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One x One Howdy, Cowboy. (Shygirl3xbloodlove)


Amelia "Amy" Evans


Personality: She's the definition of a city girl. Amy hates getting dirty, the only time she sweats is during hot yoga, and if there isn't a designer name on the label she won't even consider wearing it. While she comes over as cold, spoiled, and sassy, deep down there is a warm and sweet girl who just likes having fun.

Bio: Amy was born in the country, but her parents got divorced when she was very young so her mom got custody and moved to New York City with her. Amelia hasn't been to the country since she was probably 6. Her father wanted his daughter to come visit for the summer so she reluctantly agreed. Her father owns a house with a huge farm and plans to put her to work, he hates what the city and his ex-wife did to her.

((This is really brief, I figured it best to let it develop in the RP))​

Matthew Hall

Personality: He's nice and hard working. He's not at all afraid to get dirty, as long as his $50 cowboy hat is clean. He doesn't like city people much, though he's never actually met one. Mostly he wears clothes that would be worn on a farm, whether he's working or not. He loves trucks and tractors, he's known how to drive a tractor since he was eight, and is allowed to drive it for fun as long as he's close to the farm.

Bio: He's lived in the country his whole life, but he moves houses a lot. He lived with his parents, but since they were arrested he now lives on a farm with has grandparents. For a while he lived with his mother, but it was soon clear that she couldn't care for him properly. He's been living with his grandmother for about two years.

((Is the picture working?))
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