Howdy ya'll


New Member
I’m pretty crappy at introductions but I’m Mel! I recently migrated to this site after spending 6 years roleplaying primarily on Tumblr. In total, I’ve been roleplaying for about 11 years! I mainly do 1 x 1 rps as I’m accustomed to that system primarily, but I’m willing to dip my feet in group roleplays.

Aside from that I love Japanese and Korean music, J-fashion (mainly visual kei and goth styles), videogames, anime, cosplaying, and reading, mostly. I’ve also been studying Japanese for a while now so if anyone wants to attempt to write with me in Japanese, let me know?

Anyways, I’m happy to be here. I hope to make some long lasting friends and further improve my writing <3

Oh yeah fandoms: Naruto, Pokemon, and Harvest Moon are the main ones

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