. The map would confirm it as the Hunter was met with a buzzing from her assistance arm, signaling that she had arrived. Looking up at the sign stretched across the paneling just below the roof, Candice smirked. These hunters were something else. It was definitely a nice change of pace from the work she used to do and places she had the chance to visit as an ordinary scientist.

Though walking in the hunter thought there must have been some kind of mistake. This place really was ordinary. She couldn't tell who was who. There was no sign or funny-looking person to direct the way as there was in the Hunter's Exam...she was lost.

"IVO. Suggestions."

"Formulating...two. Bio-scanning and release of Nen. Scanning the bodies of everyone here in the restaurant may or may not yield results. I don't believe the use or presence of Nen can be found using a simple machine such as myself."

Candice laughed. Simple?

"So what did they call it again? When you release your aura to track a person?"

"En," replied the machine.

"Ah, En. Okay then," smirked the woman. She wanted to show the Hunter Association handlers she was no one to play with.

"Then we'll go with En."

In a burst of Nen, the woman ratcheted up her aura right in the middle of the cafe, it's tentacles growing and wrapping around to the nearest edges of the room. The reaction to a group of clustered signatures gathered by a table unconsciously forced her head into that direction.


Killing the technique, Candice made her way over to the spot, smile growing wider as she took every step.

"Candice Von," she spoke as she finally arrived. "This where we meeting about the Borgis and the Trafficking? I'm not a blacklist hunter," she continued, daring any one there to send her home because of it.

"But I hunt crime. Human Trafficking specifically. I'm the one. I'm the one the Borgis want."
Hadrian Bao

Hadrian watched as cyborg expertly utilized her aura to do something high tech Nen stuff and nodded. Color him impressed. Hadrian was chilling outside the headquarter/coffee shop ready to walk inside swagged out in a brand new RED TRACKSUIT!!! Yea!!! Actually it's the same track suit just not dirty. He probably had it dry cleaned to be presentable for the people recruiting him. He walked into the coffee shop headquarters with a bit of a strut. There was a confidence in his step that only a freshly cleaned tracksuit could bring. He looked over each and every Nen user there, giving them a knowing glance before nonchalantly walking to the counter. He slipped his hands in his pockets, sloped over some and held his mouth open as he entered a long,


If not for the fact that he were a full-fledged hunter, this display of prolonged curiosity of coffee shop menu, could be considered impress because this was the worlds longest,


He smacks his lips, inhales sharply and looks to the lady behind the counter after three minutes of pure umm. He looks over her with his bored, brilliant blue eyes which are highlighted by the red eye shadow he makes using dry red clay and newt dust. His eyes piercing her stunned brown-eyedgaze and he finally speaks up again.

"I'll take one black coffee."
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"It's not my fault your kid doesn't know how to hold his ice cream cone!" Jackal yelled onto the streets as he entered the cafe. He received a couple of looks but simply grinned. He stood by the door and looked around for any obvious signs of Hunters. To his left, he saw some members already gathered in a small quiet corner. Jackal began taking his first steps towards the group but then stopped when he heard a comment about his hair and height from a man holding a hot cup of coffee in his right hand and a newspaper in his other. Jackal turned around and grabbed the cup out of his hand and chugged it down before the man could protest.

"Ugh, you call this crap coffee? Tastes like they just mixed dirt and water." More heads turned to Jackal, but he did not care. He placed the cup down in front of the man, but he was clearly disgusted by Jackal's lack of manners. The green haired Hunter smiled at himself and continued his slow walk towards the group in the corner. He stopped a few inches away from the table and narrowed his eyes.

"I hear you're looking for Blacklist Hunters. I can do the job.." Jackal said, pausing to look at the other Hunters around him. "All by myself too." He wasn't impressed so far but the girl with the metal on her arm piqued his interest, but his face remained emotionless.

Great, I'm going to be working with a bunch of boring people.
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Brief surprise crossed Riles's expression before giving way to annoyance. "Tch." Riles folded his arms and turned away from the group, toward the window. The only thing worse than a helpless newbie was a helpless newbie who thought he was hot stuff. He had long come to begrudgingly respect Ben for his reliability, and on occasion, for his sharp perception, but at the present, he couldn't help but think that his trust had been misplaced. He had his own investigation to run without settling for babysitting duty. Not to mention, this Raymond Redrum character had an off-putting smile that made him hard to read.

Ben was far more welcoming, though he hardly batted an eyelash at the silver-haired man's sudden appearance. "So you were here already! You should've joined us earlier then, Raymond. Have a seat." Grinning, he slid out a chair and patted it. "I know that my letter must have been sudden, but I think you'll be useful to us. I'll fill you in on all the details when the others arrive. Of course, we'll need a change of setting."

All the while, Hanna had been quietly observing each person at the table, particularly noting Sora's subtle aversion to the newcomer. "Isn't it?" She voiced coinciding sentiments to the woman's statement of conviction. At the arrival of the waitress to their table, her attention was drawn away by the prospect of consuming sweets. "A strawberry shortcake, please."

The waitress seemed uninterested in their conversation (or perhaps had a talent for eavesdropping without seeming so, one never really knows). Instead, she quietly poured out the refill with her service smile on full and gave a murmured acknowledgement of the order, with the promise to fulfill it readily.

If the three of them noticed the use of En in the vicinity, none of them showed it. However, the approach of two Hunters, both of them inquiring after the same Blacklist Hunting job, did the job in eliciting a reaction from Ben. He maintained a relatively neutral look, but his befuddlement was clear in his gradually scrunching brows. Hanna, on the other hand, was a lot quicker on the uptake.

" New Storm Gang job. They need to visit the back room," she whispered to him.

"Oh. You two must be new to the city. Unfortunately, I'm not the one you're looking for. You'll have to speak to Rena." He gestured toward the petite woman manning the counter, who was currently flustered by the bizarre antics of one of the customers.

"That's Bao, isn't it." Hanna noted flatly. She gave a little wave to bring the monk to their table, and end the unwanted attention that he was currently attracting, on purpose no less.

"What the hell is he doing." Riles seethed at the man's unprofessionalism. Any more waiting, and he wouldn't be able to take it. He was restless enough as it was: unconsciously, he had reached for his pocket again for his smokes. "I'll be going. I'm sure you'll be able to handle it without me, Ben." The older man hardly had enough time to respond before Riles quit the table and headed off with a dark look on his face.

"…Let's wait a little while longer for Miss Tanjoon."
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Cafe Beans

Tsunaluna Tanjoon

Wringing a hand, Tsunaluna nearly bumped into a man with black hair puffing heavily irritated on a cigarette. If it were a year ago, the girl would have apologized profusely, put her head down and walked off, but she was a hunter now. Things were different. Wordlessly, she gave the man a sidelong look and continued on her walk into the cafe.

What had been strong on her mind?

The secret to her Nen of course. Her family did their best to drill it into her head that her Nen was her greatest weapon. Let no one see it if they didn't have to. Absolutely no sharing of restrictions and vows. Let no one know what type she wielded if not necessary to complete the mission. For the Tanjoon it was stressing, but Tsunaluna understood this was what came with being a dangerous person in an organization of members 10 times more dangerous than her. The Nen of her own family scared her. There were a few techniques she didn't even realize were affecting her until the trick was exposed. The girl had no idea the nature of the world she entered in...and all of it was by a fluke.

"Just stay calm, watch your surroundings, and always try to look for what's occurring beneath the surface. Be careful when you move and think before you act, because any breath you take could be your last."

Steadying her hands, Tsunaluna breathed deep and focused on the commotion in the shop. There were indeed ordinary people here milling about, but the gaits of some belied their hidden nature. At the counter she could see a martial artist she recognized from the prior exam: Hadrian Bao. Furthermore, in the back, there was a table filled with unconventional people. People who dressed like they hadn't a care in the world. Tsuna had come to understand that was one of the quickest ways to spot a Hunter.

Hell. One of them even had a mechanical arm. Another had stiff, wacky, yellow hair and...and...her heart stopped in that moment, nearly constricting inside her chest. Was that who she though it was? Was that...was that...Raymond Redrum?


So it came to this. Right off the bat she'd be faced with the man that humiliated her in the final rounds of the last Hunter's Exam.

Get a grip Tsuna. This is not the same as a year ago. You're better now. Stronger now. Know Nen. You're more capable than you were before. You've gotten farther in Jigen How, worked your skills deep in surveillance and stealth. Relax. Always remember Nen is your trump card. As long as you've haven't exposed its secrets, you always have the advantage. There's nothing to be scared of.

So in a few short seconds, the girl managed to stabilize herself and walk towards the table where the others congregated.

"Tsunaluna of the Tanjoon family here. I am sorry I'm late. I got lo-...I-I had prior business to take care of." Mentally chastising her hersel, the Hunter knew that was close. Letting on her faults in this business was just another thing the opponent could latch onto and hold.

"And...hello to you, Raymond Redrum."
Sora Ao

Sora's palm found the ridge of her nose and slid from there. She empathized with Gannur even if though the disgrace she felt on his behalf was sharp. One green eye fell on the Hunters gathered around them then the other. Her hand dropped. The mission mattered more than petty issues. Hanna was young but capable. Had Gannur assumed the freshly licensed Hunters couldn't be talented even if inexperienced? "It's good we have so many extra helpers. It should mean the mission will go smoothly." Sora said.

Sora's fingers settled on either side of the coffee cup. The white of her knuckles tensed. "What exactly do you mean by that?" Sora asked, intrigued by Candice. The heels of her flats rose against the floor, fell. She fidgeted. Human Trafficking wasn't a crime she knew much about until recently. But as a Blacklist Hunter Sora had been made to look behind the veil normal, ordinary citizens didn't realize existed. Forced labor. Sex trafficking. The thieving of organs. Child soldiers. The list carried on.

The tension between everyone troubled her. Few of them seemed like team players. This could be bad, she thought. It was more productive to work alone than with insufferable allies.

When the Tanjoon arrived, Sora's gaze cut to her. A person from a respectable family. She hoped she lived up to their reputation. "It's fine." Sora said, a bit baffled by her apology. Maybe because she worked with so few polite people these days. Or simply Sora sensed something off about her. Nervousness maybe.

A Tanjoon wouldn't be nervous though? Of what? Their family had a reputation as Hunters. Her. Raymond. Bao, the black coffee drinker (ew). Collectively, they felt like a migraine. Sora refused to agree with Gannur. He acted too immaturely. Therefore, hidden depths. Surely, they all had exceptional hidden depths.

Sora shifted her attention to Daves. She willed him to make all the wonky pieces of their puzzle fit somehow.
Hunter Association Branch Office

"I'm glad you could make it, Miss Tanjoon. We're ready to go now." Ben pushed his empty plate away before leading the party down a small side corridor next to the staff room without so much as a look from the cafe customers. Most of were regulars and had long grown used to the odd people coming and going. Better not to ask, after all, when their city was already overrun by dubious characters. If nobody said anything, they could still proceed with their lives as if everything were just fine.

"These two aren't with me." He picked Candice and Jackal out with two fingers. "They're here for a Blacklist job." Rena's face went white at the terrifying appearance of the man who towered two full heads above her, but she followed nevertheless, awkwardly hovering behind them. They were met by a plain white door, which seemed innocuous enough save for the fact that it had no knob. Three knocks on the frame caused a hidden electronic pad to slide open, and Ben tapped in a few buttons. The door silently slid up, leading into an empty lounge room. It was almost disappointing, that there was nothing magnificent lying beyond, just an old sofa and a worn coffee table.

And then the entire room began to descend. It was a smooth ride, but there was an uncomfortable falling sensation. Numbers briefly ticked by on the small overhead display, before finally stopping with the sudden halt of the elevator. "This is the 5th Floor~" A bubbly voice announced.

Conference Room 1

"Um, th-this way please." Rena held out an arm to direct Candice and Jackal to the left, into a conference room with other awaiting job applicants.

"How much longer do I have to wait? It's been two hours already!" A hulking woman smashed one booted leg against the meeting table, effectively splintering the wood with her heel. She glared daggers at Rena as if it was her fault that the orientation hadn't started yet. Others murmured in agreement, though not with such anger as she had shown.

"I-I'm only a c-counterworker. And please don't destroy Association property…" Rena trailed off, her voice becoming fainter with terror.


The grunt was accompanied by a rattle of the metal chair, now irreparably warped from a smashing blow. The short blonde promptly fled the scene, leaving Jackal and Candice to the hungry appraisal of others. A glint of greed was clear in their stares (One million Jenny!) but it was covered by guarded looks of suspicion.

"What are you looking at?" The woman snarled and emphasized it with a swing of her metal bat.

"Haha, you newcomers here? Haven't seen any of your faces around here." A reedy man with an unfortunate bowl cut sidled up to them, rubbing his hands together. "Sorry, I've got sweaty palms." He wiped them on his slacks and gave a crooked smile. "That's Rosanna, but she hates that name, so everyone calls her Ro. I trust you do the same." Inappropriate nervous laughter followed his warning. "And I'm Wade." He offered both of them a handshake. "Word is that the screening test will be pretty hard: three stages that will last for three days, 72 hours without rest. That's why they're all so tense." Wad jerked a thumb at the Hunters seated around the table.

"So, why're you here? For the money?"

Conference Room 5

"I'm Ben, and these are team members Hanna and Sora. We have one more member back at base, so you'll all meet Riles later. I'll get to the point here. I've asked you here to aid me in investigating the serial murders in Yorknew City. If you've watched the news, you'll know that the bodies have all been found in clubs, in isolated areas." He used the clicker to go through the various buildings projected onto the board. "The Borgis Family have privately hired us to investigate this matter, as most of the crimes have been occurring on their territory."

"There haven't been any eyewitnesses to these crimes, so we have no idea how they've been committed. All the victims are charred and shriveled up, but forensic tests show no traces of lighter fluid or burning. It's all
very mysterious." He scratched his head and clicked to the crime scenes, though not before warning any of the more sensitive members to look away. Completely unrecognizable bodies were warped into positions of agony, their mouths gaping to reveal black gums and chewed tongues. Chunks of flesh, with a texture similar to ash lay near the bodies seemingly disintegrated off during their last writhing moments.

"What is of interest is the destruction of the surrounding environment." Ben pointed at areas where signs of disintegrated stone were evident. One picture showed deep scratches in an alley wall, where enough brick had been gouged out to form a small pile of rubble.

"So you might be wondering why I've chosen you specifically. We can't rule out the possibility that another family is responsible for this, so I want you all to investigate them in any way you can. That includes you too, Sora. Help them to the best of your ability." His ringtone interrupted the briefing and he walked out to receive the call.

"Good luck, Ao." Hanna patted the brunette on the arm, almost with an undertone of mock sympathy.

Ben popped his head back in. "Any questions? No? Something came up unexpectedly so I'll leave you to yourselves. There's a training hall and a library just down the hall, or Sora or Hanna can show you back to the agency."

"You forgot this." Hanna passed Ben his jacket, and he muttered a word of thanks before shutting the door again, leaving the five members in silence.

Hanna spoke. "Let's go to the training room." If none of them had any better ideas, this would be a good opportunity to see what skills they had.

Candice and Jackal have been led to the conference room for a briefing, but it hasn't started yet. Another applicant named Wade has approached them. What is this test that he speaks of? @White Masquerade @Brook

Hadrian, Raymond, and Tsunaluna have been given case information about the murders and the five of them have been left to their own devices.

@Cross_Rhodes @Edward Valentine @Red

Jackal grunted and walked past Ben, ignoring the handshake. He slowly made his way to one of the available seats around the table and sat down in the nearest one, lifted his feet up onto the table and leaning back in the chair.

"Wade you said? Let's get something straight. We are opponents, not friends so I suggest you keep your hands away from me unless you want them broken." Jackal smirked and closed his eyes, not wanting to look at any of the other Hunters. He just wanted t get this over with so he could get his money. He had no doubt in his mind that he would complete the test with ease. Even if he couldn't, a challenge was always fun. Jackal was quite disturbed that he knew nothing of this test that Wade spoke of, but he didn't show it in his face. Hopefully the robotic woman would ask some questions so he could listen in.

Jackal didn't care about the other Hunters, he was going to complete this test. Even if Wade was just trying to be nice, he couldn't take any chances. He would have to watch out for that Rosanna character though; she seemed to be strong. His best chance with passing the test would be to make a small team. Preferably just one person, just like he did for the Exam. The robot girl would be perfect. If this test was anything like the Hunter Exam, he would use the robotic woman until she becomes of no use and drop her at the last second. A larger smile grew on his fast and some of his teeth were shown.

It's a dog eat dog world. I'm the Big Bad Wolf.
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It was hard to tell with Raymond's hair almost completely covering his eyes but he took a longer look at Tsunaluna. The sly smirk on his face could almost grow wider.

"So it seems you took my advise." he told her in a relaxed and playful tone. "Hopefully, you'll actually be of some use. Then you'd be able to get what you want." he added nonchalantly.

After all, it was Raymond who subtly recommended her to this job. Some of the information they were using was originally from him as well.

Hearing the explanation, Raymond was able to think of a few possibilities that could plausibly explain the situation, but for now, they were just theories. He almost chuckled once he heard the Borgis Family. It looks like they were the one to rise up after he took down Gorden. He could remember that he had associates and resources among them. He started contemplating if there was any one of those he could use.

Seeing as they still weren't done with this meeting, Raymond just quietly followed along, still with his smirk on his face.
Sora Ao

Fingers folded like a gate under her chin, Sora peered at the photographs. Her gaze absent of any softness. She'd seen too many other Blacklist cases to be shocked. Violence became commonplace after enough exposure to it, a drop in an already overflowing well. "Of course." The assignment came unexpectedly. The lack of Daves's reasoning sent her imagination running wild. Perhaps Sora lacked enough ability and was placed with the inferior team. Or Daves trusted her to look after the newbies.

Her mind went with one explanation, her heart with the other.

"I'll do my best." Sora turned her head at Hanna, ignoring the flippancy in her tone. Her brown hair scattered across her neck. She rarely put it up these days. "The training hall?" Sora was caught off guard. Her determination wobbled. The investigation wasn't something she could put off with a clear conscious, but the opportunity to see Hanna fight in person almost persuaded her. "Would you be training with us, Hanna?"

Sora glanced at Tanjoon and then Raymond. They were a team now though it didn't feel like it. A smile formed delicate on Sora's face. Weak in its foundation, but earnest. "Would you two be interested in joining us?" To reveal one's Nen was risky business. But to keep teammates in the dark about it was the same as not trusting them.

Sora gathered her swords, stood. Her broken wrist from yesterday healed (an altercation with a persistent thug). She examined it. A slip of pale skin with tree-limb veins extending out. Her mending ability was unremarkable to her now. Overlooked. Sora turned. She headed out into the hall.

@BlueInPassing @White Masquerade @Red
Kai Rei

It all began with a simple tidbit of information from the Hunter Association site.

"Spotted amongst the elder investigators at the Yorknew Branch of the Missing Rookie Hunter case, Ira Foxen."

Ira Foxen, her Auntie.

Kai didn't know much about her Auntie's past as a Hunter. All she knew was that she was a renowned and well respected Hunter, a Hunter that Kai strives to be. The light-haired girl balled her fists and stuffed them into the pockets of her letter-man jacket quickly weaving through the crowds of people in Yorknew City. Her eyes darted around in every direction in search of a specific building. What she didn't realize that the building that she was looking for was in the opposite direction she was heading towards. From this mistake, the girl was lost for a solid hour before she realized that the Branch Office had the front of a coffee shop. A sigh of exasperation slipped out of her lips as she lightly smacked herself in the forehead and proceeded towards the conventional-looking coffee shop.

Many consumers of different backgrounds and stories sat around the coffee shop looking every which way, whether it was in a deep conversation with another or merely gazing around in hopes of finding some form of entertainment. The young girl bit the bottom of her lip, nervous as she began doubting herself in thinking that this maybe the Hunter Branch she was looking for. When suddenly she felt a strong Nen presence. Her head immediately turned towards the source and watched as a character that stood out from the crowd of consumers walking down a hidden corridor. Without giving a second thought, Kai walked after the man. She took a few large steps to catch up to him and intercepted the man.

"Is this the location of Hunter Association Yorknew Branch Office? I need your help in getting in," the girl pleaded. Never would Kai have done this in any scenario she would have imagined but with this single clue leading to her Auntie she needed to take her chances and brave up a bit. To reassure the man that she was a Hunter she pulled out her license and flashed it before the man. He was taken back by the sudden appearance of Kai. The gentleman furrowed his eyes in suspicion at first but after staring Kai down for a minute, a smile slipped onto his face and he answered, "Sure."

"Oh please help me o- Wait? Did you say yes?"

"I sure did."

"And you believe me?"

"Your eyes say it all and somehow I feel comfortable around you, almost as though a warm kindling fire has been started inside me."

Kai blinked a few times. For some reason almost all the Hunters she has met has said the same thing. She watched the man for a few more seconds until he moved around Kai and continued down the corridor. Kai stood there for a moment thinking over her decision. "Oh how irksome." The girl ran after the man not wanting to miss her opportunity of getting into the office.

Once inside the office she felt lost again. Her head slowly grasped the surrounding area, grabbing as much detail as she can trying to locate where she can take her next step.

"What are you here for?" the man from earlier was still standing by her side. "Nothing in particular...I was called here," she briskly answered. "Hm, if it's for the the Missing Rookie Hunter cases then you will need to see Ben. Oh look there he is now," the man pointed towards a man who held himself with a confident air, "Oh but it seems as though the meeting for it finished. You might want to hurry over there and try to join them in the case. Whatever your reason is, I wish you luck." And with that blessing the man walked off, melting into the background of the offices. Kai turned her attention over to a group of Hunters, actually Hunters she recognize. Hunters from the exam that she barely passed.

Oh God...really? It had to be them on the case...

Kai slightly gritted her teeth but straightened her posture and proceeded forward to meet up with the group.

I wonder if they will even remember me.

Her heart rate quickening and her body slightly shivering, Kai could feel a slight chill run down her body as she approached them. Heads of Hunters in the offices turned their heads in every direction in search of the source in which spiked their aura slightly.

Calm down...everything is going to be fine, right?

@BlueInPassing @Cross_Rhodes @White Masquerade @Red
Cafe Beans

Candice Von

"Let's just say I'm a victim turned Hunter," she smirked, looking eye-to-eye with Sora. "They're going to regret the day they kidnapped me."

As a man singled them out and and told a woman they were here for Blacklist job, Candice peeked to the man beside her. Hm...he was pretty damn tall, but he didn't intimidate her much; after all, with Hunters, size didn't matter, it was more what you could do with your skills that would count.


And Candice felt she had the most versatile style of all.

At the drop in feet, the woman gasped, albeit very slightly, and soon regained her composure as the elevator read out the floor they had descended to: Five.

Diverting her eyes away from the lady that destroying furniture in a fit of rage once inside the waiting room, the cyborg laid her head to the side upon hearing info from the one named Wade.


Frowning at this, the hunter looked to the floor upon hearing it'd be 72 hours non-stop and take a full 3 days to complete.

"IVO. Low-power consumption mode. All weapons and sensors off, life-support systems stay active, be on stand-by until called." Joining the crowd of those nervous apparently filling the room, Candice sniffed at Wade's handshake, but still gave him a reply.

"No, not here for money. Just here for revenge. Something was taken away from me and I'll take something back. Nice meeting you Wade...actually," she stopped, raising her metal arm high up into the air.

"What else do you know about the test?"


Cafe Beans

Tsunaluna Tanjoon

Ben. Hanna. Sora. Riles.

Tsunaluna kept quiet about her leaders taking her through the job's case files, but it was all so confusing. Were official hunting missions always this...much? Was it always so much work to do before getting started..?

Watching the presentation, Tsunaluna honestly found it hard to pay attention to what they were saying. Unconsciously, her gaze would drift to Raymond, tantalized by the hidden info he had waiting for her.

The Borgis family.


Eyes sinking back to Raymond, she tensed slightly as he shifted, but wasn't quite sure if he caught her gaze.

"So you might be wondering why I've chosen you specifically."

She stared at Raymond.

"Help them to the best of your ability."

And didn't know what to say.

"So it seems you took my advise."

Holy hell. So he was looking at her too.

"...I'll be just fine of use," she shot back, still sore over his victory to her at their year's Hunter's Exam. "You better make good on your promise to give me the info I want," she murmured getting up to follow Sora out of the room to the training hall.

The beginning Tanjoon had indeed developed nen during the long year in-between, but she wasn't about to show any of it to those that stood around her now.

Stopping in the hallway, she quickly turned her head sideways, feeling a small change in the waves of her nen.


Flexing her arms, Tsunaluna Tanjoon shook off the feeling, chalking it up to the jittering nerves. She had to get in gear. Hunter business was no joke. One wrong move and you could end up dead.

Alright. Let's just get this over with.



@Edward Valentine


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