
Handler of Souls, Destroyer of Hearts


His pale eyes scanned the edge of the forest. He could hear the ocean splashing against the cliff at the back of Flareclan territory. There resided an island just beyond there and the tom couldn't help but think that is where his brother ran off to. 


Shaking off the thought, Hazehowl's ears pricked to the sound of lightly flapping wings. A brightly colored bird had landed nearby.


Well, I did come hear to hunt. He thought as he crouched, slowly making his way towards his prey. His concentration tried to stay focus, but his thoughts went into overdrive as the silence prevented the drowning of the noise within.


He got ready to jump, but it was too soon as the bird flapped off and seemed to turn its' head back as if mocking Hazehowl's skills.


"Birds are hard anyways!" he growled, but he knew it was because of his inability to move on. This is why he preferred to hunt alone even though hunting with someone would probably help distract his mind. Hazehowl sighed as he made his way to the smell of the ocean breeze.


The trees barely provided space to see over, but Hazehowl found a place in which one could walk down, dangerously, to the water. He gazed down to the jagged bottom trying not to think of his father's dead body or his brother floating off. Shaking his head, Hazehowl closed his eyes as the breeze rushed through his fur.

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The wind died down slightly as Hazehowl backed away from the ledge. Every time he got close, he imagined swimming across, but something always stopped him. It could be his inability to really swim, his father drowning or even his mother still needing him. He loathed his mother as much as he loved her and he couldn't abandon her. Hazehowl made up excuses every day as to the reasons his mother is the way she is as if trying to justify the loss of his family.


Hazehowl started back on his hunt as he noticed the scent of a mouse nearby. Crouching as to get a head start, He made sure to watch his footing as he edged closer to where the scent was located. His ears perked up at the sound of scuffling and his pale eyes caught the site of a little wired tail sticking from underneath a piece of bark. Pausing, Hazehowl watched as the mouse stood up and his little nose twitch as if knowing something was around, but Hazehowl was downwind and the mouse could not scent him. It soon returned to its' digging as Hazehowl started to creep forward.


Once close enough, the mouse shot up again, but Hazehowl was already on it. It tried to run, but Hazehowl quickly swat at it knocking it into a nearby tree. It twitched, slightly, before dying.

Not the cleanest kill, but it will do, he thought feeling slightly sorry that he killed the mouse in that way. Hazehowl guickly buried it before turning to continue his hunt.



Silvernight look around, her whiskers twitching. The forest was quiet, a slight breeze finding its way She had decided to go out and hunt on her own, since she couldn't find any other cat to go with her. Lazy, she thought as she stalked through the underground, too many lazy cats in this clan. As she opened her mouth to taste the air, she picked up a different scent, her ears twitching in surprise. The scent was familiar, of one of the warriors of Flareclan.

She knew Hazeowl had gone hunting to escape the camp, and probably his mother... but could he be this close?

Turning in the direction of the smell, she started following the scent trail, breaking into a light trot. "Hazeowl?" the deputy called out. Her amber eyes scanned the foliage, looking for the tom. 

"Hazeowl," Silvernight called out again, hoping she didn't barge in and interrupted something. 



Hazehowl walked slowly through the forest as he tried to concentrate on the sounds and scents of prey instead of other things. He caught sound of a squirrel, but it quickly vanished as farther down he heard a familiar call.Turning around, he caught a faint sight of Silvernight.


"Hello, Silvernight," he meowed and started towards her. He could sense the squirrel watching him from the trees as if informing him he wouldn't be able to catch him anyhow. He tried to push away his own negativity as he finally saw the deputy fully. "Is it my mother?" he asked. It was a force of habit to assume that when others came looking for him that it was because Hailheart was causing problems in camp. Though the deputy did not look like anything was wrong, Most cats were use to it that it was just like cleaning the elder's den and just has avoided.



Silvernight shook her head - she knew the tom cared for his mother, and she should have thought ahead so he wouldn't alarm him. "No, it's not your mother," she meowed as she padded up to him. "I was out, looking for a place to hunt, when I realised you where close. Two cats are better than one when it comes to hunting, as we can carry more prey together, so I was thinking we should hunt together." Pausing for a second, she continued, "That is, if you're okay with me joining you."

Her tail twitched as a light breeze ruffled her long fur. She wanted to hunt with a clan-mate, as the pile still needed replenishing - in her opinion, at least. She was a tad bit obsessed with making sure the pile was full, seeing as the colder season would mean there wouldn't be as much prey, even if it would be some time before it came around. It would be also be the first leaf-fall and leaf-bare as a deputy and she wanted to make sure her clan was well fed.

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The speckled tom thought about it for a second. He hated to embarrass himself in front of the deputy, but he couldn't very well reject her. Silvernight was right and his mind might be much clearer with someone else around, yet he could never seem to get rid of this feeling that he is not meant to be a warrior. It is all Rattuft's fault. He thought, before nodding to Silvernight.


"That sounds fine with me. I caught a mouse a little ways back and it seems that the forest is still rather alive," Leaf-fall was starting to show in the  colors of the leaves and the chilly mornings, but that just made the prey much more lively as they attempted to quickly find everything they needed before green-leaf ended. Luckily for Flareclan, they didn't always suffer too much because of the trees protecting them from the extreme harshness of the cold and so prey sometimes remained decently active. Wispclan and Silentclan had the worse end of it is what Hazehowl thought since one had no cover and the other was in a very murky area. Their paws must always be frozen, He thought as he realized that Torrentclan would be the same, but he heard that they had secret caves to fish in during harsh weather. Thinking about the incoming cold weather made Hazehowl feel grateful for his clan of birth.



"Thanks," Silvernight nodded. When Hazeowl went on to tell her about the kill he had made before - and how there still was prey stirring - she gave her chest a couple of embarrased licks, inwardly lecturing herself. 'You stupid mouse-brain!' she mentally chastised herself, 'you could've scared the whole prey, the racket you made as you blundered through the forest!" Why can't you think things through before opening your mouth?' The deputy had to admit. It wasn't one of her finer moments, but, well, this was a lesson to herself to not rush headfirst into situations and think stuff through more. She'd go back to her reckless behaviour in a few moments, seeing as she had this mental conversation with herself quite a few times- she lost count a few seasons back.

"Do you want to take the lead?" she asked, knowing fully well that the tom was one of the best hunters in the clan.

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Hazehowl felt rather nervous though he wouldn't show it. He was use to being around Rootstar quite a bit, but the deputy felt more intimidating then the substitute father he had in the leader. Well, let us hope I don't screw up like earlier, he thought as he started to walk forward staying the the tree line. You could hear the tide pulling in and out as it crashed. It was one of the reasons the tom loved hunting near here. He felt it covered up his own noises and he would even sometimes jump after prey as soon the the waves crashed into the side of the island.


"Silvernight," he meowed quietly, though he was sure the she-cat already knew as he pointed his tail over to the tree near the tree line. A squirrel was minding its own business unaware of their presence. He wondered it it might of been the squirrel from before, but surely it wouldn't be that ignorant to only go a few feet forward. Hazehowl determined the distance and the danger in hunting so close to the edge. As he was thinking, there was another scuttle as a friend came down.


"Maybe one of us can circle around, because I hate to fall off the edge. I'm not that great of a swimmer," he meowed lightly, though his humor was sometimes rather dry sounding.


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