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Hunter x Hunter


One Thousand Club


(Do not need background knowledge, better experience if you know nothing other than what I show you). This roleplay will be Detailed. This roleplay has a light, unique, battle system that gives a new level of freedom, has a GM that doesn't care about you, a roleplay that will be a new experience as you your OC fights to be a Hunter.

What's So Special About Being A Hunter? The roleplay takes place in a world that beasts, ninjas, and knights side by side with modern technology and clothing (no magic). Planes, boats, and trains are common travel, with eccentrics choosing things such as birds or airships. World leaders are at peace sue to the great influence of The Hunter Organization. The Hunter Organization is made up of people who demonstrated incredible ability. Hunters can hunt anything, as the first rule of being a Hunter is to hunt something. There are many types of Hunters. Due to their contribution to humanity, world leaders grant all Hunters extraordinary benefits: free public transportation, free education of all levels, offered jobs from governments that have a high payout, can legally kill, and many more benefits (that don't include the benefits of being high on the social ladder). Being a Hunter, is the biggest lottery one can win. That is why potential Hunters have to go through the Hunter Exam to prove they can handle such a title, held once a year...If you are curious, here is a list of the types of Hunters.

°Archaeological Hunters - They hunt ruins and ways to revive ancient civilizations.

°Beast Hunters - They hunt undiscovered species to study and preserve.

°Blacklist Hunters - They hunt criminals in that are blacklisted by governments or The Hunter Organization.

°Botanical Hunters - They hunt precious plants.

°Contract Hunters - They hunt by what a corporation contracts them to hunt.

°Crime Hunters - They hunt for answers to mysterious cases in the crime world.

°Deep Sea Hunters - They hunt for animals or treasures in the sea.

°Gourmet Hunters - They hunt for rare ingredients and recipes. They are seen as weak Hunters by the public.

°Hacker Hunters - They hunt for dealings or crimes on the internet.

°Head Hunters - They hunt for new talents in varying fields to mentor.

°Information Hunters - They hunt for any information that could be called rare.

°Jackpot Hunters - They hunt for rich individuals to make deals with.

°Lost Hunters - They hunt for those who have lost contact with goverments and The Hunter Organization. This type has attracted many conspiracy theorist.

°Music Hunters - They hunt for rare pieces of music.

°Paleograph Hunters - They hunt for lost languages and ways to translate them.

°Poison Hunters - They hunt for poisons and their pharmaceutical use.

°Poacher Hunters - They hunt for poachers and preserve species.

°Temp Hunters - They are contracted jobs by the government for a standard fee, looked down upon by many Hunters in The Hunter Organization.

°Terrorist Hunters - They hunt for terrorist and ways to prevent them.

°Treasure Hunters - They hunt for valuable minerals or weapons. They are praised by many Hunters for acting as the first Hunters were.

°Virus Hunters - They hunt for viruses and corresponding cures.

°Youth and Beauty Hunters - They hunt for ways to conserve youth. Recently, these Hunters have been taking over politics to fight for conservative policies.
The GM

This roleplay is about befriending or betrayal. This is no sissy everyone's OC gonna smile roleplay, permadeath right off the bat. And no jumping conclusions, you know when characters jump to conclusions, nope not here. NPCs won't be jumping conclusions either. People get things wrong and never find out, bringing this element into the roleplay keeps things interesting. My goal is to keep things interesting. If it looks like your character is going to die, he gonna probably die. You think you can take on someone 20 levels above, go on try, won't save you if you die, though you make it out alive I'll have sympathy...Choose carefully who ya OC is near is the last I got to say.

This Battle System?

The battle system is simple and allows for creativity. The stats of the system is Base HP, Base Attack, Base Defense, Base Speed. The system utilizes the environment, unlike other RPs, though not in the way you may think. When battling you can break chunks of a location to do more damage, swinging from objects can increase movement, cornering someone part of calculations. Your position on the field is vital, making the RP feel like a turn-based strategy game, unlike a straight up turn-based feel of other Dice RPs. Each battle will be give have a grid posted by GM to use.

The focus on movement and location isn't the only defining part of the system. Unique Attacks are attacks that have Costs that permanently reduce select Base Stats...You can gain these Unique Attacks (and Abilities, believe I didn't mention that yet) by interacting with characters, plot progression, character leveling up, or buying Technique Guides.
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