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If you were to pick a field trip destination for this class, which one would it be?

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  • Tokyo

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  • Local German tour

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  • Australia

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"Two weeks?" It seemed like an eternity to her to spend in that crystalline box. But, there was no rushing something like that so she simply smiled. "Two weeks is a short time. I can wait." A thought crossed her mind suddenly. "...I've probably missed half of the 3rd period math class that I was supposed to be observing...."
The headmaster chuckled at Aamor's comment about class

"Then let's head back child."

He put a gentle hand on her shoulder as he started to walk back.
"Class will be over by the time we get back...." Aamor checked her watch with surprise. "I'll have to apologize to him...." Her steps were a little quicker now, though she did not pass the headmaster. Perhaps it was simply out of respect that she did not wish to take the lead position. Nevertheless, it was more an unconscious instinct than anything.
Gabriel was impressed. The kick was a bit sloppy, but it was fast and powerful. It was also carelessly thrown. Swinging his arm down in a pendulum motion, he diverted his opponent's momentum just slightly, causing him not only to miss, but to overextend and land in an exaggeratedly wide stance. Gabriel then pivoted his upper body easily, now facing the red-headed, hot-headed youth, put a single finger on his solar plexus, and pushed gently.

The dust made haste to flee from the impact of the freshman's hind quarters as they impacted the wooden floor.

"Not bad! You have good energy, and good speed! But you have to think," Gabriel tapped his temple demonstratively, "if you want to win." He held out his hand to help the student up. "And you have to relax! Tell me, do you have a name?"
Armin blinked a couple of times as he sat on the floor. His mind went over the last couple of seconds multiple times in his head, and he still wasn't quite sure exactly what had happened. In bewilderment, he took the hand that was offered.

"Hmm...Try show doing what seen, maybe know stuff you didn't aware." Frank said, moving his form to make hitting him easier, almost like a punching dummy. "Don't worry hurt, have been had awful." He said, readjusting his stance to absorb a hit. "When-time you prepared."
Isolde threw a half-hearted punch at Frank's chest. She was surprised how hard it was. She hit him again, a bit harder. Not hard enough apparently. She hit him even harder. She needed more. If anyone had started watching her, she was hitting him steadily harder and faster, like she was boxing fast against his chest. She had seen some boxing matches on the internet and she was attempting to to copy what she had seen. Punch, automatically bring up an arm to block. Punch, automatically bring up an arm to block. Just keep punching.


Aamor had returned to the academy grounds, bidding the headmaster farewell quickly and rushing off to the math class. The man looked at her knowingly, like he had known exactly where she was the whole time. Part of her believed that maybe someone had told him where he was. Her observations were done until last period so she quickly returned back to her room. Meditation time.


Habibah kept copying Kerza's moves in complete silence. Kerza kept trying to up the difficulty for the half-deity, but her learning curve was large and fast. By the time the period was close to over, Habibah already understood all the basics.
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"That was a nice taste of Mui Thai, Armin." Gabriel looked him up and down, retroactively appraising him. He put his hands on his hips with an expression of something approaching approval. "Who taught you how to fight?"
Armin shook his head briefly.

"I wasn't taught that. It's just there."

He motioned to his skull alongside the last word

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Adrian had moved throughout his students the entire class, and was pleasantly surprised by what he saw. Alex and Samuel sparred pleasantly the entire class. He only had to reprimand a trio of girls three times for sitting and chatting. Most surprising, Isolde showed that she was not as defenseless as he initially thought. True, her personality would be the biggest obstacle if she were to face Alezarius, but after what he saw today, Adrian felt that if she was pushed she could hold her own rather well.


"Alright, class is the ended," Adrian boomed to his students. "Excellent work today, everyone! See you later and have a great day!"

As the class filed out of the dojo, Alex smiled to himself. Excellent work, indeed.
And thus, did classes continue for the rest of the day in a similar fashion. Some students found others who they shared multiple classes with. Some friends, some less-than such. At the end of the last period, the students disperse, ready to chat with newfound friends and make plans for the weekend.

Armin stretched as he walked out of PE. The workload from his classes seemed relatively light . . . he would have perhaps preferred more work to sharing classes with that 'Alex' kid though. His mind wandered back to just before third period, where that girl . . . Isolde, was it? She had practically ordered him to take her to Sanz. He shook his head and started heading back to the dorms. If she was really that determined, she could come after him herself.


Raziel was already back in his dorm room shortly after the last bell. People had often told him he looked good in uniform, but that didn't mean he liked putting it on. The formal button-down was quickly changed out for a simple tanktop, along with a simple pair of black pants. He threw his window open, letting the breeze flow through his hair and over his skin. Maybe he'd go to the pond later today.
Similarly, Samuel couldn't hardly wait to be rid of his tie. Or at least, that's what he would tell everyone. The truth is that he managed to trip down the staircase as he left his dorm to drop off his bag, which somehow led to him fumbling and catching the loop of his tie that was around his neck around the doorknob of the exit door, which loosened his tie so much it came undone. Even Samuel wasn't sure how he managed it, but here he was, sitting under one of the biggest, shadiest trees near the edge of the forest, fruitlessly attempting to re-create what Isolde had done for him before first period math earlier that day.

"Stop me if you've heard this before," Ryrax taunted, "but you're seriously pathe-"

"Yes, I HAVE heard that before," Samuel groaned, "so piss off. I'm trying to concentrate here!" He resumed his efforts involving his tie, his tongue poking out of the side of his mouth as he focused on his task.

"...You know, you could just ask Izzy-chan how she did it," Ryrax teased.

".......................No." Samuel muttered.


Adrian was running through the forest as fast as he could. He was full-on sprinting, with the widest smile he'd had in a while on his face. Oh, how he'd missed the Black Forest! The very air around him was inviting, welcoming of...something like him. The trees, the grass, the bushes, the sky...everything around him seemed to be welcoming his return.

As happy as he was now, though, he wasn't running rampant deep in the forest just for fun. Tonight was the full moon. Where the lycanthrope students and other faculty with similar conditions would be taking special medications and other precautions, Adrian was the only among them able to endure the bestial urges by sheer willpower. Still, he preferred to keep himself as far away from others as possible on the night of the full moon, just in case.


Alex was sitting in the courtyard-like area between the male and female dorms, relaxing on a bench that currently sat in the shade of one of the buildings. The information-gathering girl from before sat next to him, stroking his hair lovingly. Alex didn't seem to notice but she continued all the same. Her silver eyes gleamed affectionately as she stared at Alex, her dark red hair occasionally stirring with the gentle breeze.

"Not yet," Alex said as he glanced at the tree.

Interestingly enough, the tree replied. "Soon?"

Alex grinned. "Soon."

"Then we can play with him?" the tree said, but with a different voice from before.

"Yes. To your heart's content. But not a moment before I give the go-ahead, understand?"

"...Of course."

"Good," Alex said and waved his hand. "Dismissed."

Three forms shot forth from the tree, a trio of blurs in the sky as they skipped over the male dorm and disappeared from sight. Alex chuckled softly to himself. "The king needs not move when he can send pawns to fight pawns," he muttered.The girl (who happened to be named Susan) nodded enthusiastically in agreement.
Isolde spotted Armin and hurried to catch up with him. In hand, she held the umbrella that he had asked for earlier in the day. "A-Armin! I have the umbrella! T-take me to Sanz now, please!" She was attempting to keep her eyes up with some sort of confidence but was failing miserably. Her driving force that was forcing her to speak, of course, was her wish to take care of Sanz since he was sick because of her. He had ran after her into the rain; thus, she had caused his illness.


Habibah sat surrounded by her newly found friends. Viktor, the blond vampire, was happily massaging her shoulders. He was clearly attracted to her but was too shy to say or do anything about this fact. Reginald, the scruffy werewolf, was keeping a good eye on the time so that he would know when sundown was close. Even with the meds, he wanted to be sure he wasn't around anyone when that time came. As it was, he was cracking jokes at the expense of a few passing students, causing the half-deity to laugh approvingly. Cassius had his laptop out and was looking up information per Habibah's request. He did this after being given a few chocolate covered insects, which he devoured while setting about his task. Insects were a good snack that didn't involve someone dying to be his meal. Kerza was educating Habibah on the different social circles around campus, including the different clubs. If Habibah wanted to be "plugged in", as Kerza would say, to campus activities, Kerza was definitely the one to go to for any and all information. Even better, she wasn't one of Alex's cronies, being one of the few girls on campus that was still continuing and had always said no to Alex. Kerza was sitting on the back of a very tall centaur, who had his arms crossed and was silent. He occasionally muttered some bit of information or grunted in approval at a joke. Kerza had explained that this centaur was named Andaris and tended to remain silent. Habibah smirked in her own cat-like way, quite pleased with those surrounding her. This was a very good start for her plans.


Aamor didn't want to stay inside of her crystalline living space, so she opted to go out into the forest. The Triberg waterfalls were a bit of a walk but they were beautiful this time of the year. As long as she kept her balance and watched out for slick rock, everything should be fine. It took almost an hour to trek out to the falls but it was definitely worth it. She was at the top of the falls and could look down into the river valley where the small German village with a named that she couldn't even pronounce was established. It was a long way down. Aamor turned to climb up a little higher where a rock outcropping gave her a better view of the entire waterfall and valley. But she didn't realize that some of the handholds higher up still had some ice slicking their surface. As she felt her grip start giving away, her mind screamed in the way that she always used to when she had slipped before. Lucas! He had always been here with her before but her mind realized that this was no longer true. As she began to fall, her brain raced for another person. Just before she hit the ground, banging her head against a rock which sent her into black unconsciousness, she managed to scream one other name with enough mental force to carry it back to campus and into the mind of the recipient. RAZIEL!!!


Anya stood in the middle of a small clearing, her eyes closed and completely silent for one of the few times in her life. She was intensely concentrating on the area around her. Suddenly, the wind began to blow through the trees and plants, specifically through the hollow stems of a few plants that created a whistling noise. The whistles began to come in sequence, like music. The deer in the immediate area came to surround the clearing, their stamping hooves creating a beat. The birds began to sing in sequence, as if they knew when to come in and when not to. The music became this haunting tribal melody that stirred the spirit of any wild creature in these forests. As the melody began again, Anya's eyes opened and her body began to move elegantly to the music. Her voice raised in song, the words twisting through the ancient Sylvan language that she spoke to nature so well. The melody was only beginning; tonight was to be a night of rebirth and the gaining of new strength in order to survive the winter months ahead.
It was a haunting tune to be sure. The song Anya was conducting was more than an aural experience for a creature like Adrian. He could feel it deep throughout his body, in his very bones, calling out to the beast within. He found strength beyond any human as he sprinted yet faster, practically flying through the forest. Even as he encountered a change in elevation, he didn't slow down. He charged up the slope, and eventually started jumping between trees, launching off each trunk with more force than the last. He was rapidly approaching the Triberg waterfalls, and he hadn't yet noticed the fur beginning to sprout out of his arm...
Raziel was not ready for the mental force that hit his cranium. His knees buckled and a hand instinctively went up to his head as all his worldly senses blacked out for a single second under the sheer willpower of what came. His name. Practically shouted at him like his life depended on it. Ray's hand went up to the windowsill, pulling him slowly to his feet.

"Who . . . Aamor?"

It was the first person he could think of with the ability to do something like that, though she likely wasn't the only one. But why? It had sounded desperate. He shook his head and tried to see if the force had blocked out any other meaning, any context, but there was none. Just his name.

"Dammit, what do you want?"

Ray almost never cursed, something that had been fostered by both reading polite surface-world literature and two years of having Gabriel as his room mate. It meant he was quite agitated. He probably would have remained that way if a little humanoid creature, small enough to fit in the palm of his hand and sporting insect wings, flew up in front of his window.

"A fairy? What--"

The creature started to speak in a series of bell-like high notes and something akin to the whispering of the wind. Ray put a hand up to his head and briefly shook it

"I'm sorry, I don't speak sylvan."

The fairy puffed out its cheeks and dashed against Ray's chest, making no discernible change. The creature angrily huffed before grabbing a fold of Ray's top and starting to pull him

"What, where do you want me to go?"

The fairy put one finger up to it's temple and tapped it a few times, right before it flew up to Ray and tapped his own temple. Ray blinked a couple of times in response

"You . . . know where that came from?"

The creature nodded once, finally having a smile as it flew out the window. Ray threw on a hoodie and ran outside, following the small creature to the forest. Within minutes, they arrived at a river. The fairy merely pointed downstream, a small chime escaping from her before she bowed and flew away.


Ray tied the extra layer of clothing around his waist before diving into the river. It was not nearly large enough to accommodate his true form, but he could still swim quite well in this form. Ray let out all the air from his lungs, and took up the barest shred of his true form. His eyes took on a blue shine, and sapphire scales sprouted ever so slightly from his shoulders and the backs of his calves. He would not need to breathe air this way. He forced himself faster down the current, still way to many questions on his mind.


Armin took the umbrella from Isolde, flipping it around once before storing it in his backpack.

"Thank you."

He turned around and started to head back towards the male dorms.

"I'm heading back to the dorms anyway, I can't exactly help it if you follow me."
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Aamor groaned as she opened her eyes groggily. "Ow..." She put a hand to her head and felt a small cut on the back of her skull. "....seriously....just wanted....to.....okay, focusing on talking hurts...." Her mouth closed as she looked around. A small creature with wings was staring down at her. "...hey....little guy....help?" The fairy pointed downstream and didn't move. "....hope you know what you're doing...." Her eyelids fluttered closed again.


"Well, good, because you wouldn't stop me!" Isolde fell in step behind the phoenix. There was no way that the phoenix would stop her; he probably just saw her as a gnat buzzing around his head annoyingly.


Anya's dance continued, more animals gathering. Even more animal noises were added onto he song. As she twisted and turned, the leaves of summer began to drift away from her body, turning brown as they fell to the ground. It was time to exchange the leaves of summer for the pine needles of winter.
Armin let out a small chuckle. He didn't hate the girl, just found her weak-willed. If she would prove him otherwise . . . well maybe he might actually start to pay more attention to her. It took several minutes to get to the dorms, and then even longer to get to his room. After all, they were on the fifth floor, up several flights of stairs. Armin pushed open the door and tossed his bag onto the chair on his side of the room

"Hey Sanz, you got a visitor."

A groan came from the other side of the room. Sanz was asleep, or at least had been. He was buried beneath a pile of blankets, though the window was open to let in a breeze. Armin threw off the school uniform and pulled on a black button-up in record time before walking over to the window.

"I'll be back later."

Without another word, he jumped.


Ray could feel the flow of the river increasing as he moved downstream. A bystander to the falls would have seen the flow from the river intensify a great deal as his power flowed forth. He recognized the violent upheaval and pulled himself to shore before actually hitting the falling water. As he was now, a fall like that would probably render him bed-ridden, if not dead. It was then he saw her.


There was some scrambling as he made it over the rocks and knelt down next to her. There was a sizable blotch of red on the rocks beneath her head. Best he could tell she had fallen from the nearby cliffside. He let out a deep breath. He hadn't taken a preliminary medical course last year for nothing. First, he needed to bandage up her head. A quick look around revealed nothing immediately useful, so he pulled off the hoodie he had tied around his waist and wrung it out as best he could. While he may have been waterproof, his clothes certainly weren't. He didn't want to risk injuring her further when he did it though. He took another quick glance around before letting out a sigh. Ray's hands gently took ahold of Aamor's shoulders and pulled her up, slowly. He then set her back down so that his head was laying in his lap. Now he could work without worrying about hurting her further against the rocky basin. He noticed the small fairy from before, flittering about with a worried look on her face.

"Thank you. Again."
He had followed the scent for quite a ways. Whatever kind of fish this was, it was fast...and large. It would make for a tasty meal. It stopped suddenly though, and the delicious scent faded as almost as quickly as it stopped moving. "Rrrr?" the man-beast growled in confusion. He made his way rapidly through the trees, finally coming to a skidding halt a fair distance from two young figures, both low to the ground and one apparently unconscious. Adrian slowly lurched forward, his posture hunched as he resisted the transformation. He'd underestimated the power of that odd music, but he was not in any danger of losing to the wildness inside him.

He was a bit worried that he may scare those two kids, as his appearance had still changed dramatically. Thick brown fur had covered his body; long, thick, black claws replaced his nails, and grew from fur-covered paw-like hands, recognizable as humanoid by their opposable thumbs; his muscles and bones had thickened, tearing his clothing horrendously, the scraps of cloth clinging to his fur-covered frame. His head and neck were the least affected thus far, but even then his dark brown hair had grown long and shaggy, and his canines had begun growing.

He approached the pair from behind the male, and after a cursory glance at the scene understood what the situation must be. "Cranial trauma..." he said, his voice now a deep, rumbling growl. He towered over the pair but did his best to remain unimposing. He wasn't doing a very good job of that. "Not look too serious. Still, should get medical treatment soon. Move gentle with girl." He let out a huff of air from his nose. "I would take, but getting dangerous. Not want to risk harm to cherished students."



Samuel shook his head. He must be seeing things. There was no way he'd just seen a figure jump out of a fifth-story window. He decided to not let it distract him, as he had started making for the dorms. Maybe he could get some help with this ridiculous neckwear from Raziel, Sanz, or Alezarius. He'd rather not bother Isolde with such a silly matter again.

He entered and made for his room. Unfortunately Raziel was nowhere to be seen. Samuel sighed and decided to look for Sanz. What was his room, he wondered...Samuel would start searching the nameplates on each door, from the ground floor and working his way up. As he didn't know that Sanz and Armin roomed together on the fifth floor, he would be at this for a fair amount of time.
Isolde set upon him, pulling off the pillows so that she could look him in the face. "Thought that half-deities were supposed to be tougher than this!" She thought a moment before dismissing her next thought. Theoretically, her ability to leech life might be able to take away the life force infected by disease but this was probably not the time to try out that hypothesis. "Tell me exactly how you feel. Right now." Her eyes were piercing him through and she did not stutter once.


Aamor awoke for a second and saw Raziel. "...knew you would come..." She then looked up to see the gigantic figure of a partially turned werebear. Her eyes opened wider and then promptly closed as she fainted. She didn't handle stress well; seeing a werebear was definitely enough to stress her out more and send her back into unconsciousness.
Gabriel shook his head. "Here, I was hoping to spend my evening taking a nice, long, scenic fly around the falls, and then I come across severe cranial trauma." He approached the sad trio from behind, wings glowing in the setting sun. "It never fails. I wonder if my presence is bad luck?" The thought troubled him deeply for as long as his fickle brain could process the thought. This was approximately three seconds. "Right! Need a lift?"
Raziel was certainly startled by the sudden appearance of a werebear, but it was a good thing he had been a student for two years already. There was something of a reassurance as he less saw and more felt Gabriel come up behind him

"I wouldn't mind a lift Gabriel. I can't carry her upstream like this. That and I think the river would object to my true size. Just be careful, I don't want to jostle her more than necessary."


Sanz groaned and blinked his eyes a couple of times. 'Tell me how you feel right now.' The half-deity turned his head to the source of the voice . . . and was greeted by the most beautiful creature he had ever seen. Someone observant would see the glaze come over his eyes. Normally, Sanz's deific blood prevented him against the passive charm of a succubus like Isolde. As long as she wasn't actively trying to seduce him, he was fine. But this wasn't Sanz normally, this was Sanz while his system was fighting a particular tough virus. As such, his resistance was next to non-existent. His hand slipped out from under the covers and took ahold of Isolde's wrist

"Much . . . better now."
Isolde, unfortunately, had zero control over her passive charm. Since she was currently in "Momma Bear" mode, she was going to take very good care of him. So, not really thinking about it, she put a hand to his forehead and slipped her arm out of his grasp to take his hand in hers. "Fever? Chills? Headache? Congestion? Anything else?"


Aamor opened her eyes again and groggily put an arm around Raziel, clinging to him. "....don't go...please....ow....thinking hurts...."
Sanz let out a slow breath and pushed himself up. He was sweating a bit, and he definitely had a fever. Also, since he hadn't changed clothes when he woke up, he was still only wearing sleep pants, and was very much shirtless.

"Just tired . . . but better now."

There was a small smile on his face as his grip on her hand tightened. Isolde likely wouldn't have been able to pry her hand from his due to his strength.
Isolde sighed as she saw that her hand was now imprisoned in his. She wasn't going to get sick most likely if he already was feeling better. "...well then, I shall aim to make you feel even better..." Careful to angle her arm so that she didn't break her hand, she laid down next to him and put her free arm behind his head. She smiled gently at him, accidentally letting a little more charm seep through than usual.

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