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Fandom How to Train your Dragon; The Next Generation


Every Adventure Requires a First Step

This is where available characters will be listed, but this is also your discussion area, make of it what you will, but i request that this is where you chat among yourselves and come up with ideas together that you can throw at me for later in the Rp, if you would like.

Now, in my little world Ruffnut had been with quite a few of the boys she grew up with. But ended up settling with Snotlout. She has children with the others, including Eret, but they have been left to their fathers not to her.

Eldest Child of Astrid and Hiccup (Taken by yours truly)

Between 16-19

Consider the ups and downs of both parents, what are they like, what are they good at? How do they act compared to their parents.

Youngest Child of Astrid and Hiccup

Depending on the age of eldest 16-19

Please do not have a lot of similarities too your older sibling, and if you would like i would like you to have an opposite gender to your eldest sibling.

Only Child of Ruffnut and Fishlegs (Taken by @Yonsisac )

Between 16-18

Again what is Fishlegs like? He/She was raised by him, what habits could have rubbed off onto your character? Did she end up with he/she mothers brains?

Twins of Eret and Ruffnut (Not Necessarily Identical if wished can be played by 2 people)

Either 16 or 17

I would really like the twins relationship to be one like their mother had with their uncle. A violent one, one that is fueled by hatred for each other. But remember, they were raised by their ever prideful father. Genders are up to you.

Only Child of Ruffnut and Snotlout

Either 16 or 17

I would like this kid to be female (Does not have to be!!) an act a lot like her father. But not be anywhere as dense as her mother would be...

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I find this font really difficult to read on my monitor if I'm honest, would you mind choosing another? If not the default.
HollyLeafForever said:
@TinySmuag @Vasey105
Theres still some tab requests pending and a character that i have to make aha but other then that its ready..... aha
I would like to be the younger child of Hiccup and Astrid, but I want to be the opposite gender. So could you let me know what gender your character will be so I can make mine
You should probs figure that out lol but i love the character so much aha, i use her all the time.... like the model....
I Am thus rather interested in such idea,May i speak with you on PM? i thus have idea that has been accepted in most HTTYD RP's and would like to see if its acceptable here.

Unless the spot for Hiccup & Astrids youngest opens up can I please reserve one of the Eret twins? May I also reserve a Stormcutter dragon?
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Hey, working on the history for one of the Eret twins and I was wondering, whats the living situation with Ruffnut, Eret, Fishlegs, and Snotlout?

Nevermind found it.
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is this still going to be played? I feel like it's been sometime since I had news... I did my character presentation anyway, just in case
Idk.... I might just remake the thread because I don't believe that we have everyone I need to start this Rp and it's been dead for a long while
HollyLeafForever said:
Idk.... I might just remake the thread because I don't believe that we have everyone I need to start this Rp and it's been dead for a long while
well if it dose get a remake i WILL gladly join!
I would be up for doing the twins again, or the youngest child of Astrid and Hiccup if the original player doesn't want it. 

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