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Huntex (Closed)

Indiana shook her head "Sam, normally all a guy has to do it look at me and you go all macho scare the guy, and whoever this is is stalking me and calling me, and your...your EATING SOUP!" She said raising her voice 
"No, I've just heard of a bunch of scam calls in this area of people trying to get money. That's probably what it was. You'll never hear from him again." He lifted a shoulder. 
TJ  sighed and walked outside slamming the door hurt he didn't seem to care enough to take this seriously, she was scared it was serious. She walked down the street trying to clear her head
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(You mind playing the dad who would kidnap her?) 

Tj sighed when it went to voicemail. She waited for the beep and began "Hey, me and Sam had a fight, I'm worried" she said
(Wait so is she kidnapped yet, or are u cool with playing that out and being the dad??)

Tj found a small path and curiously followed it
[COLOR= rgb(39, 42, 52)]TJ screamed and struggled trying to pull herself away "HELP!!" She screamed out repeatedly[/COLOR]
Lay unconcious in the back of a truck. 

A man man raced up the trail and looked around "Hello!?" He had heard TJ screams and wanted to help
"Hey hey hey!! Chill I heard screams and came up to help, don't shoot me for doing nothing!" The man insisted 
"I don't know who that is, if it was a girl who can scream, then it's your girl, I really have no idea, I heard screaming and ran up here to find nothing" He explained again

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