Howard Arsadir Quinton


Freckle Faced Fidgeter


Name: Howard Quinton

Elvish name: Arasdir 

Position: Nobleman

Role: Scholar 

Race: Elf

Height: 5'4

Age: 16

Gender: Male 

Personality: Howie can mistakenly come off as cold and snobby at first, his quiet nature works to his disadvantage in this way. On the contrary to what his first impression may give off, he can be a huge sweetheart once he warms up to someone. His social anxiety often gets to the best of him, he’ll often slip out of situations that he does not want to be in and is drained by social activities. Making friends is not the primary focus of his trip, but he secretly hopes to have one or two acquaintances to make the experience at the ball slightly less horrible. He is very sensitive, loud noises, flashing lights, and people getting into his personal space all catch him off guard. He heavily doubts himself, hiding his heritage as an elf because he feels like he only gives the race a bad name and underestimating his knowledge and skills of animals. Because he was sent to an academy exclusively for boys, he still hasn’t grown out of the ‘girls have cooties’ phase despite being seven years too old for it, he acts exceptionally awkward around girls his age and has more trouble talking to them than others. Howie is fond of those who are perceived as weaker or lesser, including animals, children, and peasants. He especially cares about mystical creatures and animals, more than people and will do anything to protect them. If an animal is endangered he throws his typical caution to the wind and will do absolutely anything to guarantee its safety and happinesss. He tends to let his guard down only around animals, actively conversing with them and showing a very silly side of him that is usually hidden. His mission is life is to protect animals and educate humans about the beasts that are perceived as dangerous, but he has a major personal obstacle to overcome if he wants to do so. 

Bio: Howie was of noble birth, hailing from a far away English speaking country. He grew up comfortably in a household of two brothers. He never got to meet his mother because she died during his labor, but rumor has it that she also had in interest in mythical creatures. Even at a young age, Howie was a huge dork, his interests lied in magical creatures instead of dueling or courtship like most boys his age. At first his parents were disappointed that their second son was not a good suitor to any higher ranking nobles, but realized it would be wrong to force him into a life he didn’t want. Instead, he was pushed to pursue his dreams of studying and protecting animals. On his seventh birthday he was sent to a private boys’ academy where he could focus on his studies, a few years later he became the pupil of the famous scholar Author Fountine. Since then he has accompanied his mentor on many travels and spends the rest of his time studying and caring for the animals at the reserve he lives on. Recently, Author received an invitation to a ball, unfortunately his health kept him from attending, but he knew that Howie could attend in his place. At first Howie rejected the idea, but his opinion quickly changed upon learning that many mythical creatures resided solely in a nearby forest, and the invitation to the ball also meant free transportation and lodging to explore a land untainted by man. 

Powers: Since Howie is an elf, he has a stronger bond with nature than any other race. He is able to communicate and befriend mythical animals better than most elves, but is not as great at understanding other forces of nature and often finds it working against him rather with him. 

*Has the girliest scream 
*Speaks softly and often mumbles 
*Extensive vocabulary 
*Fluent in Latin and French and quick to pick up any other ‘Romance’ language 
*Very well mannered

*Knowledgeable in many subjects
*Surprisingly strong 
*Enhanced senses
*Strong bond with animals 
*Connection with nature 

*Has social anxiety 
*Cares more about animals than people 
*Prone to sickness 
*Has trouble catching onto social cues 
*Sensory overload

*Animals of all shapes and sizes
*His mentor
*His family
*His heritage

*Talking to girls
*Loud noises

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