Hunt for the Full Moon

Deathwish looks at her and then smiles. "Then let's go." He said and then kissed her. "But you have to let me up." He said and then chuckled.
She smiled and rolled off of him. "So you want to?" She sat up and blew strands of hair out of her face, smiling. "Great." She smiled and stretched out.
Deathwish looks at her. "Romantic....nice....and dancing....hmm..." He sat down thinking to himsefl about places to go. He snapped his fingers. "Get something nice on!" He said searching through his closet and pulled out a tux.
Deathwish looks at her and then gets on his tuxedo and then fixed his hair. He smiled and then walked out. When he stepped out, he got a bunch of glances and winks from girls. He only smiled and then waited outside her door. (You never use her name so I completely forgot it lol)

--- Merged Double Post ---

OOC: Here is how he looks:
( Lol, Tori. )

She smiled and grabbed a black cocktail dress with one strap. She tossed all of her clothes around in her closet and grabbed a pair of black heels. She smiled and curles her hair, pinning it up and put some makeup on, smiling in the mirror.

(( Black dress though ))



Deathwish was waiting outside. He was talking to a girl who was slightly flirting with him. He was just talking though. He smiled and then chuckled a bit.
Deathwish looks away from the girl he was talking to and then smiles. "You look absolutely beautiful." He smiled at her and then put out his arm to her. "Hope you're hungry....I'm paying." He said and then chuckles. He pulled out car keys and then smiled at her.
Deathwish looks at her and then smiled. He walked her to his car. "A secret..." He said and then chuckled. "Don't worry it's fancy." He said and then chuckled again.
Deathwish smiles and looks at her. "Love you too." he said and then started to drive to the place. He smiled and then looked behind him a bit. When he got their he smiled and then parked. "Here we are." he said and then got out.
Deathwish takes her hand and then walks her inside where he was meeted with a few smiles and a few glares. He turned to them and before he could do his death glare someone happy go luck walked up holding the menus.

"AH! Nick out with a girl tonight?" He asked and Deathwish looked at him with a blank look.

Well that explains the glares....they all think I'm nick. (Anime sweat drop) He gave a glare and then then guy backs away.

"Oh....Deathwish." He said and then as soon as people heard that they either asked for there check or started eating fast.

Deathwish looked around with a sigh. "Yes...taking the girlfriend out for a nice dinner..." Before he continued the guy looked at him shocked.

"Deathwish, you have a girlfriend? Congrates dude!"

"Don't call me du-" Deathwish again was interuptted and he looked pretty annoyed.

"Ah she pretty to. Let me take you two to your table." he said finding the nicest table and then setting them by a window with a nice veiw of the outside garden.

Deathwish looks at the place. "Hard to believe this is owned by my father....stupid idoit." He said and then looked at the menu. "Just spit out anything that tastes funny and then I'll take you to the emergancy room." He said...most people would think him joking....but he wasn't.
Tori looked at the guy then at him. "Your brother and your brother are so easy to tell apart." She smiled slightly and took one of his hands when they sat down and smiled at him.

(( Hehe. Lol he should jinx it and that should happen xD ))
Deathwish looks at her. "We are twins....not to mention...Nick brings a lot of his girls here." He said painly and then looked over the menu. "Get anything you like...I eat free here." He said and then chuckled a bit.
Deathwish looks at the menu and then smiles. He picks one of the more expensive dishes. "This is really good." He said and then smiled.
Deathwish nods and then smiles. "Sure." He said and then looks as the waiter comes. "May I take your order?" Deathwish smiles. "I think I will have some red wine....what do you want to drink?" He asked looking at her.
She smiled and looked at him then to the waitor. "What's the best thing you have with alcohal?" She smiled at Deathwish.

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