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Dice [Hunter] Messageboard Chronicle


Drifting Writer
A Hunter the Vigil Roleplay that will feature the internet as a main theme.

We will be using the 2nd Edition NWoD (GMC/Mortal Remains) ruleset.

Dice rolls can be made independently or by Storyteller request under the OOC tab.

>To roll dice, make a post in the OOC section first. This could include information about what the roll is for/what is being done, as well as the dice pool, but nothing is technically required.

>After making the post, click "Roll-Dice" underneath the post.

>Set the number of dice to the number in your pool, and set "Faces" to 10

Alternate: Use the exalted roller and set the target to 8. This will highlight successes.

>For re-rolls, simply click roll-dice under the post again to roll another set.
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