Chitchat How to shave off that last bit of oil from the barrel.


A Rawrasaur Hath Appeared
This is a metaphor for "How the hell can I get more from what I use?"

AKA: The poor person's guide to having a rich life!

I hate my life ;-;


Essential Life Item:

  • Duct Tape

1. Gardening. (Please do everything outside, no one wants a mess in the house/appartment)

  • COMPOST! COMPOST! COMPOST! Put all of your leftovers in a separate place for composting! No one wants to pay for dirt! NO ONE! It's literally just dirt!
  • Gallon plastic milk cartons: Makes a perfect watering can! Just punch a single hole in the cap with a knife, and HUZZAH!
  • Live in an apartment? I... Well... TOO BAD! NEXT!

2. (Pseudo) Budgeting! (Yes, anyone can do this, ANYONE. EVEN KIDS)

  • DO NOT BRING ALL OF YOUR MONEY EVERYWHERE. Seriously. Unless you have money you can toss, don't bring all of your money. If you have the money, you're more likely to use it.
  • Don't have Cash? GET CASH AND THROW AWAY THOSE CARDS! Ok, a bit harsh, but seriously. I made my mom try it out for 1 month, and they spend less money as a result. When you have to limit yourself, you spend less. Duh.
  • Don't spend money on that new phone. Don't spend MONEY on that new COMPUTER. DO NOT SPEND MONEY ON A NEW TV. There is a reason why you pay so much. Use what you can, not what you want.

Side Note: Seriously, there's a new phone/computer/tv every 6 months, at least. Why? They're not "Innovating," they're making slow upgrades and using mass production. Why are they so "cheap?" Because they have so many.

You need stuff to do? YOU'RE ON THE INTERNET!

Please at least try EVERY LINK IN HERE before you whine about the lack of stuff to do.

10/10 would bookmark again • /r/InternetIsBeautiful

3. Meal Sets, Full poor man meals!

  • ALL MEALS GET SOME FRESH FRUIT. Seriously, learn to buy some. Buy in season, and try them all. Cry if you have to, but eat in season.
  • Meal: Beans. Just beans. Yum.
  • Ok, beans suck. Can you cook? Make Sandwiches! I kid you not. Just get some cheap meats, bread, and a gallon of milk. Make a decent sandwich, and chug milk. Just one Sandwich, and milk. JUST ONE. Milk is very filling you know.
  • You know what? Just look at your grocery's flyers. Yes, I said it. READ DAMN IT, READ! Seriously, they usually have overflow, and throw away food if they can't sell it. If you really want to check out overflow stores.

4. Gift! AKA POISON! Google "Poison in German"

  • Give them the power of labor. Spend a night babysitting. Help them do dishes. Literally any housework will do. Except Toilet cleaning. Never do that one.
  • Also, make gifts yourself. If you haven't seen DIY videos or Origami, then I might cry in a corner. Go Google it now. At least learn how to make a crane. They're beautiful.

If you have any other ideas on how to scrap the barrel of sanity oil, then please tell me! I'm always interested in new ideas!
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Cheap meals you can make for under $10 challenge!


Meal requirements:

Less than $10.

All items must be bought.

Must actually sound good to eat.

"Basic Food Groups"





I bet you can't do it. I seriously don't think you can. I don't even know if I can. I'm going to try to spent as little as possible on making a decent meal. If you manage to get a receipt that has a total of under $10 and has all the food groups, I will find a gift for you.

I'm honestly going to try to make it happen. Let's make a recipe list that we can be proud of... Or cry over.
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<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Snapshot_20160719.JPG.0dcbfd9f451a4ea218002f7bb37c1a8f.JPG" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144140" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/Snapshot_20160719.JPG.0dcbfd9f451a4ea218002f7bb37c1a8f.JPG" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

I did it! Ok. I'm done with this poor-bashing humor. Seriously. I get three types of cheeses (in unequal quantities, but still...) Some meat... "Genoa" Sounds fancy... Some carrots... And yeah. I walked to the store, bought this shit, and came to post the stuff so the world may know that you can live off $10 a day for food...

Ok, you've earned this:

<p><a href="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_16-19-37.png.e212bfc1041ad23d3573403dd0d9f706.png" class="ipsAttachLink ipsAttachLink_image"><img data-fileid="144146" src="<fileStore.core_Attachment>/monthly_2016_07/upload_2016-7-19_16-19-37.png.e212bfc1041ad23d3573403dd0d9f706.png" class="ipsImage ipsImage_thumbnailed" alt=""></a></p>

This is my way of making myself feel better. That's why it's under humor. I really do hate my life right now though.




  • Snapshot_20160719.JPG
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  • upload_2016-7-19_16-19-37.png
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Eldecrok said:
View attachment 319018
I did it! Ok. I'm done with this poor-bashing humor. Seriously. I get three types of cheeses (in unequal quantities, but still...) Some meat... "Genoa" Sounds fancy... Some carrots... And yeah. I walked to the store, bought this shit, and came to post the stuff so the world may know that you can live off $10 a day for food...

Ok, you've earned this:

View attachment 319035

This is my way of making myself feel better. That's why it's under humor. I really do hate my life right now though.

Also, you should add to the title "Not for everyone" as even beans where I live reached out the absurd price of 15 bucks!

Eldecrok said:
Cheap meals you can make for under $10 challenge!

Meal requirements:

Less than $10.

All items must be bought.

Must actually sound good to eat.

"Basic Food Groups"





I bet you can't do it. I seriously don't think you can. I don't even know if I can. I'm going to try to spent as little as possible on making a decent meal. If you manage to get a receipt that has a total of under $10 and has all the food groups, I will find a gift for you.

I'm honestly going to try to make it happen. Let's make a recipe list that we can be proud of... Or cry over.
A carton of eggs is almost $5 here. ;;A;;

My bf play this game of "Try to last 2 weeks on $50 for groceries". It's very difficult when roommates drink all of our drinks and we can't drink the tap water. Dx
[QUOTE="An Unknown Person]Also, you should add to the title "Not for everyone" as even beans where I live reached out the absurd price of 15 bucks!

[QUOTE="CRiTiCAL ERR0R]A carton of eggs is almost $5 here. ;;A;;
My bf play this game of "Try to last 2 weeks on $50 for groceries". It's very difficult when roommates drink all of our drinks and we can't drink the tap water. Dx

*Cries in corner at absurd prices people pay*

Also, Critical. Your roommates are mean -.- I share food and with my roommates, but at least I replace it later in the day. Within 6 hours max.

For reference, some places have a Income tax as high as Washington State's. Only a few go higher

omfg Tennessee's sales tax scares me. I thought California was bad. Seriously. Dx
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