
Tripping Time
Im just moveing some memo stuff to here. It may not be nessary but eh. I want to do something while waiting :b 

I'm trying to find all the memos wrote for this memo. I hope other's done mind me posting their post for this rp during in the rp. Will provide link somewhere on the post for that specific type-up. It should be underlined.


alphabeticalClassification [AC] opened a memo on the board.

AC: By n•w , y•u all sh•uld be aware that !t !s sh!t •uts!de but are stuck playing th!s stup!d game . 
AC: S• w!th•ut further ad• , hurry up . D•wnl•ad y•ur f!les and play the fuck!ng game . 
AC: There are s•me th!ngs y•u sh•uld be aware •f f•r some of th•se wh• are st!ll d•wnl•ad!ng the game . H•pefully , th!s w!ll help y•u t• qu!ckly f!n!sh the game . 
AC: ! st!ll need t• d• my server ' s ' "j•b" , but ! th!nk ! get the gl!mpse •f !t fr•m watch!ng S•r!em d•!ng th!s . ! w!ll try t• keep th!s as sh•rt and s!mple as p•ss!ble . 
AC: As the Server , y•ur name j•b !s t• depl•y three dev!ces : Cruxtruder , T•tem Lathe , and Alchem!ter . They are all f•und under the Phernal!a Reg!stry . 
AC: After th•se three are depl•yed , y•ur next step !s t• p•p •pen the Cruxtruder , ! th!nk ...?
AC: !ns!de there w!ll be a cyl!nder . 
AC: N•te : •pen!ng the Cruxtruder w!ll als• start a t!mer and a fly!ng •rb w!ll p•p •ut . The •rb !s ann•y!ng but !gn•re !t . 
AC: Take the cyl!nder t• the T•tem ... and s•me s•rt •f card !s !nv•lved !n th!s . 
AC: Y•u w!ll pr•bably kn•w what t• d• when y•u see !t ... !t w!ll be n!ce !f s•me•ne f!lls me •n th!s . 
AC: Anyways , •nce that !s d•ne , the T•tem w!ll sp!n •ut a carv!ng fr•m the cyl!nder . 
AC: Take the cyl!nder t• the Alchem!ter . 
AC: ! th!nk everyth!ng else after that !s f•r the Cl!ent t• f!n!sh . Whatever that maybe , remember , y•u have a t!me l!m!t . 
AC: !f any•ne !s c•nfused t• what t• d• as a Server , ask S•r!em . He ! my Server . 
AC: N•te : Whatever y•u see •n y•ur husk screen , !s real . !t ' s very real . L!ke , sh!t . 
AC: And d•n ' t p•ke •n the Cl!ents , Servers . 
AC: ! th!nk that c•vers the bas!cs . 
AC: •h , and um ... Heiress , please make sure y•ur lusus !s h!dden away fr•m the meter•s 
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AC: !t has c•me t• my attent!•n that the game s•meh•w telep•rts the players after the players are d•ne w!th the!r Cl!ent task, !nstead •f telep•rt!ng the players t• a s!ngle area that I •r!g!nally th•ught , the players are teleported t• new, SEPERATE planets . Yes, y•u have read !t c•rrectly . We are all •ver the place . There !s a way f•r all •f us t• be un!ted h•wever . There are a number of gates h•ver!ng •ver y•ur h!ve and that w!ll be •ur key f•r us t• meet . ! guess th!s !s where the arch!tecture c•mes !n . Talk t• y•ur Server •r s•meh•w g• thr•ugh them . Let ' s all meet at S•r!em ' s planet .

AC: An•ther n•te : We cann•t sleep anym•re . Stay tuned f•r Beewan ' s mem• .
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======> Beewan: Have spent the past while too busy to post being BADARSE

Open Memo


TC: well you can sleep bu+ - i+'s dangerous.
TC: does everyone know abou+ prospi+ and derse already? basically w#en you dream you s#ould see +#is place either coloured in gold (prospi+) or coloured in purple (derse). you'll probably wake up in a place +#a+ looks a lo+ like your respi+eblock bu+ +#e res+ of +#e place (+#ere moons) is all spires and w#a+no+.
TC: ac+ually i can even +ell you w#o is on w#ic# moon. +#e s#ou+y girl from the par+y, #er #ig#ness +#e #eir, soreim and ap#op# are all on prospi+. everyone else is on derse.
TC: i've been awake and flying around for ages on +#e prospi+ moon so i've seen you all +#ere.
TC: +#e o+#er prospi+ dreamer was vagari. and s#e #as been viciously murdered. my only clue is a s#adowy figure i saw in #er block on prospi+ bu+ i #ave reason +o believe +#a+ +#ese killings will con+inue. someone c#eck derse +o see w#o's s+ill alive.
TC: so BE WARY w#en you go +o sleep. and maybe +ry #ide your dreamself if you +#ink you're abou+ +o wake up from a dream.
TC: i'm also pre++y darn sure +#a+ w#a+- or w#omever is killing dreamselves is also murdering some of us w#ile we're awake.
TC: on +#a+ no+e we s#ould probably do a roll call some+ime soon #:/
TC: i go++a agree wi+# jap#os' idea of mee+ing up. we need +o repair our bonds. u# or some+#ing.
TC: bu+ you s#ould also make new connec+ions w#ile on your land! +alk +o your spri+e / floa+y-g#os+ly-guide abou+ +#e game t#en find and +alk +o w#oever +#e 'na+ive in#abi+an+s' of your land are.
TC: (no no+ +#e underlings)
TC: s+ay safe!

This is done by our lovely @Jaye!!!

I think this is it for our trolls first memo. If thete are more who contributed in the memo, call me out! (I have a feeling that I at least missed a group of three chatting in the memo...)
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