• This section is for roleplays only.
    ALL interest checks/recruiting threads must go in the Recruit Here section.

    Please remember to credit artists when using works not your own.

Realistic or Modern htttps://0103.net CS



Roleplay Availability
Roleplay Type(s)
Cs Skelet0n
y0u d0n't need t0 use the bbc0de but it w0uld make me very happy if y0u did :) I will help if y0u need anything, I've added 'HEY Y0U! Y0U MIGHT WANT T0 CHANGE ME' 0n anything like c0l0ur, URLs, and text changes that are buried in the c0de t0 make it easier f0r y0u t0 see the things y0u can edit. if y0u kn0w en0ugh ab0ut bbc0de t0 edit 0ther stuff g0 ahead, but I just highlighted bits I myself understand and y0u m0st likely w0uld want t0 change. TIP: ctrl + f 0n y0ur keyb0ard searches the entire page y0u're 0n f0r whatever y0u put in the search bar, this makes navigati0n easy if y0u are l00king f0r s0mething specific! 0n ph0ne this is in the three d0ts 0n the right generally, and called search in page.

if y0u d0 n0t want t0 use bbc0de, y0u just drag and c0py the text, lmk if it d0esn't w0rk 0r anything!
N0TE: please rem0ve my c0mments in y0ur finalized cs, it makes it way easier f0r me t0 read!
let me kn0w if y0u have any questi0ns 0r what n0t! Suggesti0ns are always appreciated.

Character name 0r something

age: (y0u are in university, s0 ar0und 18+)
c0untry of birth:
archetype: (a funny and 0pti0nal title f0r y0ur character; an example w0uld be c0medy relief 0r dumb bl0nde)
maj0r: (what they are maj0ring at the university and min0ring if they have 0ne)
year: (what year are they in at the university)

appearance: (please have a picture 0r a written descripti0n; pictures are preferred. Character images must be art, anime, etc and can n0t be easily rec0gnizable characters such as Narut0, G0j0, etc)
descripti0n: (0pti0nal)
hair c0l0ur:
eye c0l0ur:
b0dy m0ds: (example, tatt00s, piercings etc.)
identifiable marks: (these c0uld be scars 0r s0mething ab0ut the character y0u w0uld n0tice 0n lets say, a c0rpse 0r the first time y0u see them)
style: (this is fun and y0u d0n't have t0 d0 it, but y0u can add examples 0f 0utfits and stuff as well. I find it fun t0 find and l00k at :3, these d0n't have t0 be art because I find it harder t0 find g00d 0utfits f0r m0dern stuff, but y0u can use art as well f0r references!)

pers0nality: (list 0r written descripti0n is fine)
fears: (these are very imp0rtant!)
ph0bias: (these are extreme 0r even irrati0nal fears that y0ur character might have)
dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: (this can include mental AND physical. f0r example: glasses 0r anxiety)
bi0: (d0esn't have t0 be much m0re than a simple paragraph and vague. ANY pl0t-related p0ints y0u want t0 keep hidden need t0 be 0kayed by me first and sent t0 at least me s0 I can a) add it int0 the st0ry and b) make sure it fits the w0rld. Make sure t0 add y0ur interacti0n with Marry Beth here, 0r at least DM it t0 me!)

physical fitness: (h0w fit is y0ur character, if y0u want, y0u can g0 m0re in-depth 0n h0w much y0u think they can lift 0r run, but that's c0mpletely 0pti0nal)
(a simple stat system s0 that we can set up limits and kn0w h0w much a character can d0 in situati0ns and r0ll-wise if dice are needed. I'm n0t sure 0n them and f0r what, but if I d0, stats will be the same as dnd wise if y0u get that, d0n't w0rry if y0u d0n't)
(y0u get 10 p0ints t0 add t0 y0ur stats, y0u can take them away fr0m 0thers t0 make them less than 9 if y0u want. 9-10 is basic human skills in them; meaning zer0 t0 VERY little experience in them, what any pers0n 0n the street c0uld d0. Anything bel0w 9 means y0u w0uld be weaker than the average pers0n 0r are disabled in that in s0me way, such as medical c0nditi0ns, etc)

strength: 9 (h0w hard can y0ur character hit, h0w much can they lift)
speed: 9 (h0w fast y0ur character can m0ve, generally running)
agility: 9 (h0w much y0ur character can bend 0r d0 dexter0us feets; flexibility; this includes park0ur, gymnastics, etc)
stamina: 9 (h0w l0ng y0ur character can keep g0ing)
mental f0rtitude: 9(h0w much mental strain can they endure. A g00d way t0 decide this is h0w well they w0uld react under extreme stress and f0r h0w l0ng)
percepti0n: 9 (h0w likely y0u w0uld be t0 n0tice s0mething, h0w0n edge y0u are, y0ur ability t0 detect 0ther pe0ples lies 0r small details)
intelligence: 9 (h0w much d0es y0ur character kn0w, the capabilities 0f their mem0ry, learning speed)
curse: 0 (keep this at zer0; it will update with the st0ry 0r based 0n bi0s if needed :3)
invent0ry: (basically what y0u will have at the start 0f the rp; y0u sh0uld have s0me f0rm 0f device 0n y0u as the intr0 t0 the rp will start with an0ther p0st fr0m 0103. If y0u want t0 be quirky, I d0n't mind this being like a TV 0r pr0ject0r in class 0r library PC, anything w0rks, and then y0u w0n't have t0 have 0ne 0n y0u! At the start y0u will be at a rand0m place at ar0und 8 pm. Y0u must be 0n campus, this includes the gym, library, d0rms, classes, 0r any 0ther university facilities. F0r example, y0u c0uld be sleeping 0r g0ing in the sh0wer, whatever y0u want. Just include anything y0u want t0 start with here. Keep within reas0n please)
last kn0wn l0cati0n: (basically read invent0ry inf0, just tell me where y0u were s0 I can understand y0ur item ch0ices)

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission


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age: (y0u are in university, s0 ar0und 18+)




c0untry of birth:

archetype: (a funny and 0pti0nal title f0r y0ur character; an example w0uld be c0medy relief 0r dumb bl0nde)

maj0r: (what they are maj0ring at the university and min0ring if they have 0ne)

year: (what year are they in at the university)

appearance: (please have a picture 0r a written descripti0n; pictures are preferred. Character images must be art, anime, etc and can n0t be easily rec0gnizable characters such as Narut0, G0j0, etc)

descripti0n: (0pti0nal)



hair c0l0ur:

eye c0l0ur:

b0dy m0ds: (example, tatt00s, piercings etc.)

identifiable marks: (these c0uld be scars 0r s0mething ab0ut the character y0u w0uld n0tice 0n lets say, a c0rpse 0r the first time y0u see them)

style: (this is fun and y0u d0n't have t0 d0 it, but y0u can add examples 0f 0utfits and stuff as well. I find it fun t0 find and l00k at :3, these d0n't have t0 be art because I find it harder t0 find g00d 0utfits f0r m0dern stuff, but y0u can use art as well f0r references!)

pers0nality: (list 0r written descripti0n is fine)





fears: (these are very imp0rtant!)

ph0bias: (these are extreme 0r even irrati0nal fears that y0ur character might have)

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: (this can include mental AND physical. f0r example: glasses 0r anxiety)

bi0: (d0esn't have t0 be much m0re than a simple paragraph and vague. ANY pl0t-related p0ints y0u want t0 keep hidden need t0 be 0kayed by me first and sent t0 at least me s0 I can a) add it int0 the st0ry and b) make sure it fits the w0rld. Make sure t0 add y0ur interacti0n with Marry Beth here, 0r at least DM it t0 me!)

physical fitness: (h0w fit is y0ur character, if y0u want, y0u can g0 m0re in-depth 0n h0w much y0u think they can lift 0r run, but that's c0mpletely 0pti0nal)


 (a simple stat system s0 that we can set up limits and kn0w h0w much a character can d0 in situati0ns and r0ll-wise if dice are needed. I'm n0t sure 0n them and f0r what, but if I d0, stats will be the same as dnd wise if y0u get that, d0n't w0rry if y0u d0n't)

(y0u get 10 p0ints t0 add t0 y0ur stats, y0u can take them away fr0m 0thers t0 make them less than 9 if y0u want. 9-10 is basic human skills in them; meaning zer0 t0 VERY little experience in them, what any pers0n 0n the street c0uld d0. Anything bel0w 9 means y0u w0uld be weaker than the average pers0n 0r are disabled in that in s0me way, such as medical c0nditi0ns, etc)

strength: 9 (h0w hard can y0ur character hit, h0w much can they lift)

speed: 9 (h0w fast y0ur character can m0ve, generally running)

agility: 9 (h0w much y0ur character can bend 0r d0 dexter0us feets; flexibility; this includes park0ur, gymnastics, etc)

stamina: 9 (h0w l0ng y0ur character can keep g0ing)

mental f0rtitude: 9(h0w much mental strain can they endure. A g00d way t0 decide this is h0w well they w0uld react under extreme stress and f0r h0w l0ng)

percepti0n: 9 (h0w likely y0u w0uld be t0 n0tice s0mething, h0w0n edge y0u are, y0ur ability t0 detect 0ther pe0ples lies 0r small details)

intelligence: 9 (h0w much d0es y0ur character kn0w, the capabilities 0f their mem0ry, learning speed)

curse: 0 (keep this at zer0; it will update with the st0ry 0r based 0n bi0s if needed :3)


invent0ry: (basically what y0u will have at the start 0f the rp; y0u sh0uld have s0me f0rm 0f device 0n y0u as the intr0 t0 the rp will start with an0ther p0st fr0m 0103. If y0u want t0 be quirky, I d0n't mind this being like a TV 0r pr0ject0r in class 0r library PC, anything w0rks, and then y0u w0n't have t0 have 0ne 0n y0u! At the start y0u will be at a rand0m place at ar0und 8 pm. Y0u must be 0n campus, this includes the gym, library, d0rms, classes, 0r any 0ther university facilities. F0r example, y0u c0uld be sleeping 0r g0ing in the sh0wer, whatever y0u want. Just include anything y0u want t0 start with here. Keep within reas0n please)

last kn0wn l0cati0n: (basically read invent0ry inf0, just tell me where y0u were s0 I can understand y0ur item ch0ices)




[FONT=courier new]Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission[/FONT]
Last edited:

Tw: sexual harrasment/assault
"Just call me M0rgan"

name: Ver0nica M0rgan H0ust0n

nickname(s): M0rgan

age: 19

gender: female

pr0n0uns: she/her

Ethnicity: Metis

C0untry 0f Birth: Canada

archetype: The "Bad" Girl

maj0r: Psych0l0gy/Gender Studies

year: 3


appearance: *see right*

height: 5'7"

weight: 13O lb

hair c0l0ur: red

eye c0l0ur: hazel

b0dy m0ds: tatt00 0n her neck, snakebites, t0ngue piercing, l0ts of ear piercings

identifiable marks: scar 0n the b0tt0m 0f her f00t fr0m stepping 0n sea trash when she was y0unger.

style: ✢0ne✢ ✢tw0✢ ✢three✢


pers0nality: Rum0rs can be vici0us and children even m0re. Since her early highsch00l days M0rgan was a victim of g0ssip, her reputati0n linking her t0 predetermined labels of mean, c0ldhearted and even pr0miscuous. The switch to the university helped, yet she is still m0st 0ftenly described as 0bn0xi0us, beligerant and c0ntr0versial by her peers. There are truths to all of these, yet the maj0rity of pe0ple d0n't see past M0rgan's surface level pers0nality.

Behind her 0pini0nated assertati0n is a girl wh0 str0ngly cares f0r th0se ar0und her. She is the first 0ne to help a stranger, even anticipating it by packing her purse with spare pens, hairties and feminine hygiene pr0ducts. She is surprisingly patient, understanding and kind. While seemingly call0us, she is fiercely pr0tective 0f 0thers and is bravest when acting as a supp0rtive 0r guardian figure.

vices: biased, stubborn, h0lds a grudge, bad temper, ann0ying, c0ntenti0us, risk taker, aint afraid t0 slap a bih

virtues: 0utsp0ken, pr0tective, c0mpassi0nate, selfless, str0ng sense 0f justice, brave

likes: birds, cr0chet (bitches l0ve cr0chet), h0r0c0pes, astr0l0gy, tar0t, es0teric shit, spicy f00d, alt r0ck, gemst0nes, new age withcraft, tea, anime, true crime, competitive rowing

dislikes: MEN (not really), waiting in line, p0pular music, slasher films, garlic, dumb advertisements, capitalism

fears: being stalked, gender vi0lence, wasps, bees

ph0bias: Tryp0ph0bia

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: glasses (sh0rtsighted)


bi0: Back in sch00l, especially highschool, M0rgan was c0nsidered a pr0blem child. She g0t into fights with 0ther girls her age, m0stly verbal but s0metimes physical. Despite being the victim of bullying, she was targetted by teachers and blamed for starting fights simply because she was the l0udest 0r the 0ne t0 take it t0 the next level. Granted, she did start her fair share 0f fights, but it was always as a resp0nse t0 insults aimed at herself 0r 0thers. N0t 0nly was her behavi0ur underfire, but her appearance itself. Her alternate, g0thic 0utfits were 0ften questi0ned by her teachers, which was 0nly made w0rse by her habit of getting into tr0uble. M0rgan f0und herself unfairly being t0ld t0 change her cl0thes, even when she f0ll0wed every rule t0 the exact measurement. S0metimes, she walked the line 0ut 0f spite.

Eventually, she g0t quite used t0 the detenti0n r00m. It was here that she experienced her first instance 0f sexual harrassment and eventually assualt. Despite rep0rting it, she was s0mehow blamed for her attire and behavi0ur. The math teacher g0t a mere wrist slap and things c0ntinued as n0rmal. M0rgan's mental wellbeing dipped significantly, and t0 make matters w0rse rum0urs began t0 spread that she had an affair with her teacher. The term 'slut' began t0 spread thr0ugh the sch00l much m0re than 'mean girl' and s00n enough it was the 0nly thing she was kn0wn f0r by the student b0dy. As if her harassment c0uldn't get any worse, catcalling became a staple f0r s0me groups of b0ys, and 0ne of the main reas0ns for her getting sent t0 detenti0n f0r hitting an0ther student.

Her sch00l days were hell, but she made it 0ut with the help of her friend R0me0. For this, she is eternally grateful. The tw0 of them graduated together, and picked the same univserity t0 attend. Things g0t a l0t better, at least until Marry vanished int0 thin air. When M0rgan saw her, she didn't think much ab0ut it. M0rgan was in the girl's bathr00m, fixing her makeup in the mirr0r, when she n0ticed Marry enter and leave. It was 0nly later, when she read the headlines, that she realized she was the last pers0n to have seen her. She and Marry hadn't really g0tten al0ng (the same c0uld be said f0r a l0t 0f pe0ple) s0 she felt that it w0uld be suspici0us t0 rep0rt the sighting s0 late. Especially when it was just a brief glance. She feels guilty ab0ut it, even if she kn0ws that it w0uldn't have made a difference. . . right?

physical fitness: she likes t0 keep herself fit, n0t for aesthetic reas0ns but t0 be healthy and safe. She lifts weights and d0es cardi0 to keep herself in shape. She g0t int0 a l0t 0f fights in sch00l s0 she is c0mf0rtably thr0wing a punch if need be. A bit 0ut 0f practice, mind y0u, but it's like riding a bike.


strength: 14

speed: 8

agility: 6

stamina: 9

mental f0rtitude: 16

percepti0n: 10

intelligence: 10

curse: 0

skills/talents: kn0ws h0w t0 thr0w hands (n0thing trained), cr0cheting, tar0t & astr0logy, fluent in french (canadian), competitive rowing

invent0ry: Purse, wallet, ph0ne, earbuds, self defense keychain, ch0c0late bar, makeup, hairties, mints, sanitary pr0ducts (1 of each), m0vie ticket, reusable straw, r0sequartz.

last kn0wn l0cati0n: a pathway thr0ugh the university gr0unds, 0n her way to g0 see a m0vie.

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission
Last edited:

Hanako Reid

Art Credit: @hutakoi_mg

name: Hanako Reid

nickname(s): Hana

age: Eighteen (18)

gender: Female

pr0n0uns: She/Her

ethnicity: Japanese-Canadian

c0untry of birth: Canada

archetype: The Cinnamon Roll

maj0r: Fashion Design

year: 1st Year / Freshman


height: 4'11" | 150 cm

weight: 100 lbs | 45 kg

hair c0l0ur: Wavy locks that tumble to her waist. Originally pale blonde in color, Hanako currently has it dyed a pastel pink. Most days she will tie the top half of her hair up into a pony-tail or style it in a full pony-tail secured with a ribbon tied into a bow.

eye c0l0ur: Hana’s eyes are shaded by thick eyelashes. In regular lighting, her eyes appear as a light green but in the sunlight one can see flecks of hazel. Her eyes are set in a heart-shaped face with round cheeks, full lips and a delicate nose.

c0mplex0n: Fair, with a natural flush to her cheeks. Due to her fair complexion, she blushes rather easily.

build: Lithe and slender, she has a dancers build with willowy limbs and a natural grace.

b0dy m0ds: Her earlobes are pierced.

identifiable marks: Her pastel pink hair.

style: Hana's Closet


pers0nality: Hanako has an instinctive need to take care of those around her. She is very in tune with her emotions and the emotions of those around her. She is always willing to lend a sympathetic ear or shoulder to cry on if anyone is in need of one. All of the hobbies that she enjoys takes a certain amount of patience and as such, Hanako prefers to take her time whenever she is completing a task. She is rather soft-spoken and rarely does she ever raise her voice. Whether it’s making someone a gift or full-filling an act of service for someone she cares about, Hanako has boundless love to give to those around her.

With an intense focus on taking care of others, Hanako oftentimes forgets to take care of her own needs. With how soft-spoken she is and with a constant worry of being a bother, she has trouble making big decisions, especially those that would affect the people around her. Hanako is overly critical of her own skills and there are times when she will practice doing something over and over again until she feels it is good enough, even to the detriment of her own health. She can be a bit too trusting at times and there are moments when that trust is taken advantage of. Sometimes in her desire to keep the peace, Hanako can become too focused on trying to fix any issue that she comes across, even if it isn't so easy to fix.

virtues: Nurturing, Empathetic, Patient, Gentle, Affectionate

vices: Neglectful, Indecisive, Perfectionist, Gullible, Desire to Please

likes: Sewing, Making clothes, Drawing, Baking, The colors of autumn, Coffee

dislikes: The cold (it makes her knee ache), Spiders, Bitter or Bland foods, Crowds

fears: Being unable to walk or being paralyzed, Riding in vehicles

ph0bias: Thalassophobia

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: A knee injury she acquired during a car accident when she was younger. She can generally get around just fine, but she carries folding arm crutches in her backpack on the chance her knee starts to hurt from prolonged walking/standing or if the weather is causing it to ache.


bi0: One late night, the caretakers at an orphanage heard the sound of a baby crying. Once they identified that the sound was not coming from any of the young children within the building, they rushed outside. There, resting swaddled in a pink blanket inside of a basket, was a baby girl. The women were not able to find a note anywhere on the child and so they brought her inside, with no name and no family to claim her as their own. They named her Hanako and she lived at the orphanage for five years before she was adopted by a couple who were unable to conceive a child on their own.

Her life with her new family was a complete contrast to what her life in the orphanage had been; she got to have a room all to herself and there was no one there to steal her things. She didn't have to worry about if someone was going to steal her food and there were no other kids there to pull cruel pranks on her like locking her in closets just to hear her cry.

For once in her life, Hanako has never had to want for anything, her fathers doting on her any chance they could get. Then one day she was in the car with a friend whose parent had picked them up from school when a car ran a red-light and slammed into them. Her friend and his mother suffered only minor injuries but Hanako was left with a knee injury that would stay with her for the rest of her life. Physical therapy helped her gain enough muscle strength again to be able to walk on it without the aid of crutches but she still uses supports when the pain flares up.

After she graduated high school and selected her university, she left to live on campus after promising to call her parents whenever she was able and to visit as much as her schedule allowed her. Her days were peaceful if a bit routine; that was until Marry had gone missing. It seemed like such a normal day the last time Hanako had seen Marry. It had been in a quiet hallway, when Hanako had stopped to help her pick up a book Marry had dropped. They exchanged brief pleasantries common of two people that don't know each other very well and then Hanako went about her day. When she later found out about her disappearance, her indecisive nature reared its ugly head. Would it do any good to report that small, seemingly meaningless encounter? Surely someone else would have seen Marry after Hanako had parted ways with her and they would report what they knew.

Torn over what she should do, Hanako did what she was good at: she kept quiet and simply observed with guilt churning in her stomach at the events that followed Marry's disappearance.

physical fitness: She likes to go on walks around campus when she is able to keep herself in shape.



strength: 7

speed: 7

agility: 7

stamina: 7

mental f0rtitude: 15

percepti0n: 15

intelligence: 15

curse: 0


skills/talents: Fluent in French and Japanese. Sewing and making clothes. Drawing/Sketching.

invent0ry: Phone, earbuds, wallet, backpack, a textbook, sketchpad, pencil bag, some gum, a ruler, pepper spray, her crutches.

last kn0wn l0cati0n: At the library working on a sketch for one of her classes; her dorm was too noisy for her to focus.

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission
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⋆⋆✮♪♫ wystan prescott ♫♪✮⋆⋆
TW: drug use, child abuse, mentions of thoughts of suicide

name: wystan noel prescott

nickname(s): wys

age: twenty

gender: male

pr0n0uns: he/him

ethnicity: slavic

country of birth: poland

archetype: the obsessed artist

maj0r: pre-law music

year: second at wheaton


height: 5'8'' / 172.72 cm

weight: 138 lbs / 62.59 kg

hair c0l0ur: dyed white, natural color a strawberry blond

eye c0l0ur: black

b0dy m0ds: pierced ears and a gold chrysanthemum tattoo on the inside of his left wrist.

identifiable marks: faded canine bite marks near his throat on the right, near the collarbone and over trapezius muscle.

style: modern and comfy, often going with simple styles and adding embellishments or accessories. example, example, example


pers0nality: driven but reclusive is wystan, a wannabe loner who blends with the crowd and integrates easily within subgroups as he's practiced to for years. wystan's singular goal is to be the best violinist of his generation, but has been put in a position where his dream may become unreachable, something that makes him burn with such hate and rage he fears he might do something drastic. he diverts all this ravenous energy to prove his worth and go where he believes he belongs and take center stage. however, he can often be his own worst enemy, shutting down to isolate to near self-destruction when he thinks he hasn't achieved anything less than perfection.

above all, wystan values hard work and kindness, though his often intense and overzealous demeanor gets him trouble when clashing with similar or lackadaisical personalities. more concerning is his quiet temper at the mere idea of being slighted or overlooked, going prickly and defensive, more so when it's for another's dignity. however, his worldview is still narrowly focused on his exploits, so his generosity has limits, as does his patience.

♪ avoidant
♪ overly perfectionistic
♪ subscribes to black and white thinking
♪ competitive
♪ vindictive

♪ dedicated
♪ fair
♪ forthright
♪ charitable
♪ inventive

♪ sweet peppers
♪ clean spaces
♪ foreign dramas
♪ warmer temperatures
♪ ocean sounds
♪ classical music (duh)

♪ opulence
♪ sherpa textures
♪ hard candies
♪ long car rides
♪ overbearing perfumes
♪ sudden movement or noise

♪ failure
♪ his stepfather
♪ dogs

♪ ataxophobia
♪ atelophobia
♪ cynophobia

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: PTSD, major depression, anxiety.

bi0 (TW: drug use, child abuse, mentions of thoughts of suicide): having a father who his mother refused to talk about made it hard for wystan to resist the comfort of finally having that figure in his life when his mother married his far more affluent and foreign stepfather, resulting in so many shortcomings he feels he could write a novel about. he theorized that his mother was picked because she still had youth on her side, and was so very accommodating to his stepfather's more domineering attitude. It made sense that she would bow easily to his stepfather's blatant disregard for wystan when compared to his favored half-sibling, lukas, who was awarded all the praise and gifts wystan often went without even when he excelled in things his sibling didn't even come close to. even when placed in second in his stepfather's eyes, he was still expected to come in first in every subject and sport, or else be on the receiving end of a punch or object thrown at him. perhaps the thing that finally broke his delusion of ever earning his stepfather's affection was when the family dog who'd he'd always avoided suddenly went for him one day after wystan snapped at lukas, his stepfather not jumping in to pull the animal off until his mother's panicked screams reached him. though the bite marks faded with time, wystan's fear did not.

music became his escape and first love. all the harsh words and ignoring became bearable when it was just him and his violin, the one gift his stepfather indulged him on and still the most expensive thing he owns. then lukas thought himself to be a musician too, but he had no dedication to it, no love. for him it was just another hobby, but he was given all the tutors and lessons while wystan listened through thin walls and read or watched countless online classes. his bitterness and hatred only multiplied until his stepfather told him he would follow after his example and learn law. wystan suffered through one year of it before he thought of simply jumping off a bridge. finally sensing his desperation, his mother gave him a small fund and his documents, telling him to leave and pursue his passion. wystan transferred to wheaton, a nowhere place where he was sure he wouldn't be bothered by his family again, and committed himself to music, renouncing relationships and only having superficial ties.

marry was a surprise. wystan, still obsessed with perfection and being the best he can be, practices or studies day and night. he drinks copious amounts of coffee and takes pills he's gotten through his many acquaintances to play all through the night. occasionally a visitor would come and listen to him. marry would sit in the auditorium and watch him until he finally noticed her. they didn't talk often and he was grateful for that and showed his appreciation for her listening ears by giving her a one-man concert each time she paid him a visit in the early hours. for some reason, he felt understood by her. when she didn't come by the next few nights, he worried until it was revealed she had vanished. had he really been the last person to see her?

physical fitness: growing up, sports weren't optional - they were mandatory. depending on the season, wystan was playing soccer in the fall, swimming in the winter, and lacrosse in the spring. to get to the point, wystan is well-prepared to take off running and keep going without stumbling or heaving after ten seconds. though, since starting university, he's cut back on leg day to dedicate his time to music.



strength: 9

speed: 9

agility: 9

stamina: 12

mental f0rtitude: 4

percepti0n: 12

intelligence: 18

curse: 0

♪ adept at playing string instruments, especially the violin
♪ knows the basics in polish and a little bit of russian, mostly slang and curse words
♪ able to remember melodies after hearing them once, as well as play them back
♪ encyclopedic knowledge of flora
♪ quick to grasp something new

♪ messenger bag
♪ violin and case
♪ cellphone
♪ wallet
♪ headphones
♪ thermos of water
♪ binder of sheet music
♪ bottle of five adderall pills

last kn0wn l0cati0n: practice room within the performing arts building.

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission
Last edited:

tw: mentions of marijuana (recreational drug use)
art from pinterest

name: sasha r. wils0n

nickname(s): sash

age: 20

gender: female

pr0n0uns: she/her

ethnicity: half-filipin0, quarter-black, quarter-hispanic

c0untry 0f birth: canada

archetype: art h0e

maj0r: fine arts maj0r in painting

year: s0ph0m0re


height: 163 cm

weight: 52 kg

hair c0l0ur: br0wn

eye c0l0ur: amber

b0dy m0ds: n0rmal earl0be piercings

identifiable marks: well-maintained acrylic nails

pers0nality: laid-back, creative, restless

virtues: c0mpassi0n, independence, determinati0n

vices: cati0usness, stubb0rnness, indecisi0n

fears: failure, disapp0inting her parents, being a failure, n0t making en0ugh m0ney for a living

ph0bias: athazag0raph0bia (being f0rg0tten/ign0red), thalas0ph0bia (fear 0f deep b0dies 0f water), t0k0ph0bia (fear of pregnancy)

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: needs prescripti0n glasses f0r astigmatism, pc0s

bi0: sasha r. wils0n grew up in a r0ugh neighb0rh00d 0n the east side 0f wid0wc0urt. fr0m a y0ung age, she f0und s0lace in creating art as an escape fr0m the harsh realities ar0und her. her m0ther, a hard-w0rking filipin0 nurse, and her father, a black f0rmer marine, did everything they c0uld t0 enc0urage sasha's passi0n f0r painting and drawing.

despite the challenges 0f their neighb0rh00d, sasha's parents made sure she had access t0 art supplies and enr0lled her in after-sch00l pr0grams t0 nurture her talents. sasha's dream was t0 0ne day have her w0rk displayed in a gallery. th0ugh m0ney was tight, sasha's parents always ensured she had an endless supply 0f sketchb00ks, brushes, and vibrant acrylics t0 unleash her creativity. they rec0gnized her innate talents and enr0lled sasha in every after-sch00l art pr0gram they c0uld, all0wing her brilliant mind t0 fl0urish.

in high sch00l, sasha struggled with pr0crastinati0n and d0ubts ab0ut pursuing an artistic career path. her parents w0rried she w0uldn't be able t0 make a stable living. h0wever, sasha's l0ng-time art teacher, mrs. delgad0, was a c0nstantly enc0uraged her, meticulously helping her craft an impressive p0rtf0li0.

against all 0dds, sasha earned a gener0us art sch0larship t0 wheat0n university. she decided t0 maj0r in fine arts with a f0cus 0n painting, h0ping this w0uld be her ticket t0 success as an artist. th0ugh wheat0n was a dream c0me true, sasha s00n faced new challenges. the sudden freed0m 0f c0llege led t0 s0me distracti0ns like sm0king marijuana 0ccasi0nally with new friends. she als0 grappled with her fear 0f failure and high expectati0ns fr0m her parents.

0ne night, ar0und 7pm, sasha was taking a break fr0m painting in the campus art studi0. she ran int0 marry beth h0lrun, the peculiar leader 0f the 0ccult club. w0rd spread that marry beth was n0where t0 be f0und. sasha realized she was likely 0ne 0f the last pe0ple t0 see the missing girl bef0re her strange disappearance. but she kept this inf0rmati0n t0 herself, afraid 0f getting inadvertently inv0lved in s0mething danger0us. n0w sasha fears whatever secret she's with0lding may c0me back t0 haunt her...

physical fitness: average, she walks a l0t ar0und campus but d0esn't w0rk 0ut



speed: 8

agility: 12

stamina: 8

mental f0rtitude: 9

percepti0n: 13 if wearing glasses, 6 if n0t

intelligence: 11

curse: 0

skills/talents: talented artist, creative writing, eye f0r c0l0rs/aesthetics

invent0ry: 0versized denim jacket with paint stains, red bean bun, matcha milk, backpack with sketchb00ks/art supplies, switch, handkerchief, wallet, keys, gum, handcream, smartph0ne


last kn0wn l0cati0n: wheat0n art building studi0 w0rking 0n a painting assignment due s00n


Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission)

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nickname(s): Monty, Kirk, Skipper

age: 20

gender: transmasc

pronouns: he/him

ethnicity: caucasian

birth country: Canada

archetype: the one that’s always studying

major: Space Science - specialising in planetary geomorphology

year: 3rd

height: 5’3” - 158cm

weight: 110lbs - 55kg

hair colour: dyed white

eye colour: blue

body mods: snakebite ear piercings, lip piercing, skull tattoo on right thigh

style: Pin Board

pers0nality: Romeo is a massive nerd and a dedicated student, the type to have already planned his master’s and doctoral thesis for the next five years. Romeo has a deep passion for understanding the cosmos and other planets.
Romeo faces many challenges with unmedicated ADHD, such as his weakness for perception and inability to focus on tasks for a long period of time unless they are of specific interest to him. He also faces difficulty in executive function and cannot perform many tasks without outside support or panic. Because of these issues, Romeo has faced social backlash about being unable to perform under pressure
Romeo has a strong sense of academic integrity and believes the key to identifying what you know is identifying what you can teach.
Although Romeo has a strong sense of social and political justice, his fear of physical conflict and large crowds has led him to engage in political discourse online from the safety of his dorm room.

vices: rage at astrology, overeager to understand, easily judgy, prone to overcommitment

virtues: hyperfixations, truthful, perseverance

likes: MEN, Warhammer, stargazing, casual games, sci fi movies/books

dislikes: astrology, crowds, textbook reading, phone calls

fears: transphobia, loneliness, fighting/physical conflict, inadequacy, forgetting something important

phobias: deep water/thalassophobia, crowds/claustrophobia, body dysphoria

medical conditions: ADHD

tw: transphobia, gender as body horror
Romeo moved to town in his early teens just in time for high school. While his eccentricities were tolerated by his old class, the new city and new school were not so forgiving. He was far too boyish for them.

As a boy in a girl’s uniform, his skin squirmed almost daily. When a friend let him borrow some ill-fitting boy clothes, he was bullied relentlessly by peers and teachers alike. It was in the detention room he met a like-minded hater of societal norms and social constructs, Morgan Houston. Morgan opened Romeo’s eyes to the deception of social gender and sex. The two hit it off immediately and Romeo forgot the rumours he heard so fast they barely even registered.
Over the next few years, Romeo had caved to the pressure and worn the garb that felt like irons on his skin. He had really drawn to the sciences and found his love of stargazing met by an equally inquisitive tutor.

When Romeo graduated, he took the leap to become “Romeo” and hit the ground running. With Morgan at his side he was invincible to the horrors of the world. He had only one weakness: the university observatory was only available on certain days of the month. Romeo made the nasty habit of coming in most nights, avoiding the parties of his peers and coming up just to sit in the room below the observatory to do his homework. Technically, he was not allowed inside as the doors were supposed to be locked at all times, but the back door was rarely locked securely and could be jimmied open. Romeo figured as long as he never broke into the observatory platform he would be fine, but he didn’t want to push his luck. That’s why one night when he was spotted by a girl he vaguely remembered being Marry Beth saw him pry the lock and go in the building he had to only hope she didn’t comment on it. When her disappearance was announced, Romeo said nothing. What was there to say? He saw her while he was breaking into the classrooms? It would sort itself out without him.

physical fitness: Used to be a track kid, has never touched a weight in his life

strength: 6
speed: 12
agility: 8
stamina: 10
mental fortitude: 12
perception: 6
intelligence: 18
curse: 0

skills/talents: mathematics, geology, data entry, speed-reading, graphing, logic puzzles, riddles

- keys
- safety keychain
- wallet
- mug of cocoa
- ID card
- notebooks
- stationary
- study books: “Advanced Introduction to Space Science”, “Exoplanetary Geology”, “Planetary Weather: Physics and Effects”, and “The Moon: A Guide to Natural Satellites”
- calculator

last known location: observatory research room

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission

Sylvain Belliveau
despite everything, its still y0u

name: Sylvain Belliveau
nickname(s): Syl
age: 21
gender: trans male
pr0n0uns: he/they
ethnicity: Acadian
c0untry 0f birth: Canada
archetype: failed pr0tege
maj0r: musics
year: sec0nd

height: 5'11
weight: 183 lbs
hair c0l0ur: bl0nde
eye c0l0ur: g0lden br0wn
b0dy m0ds: d0uble l0bes, t0p surgery(masculinizati0n)
identifiable marks: the scars that c0at his b0dy, his tendency t0 always be the sh0rtest in the r00m(as result 0f his wheelchair), his fr0nt page magazine face
style: l00se-fitting cl0thing with earthy 0r dark t0nes, '0ld man' 0r thrift cl0thing; g0blin c0re
x X x X

pers0nality: since the accident, the extr0verted pers0n Sylvain had 0nce been has slivered back int0 his shell. His j0kes n0 l0nger take variety 0f t0nes, n0w 0ften being cynical 0r dark, his 0wn dark m00d slipping int0 his w0rds. He is blunt and straight t0 the p0int, his 0wn issues dulling his ability t0 express empathy t0 th0se ar0und him. He 0ften speaks with0ut thinking, being cruel with0ut meaning t0.

snide remarks 0r just c0mplaints 0ften c0me fr0m him, taking his anger 0ut 0n the w0rld ar0und him. His p00r mental health has resulted in him is0lating himself m0re than usual, h0wever. His lack 0f friends and unique high sch00l experience have left him stunted in s0me areas. F0r the l0ngest time, all he had and needed in his life was swimming; with0ut that, he 0ften finds himself l0st with what t0 d0. He ch00ses t0 try and h0ld 0n t0 the j0ker pers0na he used t0 have back bef0re the accident, with its acquired changes.
+0pen minded​
+laid back​
+jazz music​
-pe0ple rec0gnizing him​
fears: news 0utlets finding him again, things never getting better, being watched
ph0bias: claustr0ph0bia(c0nfined spaces, being b0und, unable t0 m0ve, trapped), amax0ph0bia(fear 0f driving/being in cars)
dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: PTSD, depress0n, spinal injury, sh0ulder implants, leg/knee damage
TW| menti0n 0f suicide and suicide attempts
Sylvain was b0rn t0 his single m0m 21 years ag0. Thr0ugh0ut his early life he was mainly raised by the 0ld w0man wh0 lived in the apartment beside theirs due t0 his m0ther's l0ng w0rking h0urs. She didn't speak any English, 0nly French, as a result he struggled t0 understand her until the French began t0 stick in his head. Sylvain spent his time attached t0 the 0ld w0men's hip, spending his time inside with her, listening t0 her playing the sax0ph0ne. It wasn't until she t00k him t0 swimming classes that he disc0vered his passi0n.

Sylvain spent the next years 0f his life swimming any chance he g0t. May it be a lake, a p00l, 0r even just the bath, he swam. When he was 0ld en0ugh, he j0ined his first swim team. Next was his first c0mpititi0n. He came in fifth, and fr0m that day 0nward, v0wed t0 win. His m0ther never sh0wed up, but the 0ld w0man was by his side the entire time. His life became dedicated t0 training and f00d plans the 0ld w0man happily f0ll0wed.

Sylvain rapidly became a pr0tege, destr0ying all c0mpetit0n bef0re him. It was c0mpeting at nati0nals when he was 11 that he g0t picked up by a c0ach. It was at this time that his m0ther came back int0 his life, suddenly interested in him n0w that he was 0n the fr0nt page 0f N0va Sc0tia's news. His carrier t00k 0f at first, but s00n hit the wall when he expressed what he had always been feeling. He wanted t0 c0mpete against b0ys like he c0uld when he was y0unger. He wanted t0 be a b0y.

he was quickly dr0pped by many c0aches until eventually his m0ther t00k the place, claiming she knew he c0uld win. Being fam0us already, his m0m marketed his gender, turning him int0 an ic0n f0r sp0rts. With media pressure, he was all0wed t0 c0mpete against men f0r the first time. He w0n. The news went crazy, his carrier s0ared, quickly getting access t0 gender-affirming care, even receiving t0p surgery when he was 16.

his life was dedicated t0 swimming and he c0uldn't be happier. He had several 0ffers f0r teams and 0lympics 0nce he turned 18. His future was set. That was, until he was 17. The 0ld w0man had been fighting cancer f0r a while and had been 0n a decline. He h0wever, had been abr0ad f0r a swim meet and his m0ther did n0t tell him. He c0mpeted and w0n, rushing t0 call the 0ld w0man, 0nly t0 be met with silence. He was upset, she had never missed a single meet he had ever been t0. It was 0nly when he flew back h0me he f0und 0ut he missed her funeral.

he was furi0us. Him and his m0ther grew even m0re distant, and his swimming began t0 be affected. Desperate t0 n0t l0se his life and fleeting mem0ries 0f her, they threw themself int0 their carrier. They pushed past their regime, g0ing t0 the p00l every night until late. The issue was that his already y0ung b0dy was already near its limit fr0m his 0ld regime and it was 0nly a matter 0f time bef0re his b0dy gave 0ut.

it happened when he was driving h0me 0ne night, his muscles l0cked up while driving and he c0uldn't turn the wheel. The car was wrecked, but m0re imp0rtantly he was stuck. Unable t0 free himself he was stuck, b0dy br0ken f0r several h0urs, bleeding 0nt0 the leather seats. 5 h0urs later his car was f0und and he was rushed t0 the h0spital. It was t00 late h0wever, the damage had been d0ne.

with a permanent spinal and leg injuries paired with his replaced sh0ulder, he had n0 way t0 c0ntinue his carrier. His st0ry was marked as a tragedy and he was met 0nly with pitied l00ks. Him and his m0ther's relati0nship was destr0yed if it ever was anything m0re than transacti0nal. Tensi0n 0nly w0rsened after several failed suicide attempts led him t0 need t0 retake his last year0f high sch00l. Tired 0f every0ne kn0wing him and tired 0f his m0ther, he m0ved acr0ss the c0untry t0 study the 0nly thing he had left. Music.

physical fitness: well fit, swimmers b0dy. He refuses t0 give up any 0f his w0rk0ut r0utine he can still d0.

strength: 15
speed: 2
agility: 12
stamina: 15
mental f0rtitude: 6
percepti0n: 13
intelligence: 10
curse: 0
skills/talents: swimming, c00king, sax0ph0ne, pian0, knitting, and quilting
+gym bag
-water b0ttle​
-gym cl0thes​
-sh0wer pr0ducts​
-pr0tein bars + p0wder​
-ph0ne charger​
+student ID
last kn0wn l0cati0n: 0n his way t0 the gym

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission



name: H4rl0w W3stbr00k

nickname(s): nah

age: 21

gender: n0nbinary

pr0n0uns: they/them

ethnicity: black/korean

c0untry of birth: the united states

archetype: th3 h4ck3r

Maj0r: maj0r in c0mputer science, min0r in s0ci0l0gy

year: 2nd


height: 6”3
weight: 187 lbs
hair c0l0ur: black
eye c0l0ur: hazel
b0dy m0ds: stretched ears, pierced septum, vari0us tatt00s – including a mute symb0l by their bad (left) ear, a circuit tatt00 0n their right ear, a dem0n girl 0n their arm, a tatt00 0n their left hand, their right hand, and their legs
identifiable marks: they are quite tall, they have a scar 0n their face and vari0us burn scars 0n their legs (which are c0vered in tatt00s)
style: their style is best described as streetwear cyberg0th

x X x X x


Harl0w is s0me0ne wh0 has a hard time m0ving 0n – when they are trying t0 s0lve a c0ding pr0blem 0r figure 0ut the s0luti0n t0 a pr0blem, it can be helpful, as they need t0 s0lve th0se pr0blems t0 m0ve 0n. H0wever, they have a pr0blem with getting caught up 0n small details with0ut seeing the picture. When it c0mes t0 relati0nships, they struggle with n0t 0verwhelming their friends with their presence. They l0ve being ar0und pe0ple and are 0utg0ing and always want t0 see pe0ple, but have felt like they were 0verbearing t0 friends in the past, leading t0 friendships ending. They are a bit 0f a j0kester, and can be l0ud when talking (which has g0tten them in tr0uble in class bef0re).

Harl0w is a very friendly pers0n and, despite their career ch0ice, tries t0 make friends with as many types 0f pe0ple as they can. They have a hard time maintaining th0se relati0nships due t0 their paran0ia and their bluntness, preferring t0 be h0nest 0ver tip-t0eing ar0und pe0ple’s feelings (they spent far t00 much 0f their life d0ing this). They are als0 paran0id ab0ut techn0l0gy, kn0wing h0w easy it can be t0 break passw0rds and acc0unts and h0w easily accessible every0ne’s inf0rmati0n is. They have a hard time truly trusting pe0ple and letting them in. H0wever, they d0 sh0w kindness t0 pe0ple in their every-day life, 0ffering pe0ple their seat 0n the train 0r helping pe0ple pick up dr0pped b00ks, giving a d0llar t0 the h0meless pe0ple they pass by.

Harl0w kn0ws wh0 they are and d0n’t feel like c0mpr0mising themselves f0r any0ne – they just want t0 live their life. They are a bit g0thic and tend t0 be drawn t0 the “darker” aesthetics and media, and have always been judged a bit f0r it, c0ming fr0m a small t0wn. They have embraced feeling a bit “0ut there” in their appearance, even if they aren’t full-0n trad g0th.

◈ 0bsessive
◈ paran0id
◈ tactless
◈ demanding
◈ l0ud

◈ c0nfident
◈ curi0us
◈ idealistic
◈ meticul0us
◈ charming

◈ playing their guitar
◈ m0untains
◈ s0ur candy
◈ sci-fi/cyberpunk
◈ h0arding sentimental items, like fl0wers, 0ld c0ncert tickets, special receipts, etc
◈ any kind 0f puzzles – fr0m jigsaw puzzles t0 sud0ku t0 puzzle games like p0rtal

◈ the c0ld
◈ dis0rder
◈ wet s0cks
◈ reading
◈ westerns/acti0n m0vies
◈ mushr00ms

◈ reptiles/snakes
◈ fr0gs/t0ads
◈ falling (n0t necessarily heights)
◈ puppets
◈ being weak

◈ l0sing their mem0ry
◈ pyr0ph0bia
◈ astr0ph0bia (the fear 0f space – f0r Harl0w, this is specifically deep space)

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns:
◈ wears glasses/c0ntacts – is nearsighted
◈ partially deaf in their left ear
◈ dyslexic
◈ adhd


tw: traumatic fire, cancer menti0n, drug use/selling

Harl0w has always carried a bit 0f guilt ar0und with them, as their m0ther died when they were b0rn, and this caused a rift between them and their father t0 begin with. Their father l0ved them, but was always a bit em0ti0nally distant due t0 l0sing the l0ve 0f his life s0 early in their j0urney t0gether as fairly y0ung parents. It was always a bit hard f0r Harl0w’s father t0 m0ve 0n, and he was finally m0ving 0n, in a seri0us relati0nship, when Harl0w was 8 and tragedy struck again – Harl0w and their father were in a terrible h0use fire, leaving Harl0w with burn scars 0n their face and legs and their father l0sing his life. Harl0w then began living with their grandparents, their m0ther’s parents, wh0 treated them like their 0wn child, as well as their father’s then-girlfriend sticking ar0und t0 help and be a m0therly figure in Harl0w’s life.

They had a hard time in sch00l, being dyslexic and bullied f0r being a little edgier/different than their peers. They were a bit 0f a tr0ublemaker in juni0r high, leaving them with a bit 0f a reputati0n that they had t0 w0rk 0ff when they started taking sch00l a bit m0re seri0usly in high sch00l. Harl0w’s grandpa g0t diagn0sed with cancer in their last year 0f high sch00l, s0 when they graduated they held 0ff g0ing t0 c0llege f0r a c0uple 0f years due t0 helping pay f0r the bills by w0rking and als0 taking care 0f their grandpa in his weaker times.

The tw0 gap years seemed like an eternity, stuck in their small t0wn, and they turned their high sch00l h0bby 0f c0ding int0 a seri0us pursuit, learning t0 c0de when they weren’t w0rking, and even 0ffering s0me hacking services f0r extra m0ney (checking pe0ple’s sites cybersecurity, messing with y0ur w0rst enemy’s twitter acc0unt, n0thing really crazy) and being the l0cal plug (m0stly weed). Finally, their grandpa seemed t0 be turning ar0und and they decided it was time t0 g0 t0 c0llege. They still 0ffer hacking services and have an active cust0mer base in 0rder t0 pay f0r c0llege.

Harl0w j0ined the 0ccult club halfway thr0ugh their first year, always being a bit interested in all things 0ccult and being drawn t0 the g0thic. They’d attend 0n-and-0ff f0r the next year and a half, deciding t0 be m0re inv0lved this year – they were the secretary t0 the club this year. The last time they saw Marry was late, 0utside in 0ne of the parking l0ts 0n campus, d0ing a deal with 0ne 0f their usual cust0mers. They didn’t rep0rt seeing her because they didn’t want t0 get caught.

physical fitness: they are m0re ab0ut endurance than 0utright strength 0r super speed – they used t0 m0untain bike and hike a l0t in high sch00l

strength: 6
speed: 9
agility: 7
stamina: 14
mental f0rtitude: 14
percepti0n: 12 with glasses, 4 with0ut
intelligence: 11
curse: 0

◈ makes music (like electr0nica but can play guitar)
◈ fluent in english, asl, kn0ws s0me french
◈ cpr and first aid certified
◈ c0mputer c0ding/hacking
◈ g00d at puzzles (n0t w0rd-based 0nes th0ugh)


◈ ipad
◈ ph0ne
◈ lapt0p
◈ keys
◈ 0ld receipts, c0ins, trash
◈ their vape
◈ their extra pair 0f glasses
◈ a n0teb00k f0r h0mew0rk and a pencil
◈ chapstick
◈ red bull

last kn0wn l0cati0n:
Headed t0 the c0mputer lab at the library t0 get s0me late night studying in after pr0crastinating all day

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Steve Campbell

R0lling with the punches

name: Steve Campbell

age: 18

gender: M

pr0n0uns: he/him

ethnicity: Caucasian

c0untry 0f birth: Canada

archetype: J0ck

maj0r: Physical Educati0n

year: First

height: 5'8

weight: 163 lbs

hair c0l0ur: Black

eye c0l0ur: Green

b0dy m0ds: Fl0ra Tatt00s running al0ng the sh0ulder

identifiable marks: L0ng nasty scar h0riz0ntally acr0ss the l0wer back

style: Steve wears m0stly what is seen as stylish with0ut sacrificing c0mf0rt. He d0esn't actually care ab0ut style, but the pe0ple he talks t0 s0 he may further his c0llege s0cial life care a l0t ab0ut it. In reality he prefers light, simple cl0thing that is easy t0 m0ve in. He is als0 a fan 0f f0rest greens and 0ther muted c0l0rs.

pers0nality: Steve is a pe0ple pleasing, inc0nsiderate, slightly stupid, charismatic muscle head. He als0 plays int0 the cliquish s0cial games that c0mes with being a y0ung aspiring pers0n. That, in c0njuncti0n with his pr0pensity f0r c0nfr0ntati0n makes him kind 0f a bully at times. Surprisingly he is quite level headed, and In reality there is m0re t0 the meat head j0ck than what is 0n the surface. Steve has learned t0 always strive t0 fight f0r the best p0siti0n he c0uld and h0ld it in everything he d0es. He sees the w0rld as 0ne where if y0u sh0w weakness even 0nce, it c0uld mean maj0r issues. As a result he is quite bad ab0ut b0ttling up his feelings, 0pting t0 thr0w them int0 the punching bag instead 0f pr0cessing them. Due t0 this, Steve struggles with meaningful relati0nships, and 0ut 0f disc0mf0rt and fear, tends t0 try t0 place all 0f the relati0nships he has with pe0ple int0 definable, superficial b0xes.

cl0se minded
level headed
feeling challenged
Fried F00d
His dad
fears: Making a mistake while lacking c0ntr0l, L0sing his sch0larship, His father

ph0bias: Atychiph0bia (Fear of failure), Dystychiph0bia (Fear of Accidents)

dis0rders/medical c0nditi0ns: Anxiety

bi0: Steve grew up in rampant p0verty. His father was a failed sh0wman, and his m0ther a telemarketer. He had a handful 0f br0thers and sisters wh0m he spent m0st 0f his time with, 0ut and ab0ut 0n the frankly n0t child friendly streets getting up t0 mischief. His h0me life was rather tense, a c0nstant cycle 0f his father swearing t0 fix his act and make it big, putting in half the eff0rt, than being destr0yed and turning t0 alc0h0l, then letting his stress 0ut 0n his family. His m0ther was the real breadwinner th0ugh. Barely managing t0 make en0ugh t0 h0ld the apartment all while putting f00d in the m0uths 0f 4 kids.

At sch00l he was quiet, reserved but not shy. In elementary he excelled in his P.E statewide tests, and in middle school he took up a boxing academy on the side. His skill in the sport was prodigal, which was a big deal for his family. His burgeoning skill was not unnoticed by his father, who positioned himself as Steve's personal trainer. His father was incredibly tough on Steve, ingraining into his son the idea that any sign of weakness, any faltering at all was too be capitalized on by his opponents, by his classmates, by the world. As brutal as it was, and despite the irreparable damage it did on Steve's psyche and his already strained relationship with his father, the brutal regimen was effective. By the time he was in high school, he was being berated with invites to top school, ludicrous scholarships, and he took his pick of the top schools. His positioning helped pull his family out of the hole, and most of the money he earns from tournaments and sponsors goes directly to his family.

Nowadays he spends his time working hard at not losing what he has built. Talking to the right people and focusing on being pleasing in the public eye, while keeping up with his training and balancing his reputation as a boxer. Steve hardly speaks to those in his past anymore, not that he really has the time to anyways. He knew Marry but their relationship was very strained. He was very terse with the girl and was quick to dismiss the girl and be done with her presence, mostly out of discomfort with her strangeness and the unpredictability he thought she had. In shorter terms, Steve was pretty mean to Marry. He last saw her late at night after staying extra time at the gym to finish his sets, but never really thought about the implications of her presence. In their last encounter, Steve was especially terse with the girl, admonishing her in a roundabout way about how strange it was to be out, and about how overall uneasy the girl made him. He has yet to report his encounter in fear of what his already tardy report of the missing girl might do to his reputation.

physical fitness: Steve is peak physical fitness for his weight class. He has a lithe and deceptively fit body. One would expect a boxer to be large, but Steve is quite average in his build, though his body is almost entirely muscle. He is a tad lax in his cardio though, at least lax for a person whose body is so important to his profession. Overall, despite being comparably small to his opponents, his body is still obviously a deadly weapon, one that he wields with impressive proficiency.


strength: 16

speed: 8

agility: 15

stamina: 11

mental f0rtitude: 6

percepti0n: 11

intelligence: 6

curse: 0

Skilled Boxer
Resilient to physical pain
Fast reaction speed
Socially inclined
invent0ry: Duffel Bag, Water Bottle, Protein Bars, basic medical kit, hand wraps, boxing gloves, mouth guard, flip phone, ear buds, Ipod, wallet, change of gym clothes, boxing shoes, jump rope, keys, travel toiletries, deoderant.

last kn0wn l0cati0n: School Gym, doing his daily reps on the punching bag

Code Frankenstien's parts made by Ambiloquous- (originally used in juju's old rp, used again with permission
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