How would the Dynast's react to PROOF of the truth?


I hereby proclaim all further discussion of this particular topic to be ceased immediately in the interests of harmony. Sweet, blissful harmony.

Nothing can come from further debate of this subject. Such attempts are futile. I know it, you know it. So cease. Let us discuss other things. Better, less angry view-centric things. I can release my urges to argue. You can too.

So how about that Cult of the Illuminated, eh? Would you say the arguments about the IO in this thread thus far also apply to them?
Agreed. Argument is pointless when both sides are firm of conviction, and each have what they regard as proof. Such arguments should rightly be made where they count and where education matters, and not on a gaming board. I was simply using ID to demonstrate a point, not to make one.
I apolagize as well I'll admit to believing in it... and people who believed ridiculed beliefs, and do not give them up, often attacks anything that challenges them.


Yes the arguments might also apply to the cult, if you mean them figuring out it was a lie?

think they'd probaly blame the solars, and think they decieved them?

One more thing.

In the wood aspect book it says that the order closely monitors learning the higher mysteries of the wood form, because they dont want monks who arent thoroughly indoctrinated learning of the true celestial order.

sounds certainly , to me like their AFRAID of a "Aaah what demons from hell called themselves my ancestors" reaction, and it said that some wood immaculate masters, after meeting with an anathema, would a few days or weeks latter, mysteriously dissapear.

I never remembered that line when on the computer before, thought I'd mention it.
Well, the dogma of the Cult of the Illuminated is close in theme and vison to the truth: The blessed of the Gods are returning to bring ruin to the status quo and set up a grand new order.

The bits and pieces of the truth and the fiction are secondary, especially as the Cult allows individual cells to create their own dogmas as they arise: the Cult has no overarching organisation to guide it, just travelling preachers maddened by drugs. So when someone comes out and says "The Illuminated Ones are solars, the exalted of the Sun returned from the First Age!", it sounds acceptable to someone whose dogma thus far has been "The Illuminated Ones are the rightful rulers of the world, sent down from heaven to right the wrongs of the world and re-establish the order of man!"

I can't comment on the second issue you mention: I haven't ever read that tidbit. I can only say that Wood Style was invented after the Usurpation, so any themes or sutras of the style would theoretically be acceptible to the Immaculate Faith and mention little of Solar Overlords.
Zaramis said:
Where does it say this, Pteorak?
In the prelude to the rest of the aspect book, in a boxed up section it mentions this.

I'll get you the page number soon enough.
Another issue on this topic..

with either the IO or the Cult of the illuminated it would matter how much of the truth he had discovered, as it would likely shape his reaction.

In particular, finding out SOME of the truth MIGHT make the individual somehwat more dangerous then if they know ALL of it.

Any thoughts?

For example...

The Hypothetical dragon blooded scholar, who came accross a reference to the solar exalted as heros found it a little too credible to dismiss, did some quiet research summoning demons and elemenats (who have no association with the immaculates of course) will likely NOT know the bronze faction exists, , but he'd likely know that SOMEONE was conspiring to maintain this foul lie.
Zaramis said:
I'll give you an alternate view. I'm tired of some people who just take the solar propaganda for their own thoughts :P
What do you mean "The Bull of the north has made the north a better place"?

Hes exterminated a great deal of the Dynastic Infestation.

then again, to my view, Killing Dynasts, or Immaculates, is comparable to euthanizing someone for having an IQ of 20.
Zaramis said:
Compare that to the peasantry of the realm. No sacrifices to strange spirits, no brigands, no war, no death.


Your forgetting the realms subhuman attitude towards so called heretics?

Kasif, an otherwise nice man burned down an inn, because of its Sign, then arranged for the execution of most of the people there.
And a Limit-Breaking solar wouldn't do that? It was clearly a limit break. No where in the books does it even hint that the Immaculates go around burning down places and killing people for such things. Just read through the chapters about Arada, or any of the instructions about the immaculate order, and you quickly realize that they rather instruct people and kill the Spirit, than kill both.
And I imagine that many solars are just as bad. The Bull? Clearly not a especially good guy vs most people, and he doesnt even think they are heretical, just.. enemies. Many solars are blinded by their motivations, killing tons of goons in their path just because they can and the goons are there.
My Solar character ha smet the Bull and his idea about destroying all the cities of the north seems so monstrous that he's looking for a way to stop him any way possible.

Destroying all the cities will mean the death of more people than probably the whole Imperial reign has caused in it's existence
The nile?

Or do you mean that they'd kill either all the solars, (which they've allready tried and failed) or all the siderals and those terrestials who were in the know thus "river of blood"
Can someone teach Pteorak something about the game before I seriously start doubting his capacity for intelligent reasoning.. wait.. it's already toooo laaate! *screams in panic*


Hrm. Nothing to panic about.
The nile?
Or do you mean that they'd kill either all the solars, (which they've allready tried and failed) or all the siderals and those terrestials who were in the know thus "river of blood"
You're not too clever, are you?
It's a horrible pun that probably originated when dinosaurs still roamed the earth.    :wink:  When someone is obviously in denial about something, someone will say "The Nile ain't just a river in Egypt." "Denial" sounds a lot like "The Nile".  See, I told you it wasn't a very good joke to begin with.   :P

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