Looking for Hunting for a Teleparty Crew


New Member
DISCLAIMER: I'm not sure if I'm allowed to look for this since it would involve a third-party app not related to RPNation. If I'm overstepping/breaking any rules, please tell me.

Hey there! I'm wondering if there are any people who are bored (specifically on Saturdays and Mondays, because those are my days off), have Netflix/Disney+/Hulu, and want to join me for some Teleparty antics. I figure it would be kinda nice to sit down and watch something with somebody else. If you're unfamiliar with Teleparty, it's a browser extension that used to be called Netflix Party but has since expanded to include other streaming services. So long as you have an account with one of these services, you can join a stream with other people. There's a chat feature, it's pretty fun.

Anyways, I'm looking for a group of however many people who'd like to watch some movies/TV shows together. We could have a musical night *cough*Hamilton*cough*, an educational program night because who doesn't love expanding their knowledge, and a whatever else night!

Let me know if you're interested!

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