How many players in your typical group?

How many people (including ST) do you typically game with?

  • I play by myself.

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  • I play WITH myself.

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  • 2-3

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  • 4-5

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  • 6+

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  • I've never actually played Exalted.

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I've 4 players at the moment, all involved in the plot at varying levels, and it makes my head hurt.  When there were 3 of them and they were all doing the same thing, it was SO MUCH EASIER.  But I find 3 or 4 ideal... I could handle 5 players if I had to.
4 players are ideal. i'm not a fan of perfect circles.

the most crowded i ever played was 6 or 7 players. and it was the worst game i've ever played in my life. not that the story or the ST was bad, but the players were total dicks. and having 4 or 5 dicks same time same place didn't help much.

the least crowded was a one-on-one that went on for almost a year. though it gave me some of the hardest moments in my gaming experience, it was great.

and oh, yes, i, too DO hate the people coming to "watch" the game, no matter who they are.
On topic

Presently I play in two groups with 6 people, 1 ST, 5 players, AND 50/50 male/female ratio in both. Total participants, 9 people, with (obviously) 3 overlap.

Off topic

Weird game numbers I've played in?

I've played a table top game with 24 other people and 2 GMs, and no it wasn't a LARP/freeform, it really was a tabletop game.

I've played in a game with 4 others at a Convention, with 12 GMs, the entire GM crowd for this game. It was a bonus session on top of the normal 3 for the Con' and was probably one of the best gaming experiences of my life.

I've run a game for 18 people (the only GM), and wouldn't recommend it.
At the moment I have seven players. Not actually a great number, but it was only a little different from six. It helps (sometimes) that one of the players is pretty apathetic. She's obsessed with power, and thinks she knows what to do with it, but will never be decisive enough to make a difference. So, basically she'll spend an entire session or two in a library reading in an attempt to make a new spell (Death of Obsidian Butterflies, but with stats she prefers.  :roll: ).

Leaving me with six players in effect, three of whom are night castes  :shock:

The others love it: They get to clean up after the constant capering of the Nights.

Current scenario: Savant is reading in a library below a rich Nexian's mansion. She cut a deal with him to give her access. All good. Meanwhile, the night caste that snuck invisibly along with her gets bored. Wanders mansion, gets caught and asked to leave. So far, so suspicious.

Later that night, another night caste is sent to the mansion (not knowing the relevance of this building to the other characters) to kidnap the owner's grand-daughter on behalf of a rival criminal faction (of the Nexian's faction).

The Nexian frames the first night caste to keep the guard busy and get revenge for him snooping. He is still at large. The second night caste is drunk on whiskey downtown after a successful caper.

Who gets arrested? Everyone BUT the night castes. Another caper well done. Now they are being kept in a barracks downtown (after giving me deliciously different accounts under interrogation and basically incriminating themselves entirely for something they didn't do), while the five-point bronze-faction arch-nemesis of one of the arrestees sharpens his Starmetal Daiklaive and practices his "Chief Interrogator" disguise.

I have the joy tomorrow of seeing what they do.
I run 6 people, but not everyone can make it to every session.  We typically have 6-8 hour weekend sessions once or twice a month depending on schedules.  I try to account for absences in the plotline by trying to have a setting or group atmosphere that makes for loose alliances or good reasons why certain characters might not be with the group for a while.
I run mostly with two or three people, though my favorite game I ever ran had six people. an that game just blew my socks off. so much creativity...
Currently...I run for none, hoping to change that in the future. I'd love to play, but I miss running big time.
Back down to six players after a...dispute with one of them, and I have to say that since my last post, I had decided that I didn't much care for seven players at the table anyway. Above six, you start losing time for each person, and in fact that's even the trouble with six although to a lesser degree.

Soon one of my remaining players will be going to the Netherlands for some (unknown) reason, and I'll have only five, although I'm holding his place. However I like five..

Sorry, I'm waffling. Five is great, six is still good. And I love all of my players.. they are like my childrens.
I'm currently running for three, hopefully, soon upping to four or five.

I dont like to run for larger than that. in my opinion, 5 is the perfect number.
I like big groups it gives a much more dynamic group there are impromptu cliques and people really have to barter with other players to get what they want. The players have to be mature and willing to have nothing to do for a time when someone else gets a little attention, but this makes the storytelling a more social affair.
When I run games, I prefer four players plus myself. When I play in a game, three-to-five players plus ST is what I prefer.

As a player: with less than three players, the inner-party roleplay is stunted by a lack of options. With more than five players, there are too many people for the ST to divide their attention between for everyone to get a fair amount of gameplay.

As a Storyteller: I like the idea of having a full circle. I also like the idea of having a party NPC, so that even when the party is traveling or otherwise alone, there is always someone for me as the ST to utilize to roleplay with the PCs. Having an party member created by the ST is also beneficial when the players leave a glaring gap in their party make-up (such as having nobody with Survival in a game set in the South).

I play in a forum-based game with six players, plus the ST. There was a 7th, but her (exceedingly) loved character died and she's still in mourning.
Well, my regular exalted campaign has 5 Solars, and soon possibly a Guestplayer with a Lunar. Otherwise I'm playing with my wive and a friend when we got nothing better to do, and occasionaly I run two solocampaigns.

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