How Magic Works


Personified Salt Shaker
A mage's ability to control magic is related to three traits: Energy, Focus, and Power. Mages are usually found to be naturally proficient in one trait, while the other two have to be enhanced through practice and study. The final part of magic is Mana, or what powers a mages spells.

Energy is the mage's ability to harness Mana from his or her surroundings, as well as expel Mana in a controlled fashion. In layman's terms, a mage proficient in Energy can take more Mana from the surroundings and use less Mana per spell.

Focus allows a mage to maintain magical effectiveness over longer distances. Focus also allows mages to maintain spells while not focusing on the spell. Focus proficient mages can use magic at greater ranges and for longer periods of time using less concentration.

Power is the effect of a spell. The more power a mage has, the greater the results of the spell.

Mana is present in both living and nonliving things. Mages use Mana to power spells, draining the energy from nearby sources to increase their own reserves. However, Mages cannot drain Mana from living creatures, though ritual sacrifice can provide a massive amount of Mana. The act of killing a living being for magical power (general used as a sacrifice in a ritual) is frowned upon, though not forbidden (exceptions include pets, familiars, sentient beings, and if the sacrifice will break any laws).

Why Mages are Stuck in One School of Magic: A mage is only able to learn a single school of magic because of the way casting magic affects the body. The body of a mage will adapt to their spells, altering how they manipulate Mana. As such, once you start learning a School of magic, the body will adapt to that school, making learning other schools incredibly difficult.
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