
hurdy gurdy

We're vampires! We don't put down towels!
Hello RpNation!

My name's Ellie. I have around 10~ish years experience with roleplaying (I can still remember the first Warrior Cat forum I joined when I was probably too young to be that active on the internet.) but a few years ago, I slowed down largely due to college and all that fun stuff. I'm still in school, but I miss the magic that a good RP can conjure up, so here I am! I have an interest in both fandom RPs and ones based on original plots. I really just love creating stories with other people. There's something uniquely great about bouncing ideas off of each other to make something everyone can enjoy!

When it comes to me as a person, I really dig music, films, and literature. I consider myself a bit of a comedian, and I've been known to do stand-up, but more often than not, people ask that I sit down.

Anyway, I'm really excited to get back into roleplaying, and I'm even more thrilled to be on a site that seems to have the exact vibe I'm looking for!

Feel free to drop me a PM if you'd like to talk, or comment here! I promise I'm infinitely less stuffy than I seem here, I'm just terrible when it comes to talking about myself.

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