Hungry for the Competition

Itasko Envious

Green Cannibal

Itasko walked alone down one of the few clear paths through the Greyden forest. The world around him was quite beautiful beneath the blanket of midnight, but such things went unnoticed by Itasko.

Despite the late hour, each step, twist, and turn along the path was perfectly illuminated by moonlight. Itasko had long since forgotten why he was on this path or where it led, but he walked onward, keeping an eager ear tuned for the noises of any moving critters and a possible meal. It was an odd, lonely night and no other nocturnal creatures seemed to appreciate the light of the moon for they were nowhere to be seen or heard.

No. No. No. There was something. A crack of thunder made a surprise appearance from a clear sky.

Directly to Itasko’s right there now stood a massive beast. Larger than the tallest trees in the forest. Taller even the Giant Dragons and the mountains themselves. It walked on four feet and each step crushed half a dozen trees beneath a hoof. The beast’s skin was a dark purple and its body greatly resembled that of a turtle with a massive black shell and a long neck that extended from within. The stench was immeasurable.

Itasko unsheathed his scythe. Unsure where the beast came from or how it had suddenly came upon him. Surely he would have spotted such a creature from miles away and smelled it from an even greater distance.

A laugh echoed from inside the shell. It bounced from wall-to-wall before escaping and spreading throughout the entirety of the forest. It was so loud that Itasko was sure it was heard throughout all corners of Kokami. It laughed again and then began slowly extending its head.

He must wait for the creature to fully remove its neck from its protective shell. And so he did.

The face was more that of a snake than a turtle. There were large, slender fangs and a forked tongue that licked its gaping nose whilst laughing. In only a second it was lowered and face-to-face with Itasko. The head alone was easily twice Itasko height. It said his name.

Itasko!”. It laughed again. It laughed in his face. “Are you hungry! Why don’t you eat me?!” Once again, the creature laughed.

That was it! Itasko finished a semi-circular swing of the scythe in the blink of an eye. The blade plunged from the side, through skin, scales, and bone with ease and must have found brain at the end of its tip. Finally. Itasko would eat.

The creature laughed again. “Are you hungry, Itasko?! Eat me! Eat me! Eat me! Ha-ha-ha!

It was gone. Itasko stood alone in the Greyden forest. His scythe was plunged deep in the trunk of a nearby tree, but other than that, the rest of the forest was perfectly fine and unharmed. There wasn’t a splintered tree in sight. The creature had never existed. His stomach was playing tricks on him.

I’ve got to find food. Better food. Stronger food.” Itasko grumbled to himself and removed his scythe from the tree. His stomach grumbled with him.
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