How many mice does it take to screw in a lightbulb?


New Member
Just two, but you gotta wonder how they got in there...

Hi, I go by MsFoxTrott, and that's the lamest joke I know. I've been all over the RP world and I've decided to check this place out for a bit. I love to role play all genres, from fandoms to original sci-fi mecha epics. I started role playing my own original Warriors cats and have gone on to DM multi-year tabletop campaigns for friends. When not pretending I'm a fictional character, I like to draw (check out my art here!), play video games, watch stupid anime, and cosplay.

Can't wait to get involved in some of the great role plays around here!

It's always nice to see more DMs, more people who make those terrible jokes, and neat Jinx avatars.

I expect we'll be seeing more of each other, and if you need help just prod me or one of the other Fellows.
Please allow me to welcome you too. Since you are a veteran of RPing, I don't expect you to need much help, but if you do don't be afraid to shoot me a PM (or a mod, cos they're probably more qualified to answer questions than me). Either way, I'll be seeing you around :)
Hello there and welcome to RPN! Glad to have ya! (Also... Can those mice come to my kitchen? I've got two bulbs that blew just this morning >_<)
@Grey Thanks! The world needs more DMs, so it's glad to see a fellow sadist--I mean, storyteller. If you don't mind me asking, though, who/what are the Fellows?

@Tripodric Thank you! Veteran or not, this is still a new place with its own rules, so I'll be bound to need some help eventually.

@Elle Joyner Thank you, glad to be here. (go ahead and take the mice, but they don't do stuff to bulbs, just inside them)
Fellows are just site members the Dark Wizard has empowered to be the agents of his dread will. Pretty normal for sites like this, right?

We welcome and assist newbies, spearhead useful projects for the community, and moderate chat a bit.

I wanted to make a reference about being Royalty and master of the principal art of Criticism but I'll save the theological kung-fu weirdness for later.

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