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Human, not human (actual rp)

If you were to pick a field trip destination for this class, which one would it be?

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  • Australia

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Ray let out a snort at Gabriel's comment. He'd seen the half-angel pull stuff like this WA~~~~~~~~~~~~Y too often to honestly believe that.

"Ri~~~~~ght. And so when you said similar comments to the 18 other couples that have ended up together you had no ulterior motives?"

The comment was somewhat accusatory, but also light-hearted. Raziel and Gabriel had been through quite a bit since the two joined school. More accurately, Gabriel had put Raziel through quite a bit. Probably for the better in hindsight.
Gabriel looked hurt. "Surely you wouldn't accuse me of such shallow motivations. My intentions are strictly honorable."

He wasn't lying. Not technically. His intentions were very honorable, yes sir. There was great honor in love. Just ask the old man upstairs.
"Right. I'll keep that in mind."

Thankfully the academy was now visible.

"Just drop us off at the north exit of the Rec building, I can get her to the nurse's office pretty easily from there."

A significant part of Raziel was hoping Aamor would remain unconscious for the duration of the trip, as right now they were in a very . . . unique position. Unique was a good word to use wasn't it?
Aamor woke up as she heard the words "nurse's office." "....no....doctors....please...." Suddenly, she noticed that she was flying. Really far up in the air. And Raziel was holding her while Gabriel was flying them. She immediately grabbed onto Raziel's arm. "WHY IN ALL THE NINE HELLS ARE WE FLYING?!?!"


Isolde sighed and shook her head at him. "You want punishment?" She thought for a moment and then came up with an idea. "You asked for it." She jumped up and turned on all the lights in the room. Every single crevice was suddenly lit up, much to the chagrin of Sanz's poor eyes.
"Gruuugh . . ."

Sanz pulled a blanket over his eyes, trying to shield them from the light

"Okay . . . yeah . . . that works . . ."

Apparently any kind of physical injury abhorred Isolde, something Sanz would keep in mind for the future

"And . . . I'm sorry again."


Ray stiffened instinctively when Aamor gripped his arm. Even more so when she started yelling.

"Because it was significantly faster than walking with you on my back, and swimming wasn't an option. Gabriel would not allow anything else."
"Ah, Aamor, you're awake! My, but it's been a while. We were just taking you back to campus. Gotta get you to the nurse about some minor head trauma. You'll be out before you can say 'Thessalonians,' I promise." He had almost asked her how summer was, but a little voice in the back of his head had stopped him, which usually meant . . . well, actually, he wasn't really sure what it meant. He had always just listened to it, so he didn't know what would happen if he didn't.
"....I'll 'Thessalonians' your angelic behind if you try to take me anywhere near a doctor." Aamor glared up at the angel. "Don't. Even think about it." Aamor was trying to look intimidating, but she was coming off more like a cute, angry kitten.


"If you don't stop apologizing, I'll use my charms to make you my servant until you're better so that we're even!" Isolde put her hands on her hips and glared down at him. She pulled off the angry look quite a bit more effectively.
Gabriel attempted to look horrified, but it came off as something closer to amusement. "Oh, no! I'd hate to be 'Thessalonianed'! Do spare me!" He attempted not to chuckle. It almost worked. "And tell me, my dear, why would I not take you to our incredibly competent nursing staff after finding you unconscious and bleeding beside a waterfall in the middle of a forest?"
A groan emanated from beneath the covers

"All right . . . all right . . ."

Something tickled at the back of Sanz's mind as he tried to put his head back in order

"Didn't someone else come in?"
Why did his head hurt?

As Samuel stopped to catch his breath, bracing an arm against a tree, he realized he was horribly lost in the forest and the sun had fallen beyond the horizon. It was dark and ominous here, but that was not the first worry on his mind.

"Urgh..." he moaned as he held his other hand to his forehead. The image he'd walked in on was branded on his eyes, and try as he might he could not shake it from his mind. Sanz and Isolde, alone in a room near day's end. Heck, they were in the same bed! But why did that bother him so? They were good people, and he was hopeful that he could call them his friends. Why was he so affected by them being...closer than expected? Was he jealous? Why would he be? It's her succubus side, he rationalized. I'm feeling this way because of her succubus charm, which is why my human nature is feeling something akin to jealousy. That makes sense.

But isn't she Alex's woman?

Samuel blinked. Wait, why had that thought popped into his head? He could think of no reason for that line of reasoning to ever exist. Yet as he thought this, his head pounded yet harder. "Augh!" he grunted as he dropped to a knee. Something was seriously wrong...

"Oi, kid," Ryrax perked up, "Don't go making a scene, now. Just because you're jealous doesn't make it okay for theatrics."

"Shut up," Samuel groaned. "I...I need to rest..." He was inexplicably drained and exhausted.

"Ah, but you've gotten your stupid ass lost in a forest! If only there was someone who could help you...Someone who could fly, perhaps..." Ryrax taunted. He was always eager for a chance to take over for a while.

Samuel knew this, and wasn't fond of the idea of putting him in charge especially after last time, but he was stripped for options as his mind seemed to be rebelling against itself for reasons unknown. "Fine, fine, I get it. Just don't get me in trouble..." He said. He dispelled the eyepatch and allowed unconsciousness to come. Immediately Samuel's body changed as the demon took the reigns.

Ryrax ran a hand through his now-black hair, long with blood-red tips, and his trademark smile stretched his lips. "Ehehehehe...trouble you say? Who do you think you're talking to? It ain't my fault it follows me doggedly! Gahahahahaaaaa!" He rocketed into the sky, and with a crack of thunder he was flying high above the forest, enjoying his time in control but honoring his agreement to head (roughly) back to the academy. In truth, he had a decent idea what was wrong with Samuel, but he saw no reason to help. It didn't endanger the physical body, which is all Ryrax needed of Samuel to survive. Hell, if his mind died Ryrax would be granted full possession of the shell, which would suit Ryrax just fine.

Movement below him peaked his interest, and far below him he could see that cat-woman and a gaggle of young men and one woman, all apparently under Habibah's leadership. He grinned as he dipped into a steep dive, pulling out of it almost a full story above the young students' heads. "Lemme guess," he said from his position behind Habibah, sitting cross-legged in the air with his chin resting on his palm, "You gatherin' a band o' misfits to go up against Alex? Because you're gonna need more to take on that guy. He's waaaaaaaaaay tougher than pretty much all of you combined!" he said with a condescending smirk.
"Because if any doctor or nurse comes near me with needs or any medical instruments, they will probably die...." Aamor's body tensed up at the thought of dealing with medicinal staff again. After that one time, she really did not want to accidentally cause people's mind to go crazy because she was freaking out and not in complete control of her powers.


Habibah raised an eyebrow at the form behind her. Her nose told her that this was Samuel's other half. "Ah, hello mutt."

The vampire immediately put himself in between Habibah and this new creature. He wasn't exactly sure what he could do should anything bad happen, but he was not letting the creature near her.

Kerza took one look and rolled her eyes. "Alex doesn't exactly rule the entire school. He has some people behind him, not as many as the populace is led to believe."

Cassius studied him for a second. "According to my files, you are the other side of the student Samuel. You are the raiju, Ryrax."

"Ah, you have a name." Habibah reached out and put a hand on Viktor's shoulder. "Don't worry. I don't think he's here to cause too much trouble."


Isolde sighed. "Yes, Samuel came in." She suddenly realized what he probably thought that he saw and why he apologized. "....oh dear....he saw us and probably assumed....and he freaked out...." Isolde let out another massive sigh before sitting back down on the bed. "Why did I have to be born a succubus?"
"Ahahaha! If I WAS here to cause trouble, you would be kissin' the concrete before you knew what hit ya!" Ryrax laughed. In an instant, he blinked over to stand directly behind Cassius, just to prove his point. "But I digress. I came to offer you a warning, kitten," he said with a wink to Habibah. He moved over to her, apparently ignoring the others. Even if he had acknowledged them, it was clear either way that he was not anywhere close to feeling threatened in their midst. It was a different kind of confidence than the type that emanated from Alex; the type apparent in Ryrax stemmed from two thousand years of experience defending himself. "A storm's brewin', kids, and as much as I ADORE storms, I get the feeling you don't share my sentiment. Also, I'd rather it be a fair fight, and at Alex's rate he'd catch you all with your pants down. So best batten down your hatches."

His already-large smile widened. "Another thing, kitten: though his followers will be annoying to deal with, they're nothing compared to their 'king'. I doubt even a demigod like you and Sanz would have an easy time beating Alex in a one-on-one scrap. I really doubt I could take him, and I don't intend to try. I have no stake in this squabble, and risking any harm to my pathetically-weak host could end badly for me. So don't come expect me to come swoopin' in to save the day. Not that I thought you would, anyway, I'm just sayin'."

Ryrax lifted up into the air but stopped as he remembered something. "Oh yeah, I almost forgot. If Alex is plotting what I think he's plotting, then when s*** hits the fan...keep Samuel away from Izzy-chan," he said ominously.
Raziel narrowed his eyes slightly. He was starting to get really irritated with all the unexplained changes with Aamor's demeanor.

"Aamor. Need I remind you that our head nurse is a full-grown dragon? The odds of any of us doing significant harm to her are quite slim."


"You can't change who your parents are."

Sanz put one finger to Isolde's forehead, pushing a bit harder than he probably meant to

"You can just change how you live with it."
"Now why would I indulge any of your requests?" Habibah raised her eyebrows at him, though she was a little ruffled at being referred to as "Kitten." "Though, I am curious as to why you would request that."


Aamor was silent for a moment. "....spend as much time as I have in the hospital and you get to the point where you don't want to deal with doctors. I just don't like it...." A shiver went through her body as she thought about that long time spent in a hospital not allowed to leave her room.


"...ow..." Isolde rubbed her forehead. "Gentle, will you?" She playfully hit him in the shoulder. "You're not stuck in this academy hoping that your mother doesn't find you to drag you back to Hell to join her legion of children that terrorize the world by sucking the life force out of innocent victims."
Ray let out a sigh

"Aamor, you split your head open back there. I'm supposed to believe that you'll be totally fine? No. I'm not taking no for an answer. We'll be in and out quickly, but you're getting medical help."

It was a rare display of being non-cooperative for Raziel. Usually, he kept with the flow and didn't cause that much trouble . . . not without Gabriel pushing him anyway.


Sanz closed his eyes

"Sorry . . . I'm not in full control of my strength at the best of times . . ."

The young man took a moment to mull over what Isolde had said. Her mother was searching for her?

"I think . . ."

Sanz looked up at the ceiling

"I think you shouldn't have to worry about that here . . . I mean, the headmaster is keep all of us safe here right?"
Ryrax shrugged. "I have no reason to explain myself to ya, and I'm just takin' a guess. Still, if you don't want to risk losin' Izzy-chan to that bastard, you'll heed my warning, kitten," he added with a grin. Without warning, he darted in close, nearly touching noses with Habibah. He rubbed his chin contemplatively as he mulled over thoughts in his mind. "Meh. If you weren't so damn feline you'd almost be cute. And hey, if you believe me and don't want Samuel doin' anything stupid, you could always try addin' him to your little gang of guys...and gal," he added off-handedly to Kerza. "He's pretty intimidated by you but drop the stuck-up attitude and throw some womanly charm at him, and he'll probably fetch milk for ya on command."
The amount of shivering that went through Aamor's body was almost unhealthy but she sighed in acceptance. "....fine...." Her voice sounded small and quiet, like a mouse, and her grip tightened to something akin to a vice on Raziel's arms.


"I'll give it some thought...." Habibah had actually already considered this option. "You know, when you're like that, you almost look roguishly handsome. Almost." Her gold eyes glanced towards Viktor. "Would you please continue what you were doing? I'd love to have all the stress out of my shoulders." Viktor immediately complied. Reginald was walking towards them carrying a tall glass of pink lemonade, which he handed to Habibah. She smiled sweetly. "Why thank you, love." Reginald smiled a toothy grin and sat down next to her.


"You really, really don't know my mother, do you?" Isolde sighed. "She isn't exactly used to not getting her away; she was already denied once by my fathers. This time, she'll be coming back more than a little upset..."
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Armin narrowed his eyes at what he saw. Were people in this academy so easily swayed? The girl from earlier, the one with the complete superiority complex, was now surrounded by a small cadre of men. He shook his head and pointedly walked past, ignoring them.


Sanz shook his head

"I was raised by my mother, so demons weren't exactly a subject in my life."
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"Hah" Ryrax laughed a bark-like laugh. "Flattery will get ya nowhere, kitten. Especially not from a wolf," He said, a few stray sparks arcing along his arms, black as night yet casting a calm light on their surroundings. He rose into the sky, the setting sun directly behind his head, casting a shadow on his features so one could barely see his expression - not that it had changed. "Well, whether you care about my words or not, stormclouds ARE brewing. I look forward to seeing who weathers the storm...and who is blown away." With that, he left for the male dorms, where he would return to Samuel and Raziel's room to allow the young boy the rest he needed.
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Gabriel drifted slowly downwards, the perfect image of a renaissance painting with his passengers in his arms. The fading sunlight colored his ivory wings in colors of flowers and fire. He let his friends down on their feet, Aamor still in Raziel's arms, and bid them, "Adieu! I'd accompany you to the nurse, but Ray's more than capable of that, and I've one last thing I wanted to complete before curfew . . ." He blithered on in such a way for a while before flying off into the sunset with a perfect smile and a charming wave. His silhouette cast dancing shadows upon the ground as he disappeared.
Ray shook his head at Gabriel's complete and utter romanticized exit.

"He's so dramatic."

Ray pried himself away from Aamor's arms, though he kept one hand on her wrist. He hadn't ruled out the possibility that she might try to run without proper medical attention. The comment she had said earlier still bugged him. How much time had she spent in the hospital?

"The sooner we go in, the sooner we can leave."
"You don't know about Lilth then." Isolde brought her knees up against her chest and put her arms and her knees. "She gives a new meaning to the phrase 'cruel and unusual punishment.' She brought a horde of my brothers and sisters to the monastery where I grew up to try to bring me back to Hell. Came yelling something about me being 'the one she had been waiting for'."


Aamor was shaking still but she nodded. "Just get this over with quickly...." She was silent for a second, then she looked up at Raziel's with all the cute pleading nature of a kitten. "Will you please not leave me if I'm going into that doctor's office? Please?"


"Storm clouds...." Habibah mused.

"Alex will not like any threats to power." The centaur spoke for the first time. "If you truly wish to stand against him, then you might want to figure out a strategy to deal with him and/or his minions."

"Well-spoken, Andaris." Habibah smiled genuinely appreciatively at him. "Yes, we should."

"Alex will show a visible show of force but he will also attempt to undermine you through his charming effects." Kerza observed.

"He'll have to do a lot to charm someone of deity blood. How extensive is his network of spies and underlings?" Habibah asked.

"Quite extensive. I can research his people, of course." Cassius crossed his arms. "But his information source is also quite good at her job, given what she is."

"I'll stay by your side, Habibah." Reginald said. "He's not going to get you alone if I can help it."

"I-I'll be there too!" Viktor was still massaging Habibah's back and shoulders.

"I know that I can count on you all...." Habibah's eyes narrowed slightly. "But we might need to sharpen all our skills, just in case. We will also need to figure out our strengths and weaknesses so that we can balance each other out."

"Sounds like training sessions." Cassius smiled. "And I know the exact place. We can put up charms to obscure our presence."

"Or, more accurately, I will." Kerza flipped her hair.

"It'll have to be at times when he won't be expecting it." Habibah was basking in this well of information that she was gathering and the good advice.

"There is one place where we might go." Andaris' low voice rumbled. "I can show it to you."

"All right then." Habibah grinned. "First meeting will be...." And her voice lowered to hushed tones that no one could hear as the sun faded in the background.
Sanz let out a slow breath. He was still feeling exhausted as his body tried to recover.

"Well . . . I don't know about you, but doesn't that seem like something the school would know about?"

Sanz didn't think it was unreasonable to assume such a thing. The school had found its students as much as its students had found it. So wouldn't they know something about their respective pasts?


"I never intended to from the start."

Ray walked slowly up the stairs, making it to the second floor and knocking on an oak door simply marked "Nurse".

"Mrs. Yang?"

There was a bit of fumbling inside before a voice came from the other side of the door

"Come in."

Ray opened the door, and was greeted by a clean, white office. A sheet seemed to have been drawn over most of the room, hiding the cabinet that he knew was there, full of medicine bottles and such. What was visible was only a pair of clean beds, and a small desk. Seated in front of it was a young woman, with short black hair, and clearly of asian decent.

"I thought you might be coming, have a seat."
"I guess...." Isolde suddenly remembered that it was getting late. "Ah...I guess I should go now...I'm sure Habibah won't be in for curfew so I might as well be..." She stood, unconsciously smoothing the school uniform that she was still wearing. "You'd better not be sick tomorrow or I might actually hit you."


Aamor sat down, clearly terrified. The wrist that Raziel was holding quivered as she shook one time, trying to brace herself for an onslaught of bad memories that were going to come from just being in a doctor's office again. Suddenly, her other hand reached over and grabbed his hand. She wasn't really conscious that she was doing it but she wanted to feel safe and Raziel was the closest thing to safe at the moment.
"Yeah, I'll be there."

He watched Isolde start to leave the room, when something else left his mouth

"Isolde? Thanks--for coming by."


Ray raised an eyebrow at the sudden contact. Aamor was clearly terrified. He was once again assaulted by questions about what had happened to change her this much. Maybe he would ask . . . maybe.

"Close your eyes young lady, this won't take more than a minute."

Mrs. Yang gently ran her thumbs down Aamor's eyelids, shutting them. In a minute, she was behind her, and gently parting Aamor's hair. Raziel's eyes widened slightly when she produced what appeared to be a pearl, seemingly from nowhere, and set it against the back of Aamor's skull. She pulled it away after only a couple of seconds, and the injury was gone. It was as if it had never existed.

"There, all done."

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